34% of attendees at Trump rally in Michigan are registered democrats

34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale

Pretty easy to figure that information out as they said in the article since leftist snowflakes won't read the information I will share it here.
They used the phone numbers of attendees to check their voter registration and not only were 34% democrats but most had only vote ONCE in the past 4 elections....Enjoy 2020 lefties I WILL!

Got a new hat for you Trumpets.
View attachment 253371
Lol, AOC is the new representation of the Democrat party.
She is one of the new Representatives...and I love how the CRCs show their fear of her.

It less fear and more amusement but whatever helps you sleep at night. I d rather get on the Dan Crenshaw express vs AOC.
34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale

Pretty easy to figure that information out as they said in the article since leftist snowflakes won't read the information I will share it here.
They used the phone numbers of attendees to check their voter registration and not only were 34% democrats but most had only vote ONCE in the past 4 elections....Enjoy 2020 lefties I WILL!

Seems someone is not telling the truth...

Voter information is already publicly available. And that’s all the Trump administration is getting.

Public voter information, as defined by Michigan law, includes the voter's name, year of birth, address and voter participation history. It is important to note that how a specific voter voted on a ballot is unknown in Michigan and is therefore, unavailable. Additionally, Michigan voters are not registered as a Democrat, Republican or Independent. They are simply registered as a voter.

But they're NOT USING voter registration data.. To get into a rally, you give a telephone # and email... That's enough information to divine their political history and affiliation.. Trust me, that's one of the easier things to data-mine from on-line and donation private parts...
Really? You have to give your phone and email? I wouldn't. The SPAM you would get! It was bad enough after I wrote to my Senator.

Yes, you do have to provide those things. My son went to a Bernie rally in 2016 and I still get their stupid emails.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
An actual man with a pair of balls became the President.

That's the first time since Andrew Jackson.

Anyone who reads the book "Andrew Jackson and Second Bank of the United States," an old 19th publication that isn't riddled and tainted by modern political correctness, will see the similarities between Jackson and Trump in the categories of personality and courage and fortitude.

Trump has no balls. He's just a fat old bully, who tries to throw his weight around. He's too stupid to read, doesn't know what he's doing, and forgets utterly that he's supposed to be working for the American people, not the other way around. World leaders flatter him endlessly and then pick his pockets. Like Kim and Putin. Kim didn't have an ICBM until Trump stopped Obama's program of blowing up his missles on the launchpad.
This thread is based on an out and out lie. Why is it still here?
"I voted for 44 twice. I even checked my emails in his Senate Office while lobbying for Salone to be given another chance to rebrand. Not once in 8 years was I given any support regarding Africa or the Black Agenda, but 45 invites me to the WH to celebrate the #FirstStepAct" - Democrat Black Actor Incredible Isaiah Washington
34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale

Pretty easy to figure that information out as they said in the article since leftist snowflakes won't read the information I will share it here.
They used the phone numbers of attendees to check their voter registration and not only were 34% democrats but most had only vote ONCE in the past 4 elections....Enjoy 2020 lefties I WILL!

Seems someone is not telling the truth...

Voter information is already publicly available. And that’s all the Trump administration is getting.

Public voter information, as defined by Michigan law, includes the voter's name, year of birth, address and voter participation history. It is important to note that how a specific voter voted on a ballot is unknown in Michigan and is therefore, unavailable. Additionally, Michigan voters are not registered as a Democrat, Republican or Independent. They are simply registered as a voter.

But they're NOT USING voter registration data.. To get into a rally, you give a telephone # and email... That's enough information to divine their political history and affiliation.. Trust me, that's one of the easier things to data-mine from on-line and donation private parts...

They claimed to know how many times they have voted in the last 4 elections. Where does that data come from if not from the voter registration data?

Could be from polling data which IS attached to their address and phone number.. Questions like "How likely are you to vote in the _________________ election? EVERYTHING is getting together by the "identity packaging" businesses.. Doesn't say that they ABSOLUTELY voted, but it would be a good likelihood of how many times they did... Some local polling uses the same people who ANSWER those polls, over and over again..

OR -- that part of the claim could be complete Bullshit. :ack-1:

OR -- There's ONE republican registrar SOMEWHERE in that state who's looking at prison time for scarfing thru the state/county database..

It's all scary sophisticated now.. Dems were BRAGGING in 2016 about being tied at the hip to Google. And Google was the #1 most frequent visitor to the Obama WHouse..

