3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.

No ban has ever worked yet so what makes you think they will all of sudden magically work now?
It's reduction, not magic fairy dust. And it works EVERYWHERE it is used.

You have no evidence to support that contention. None!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.

The ultimate risk reduction is for you to crawl under your bed and stay there, even though there are risks associated even with doing that. The bed could fall, the house could catch fire, etc.

That's not much of a life!
I don't know where you get that solution from anything I've said. I have a right to NOT expect to be gunned down on the way to the grocery store, goddamit, and you're not going to change my mind. What about my rights and the rights of everyone minding their own business who happens to be out and about in public?

You have a right not to be shot by a criminal? I think everyone would agree that would be ideal. You do NOT have the right to take away my weapons just to make you feel better.
no, no one has a right not to be shot. No one, we live in a free society and we relinquish that right as part of our freedom. we have a right to defend ourself and at present that right is under attack by those who have no idea what they talk about. they don't even know a revolver is a semi automatic weapon. confiscation is their end game.
I don't know where you get that solution from anything I've said. I have a right to NOT expect to be gunned down on the way to the grocery store, goddamit, and you're not going to change my mind. What about my rights and the rights of everyone minding their own business who happens to be out and about in public?

You have a right not to be shot by a criminal? I think everyone would agree that would be ideal. You do NOT have the right to take away my weapons just to make you feel better.
If it made us all safer, perhaps we should have the right to take away just the semiautomatic rifles, though.

They already did that in Paris France. Net result over 130 DEAD. How exactly is that a endorsement for gun bans?
Attacks by an organized terrorist organization are not under discussion here.

Why? Were their guns legal in France?
that question is too stupid to bother with
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

This last asshole was on bail for assault with a deadly weapon and the weapon itself and the magazines were ALREADY illegal. The next door neighbor had a restraining order that did fuckall to protect her as she was the second person this asshole murdered, so, yet again....How'd that gun ban work out?

The law won't stop every one, but does lower the them. It would work better if list were public on smart phones like the sex offenders registry so people could keep an eye on them.

No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.

Did I ever say to ban good law abiding citizens or create any regulations to trip them up & take their guns? - No!

I only want restrictions on bad guys, mentally ill. suicidal, drug users, violent abusers.

Those laws are already on the books.
Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh
Too bad the states around them don't. Ask a Chicago cop where the illegal guns are coming from. He'll tell you.

What keeps someone from buying a gun legally in Illinois and then illegally taking it into Chicago?
That's part of the problem. If your neighbor makes it easy to buy guns, people will do exactly that.
so what? just make legislation that a crime with a gun is a death sentence. let's remove the evil not the gun.
People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.
Assault rifles are machine guns and military weapons, aren't they? Which are already 99% illegal in this country. Yes, yes, you can own an antique machine gun after jumping through a million hoops, as one of our posters here likes to point out.

Semiautomatics were designed to mimic the military weapons, and they fire a lot of bullets way faster than any civilian needs.
Unless it is modified a semi automatic only fires as fast as one can pull the trigger.
You have a right not to be shot by a criminal? I think everyone would agree that would be ideal. You do NOT have the right to take away my weapons just to make you feel better.
If it made us all safer, perhaps we should have the right to take away just the semiautomatic rifles, though.

They already did that in Paris France. Net result over 130 DEAD. How exactly is that a endorsement for gun bans?
Attacks by an organized terrorist organization are not under discussion here.

Why? Were their guns legal in France?
that question is too stupid to bother with

So, you admit that gun bans failed to stop the violence?
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

I would feel a lot safer if we committed you to the psych ward instead.
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.

No ban has ever worked yet so what makes you think they will all of sudden magically work now?
It's reduction, not magic fairy dust. And it works EVERYWHERE it is used.

You have no evidence to support that contention. None!
You know better, Mr. I-Can-Reload-My-Gun-In-2-Seconds-with-Special-Ops-Watching.
All the cold hard facts in the world are out there supporting it and you just don't like it.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.
"Assault type rifles" aka cosmetics. Love the random tossing around of the words "tactical gear" Either you're a typical leftwing anti-constitutionalist and do not know your ass from a hole in the ground on the subject of firearms or your one of the insidious gun grabbers. You knows the garbage you are spewing is complete and utter bullshit but you don't care as long as you make the morons shit their pants in a hurry to take away the rights of others.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

I believe in common sense (cough!) gun control AND enforcement.

It's pretty bad out there. At some point we need to evaluate the reasons why, and I promise you it's Hollywood, entertainment, shit music & lyrics, over-population, multi-culture, dishonest/crooked/poor role models and leaders, PC, and contrary thought.

I'd love to hear why I'm wrong. Assuming I'm not, considering the above, which side of center would most likely be the greatest offender?

Guns are a piece as well, but it's pretty fucking small.
They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh
Too bad the states around them don't. Ask a Chicago cop where the illegal guns are coming from. He'll tell you.

