3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Let’s just make sure there aren’t any roadblocks that will keep these sickos out of the gun aisle at wall mart. I mean what’s the worst that could happen?
Guns, guns and more guns for everyone!!!!
There are road blocks. Maybe try decaf?
This last asshole was on bail for assault with a deadly weapon and the weapon itself and the magazines were ALREADY illegal. The next door neighbor had a restraining order that did fuckall to protect her as she was the second person this asshole murdered, so, yet again....How'd that gun ban work out?

The law won't stop every one, but does lower the them. It would work better if list were public on smart phones like the sex offenders registry so people could keep an eye on them.

No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.

Did I ever say to ban good law abiding citizens or create any regulations to trip them up & take their guns? - No!

I only want restrictions on bad guys, mentally ill. suicidal, drug users, violent abusers.

Those laws are already on the books.
No there is not laws banning this. Only some convicted criminals get banned. There is no publicized registry of dangerous, suicidal, criminal, & violent people.

Why would it be published? It would serve no purpose.

These people should already be banned form purchasing firearms.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

The 2nd amendment, suck it. Go ahead amend the Constitution if you think you can muster the votes.
People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.

Who cares? A semi automatic sure did kill
a lot in Vegas.
A gun lover will drown you with the minutiae and tedium of the lexicon of all things firearm. They will point out your folly in wadding into the world of guns and attempting a solution to the havoc guns bring.

They will tell you that as no law designed by the mind of man can act as a panacea, no further laws need be written. The perfect is the enemy of the pragmatic. They will tell you that gun control laws are ineffective. They will say gun control laws are unconstitutional. They will tell you that any gun control efforts will inevitably end in forcible confiscation of all guns.

And that attitude renders them as complicit in mass shootings. As gun lovers cannot imagine any solution to the problem, as they defend the use of these weapons, we can reliably point to gun lovers as co-conspirators in gun violence.

Gun lovers dismiss any discussion of solutions. They have factored in the blood of innocent victims as the cost of doing business in a society where weapons of warfare are available to everyone. Great n lovers and their powerful lobbies are therefore complicit murderers until they collectively assume some responsibility for the scourge of gun violence.
Incorrect. No one has dismissed discussions on solutions. We've simply dismissed the lefts alleged solutions as unworkable and wrong.
The law won't stop every one, but does lower the them. It would work better if list were public on smart phones like the sex offenders registry so people could keep an eye on them.

No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.

Did I ever say to ban good law abiding citizens or create any regulations to trip them up & take their guns? - No!

I only want restrictions on bad guys, mentally ill. suicidal, drug users, violent abusers.

Those laws are already on the books.
No there is not laws banning this. Only some convicted criminals get banned. There is no publicized registry of dangerous, suicidal, criminal, & violent people.

Why would it be published? It would serve no purpose.

These people should already be banned form purchasing firearms.

How do you know if the guy down the street with a stack of 60 round magazines & a pair of M-4 rifles is not suicidal or on psyco drugs?
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Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh
Too bad the states around them don't. Ask a Chicago cop where the illegal guns are coming from. He'll tell you.

What keeps someone from buying a gun legally in Illinois and then illegally taking it into Chicago?
That's part of the problem. If your neighbor makes it easy to buy guns, people will do exactly that.

They don't make it easy. They have to pass the same background check that everyone else in the country does.
Well., sheepdip, there was an assault rifle ban & guess the fuck what, it banned certain semi-automatic rifles.

No it didn't ... It didn't ban semi automatic weapons.

It banned the purchase of a weapon that contained more than one of these items ... Folding stock, pistol grip, flash suppressor and grenade launcher.
Furthermore ... It didn't ban the after market purchase of any of those items ... Nor restrict the ability to add them to the weapon you purchased without them.

People had the misconception certain semi automatic weapons were banned because they had at least two of those items prior to the ban.
Of course they had no idea that a flash suppressor can be sold separately and screwed on the end of the barrel.
Same with the folding stock being an after market option ... The grenade launcher might not be so easy to come by.

Furthermore ... The Assault Weapons ban actually resulted in doubling the number of "scary guns" owned by private citizens.
It also assisted in clearing out some of the overstock on surplus 30 round pre ban magazines which were grandfathered into compliance.

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People really need to learn the difference between an assault rifle and semi automatic.

Who cares? A semi automatic sure did kill
a lot in Vegas.
A gun lover will drown you with the minutiae and tedium of the lexicon of all things firearm. They will point out your folly in wadding into the world of guns and attempting a solution to the havoc guns bring.