It's about 10 minutes before the clock strikes Big Brother.. Enjoy your day... :2up:

OH -- and you probably should turn off Siri, Roku, Alexa and all the OTHER identity spies in your home while you're watching TV or discussing politics. OR discussing anything really..

No extra microphones in my home EVER... I learned a lot in my stint in Intel....

OR they are misusing the voter data the Trump admin forced the states to send to the Fed Govt in their failed search for voter fraud.

I love my Google home! Why would I turn it off?

Commission was disbanded because too many states would not cooperate in voter fraud and poor registration data. investigations.. That IS a primary function of the Fed Govt as it applies to FEDERAL elections.. So I doubt that it would have come from there..

As for your new roommate you love so much -- Their vision of future is to "live with you"... Heard a segment on "marriage counsuling" for Alexa based on listening in to your daily life.. If you have kids -- GOOGLE decides what books to read to them..

Will Alexa Become Your Next Marriage Counselor? | Def Pen

According to new reports, home listening devices, like Alexa and Google Home, might have the ability to detect common problems in your relationship.

This was revealed in a new study between dating site eharmony and the Imperial College London. According to their research, Google Home and Alexa might be able to tell if you’re experiencing struggles in your relationship with up to 75% accuracy.

These virtual assistants are always listening. Back in October, Amazon even filed a patent for a new Alexa feature that can detect when you’re feeling sick based on coughs and sniffles. The device could then offer medicines and other advice to ease your cold symptoms, like chicken noodle soup or aspirin.

They haven't "moved in" yet.. But that's the evil plan... And by the time you've realized this and that I'm right -- say 6 or 8 years hence -- They've already gotten to know you better than anyone else.. And probably SOLD your entire life profile to a dozen places -- INCLUDING political campaigns...

Right now they just bug and track your internet pages with targeted ads based on your browsing.. Soon they will be accessing your checkbook automatically for stuff THEY think you need and making marraige and child rearing suggestions every day...

Probably already connected the "internet you" to the "at home you".. That's simple.. You're gonna get screwed...
Last edited:
34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale

Pretty easy to figure that information out as they said in the article since leftist snowflakes won't read the information I will share it here.
They used the phone numbers of attendees to check their voter registration and not only were 34% democrats but most had only vote ONCE in the past 4 elections....Enjoy 2020 lefties I WILL!

Seems someone is not telling the truth...

Voter information is already publicly available. And that’s all the Trump administration is getting.

Public voter information, as defined by Michigan law, includes the voter's name, year of birth, address and voter participation history. It is important to note that how a specific voter voted on a ballot is unknown in Michigan and is therefore, unavailable. Additionally, Michigan voters are not registered as a Democrat, Republican or Independent. They are simply registered as a voter.

But they're NOT USING voter registration data.. To get into a rally, you give a telephone # and email... That's enough information to divine their political history and affiliation.. Trust me, that's one of the easier things to data-mine from on-line and donation private parts...
Really? You have to give your phone and email? I wouldn't. The SPAM you would get! It was bad enough after I wrote to my Senator.

Those rallies are a hit production.. Thousands never GET in.. The ones that don't want to be identified, would be replaced by the overflow crowds.. That's the way it is.. Some people think this continuous campaign roadshow is historic and WANT to be there..

ME? I've got a lot of hedges to trim and erosion to fix...
34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale

Pretty easy to figure that information out as they said in the article since leftist snowflakes won't read the information I will share it here.
They used the phone numbers of attendees to check their voter registration and not only were 34% democrats but most had only vote ONCE in the past 4 elections....Enjoy 2020 lefties I WILL!

Ouch! :auiqs.jpg: Nobody likes the left I'm not surprised Democrats are defecting to Trump.
This thread is based on an out and out lie. Why is it still here?

Maybe because you're running your mouth and not PROVING it's false? That's the new standard that YOU USED for political news since the election right? Prove it's false..

Besides, it's completely credible.. Might be exaggerated like everything else Trumpy -- but it's getting discussed..
Seems someone is not telling the truth...

Voter information is already publicly available. And that’s all the Trump administration is getting.

Public voter information, as defined by Michigan law, includes the voter's name, year of birth, address and voter participation history. It is important to note that how a specific voter voted on a ballot is unknown in Michigan and is therefore, unavailable. Additionally, Michigan voters are not registered as a Democrat, Republican or Independent. They are simply registered as a voter.

But they're NOT USING voter registration data.. To get into a rally, you give a telephone # and email... That's enough information to divine their political history and affiliation.. Trust me, that's one of the easier things to data-mine from on-line and donation private parts...