What keeps someone from buying a gun legally in Illinois and then illegally taking it into Chicago?
What are you talking about? You can CCW in Chicago.
People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.
Assault rifles are machine guns and military weapons, aren't they? Which are already 99% illegal in this country. Yes, yes, you can own an antique machine gun after jumping through a million hoops, as one of our posters here likes to point out.

Semiautomatics were designed to mimic the military weapons, and they fire a lot of bullets way faster than any civilian needs.
Unless it is modified a semi automatic only fires as fast as one can pull the trigger.
I know. Are you talking about a bump stock?
My student was telling me something about a gun that would shoot a 5 bullet burst with one pull of the trigger, but he doesn't really know much about guns. He doesn't even own one.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.
Assault rifles are machine guns and military weapons, aren't they? Which are already 99% illegal in this country. Yes, yes, you can own an antique machine gun after jumping through a million hoops, as one of our posters here likes to point out.

Semiautomatics were designed to mimic the military weapons, and they fire a lot of bullets way faster than any civilian needs.

They do NOT mimic military weapons. Anyone trying to hit their target will never use full auto anyway! You can't hit a damn thing that way!
People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.

Who cares? A semi automatic sure did kill
a lot in Vegas.
A gun lover will drown you with the minutiae and tedium of the lexicon of all things firearm. They will point out your folly in wadding into the world of guns and attempting a solution to the havoc guns bring.

They will tell you that as no law designed by the mind of man can act as a panacea, no further laws need be written. The perfect is the enemy of the pragmatic. They will tell you that gun control laws are ineffective. They will say gun control laws are unconstitutional. They will tell you that any gun control efforts will inevitably end in forcible confiscation of all guns.

And that attitude renders them as complicit in mass shootings. As gun lovers cannot imagine any solution to the problem, as they defend the use of these weapons, we can reliably point to gun lovers as co-conspirators in gun violence.

Gun lovers dismiss any discussion of solutions. They have factored in the blood of innocent victims as the cost of doing business in a society where weapons of warfare are available to everyone. Great n lovers and their powerful lobbies are therefore complicit murderers until they collectively assume some responsibility for the scourge of gun violence.

I note you have no suggestions either because you are complicit in the ignorance of the gun grabbers.
My solution is the total ban on the sale, manufacture, distribution, importation and possession of all firearms with a semi-automatic firing system and can be fitted with a magazine of greater than ten rounds. Such weapons should be bought back by the federal government at 150% of market value for the first 18 months, 100% for six months after that and 50% for the final six months. After that the sale, distribution importation and possession will be punished by a $150,000 fine and five years in federal prison for each weapon.
Lefties who never set foot in the field often rely on political dogma and left wing blogs to frame their pathetic argument rather than reality. They are quick to call law abiding hunters "pathetic" if they have a quick second shot in a semi-automatic rifle to kill an animal rather than letting it run off and bleed to death. It really gets crazy when the anti-gun left presumes to judge the right of a law abiding citizen to use the same semi-auto rifle as a home defense weapon.
I get it. You feel sorry for the animal you just made a bad shot on.
Well yeah. Got a problem with that?
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

This last asshole was on bail for assault with a deadly weapon and the weapon itself and the magazines were ALREADY illegal. The next door neighbor had a restraining order that did fuckall to protect her as she was the second person this asshole murdered, so, yet again....How'd that gun ban work out?

The law won't stop every one, but does lower the them. It would work better if list were public on smart phones like the sex offenders registry so people could keep an eye on them.

No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.

Did I ever say to ban good law abiding citizens or create any regulations to trip them up & take their guns? - No!

I only want restrictions on bad guys, mentally ill. suicidal, drug users, violent abusers.

Those laws are already on the books.
No there is not laws banning this. Only some convicted criminals get banned. There is no publicized registry of dangerous, suicidal, criminal, & violent people.
People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.
Assault rifles are machine guns and military weapons, aren't they? Which are already 99% illegal in this country. Yes, yes, you can own an antique machine gun after jumping through a million hoops, as one of our posters here likes to point out.

Semiautomatics were designed to mimic the military weapons, and they fire a lot of bullets way faster than any civilian needs.
Unless it is modified a semi automatic only fires as fast as one can pull the trigger.
I know. Are you talking about a bump stock?
My student was telling me something about a gun that would shoot a 5 bullet burst with one pull of the trigger, but he doesn't really know much about guns. He doesn't even own one.

Those would be assault weapons which we have already discussed. That is not a semi-automatic.
People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.
Assault rifles are machine guns and military weapons, aren't they? Which are already 99% illegal in this country. Yes, yes, you can own an antique machine gun after jumping through a million hoops, as one of our posters here likes to point out.

Semiautomatics were designed to mimic the military weapons, and they fire a lot of bullets way faster than any civilian needs.
Unless it is modified a semi automatic only fires as fast as one can pull the trigger.
I know. Are you talking about a bump stock?
My student was telling me something about a gun that would shoot a 5 bullet burst with one pull of the trigger, but he doesn't really know much about guns. He doesn't even own one.
That’s one way but there are videos on YouTube showing how to covert a semi automatic to a fully automatic. The reality is anything that is manufactured can be modified to do things beyond its original design.

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