30 year old Florida teacher Jennifer Fichter sentenced to 22 years for having sex with students

Is there a man here who would say having had sex with a woman her age when he was 15 or 17 would have harmed them?

Depends on how loose she were.

In America's pioneer years, girls who were ages 13 to 17 routinely married 25+-year-old men.

Today, because of food additives, many girls look 25 or older when they are in their teens.

Add to that that many of them are sexually active in their teens, and voila.

Depending on the circumstances, I have no problem whatsoever with a man the age of the teacher in question's having/ having had sex with 15- to 17-year-old girls.
This punishment is inhuman and immensely excessive. If there is anything wrong with this woman, it is a psychological problem and not a truly legal one.

Next time a mosquito lands on the forehead of the power-drunk legal yahoo judge, somebody should hit that mosquito with a sledge hammer. Assholes like him need to be taught a lesson in proportionality.
Prove what?

That she had sex with all of them "about 60 times," per your own bet/ quote.

I would not want you as my attorney.

I was stating an opinion. The article said she admitted to dozens of encounters which if true is less than year per act.

Since you can't tell the difference from opinion from fact, you would be a pretty stupid client and I would have you as one.

Opinions are not facts, Mr. Matlock.

They do not hold weight in a court of law — certainly not the weight that you purport yours to hold, with regard to the criminal procedures which have the full breadth and backing of the U.S. Constitution to imprison American citizens found guilty of having broken state and/ or federal laws.

That's why I wouldn't want you as my attorney.

Get your facts straight, motherfucker.

I never stated it was a fact fuck face! You are one dumb shit!

S'that all you got???

Bet that quote would work really well in a court of law, too — don't you think, Mr. Matlock? :badgrin:

You are a stupid fuck, I'm not in a court of law, I was giving a fucking opinion and you fucking go nuts. If you can show where I said it definitively, then dumb fucker you got something. So far all you have is a steaming pile of your shit the you seem to be sitting in.
The only way I could see thus being a crime would be if she forced the boys to engage in the sexual act or engaged in female - dominant sex acts with the boys.

Other than that she's just a woman fulfilling her proper purpose - pleasing Males; while pretending to be a teacher (a profession women should o lyrics be engaged in at the lowest levels).
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Bout time one of these got a sentence like a guy would
To better understand the injustice of this woman's punishment we must first understand the genesis (origin) of the law she violated.

Thinking back to the dawn of Man, at the time when Early Man first realized that in addition to feeling really good, doing "that" with a female is what knocked them up. And a pregnant cave-female was incapacitated, unable to help with the cave-work, a burden as it were, which ultimately produced another mouth to feed, which often was an extreme hardship in that pre-food stamp era.

At that time there were no courts, no judges, no laws as we know them to be. There were certain things one just did not do -- and doing "that" to a young, healthy, cave-girl was one of those taboos. So when some horny cave-man got it on with some alluring, post-pubescent cave-girl, and got caught, the punishment for his act of primordial "statutory rape" was a bashed-in skull or castration with a flint-napped obsidian blade.

But do you suppose anyone cared if a young, healthy, working male got it on with some horny (or enterprising) tribal female? Why should they? How was he harmed? The fact is is wasn't. Not at all. Therefore no cause for concern.

I will not even speculate on when or exactly why the concern over horny young boys getting laid first arose. But whatever the cause(s) of the plainly redundant and pointless notion that it is at all possible for a woman, regardless of her age, to rape a boy, there is little question that ignorance, stupidity and, mainly, puritanical religious hang-ups played, and continue to play, a major part.

When I was around fourteen/fifteen, I, like the vast majority of post-pubescent boys was primarily concerned with getting laid. I really didn't know if girls of that age felt the same, but I did know they vigorously resisted boys' efforts to pull their panties down. And the main reason for that is if they didn't they all would be knocked up by age fifteen. And therein lies the tale.

So this presumably moral reason behind the ridiculous notion that young boys need to be protected from horny women is predicated on the same kind of nonsensical indoctrination that brought about "Reefer Madness" notions about the evil nature of marijuana. The simple fact is the only real harm a young male can experience from having natural, normal sexual relations with a female, regardless of her age, is that of venereal infection -- and the psychological complications which might arise from the lies and taboos imposed upon them by their ignorant, brainwashed, morally hypocritical elders.
All sounds wonderful...if we were still in caves. Are you hiding in one...gender doesnt matter anymore according to libs.......equal rights.........equal treatment ......blah blah blah
they should just let her go cause she a hot white woman. just like they did with Casey Anthony and almost set free that other hot white woman who shot her x in the head.(well after she had a field day with a kitchen knife)
She abused a position of trust, she's also a sexual predator
Amen to this. If they can't wait until their targets are of the legal age, they should be prepared for what happens to them in return should word get out about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, the same things goes for those who smoke and drink before the ages of 18 and 21. If you can't respect the laws, I just have two words for those who decide to break them: get ready.
She was convicted on three counts of statutory rape but it is alleged that she had dozens of male children in her apartment for sex parties. Didn't she recognize that she had a problem? Why does the radical left defend her conduct? Because the angry psychotic wife of a similar sexual predator is running for president?
She was convicted on three counts of statutory rape but it is alleged that she had dozens of male children in her apartment for sex parties. Didn't she recognize that she had a problem? Why does the radical left defend her conduct? Because the angry psychotic wife of a similar sexual predator is running for president?
I think it is mainly because an attractive female, regardless of her age, who likes to get it on in a non-deviant manner with sexually mature young males can hardly be thought of as a "predator," a term which usually is applied to one who preys on infants or engages with women in the way Bill Cosby and other perverse opportunists do. The pivotal factor in such relationships being sexually mature young men, who are psychologically and biologically normal, are extremely horny and eager for sexual contact. The critical factor being they do not become pregnant or suffer social disrepute from it.

Re: the . . .dozens of male "children" in her apartment for sex parties . . ., please provide the source of that information because I know nothing about that. It's important to know how old these "children" were and what the circumstances of those "parties" were, and if they in fact ever took place. Because the way you've phrased it sounds like she'd hosted pedophilic orgies.
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She was convicted on three counts of statutory rape but it is alleged that she had dozens of male children in her apartment for sex parties. Didn't she recognize that she had a problem? Why does the radical left defend her conduct? Because the angry psychotic wife of a similar sexual predator is running for president?
I think it is mainly because an attractive female, regardless of her age, who likes to get it on in a non-deviant manner with sexually mature young males can hardly be thought of as a "predator," a term which usually is applied to one who preys on infants or engages with women in the way Bill Cosby and other perverse opportunists do. The pivotal factor in such relationships being sexually mature young men, who are psychologically and biologically normal, are extremely horny and eager for sexual contact. The critical factor being they do not become pregnant or suffer social disrepute from it.

Re: the . . .dozens of male "children" in her apartment for sex parties . . ., please provide the source of that information because I know nothing about that. It's important to know how old these "children" were and what the circumstances of those "parties" were, and if they in fact ever took place. Because the way you're phrased it sounds like she'd hosted pedophilic orgies.

The fact that the babe pleaded guilty to a serious felony and her lawyer(s) were no doubt aware of the possible sentence is an indication that the state probably had enough to put her away for life. It's likely that they offered her a plea to save the other poor kids from testifying.
These young female teachers should be praised for providing young men with experienced sex education. Most of the female teachers in my day looked like Helen Thomas.


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