300 Million Americans haven’t gotten Covid

That's because those numbers haven't changed in the last five years.

Suddenly COVID took the number 3 spot, and was in ADDITION to the usual annual mortality.
..you hitlerjugend haven't even come close to refuting anything
....covid is a big nothing burger [ like racism and police brutality-for examples ] and you are gobbling up the bullshit like it's Thanksgiving dinner
Over 99.7% of people survive automobile accidents.

What's your point? Don't play in traffic, you should be fine.

It also means you look in terms of death only, and not disability.

As if somebody suffering "long covid", like somebody left a paraplegic isn't a problem.
..you hitlerjugend haven't even come close to refuting anything
....covid is a big nothing burger [ like racism and police brutality-for examples ] and you are gobbling up the bullshit like it's Thanksgiving dinner
More people die of COVID in an hour, than soldiers died in the Afghanistan evacuation.

So Afhganistan by comparison should be a nothing burger.
More people die of COVID in an hour, than soldiers died in the Afghanistan evacuation.

So Afhganistan by comparison should be a nothing burger.
a very IDIOTIC comparison --very idiotic/NONSENSICAL
....and by way of deaths, yes, Afghanistan was not much of a war per deaths
Over 99.7% of people survive automobile accidents.

It also means you look in terms of death only, and not disability.

As if somebody suffering "long covid", like somebody left a paraplegic isn't a problem.
Not seeing how that should compel me to inject fast tracked chemicals into my healthy body. Try again.
a very IDIOTIC comparison --very idiotic/NONSENSICAL
....and by way of deaths, yes, Afghanistan was not much of a war per deaths
Complared to COVID, WWI, and WWII had very few deaths. Even when combined together.

Were they therefore the same nothing burger you say of COVID?
Not seeing how that should compel me to inject fast tracked chemicals into my healthy body. Try again.
Because thousands have suffered permanent organ damage from COVID

They survived, but they suffer a permanent disability.
Complared to COVID, WWI, and WWII had very few deaths. Even when combined together.

Were they therefore the same nothing burger you say of COVID?
...do not try to discuss wars with me--you will be destroyed--I've been researching and reading war for longer than you have been alive
.....combat/etc is MUCH, MUCH more deadly than covid
..you just proved you don't know shit about wars....MOST of the military are not in combat areas during war !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--BOOOOOM BABY!!!!!!!!!
..ANOTHER nonsensical comparison --you keep fking up
--he's right and you are wrong ..MOST Americans haven't even got C19
, and of those that did, most don't die
..and of those, it's mostly the elderly and lazy fatasses
I didn't say they had, why are you lying?
.....you sound really idiotic trying to deny the truth/facts, with your double talk babble crap ...we see right through it--like we see through the MSM crap.....but like the hitlerjugend, you believe all that propaganda crap
More lies? You can't help.yourself, can you.
...do not try to discuss wars with me--you will be destroyed--I've been researching and reading war for longer than you have been alive
Then compare the success of the evacuation Dunkirk, with the failure of the evacuation of Afghanistan.

Except by the numbers, the Afghan evacuation was 10 times as successful.
Complared to COVID, WWI, and WWII had very few deaths. Even when combined together.

Were they therefore the same nothing burger you say of COVID?
''''The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people''''

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