34 shot, 5 fatally, so far in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend

This thread is yet another example of how the Regressive Left enables the worst behaviors of its pet constituent oppressed victim groups by minimizing, deflecting, ignoring.

There is no way they don't realize what they are creating, so this enabling must be simply for the most cynical type of reason -- political advantage.

No. It's irresponsible gun owners not securing their weapons.
------------------------------ whats irresponsible , a gun owner has his guns in HIS house or car and thieves or criminals break in and take the GUN's as well as the jewelry , the TV and in some cases the lady of the house's panties . Thieves and criminals take or steal whatever they see and want '1Percenter .

Quit making excuses. Irresponsible gun ownership is when you leave a gun where anyone can take it.
----------------------------- most guns are stolen from a persons private home and criminals break into the homes and Steal the guns . If i have guns they would be in my home wherever i want to keep them '1 per .
i just remember the early 60s . I shattered my left knee . I went to hospital , leg cast was put on and i laid in a bed for a week or so and ate and watched tv . About the same time my Mother had my youngest Sister . After delivery she stayed in bed for a week to rest up . Reason was that she had 4 kids at home so the rest would do her good . INSURANCE , i don't know . Dad paid out of pocket in both cases or had some kind of insurance . [i was about 11 years old]

It's still much cheaper if you're paying cash; they know if you're paying cash they aren't going to get away with charging you $3,000 for aspirins and crappy jello and fruit bowls and the like. My one two day emergency room visit in my entire life dropped from around $22,000 to $3,300, including the $800 ambulance charge, when it came time to check out and I told them how I was paying and wanted to go over all those itemized charges. lol

That's because the charge master in that particular hospital had a lower rate. If medicare or Medicaid would have paid, the charge would have been half of your payment.
it was about 1960 , i don't think there were program . My DAD / parents paid the bill . Same in 1965 when i broke my back and ALL responsibility to my parents . They PAID and there was no begging or crying as they paid their bills . Here it is , i am 70 and fully functional and thats due to good [rich] American Trained American Doctors and Catholic Hospitals and NUN's who were Nurses . You guys though , you fecked up being born as the USA PROBABLY goes down hill and it makes me smile to hear you whining about all this healthcare that you Need. And then a 'nurse practitioner' or ' maintenance' man is told to give you hip hopping and tattooed millenials an enema because you are having a drug overdose episode '1Per . [yeah , feck you guys . Your were born too late after the Glory Days of the USA were all used up '1Per !!] --- [makes me Smile 1Per !!]
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The HMO Act in the 1970's changed it all and jacked up the costs while reducing the quality. now it's all about plundering Medicare with numerous scams and screw the patient care and morals; get those Lamborghinis in the driveway your first year out of medical school or you're a loser now.

BULLSHIT. The HMO Act kept healthcare prices low by competing with traditional healthcare coverage. When Raygun repealed the HMO Act, prices started to rise until we have what we have today.

lol Rubbish. It turned medicine into giant Medicare Looting machines and created boutique medical firms.
This thread is yet another example of how the Regressive Left enables the worst behaviors of its pet constituent oppressed victim groups by minimizing, deflecting, ignoring.

There is no way they don't realize what they are creating, so this enabling must be simply for the most cynical type of reason -- political advantage.

No. It's irresponsible gun owners not securing their weapons.
------------------------------ whats irresponsible , a gun owner has his guns in HIS house or car and thieves or criminals break in and take the GUN's as well as the jewelry , the TV and in some cases the lady of the house's panties . Thieves and criminals take or steal whatever they see and want '1Percenter .

Quit making excuses. Irresponsible gun ownership is when you leave a gun where anyone can take it.
----------------------------- most guns are stolen from a persons private home and criminals break into the homes and Steal the guns . If i have guns they would be in my home wherever i want to keep them '1 per .

You're an irresponsible gun owner....Got It!
So the violence in Chicago isn't about gang warfare; it's not about a popular culture that glorifies thug life; it's about "responsible gun ownership".

Holy crap. Breathtaking.
This thread is yet another example of how the Regressive Left enables the worst behaviors of its pet constituent oppressed victim groups by minimizing, deflecting, ignoring.