They will tell you that as no law designed by the mind of man can act as a panacea, no further laws need be written. The perfect is the enemy of the pragmatic. They will tell you that gun control laws are ineffective. They will say gun control laws are unconstitutional. They will tell you that any gun control efforts will inevitably end in forcible confiscation of all guns.

And that attitude renders them as complicit in mass shootings. As gun lovers cannot imagine any solution to the problem, as they defend the use of these weapons, we can reliably point to gun lovers as co-conspirators in gun violence.

Gun lovers dismiss any discussion of solutions. They have factored in the blood of innocent victims as the cost of doing business in a society where weapons of warfare are available to everyone. Great n lovers and their powerful lobbies are therefore complicit murderers until they collectively assume some responsibility for the scourge of gun violence.
Incorrect. No one has dismissed discussions on solutions. We've simply dismissed the lefts alleged solutions as unworkable and wrong.
No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.

Did I ever say to ban good law abiding citizens or create any regulations to trip them up & take their guns? - No!

I only want restrictions on bad guys, mentally ill. suicidal, drug users, violent abusers.

Those laws are already on the books.
No there is not laws banning this. Only some convicted criminals get banned. There is no publicized registry of dangerous, suicidal, criminal, & violent people.

Why would it be published? It would serve no purpose.

These people should already be banned form purchasing firearms.

How do you know if the guy down the street with a stack of 100 round magazines & a pair of M-4 rifles is not suicidal or on psyco drugs?

Well, if he has M-4s they are stolen and he needs to be arrested.

I guess you would have to ask the person, wouldn't you? I don't recommend that just in case you are correct.
Exactly MINDLESS. Thanks!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.

What regulation do you want that we don't already have?

Felons cannot own guns, the adjudicated mentally ill cannot own guns, people with domestic violence convictions cannot own guns

This Asshole in CA was in jail for domestic violence and was let out on bail. Maybe that's the problem here.

He had weapons that were illegal in CA.

Tell me what any of that has to do with other gun owners.
No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.

Did I ever say to ban good law abiding citizens or create any regulations to trip them up & take their guns? - No!

I only want restrictions on bad guys, mentally ill. suicidal, drug users, violent abusers.

Those laws are already on the books.
No there is not laws banning this. Only some convicted criminals get banned. There is no publicized registry of dangerous, suicidal, criminal, & violent people.

Why would it be published? It would serve no purpose.

These people should already be banned form purchasing firearms.

How do you know if the guy down the street with a stack of 60 round magazines & a pair of M-4 rifles is not suicidal or on psyco drugs?

How do you know if the guy down the street is infested with HIV and is about to infect a bunch of gay people?
Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.
The feds already tried that so called assault weapon ban and guess what?

It made absolutely no difference in the murder rate.

And rifles of any kind account for less than 2% of all murders. I don't see how you can say rifles are the biggest problem when it come to murder in this country that they need to be banned.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.

Every civilized country with gun control does not have a gun problem. Where has it not worked?
So no one gets killed with a gun in the UK?
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.

No ban has ever worked yet so what makes you think they will all of sudden magically work now?
It's reduction, not magic fairy dust. And it works EVERYWHERE it is used.

You have no evidence to support that contention. None!
You know better, Mr. I-Can-Reload-My-Gun-In-2-Seconds-with-Special-Ops-Watching.
All the cold hard facts in the world are out there supporting it and you just don't like it.

The Special Ops guys are my TARGETS!

You have no facts! We have destroyed every single argument you gun grabbers come up with.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.

Every civilized country with gun control does not have a gun problem. Where has it not worked?
So no one gets killed with a gun in the UK?
Of course people get killed in the U.K. No law is a panacea. No law PREVENTS all crime. Stop making the perfect the enemy of the pragmatic.
These people already ignore existing gun control laws, how will even more gun control laws solve the problem? Or are the gun control freaks just using this shooting to attack law abiding gun owners?
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.

No ban has ever worked yet so what makes you think they will all of sudden magically work now?
It's reduction, not magic fairy dust. And it works EVERYWHERE it is used.

The murder rate did not decrease in countries after their strict gun control laws were put on the books

Murder and homicide rates before and after gun bans - Crime Prevention Research Center
Trump should have stopped all of those killings - he promised he would stop terrorism during his campaign - in fact, almost daily.

WTF happened :dunno:
He was also supposed to have taken everyone's guns away...WTF happened?

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