30 year old Florida teacher Jennifer Fichter sentenced to 22 years for having sex with students

According to the article that wasn't the only student she had sex with and all were underage which is Statutory Rape. Somehow I don't think we would be saying the sentence was to harsh if this was a male teacher doing this to female students.
Is it really about "Christian values"? Would it help if I offered the opinion that Buddhists and and Muslems and Hindus and Taoists and Jews most American Indian cultures protect their children from sexual predators?
According to the article that wasn't the only student she had sex with and all were underage which is Statutory Rape. Somehow I don't think we would be saying the sentence was to harsh if this was a male teacher doing this to female students.
No we wouldn't -- because boys are not girls and girls are not boys.

And I hope you're not about to ask what the difference is.
According to the article that wasn't the only student she had sex with and all were underage which is Statutory Rape. Somehow I don't think we would be saying the sentence was to harsh if this was a male teacher doing this to female students.
No we wouldn't -- because boys are not girls and girls are not boys.

And I hope you're not about to ask what the difference is.
When an adult has sex with underage kids there is no difference in eyes of the law or shouldn't be. Just out of curiosity how young does a boy have to be before an adult female having sex with them warrents serve prison time?
btw the arguement cant get pregnant can apply to girls with proper meds and such.............in fact we should incorporate teacher student sex in sex ed..........
When an adult has sex with underage kids there is no difference in eyes of the law or shouldn't be. Just out of curiosity how young does a boy have to be before an adult female having sex with them warrents serve prison time?
Nature does not observe any form of calendar. Nature dictates that a male or a female ceases to be a child when he or she reaches sexual maturity, i.e., having the ability and the impetus to reproduce. According to Nature, that is the difference between children and adults.

That stage of development is called puberty. Some children reach this critical stage sooner than others and are classified as pubescent (girls menstruate, boys ejaculate). Adults who engage in sexual activity with pre-pubescent girls or boys are called pedophiles. These are predatory perverts, sexual deviants whose actions are not only against the laws of civilized humans but also violate the laws of Nature.

The reasons why so much hell is raised about "under-age" but pubescent females having sex is they can become pregnant and they are subject to victimization by more physically or socially powerful lecherous males. In fact the need to protect young females from lecherous males dates back to prehistoric times.

Modern socialization and its attending puritanical complications have resulted in laws of Man which ignore and expediently supersede the laws of Nature. But in spite of these socialized laws there exists no such substantive need to protect boys from women as there is need to protect girls from men. These laws simply deny the essential nature of the male, which is his impetus to screw anything with a warm, slippery hole -- including his teacher!

Nature made him that way -- for a very good reason.
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That is a terrible sentence.
I know the law sees girls and boys as the same, but they are not.
When I was in high school there were several hot teachers, one in particular. "Playboy hot"...holy cow if she came on to me and I had the opportunity to have sex with her?????? I would be in heaven. And to this day I would probably still be bragging about it.
She didn't harm the boys - she did them good.
Boys are not girls. It IS different.
Good lock her away. She's helping to give us teachers a bad name.

If she was a man the attitudes of some would be very different.
Of course. Being a male I can tell you I would have bragged about it on my deathbed. "Did ya see my teacher I banged back when I was a teenager...?" I don't buy the gender is irrelevant business, there's a difference between men and women. That seems to be lost on many today.

She should have lost her license and no jobs with teenagers but the community isn't served by locking her up.

The law should not make a distinction between the victim being male or female. She got what she deserved. She knowingly committed a crime, and she's doing the time.

I know for a fact that she had training where they tell you NOT to touch students in any way, or to have sex with students. She knew better. Personally I'll give students a high-five, shake their hand, give them a fist bump and that's it.

As a male teacher if I did that with a 17 year old student (I NEVER EVER EVER would), I bet you'd all be singing a very different tune.

As teacher's we're held to a higher standard--and we ALL (teachers) know that. We can get fired for being drunk in public, or posting pictures of us partying (legally) on Facebook. It comes with the territory and you knowingly sign up for it.
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30-year-old Florida teacher sentenced to 22 years in prison for having sex with students Q13 FOX News
ffs, it's just sex. 22 years in prison for having sex?! What a waste of her life and the taxpayers money. Completely absurd. You shouldn't even get 1 year in prison for CONSENSUAL SEX! At least not when you are above ~15 years of age.
That's a travesty of justice. Here in Ohio she wouldn't have been charged with anything.