They claimed to know how many times they have voted in the last 4 elections. Where does that data come from if not from the voter registration data?

Could be from polling data which IS attached to their address and phone number.. Questions like "How likely are you to vote in the _________________ election? EVERYTHING is getting together by the "identity packaging" businesses.. Doesn't say that they ABSOLUTELY voted, but it would be a good likelihood of how many times they did... Some local polling uses the same people who ANSWER those polls, over and over again..

OR -- that part of the claim could be complete Bullshit. :ack-1:

OR -- There's ONE republican registrar SOMEWHERE in that state who's looking at prison time for scarfing thru the state/county database..

It's all scary sophisticated now.. Dems were BRAGGING in 2016 about being tied at the hip to Google. And Google was the #1 most frequent visitor to the Obama WHouse..

It's about 10 minutes before the clock strikes Big Brother.. Enjoy your day... :2up:

OH -- and you probably should turn off Siri, Roku, Alexa and all the OTHER identity spies in your home while you're watching TV or discussing politics. OR discussing anything really..

No extra microphones in my home EVER... I learned a lot in my stint in Intel....

OR they are misusing the voter data the Trump admin forced the states to send to the Fed Govt in their failed search for voter fraud.

I love my Google home! Why would I turn it off?

Commission was disbanded because too many states would not cooperate in voter fraud and poor registration data. investigations.. That IS a primary function of the Fed Govt as it applies to FEDERAL elections.. So I doubt that it would have come from there..

As for your new roommate you love so much -- Their vision of future is to "live with you"... Heard a segment on "marriage counsuling" for Alexa based on listening in to your daily life.. If you have kids -- GOOGLE decides what books to read to them..

Will Alexa Become Your Next Marriage Counselor? | Def Pen

According to new reports, home listening devices, like Alexa and Google Home, might have the ability to detect common problems in your relationship.

This was revealed in a new study between dating site eharmony and the Imperial College London. According to their research, Google Home and Alexa might be able to tell if you’re experiencing struggles in your relationship with up to 75% accuracy.

These virtual assistants are always listening. Back in October, Amazon even filed a patent for a new Alexa feature that can detect when you’re feeling sick based on coughs and sniffles. The device could then offer medicines and other advice to ease your cold symptoms, like chicken noodle soup or aspirin.

They haven't "moved in" yet.. But that's the evil plan... And by the time you've realized this and that I'm right -- say 6 or 8 years hence -- They've already gotten to know you better than anyone else.. And probably SOLD your entire life profile to a dozen places -- INCLUDING political campaigns...

Right now they just bug and track your internet pages with targeted ads based on your browsing.. Soon they will be accessing your checkbook automatically for stuff THEY think you need and making marraige and child rearing suggestions every day...

Probably already connected the "internet you" to the "at home you".. That's simple.. You're gonna get screwed...
”Commission was disbanded because too many states would not cooperate in voter fraud and poor registration data.”

Michigan complied.
This thread is based on an out and out lie. Why is it still here?

Maybe because you're running your mouth and not PROVING it's false? That's the new standard that YOU USED for political news since the election right? Prove it's false..

Besides, it's completely credible.. Might be exaggerated like everything else Trumpy -- but it's getting discussed..
I would but it would be like talking to a birther...oh wait...it's the same people
I don't expect to have a dog in the fight in 2020 but I've been wondering what was the current perception of Trump in the big union states of the Rust Belt. More than satisfied with how this thread settled that curiosity.
An actual man with a pair of balls became the President.

That's the first time since Andrew Jackson.

Anyone who reads the book "Andrew Jackson and Second Bank of the United States," an old 19th publication that isn't riddled and tainted by modern political correctness, will see the similarities between Jackson and Trump in the categories of personality and courage and fortitude.
True, Andrew Jackson was a cold blooded racist piece of shit even worse than Trump. Ever heard of the Trail of Tears, boy? Thousands of Indians forced off their lands, mainly due to racist pig Jackson, then marched to Oklahoma where thousands died in the process, including many women and children, so white people could take their land. And you idolize that asshole? Who is your next favorite bigoted asshole in history- Adolf Hitler?
I don't expect to have a dog in the fight in 2020 but I've been wondering what was the current perception of Trump in the big union states of the Rust Belt. More than satisfied with how this thread settled that curiosity.
do you really believe what the first guy posted? see, that is how a completely incompetent asshole like Trump gets elected- there are way too many gullible clueless Americans who take any set of numbers presented as "facts" thrown at them by right wing spin artists and liars. Fact check it!! I searched and searched for any real news media reporting such a stupid silly "fact" and found only known right wing fake news sites that ran with that story- not even breitbart or gateway pundit or even Fox tried to spew that silly shit...do you really think all the phone numbers were checked and they found 34% of the people were democrats?...try to think- you can do this!! do you really think they did that? that everybody gave their phone numbers and then somebody actually could use that info to see more personal info like their name and where they live and took to the time to look up everybody's voter registration? you believe something that far-fetched and stupid? Here is what I did find concerning a fact check of the Trump pep rally in Michigan-

AP FACT CHECK: Trump misleads on health care, Russia probe | Fox ...


