4 out of 5 gender confused children grow out of it.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

That according to a doctor from Finland as she advises her government not to embrace the lunatic policies of the Biden administration who does not care about the science.

In fact, she is free to speak the truth there as well compared to the US where she would probably lose her job and get death threats.

That according to a doctor from Finland as she advises her government not to embrace the lunatic policies of the Biden administration who does not care about the science.

In fact, she is free to speak the truth there as well compared to the US where she would probably lose her job and get death threats.
This is why no child should have permanent body altering surgeries or hormone treatments until they attain adulthood. If they're not mature enough to get a tattoo, they should not be getting these kinds of surgeries.
Gee, ya think?
Thinking is not what the Left wants us to do, much like how this woman began to transition her 4 year old.

She later regretted it and reversed coarse, luckily her kid seems to be "normal" now.

She describes it like being in a cult because if you ever dare to question the leaders in the cult, your are targeted as bad things begin to happen to you.

4 out of 5 gender confused children grow out of it.​

Well of course they do! That is part of what being a kid is about. Many kids must question their identity deeply first in order to eventually define who they are! Which is why it is INSANITY to go into kid's minds at an early age yourself and deliberately confuse them, by trying to tell them who they are or aren't forcing ireversable decisions before they have time to explore it for themselves.

THAT IS CALLED PROGRAMMING: artificially imposing an external idealistical agenda of your own over another's own will. Sooner or later the internal conflicts of the latter's developing id leads to an explosion.
As I recall, Europe even banned certain Covid vaccines from being given to young children because they were blantantly causing servere health issues.

The Biden administration and his fascist Fauci not only ignored the science that showed how bad this was, but they also then targeted and censored anyone trying to say the same thing.

Europe is far freer than the US, and they don't even have a Constitution to protect freedom.
Well of course they do! That is part of what being a kid is about. Many kids must question their identity deeply first in order to eventually define who they are! Which is why it is INSANITY to go into kid's minds at an early age yourself and deliberately confuse them, by trying to tell them who they are or aren't forcing ireversable decisions before they have time to explore it for themselves.

THAT IS CALLED PROGRAMMING: artificially imposing an external idealistical agenda of your own over another's own will. Sooner or later the internal conflicts of the latter's developing id leads to an explosion.
Children can only be trusted to make to decisions in their life without parental input

1. Can I kill my unborn baby?

2. Can I surgically change my genitals?

Everything else you need the parents input. In fact, the school nurse can't even give an aspirin without the parents consent.

That according to a doctor from Finland as she advises her government not to embrace the lunatic policies of the Biden administration who does not care about the science.

In fact, she is free to speak the truth there as well compared to the US where she would probably lose her job and get death threats.

This according to right wing rag, The Blaze. This is not what a North American study says. Fewer than 3% of those who are trans, "grow out of it".

In the USA, the death threats would be against the trans girl and her family. That's what you do. Threaten those who are different than you.

That according to a doctor from Finland as she advises her government not to embrace the lunatic policies of the Biden administration who does not care about the science.

In fact, she is free to speak the truth there as well compared to the US where she would probably lose her job and get death threats.

Of course they do because kids go through phrases. They change identities and ideals as kids until they mature some. That's why you have goth kids, sports kids, emos, hippies and all these sub cultural groups that's don't last past 25.

Used to when these kids went through these phases parents ignored it and said "you'll grow out of it". Now parents, politicians, doctors, schools, the internet are all saying "yes this is who you are" and they encourage it and feed the childhood dillusion.

Luckily it seems some kids do grow out of it but as we encourage it more and more and more it will get worse. Trannies have no place in a civilized society.
But it's LGBTQ groomers that are confusing these kids. It should be criminal to pose transgenderism to 5 year olds. Teachers and daycare workers need to confine themselves to teaching and babysitting. When they use their positions of authority to push deviant behavior, they're only hurting children.
One of the keys to effectively dealing with this crisis is to make doctors financially liable if they prescribe or perform castration or other "treatments" for children they determine are "Trannie"- if it is determined later that they were wrong and the kid was just mistaken or perhaps just mentally deranged.

Sex Change operations and hormone treatments can have serious side effects, and its high time that docs take financial responsibility if they commit malpractice in this regard.
I get angry when I hear people saying that there are studies that show gender affirming treatments are beneficial in the long run. No rational parent allows a kid under 16 to get a tattoo, and yet they want to start with drugs and surgery for children before puberty.

The Left is evil. No other explanation.
This according to right wing rag, The Blaze. This is not what a North American study says. Fewer than 3% of those who are trans, "grow out of it".

In the USA, the death threats would be against the trans girl and her family. That's what you do. Threaten those who are different than you.
So, you trust a group of people who disallow dissent on social media and force everyone they can to take the Big Pharma vaccine?

But for the sake of argument, if the data you provided is correct, it is OK to go ahead and allow the 3% that do make the transition and be sterilized and live to regret it?

This is why no child should have permanent body altering surgeries or hormone treatments until they attain adulthood. If they're not mature enough to get a tattoo, they should not be getting these kinds of surgeries.
There are strong arguments for this.
The exception of course would be a medical issue: cancer for example. Unfortunately, cancer impacts children also. :mad-61:
There are strong arguments for this.
The exception of course would be a medical issue: cancer for example. Unfortunately, cancer impacts children also. :mad-61:
Naturally. I'm talking about surgical alteration of a child's body for the goal of making a boy's body look more feminine or a girl's body to look more masculine.
I get angry when I hear people saying that there are studies that show gender affirming treatments are beneficial in the long run. No rational parent allows a kid under 16 to get a tattoo, and yet they want to start with drugs and surgery for children before puberty.

The Left is evil. No other explanation.

When I was a kid, I saw pioneering She-Male Christine Jorgensen chatting up Dave Susskind on TV- telling about his journey to "womanhood" or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Jorgensen was a WW2 veteran at the time, he lived life. If he decides to have a dickectomy and play dress up, he was an adult.

These are fucking children, for goodness sake. Let them grow up, and if they decide as an adult to get mutilated, let them save up their money and fly off to Trinidad or Copenhagen and have it done as an adult and on their own fucking dime.
Children seeking attention gravitate towards anything that will provide them attention. NOTHING gives them more attention than being transexual these days as overeager adults shower them with overzealous protectiveness and enthusiasm. A feedback loop is formed where the child's belief in their transsexualism is reinforced through a system of reward. The reward lies in the attention and nurturing they get.

I have been around plenty of kids when dropping my own at day care and it is not at all uncommon for three year old to want to play dress up or say "I sure wish I was a boy or girl" deepening on their own gender. Intelligent and caring adults ignore such things with benign amusement as they realize a three year old is exploring the world and is exploring the ideas that come into his or her head.

The difference between now and 20 years ago is that instead of benign indifference, young children are receiving CONFIRMATION by those who have fallen prey to this group psychosis.
This according to right wing rag, The Blaze. This is not what a North American study says. Fewer than 3% of those who are trans, "grow out of it".

In the USA, the death threats would be against the trans girl and her family. That's what you do. Threaten those who are different than you.
Is it your point that the LGBFJB+ indoctrination & gaslighting is much more sophisticated in the US because there is absolutely no way this is true without the groomers infecting our kids with insane gender bender BS.

You & your ilk should get back in the closet & stay the F away from children.

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