There is no way they don't realize what they are creating, so this enabling must be simply for the most cynical type of reason -- political advantage.

No. It's irresponsible gun owners not securing their weapons.
------------------------------ whats irresponsible , a gun owner has his guns in HIS house or car and thieves or criminals break in and take the GUN's as well as the jewelry , the TV and in some cases the lady of the house's panties . Thieves and criminals take or steal whatever they see and want '1Percenter .

Quit making excuses. Irresponsible gun ownership is when you leave a gun where anyone can take it.
----------------------------- most guns are stolen from a persons private home and criminals break into the homes and Steal the guns . If i have guns they would be in my home wherever i want to keep them '1 per .

You're an irresponsible gun owner....Got It!
-------------------------------------------- you might as well be an 'english' subject as you want more rules on American Gun Owners just like the rules in 'england , wales and the 'uk' '1Per .
So the violence in Chicago isn't about gang warfare; it's not about a popular culture that glorifies thug life; it's about "responsible gun ownership".

Holy crap. Breathtaking.

It's about all that you wrote.

Planned obsolesce of the American Worker and the fact that we Americans take better protection of our cars than we do our guns. Then we have the old baby boomers like Pismoe that state: Ha ha, we used it all.
No. It's irresponsible gun owners not securing their weapons.
------------------------------ whats irresponsible , a gun owner has his guns in HIS house or car and thieves or criminals break in and take the GUN's as well as the jewelry , the TV and in some cases the lady of the house's panties . Thieves and criminals take or steal whatever they see and want '1Percenter .

Quit making excuses. Irresponsible gun ownership is when you leave a gun where anyone can take it.
----------------------------- most guns are stolen from a persons private home and criminals break into the homes and Steal the guns . If i have guns they would be in my home wherever i want to keep them '1 per .

You're an irresponsible gun owner....Got It!
-------------------------------------------- you might as well be an 'english' subject as you want more rules on American Gun Owners just like the rules in 'england , wales and the 'uk' '1Per .

You're an irresponsible gun owner....Got It!
So the violence in Chicago isn't about gang warfare; it's not about a popular culture that glorifies thug life; it's about "responsible gun ownership".

Holy crap. Breathtaking.

It's about all that you wrote.

Planned obsolesce of the American Worker and the fact that we Americans take better protection of our cars than we do our guns. Then we have the old baby boomers like Pismoe that state: Ha ha, we used it all.
----------------------------------- there is a cost to being FREE and having the ability to own fine guns and Weapons '1Per .
So the violence in Chicago isn't about gang warfare; it's not about a popular culture that glorifies thug life; it's about "responsible gun ownership".

Holy crap. Breathtaking.

It's about all that you wrote.

Planned obsolesce of the American Worker and the fact that we Americans take better protection of our cars than we do our guns. Then we have the old baby boomers like Pismoe that state: Ha ha, we used it all.
---------------------------------------------- its YOUSE guys crying . I just count my BLESSINGS being born where and when i was born '1Per
So the violence in Chicago isn't about gang warfare; it's not about a popular culture that glorifies thug life; it's about "responsible gun ownership".

Holy crap. Breathtaking.

It's about all that you wrote.

Planned obsolesce of the American Worker and the fact that we Americans take better protection of our cars than we do our guns. Then we have the old baby boomers like Pismoe that state: Ha ha, we used it all.
----------------------------------- there is a cost to being FREE and having the ability to own fine guns and Weapons '1Per .

Doesn't freedom have responsibilities?
So the violence in Chicago isn't about gang warfare; it's not about a popular culture that glorifies thug life; it's about "responsible gun ownership".

Holy crap. Breathtaking.

It's about all that you wrote.

Planned obsolesce of the American Worker and the fact that we Americans take better protection of our cars than we do our guns. Then we have the old baby boomers like Pismoe that state: Ha ha, we used it all.
---------------------------------------------- its YOUSE guys crying . I just count my BLESSINGS being born where and when i was born '1Per

So you're either a psychopath or a sociopath. Which one?

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