6 days ago - President Donald Trump got right to it in his Michigan rally Thursday night ... AP FACT CHECK: Trump misleads on health care, Russia probe ... About 54 percent nationally voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to exit polls .... There were also plenty of people around Trumpreceptive to Russia's help ...
An actual man with a pair of balls became the President.

That's the first time since Andrew Jackson.

Anyone who reads the book "Andrew Jackson and Second Bank of the United States," an old 19th publication that isn't riddled and tainted by modern political correctness, will see the similarities between Jackson and Trump in the categories of personality and courage and fortitude.
True, Andrew Jackson was a cold blooded racist piece of shit even worse than Trump. Ever heard of the Trail of Tears, boy? Thousands of Indians forced off their lands, mainly due to racist pig Jackson, then marched to Oklahoma where thousands died in the process, including many women and children, so white people could take their land. And you idolize that asshole? Who is your next favorite bigoted asshole in history- Adolf Hitler?

If this country is evil and mean to people of color, why are all of these people of color flocking here?

You're referring to a time period when "Manifest Destiny" was the reigning political movement.
do you really believe what the first guy posted?

Yes. While not a Trump fan myself, after spending the first 27 years of my life in the Rust Belt I'm inclined to believe that the region appreciates that Trump is a bread-and-butter issues type of candidate unlike the usual Democrats and Republicans who peddle esoteric notions that are harder to relate to.
But they're NOT USING voter registration data.. To get into a rally, you give a telephone # and email... That's enough information to divine their political history and affiliation.. Trust me, that's one of the easier things to data-mine from on-line and donation private parts...

They claimed to know how many times they have voted in the last 4 elections. Where does that data come from if not from the voter registration data?

Could be from polling data which IS attached to their address and phone number.. Questions like "How likely are you to vote in the _________________ election? EVERYTHING is getting together by the "identity packaging" businesses.. Doesn't say that they ABSOLUTELY voted, but it would be a good likelihood of how many times they did... Some local polling uses the same people who ANSWER those polls, over and over again..

OR -- that part of the claim could be complete Bullshit. :ack-1:

OR -- There's ONE republican registrar SOMEWHERE in that state who's looking at prison time for scarfing thru the state/county database..

It's all scary sophisticated now.. Dems were BRAGGING in 2016 about being tied at the hip to Google. And Google was the #1 most frequent visitor to the Obama WHouse..

It's about 10 minutes before the clock strikes Big Brother.. Enjoy your day... :2up:

OH -- and you probably should turn off Siri, Roku, Alexa and all the OTHER identity spies in your home while you're watching TV or discussing politics. OR discussing anything really..

No extra microphones in my home EVER... I learned a lot in my stint in Intel....

OR they are misusing the voter data the Trump admin forced the states to send to the Fed Govt in their failed search for voter fraud.

I love my Google home! Why would I turn it off?

Commission was disbanded because too many states would not cooperate in voter fraud and poor registration data. investigations.. That IS a primary function of the Fed Govt as it applies to FEDERAL elections.. So I doubt that it would have come from there..

As for your new roommate you love so much -- Their vision of future is to "live with you"... Heard a segment on "marriage counsuling" for Alexa based on listening in to your daily life.. If you have kids -- GOOGLE decides what books to read to them..

Will Alexa Become Your Next Marriage Counselor? | Def Pen

According to new reports, home listening devices, like Alexa and Google Home, might have the ability to detect common problems in your relationship.

This was revealed in a new study between dating site eharmony and the Imperial College London. According to their research, Google Home and Alexa might be able to tell if you’re experiencing struggles in your relationship with up to 75% accuracy.

These virtual assistants are always listening. Back in October, Amazon even filed a patent for a new Alexa feature that can detect when you’re feeling sick based on coughs and sniffles. The device could then offer medicines and other advice to ease your cold symptoms, like chicken noodle soup or aspirin.

