4 Million doses in One Day !!!

because they received it? over 3000 deaths for people that have gotten "the shot" and died..
post a link of 2 local deaths?
No. To 3,000 stupid
well, shit stain, i dont need to, im aware of it. if you want, you can stop being a lazy sheep and look things up yourself...you probably have no clue how .....duh....
no check(freebies) here...
well, shit stain, i dont need to, im aware of it. if you want, you can stop being a lazy sheep and look things up yourself...you probably have no clue how .....duh....
no check(freebies) here...
WTF are you talking about? If COURSE you need to document claims as incredible as that.

Of course you can't so...
well, shit stain, i dont need to, im aware of it. if you want, you can stop being a lazy sheep and look things up yourself...you probably have no clue how .....duh....
no check(freebies) here...
WTF are you talking about? If COURSE you need to document claims as incredible as that.

Of course you can't so...
Boo-Hoo....thanx 4 admitting how lazy you really are.
Baaa-Baaaa- Baaa
well, shit stain, i dont need to, im aware of it. if you want, you can stop being a lazy sheep and look things up yourself...you probably have no clue how .....duh....
no check(freebies) here...
WTF are you talking about? If COURSE you need to document claims as incredible as that.

Of course you can't so...
Boo-Hoo....thanx 4 admitting how lazy you really are.
Baaa-Baaaa- Baaa
Fucking dope.

well, shit stain, i dont need to, im aware of it. if you want, you can stop being a lazy sheep and look things up yourself...you probably have no clue how .....duh....
no check(freebies) here...
WTF are you talking about? If COURSE you need to document claims as incredible as that.

Of course you can't so...
Boo-Hoo....thanx 4 admitting how lazy you really are.
Baaa-Baaaa- Baaa
Fucking dope.

did the TRUTH hurt the little whine ass bitch? Boo-Hoo
well, shit stain, i dont need to, im aware of it. if you want, you can stop being a lazy sheep and look things up yourself...you probably have no clue how .....duh....
no check(freebies) here...
WTF are you talking about? If COURSE you need to document claims as incredible as that.

Of course you can't so...
but i can. i choose to let you do your own verifying...i was never into being the nice person...if you are lazy, thats on you
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ‘Vaccine’

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ‘vaccine’ administered by this same criminal state. Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ‘vaccine.’ It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ‘vaccination.’ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

Read full article:

More than a Billion people have been world wide!

That's 7 times more than the 147 million who caught Covid-19 causing over 3,124,000 Deaths!

Vaccine deaths only 3,692.

Repubtards are scared of needles!
More than a Billion people have been world wide!

That's 7 times more than the 147 million who caught Covid-19 causing over 3,124,000 Deaths!

Vaccine deaths only 3,692.

Repubtards are scared of needles!

Your numbers are flawed. You are getting your numbers from known liers, such as the MSM.
More than a Billion people have been world wide!

That's 7 times more than the 147 million who caught Covid-19 causing over 3,124,000 Deaths!

Vaccine deaths only 3,692.

Repubtards are scared of needles!

Your numbers are flawed. You are getting your numbers from known liers, such as the MSM.
Wrong! - You believe Liars claiming there were no increased deaths & all covid deaths were caused by something else but blamed on covid-19!

You are Super Stupid!
CDC Covid Deaths.png
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

And U.S deaths are still above Trumps best average.

Wow....what a vaccine.
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

If trump was still president we wouldn't even be vaccinating 2 hundred a day.

trump had no plan to distribute it.

trump was offered 100 million doses last summer but refused it so Europe got it. While we in America didn't have enough and had no distribution plan.

trump was a total failure with the virus and just about everything he did as president.

Sweden is now 30th on the list.

Never locked down.
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

Have you thanked President Trump yet?
Biden is making a serious difference in this country, and getting it moving again after four years of inertia, Trump rallies, diplomacy through Twitter, and hyper partisanship.

No matter what Biden does for this country, Trumpsters will not, and cannot, acknowledge it. They have checked out and live in the same fantasy world as Trump.
By all measures the country went up and got much better under Trump---It's the beginning of April and we are already spiraling down under Biden--hyper inflation, the flood of illegals, our enemies laughing at our new leader......
The RWNJ infotainment sphere going into overdrive to keep your brainwashing up to date...
This is why we elected Biden !

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.

1) Take covid seriously and use every resource available to distribute the vaccine as fast as possible
2) Pass essential covid relief to help all the struggling families
3) Job creation through an infrastructure bill that will create million of high paying jobs.

The results speak for themselves, covid is going bye bye, and jobs are growing and growing, with almost 1 mill created last month !! The majority of America believes !

Joe is crushing covid, and he is really ramping up the vaccine distribution. If Trump were president I doubt we would be doing 2 mill/day, and Trump would be blaming others, or making excuses for his failure.

That's nothing. There were 100 million doses at around sunup....Prozac

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