30 year old Florida teacher Jennifer Fichter sentenced to 22 years for having sex with students

This country is still F@cking puritan. So absurd. Maybe a year in jail tops, just ban her from teaching for life. Problem solved.
I do not understand the whole judicial system of late. NO wisdom, NO justice.
Funny, if the teacher would've been a man in the same position a lot of the reaction in the comments would've been the opposite. As in, you would've all been bitching about how much of a pedo he is and how much more time he should've gotten...
This is harsher then some murder cases...This is stupid. WTF is wrong with our legal system?

Murder's okay, unless you murder a white person. Sex is bad and evil, I mean, you have sex, you kill the other person, you murder someone, not many consequences right? At least that iz wot ma bible teechuh told me in buy-olojee class.
Funny, if the teacher would've been a man in the same position a lot of the reaction in the comments would've been the opposite. As in, you would've all been bitching about how much of a pedo he is and how much more time he should've gotten...

Not if they were 17 year olds I wouldn't.
aw, eff you people. Nature says that when she's got hair and bleeding, she's an ADULT. all over the world, 13 yr olds ARE adults. They were, too, right here in the US, 150 years ago. it's not like the boys were going to get pregnant, ya know. Even the risk of disease is a LOT lower for boys, from sex with a woman.
All these women who do this are pretty damn good look. Mary Latrinue (sp) is still hot.

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This country is still F@cking puritan. So absurd. Maybe a year in jail tops, just ban her from teaching for life. Problem solved.
I do not understand the whole judicial system of late. NO wisdom, NO justice.
Yep. America is a sexually repressed society. Based on the Puritans, you're correct.

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I am okay with her serving time for this. We can't have teachers having sex with their students in grade school. On the other hand, I don't see that the boys are going to be anymore "scared for life" than if they had sex with girls their own age.
Good lock her away. She's helping to give us teachers a bad name.

If she was a man the attitudes of some would be very different.
Of course. Being a male I can tell you I would have bragged about it on my deathbed. "Did ya see my teacher I banged back when I was a teenager...?" I don't buy the gender is irrelevant business, there's a difference between men and women. That seems to be lost on many today.

She should have lost her license and no jobs with teenagers but the community isn't served by locking her up.
22 years? I wonder how many she will actually serve when it's all said and done?
30-year-old Florida teacher sentenced to 22 years in prison for having sex with students Q13 FOX News
ffs, it's just sex. 22 years in prison for having sex?! What a waste of her life and the taxpayers money. Completely absurd. You shouldn't even get 1 year in prison for CONSENSUAL SEX! At least not when you are above ~15 years of age.
That's a travesty of justice. Here in Ohio she wouldn't have been charged with anything.

All she did was make a few horny 17 year old guys very happy.
30-year-old Florida teacher sentenced to 22 years in prison for having sex with students Q13 FOX News
ffs, it's just sex. 22 years in prison for having sex?! What a waste of her life and the taxpayers money. Completely absurd. You shouldn't even get 1 year in prison for CONSENSUAL SEX! At least not when you are above ~15 years of age.
That's a travesty of justice. Here in Ohio she wouldn't have been charged with anything.

All she did was make a few horny 17 year old guys very happy.

Yes she would have been. Learn the damn law. She was in a position of authority over them, so the age of consent laws don't apply.

A teacher can't legally sleep with a student in any state in the nation.
22 years? I wonder how many she will actually serve when it's all said and done?
Wouldn't surprise me if she was murdered in prison.

She'll be out in about five-and-a-half years, max.

Three months credit for every year sentenced is pretty much the standard model nationwide.

She teaches English or whatnot to some fellow convicts, and helps them get their GEDs? That'll shave off another year or two for good behavior.

But yeah, 22 years is way overzealous on the part of that judge.
22 years is really too much for just having sex with rather grown-up guys. When I was 17, I dreamed of a woman like Ms Fichter.

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