They haven't "moved in" yet.. But that's the evil plan... And by the time you've realized this and that I'm right -- say 6 or 8 years hence -- They've already gotten to know you better than anyone else.. And probably SOLD your entire life profile to a dozen places -- INCLUDING political campaigns...

Right now they just bug and track your internet pages with targeted ads based on your browsing.. Soon they will be accessing your checkbook automatically for stuff THEY think you need and making marraige and child rearing suggestions every day...

Probably already connected the "internet you" to the "at home you".. That's simple.. You're gonna get screwed...
”Commission was disbanded because too many states would not cooperate in voter fraud and poor registration data.”

Michigan complied.

Thanks.. Well there ya go.. Looks like Mueller may NOT be out of a job yet -- huh??? :2up: Would be a crappy move for that registration/voting data to get to a political campaign.. ALMOST AS CRAPPY as using the FBI and Intel Agencies to Spy on a political campaign.. :rolleyes:

At least that answers Lesh as to this discussion being "just a conspiracy theory".. That's why we're still here in Politics...
Carnival sideshows were very popular back in the day.

A Trump rally is the modern day equivalent.
Last edited:
Commission was disbanded because too many states would not cooperate in voter fraud and poor registration data. investigations.. That IS a primary function of the Fed Govt as it applies to FEDERAL elections.. So I doubt that it would have come from there..

Michigan and a whole lot of other states gave them data. Where else do you find out how many times people have voted over the past 16 years?

As for your new roommate you love so much -- Their vision of future is to "live with you"... Heard a segment on "marriage counsuling" for Alexa based on listening in to your daily life.. If you have kids -- GOOGLE decides what books to read to them..

Will Alexa Become Your Next Marriage Counselor? | Def Pen

According to new reports, home listening devices, like Alexa and Google Home, might have the ability to detect common problems in your relationship.

This was revealed in a new study between dating site eharmony and the Imperial College London. According to their research, Google Home and Alexa might be able to tell if you’re experiencing struggles in your relationship with up to 75% accuracy.

These virtual assistants are always listening. Back in October, Amazon even filed a patent for a new Alexa feature that can detect when you’re feeling sick based on coughs and sniffles. The device could then offer medicines and other advice to ease your cold symptoms, like chicken noodle soup or aspirin.

They haven't "moved in" yet.. But that's the evil plan... And by the time you've realized this and that I'm right -- say 6 or 8 years hence -- They've already gotten to know you better than anyone else.. And probably SOLD your entire life profile to a dozen places -- INCLUDING political campaigns...

Right now they just bug and track your internet pages with targeted ads based on your browsing.. Soon they will be accessing your checkbook automatically for stuff THEY think you need and making marraige and child rearing suggestions every day...

Probably already connected the "internet you" to the "at home you".. That's simple.. You're gonna get screwed...

My kids are 17 and 24, so do not need any one reading books to them.

Our shit is already being sold, or stolen.

My information was stolen twice from OPM, and I am supposed to worry about Google listening to me when I cook? I am not too worried.

I go to the grocery store and use my debit card to buy an item...the next time I go to the grocery store and use the same debit card I magically get a printed coupon for the item I bought 4 days ago....and it was a rare item so the chances it was just coincidence is just about nill.

I guess I could be a luddite and use only cash and not have a bank account. But fuck that. I and my family are avid online shoppers, my 17 year old has not bought clothing or shoes from a brick and mortar store in a couple years.

This shit is happening whether you want it to or not, so I might as well get something out of the arrangement.

You are like the guy standing in front of the broken damn yelling at the water to stop....it is a losing battle.
Carnival sideshows were very popular back in the day.

A Trump rally is the modern day equivalent.

Exactly... PT Barnum was another megalomaniacal entrepreneur that coined the phrase -- "there's no such thing as bad publicity".. All that exaggeration and narcissism is found in EVERY entrepreneur. Including Jobs, Musk, Bezos, and Cuban... They ALL know how to sell and put on a show.. PT Barnum is probably in their list of heroes.
Aint' nothing bad. Aint' nothing new.. Even El Nino Beto Baby can do it... :banana: Most of them have failed BADLY somewhere in their careers. In Silicon Valley there's no shame to an occasional meltdown. But they are risk takers and ONLY risk takers have the chance to do the "big things"..

THAT"S why people FLOCK to what their selling and how much CONFIDENCE it takes to BE a leader and a

We've dealt with a lot of "safe" whimps as President.. Statistics say, this has gotta happen every century or so.

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