All she did was make a few horny 17 year old guys very happy.

Yes she would have been. Learn the damn law. She was in a position of authority over them, so the age of consent laws don't apply.

A teacher can't legally sleep with a student in any state in the nation.

That is a terrible sentence.
I know the law sees girls and boys as the same, but they are not.
When I was in high school there were several hot teachers, one in particular. "Playboy hot"...holy cow if she came on to me and I had the opportunity to have sex with her?????? I would be in heaven. And to this day I would probably still be bragging about it.
She didn't harm the boys - she did them good.
Boys are not girls. It IS different.

What if a male teacher had sex with a male student? Does it change then? Many on here aren't thinking with the head on their shoulders.
What if a male teacher had sex with a male student? Does it change then? Many on here aren't thinking with the head on their shoulders.
A hundred years ago the answer to your question would have been death by hanging. Today there would undoubtedly be some measure of leniency predicated on our more liberal and accepting attitudes toward homosexuality. But although there presently is acceptance of homosexual marriage there remains a rather prevalent opinion that homosexuality is wholly unnatural.

While I am sure it will be quite some time before our society will accept the fact that homosexuality is indeed a natural (though abnormal) condition, deriving from a hormonal imbalance and observable in all animal species, the attentions of a homosexual male toward a pubescent but adolescent male, even if the boy is himself pronouncedly homosexual, would be anathema and despised far more than would a heterosexual male's or female's attention toward a pubescent adolescent of opposite gender.

So, yes. It would change -- owing to contemporary social attitudes and a general lack of intellectual awareness.
The law should not make a distinction between the victim being male or female.
But there is a great and critically important distinction, which has been clearly addressed earlier in this thread. The simple fact of the matter is the vast majority of human males are fundamentally lecherous and sexually aggressive by natural impulse while most women are neither. So that fact, combined with their relative physical vulnerability and the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy, necessitates a more substantially protective disposition toward females.

She got what she deserved. She knowingly committed a crime, and she's doing the time.
You will find there is very little agreement with that rather severely authoritarian opinion. To sentence someone to prison for such a ruinous length of time can only be justified on the basis of relative harm to one's victims. What real harm did this woman's actions impart to the boys she had sex with?

Speaking from the perspective of personal experience, my first sexual experience occurred at age fifteen. It took place over a period of weeks with my best friend's voluptuous aunt who was visiting from Germany. It was an incredibly erotic and amorous experience from which I learned a great deal about female sexuality.

I know for a fact that she had training where they tell you NOT to touch students in any way, or to have sex with students. She knew better.
There is no question about that. She broke the rules and she violated the law. But there is a very valid question about the severity of her punishment. She didn't kill or cripple anyone, nor did she bring about ruin or cause any permanent loss or destruction. So don't you think twenty-two years in prison is rather excessive punishment for what she did?
By definition, a male cannot engage in sex unless he is aroused.
A girl or woman can be forced to be the sexual object of an exploiting male, but it just doesn't work the other way. It is obvious when a male is 'willing', and no physical or mental harm can be done by a woman having conventional sex with a male.
What if a male teacher had sex with a male student? Does it change then? Many on here aren't thinking with the head on their shoulders.
Of course it changes. What planet are you from? Having sex with a hot female or a dude is the same to you?
So you're suggesting different outcomes for the same crime?
I didn't suggest it I said so plainly earlier. Gender neutrality is a recent phenomenon and it's unhealthy and wrong.
She knew what she was doing. She's trained not to do it (and honestly it IS common sense). Not only is she a pedophile, but she was working in a position where the public instills a great amount of trust in you--and it should be taken seriously. I have no remorse for her whatsoever--she knew the risks and she lost.
She knew what she was doing. She's trained not to do it (and honestly it IS common sense). Not only is she a pedophile, but she was working in a position where the public instills a great amount of trust in you--and it should be taken seriously. I have no remorse for her whatsoever--she knew the risks and she lost.
Why do you refer to her as a pedophile?
She knew what she was doing. She's trained not to do it (and honestly it IS common sense). Not only is she a pedophile, but she was working in a position where the public instills a great amount of trust in you--and it should be taken seriously. I have no remorse for her whatsoever--she knew the risks and she lost.
Why do you refer to her as a pedophile?

Meant to say sex offender haha, long day.

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