-40 in North Dakota!

Why yes, I did. And for the record the ONLY documented case of Heartland ever being involved in computer hacking of any nature was when one of you asshats hacked them! Gleick is his name and as usual you asshats absolve him of his well known and self admitted felonious behavior.

So you take your libelous insults and shove them up your ass, where most of your "thoughts" originate.

Do go fuck yourself. And have a Merry Christmas while you're at it. ;-)

I gotta ask. Do you REALLY think Heartland Institute deserves your defense? Do you REALLY expect us to believe my comments have filled you with righteous indignation? For THEM?
Last edited:
I believe that even the most egregiously fraudulent and dangerous orgs have the rught to defend themmselves. No one but leftists want to strip them of that right or silence them by force. I would gladly crush a pro homeopathy citation. You are just too lazy or too unskilled to take on the arguments from Heartland - so you smear them instead.
Why yes, I did. And for the record the ONLY documented case of Heartland ever being involved in computer hacking of any nature was when one of you asshats hacked them! Gleick is his name and as usual you asshats absolve him of his well known and self admitted felonious behavior.

So you take your libelous insults and shove them up your ass, where most of your "thoughts" originate.

Do go fuck yourself. And have a Merry Christmas while you're at it. ;-)

I gotta ask. Do you REALLY think Heartland Institute deserves your defense? Do you REALLY expect us to believe my comments have filled you with righteous indignation? For THEM?

Heartland certainly is not guilty of felony computer hacking. So yes, they deserve to be defended against bullshit accusations like yours. And no, nothing you could ever say would fill me with anything other than pity.

It is terrible to see a person (I'm assuming you're a person?) so deluded that they can no longer think for themselves and will willingly destroy their country and themselves so that others can profit from their loss.

Simply pitiful...
This thread is retarded. Like it's never been even colder than that in North Dakota! It has. It was 60 degrees below zero without counting wind chill in 1936. 40 below would have been a heat wave back then!
The below attached photo is of Miss North Dakota 1936 as she celebrated North Dakota's coldest day ever (circa; February 15, 1936).

You are quite correct about this thread, kiwi, it is extremely retarded. Unfortunately (and rather obviously) so are these bamboozled, brainwashed, anti-science denier cultists.

Their whole premise with these threads (repeated endlessly) is to say "oh lookie here, it's really cold in my backyard so that must prove that global warming is a hoax". For the really jingoistic ones, the world pretty much stops at the boarders of the USA and the concept of 'global' is beyond their very limited comprehension. The inability to comprehend the difference between the variations in local weather and changes in the overall patterns of global climate is actually one of the distinguishing characteristics of these denier cult dimwits.

This thread ("-40 in North Dakota") is a good example. Pointing out that the weather gets pretty cold sometimes in the winter in the Northern Plains states is like pointing out that it gets kind of warm in the summer in southern India or that the sky is blue on a clear day.

In fact, globally, 2013 is shaping up to be the seventh warmest year on record globally. Because the American breed of denier cultists pretty much ignore the rest of the planet, they are blind to things like this. I posted this article on another similar thread earlier so I'll just quote that post here.

Once again the brainwashed denier cultists display their inability to distinguish between local weather and global climate. When the jet stream pushes some Arctic air down into North America, they proclaim that the world is cooling and ignore the rest of the planet.

Global temperatures are heading for a record in 2013
The Sydney Morning Herald
November 14, 2013
Global temperatures are almost half a degree Celsius above the long-term average so far in 2013, putting this year on course to be among the 10 hottest since records began, the world's leading meteorological agency says. In a provisional statement on the global climate in 2013, the World Meteorological Organisation says the first nine months of this year tied with 2003 as the seventh hottest such period on record. In Australia, temperatures are on track for the hottest year on record. Australia's temperatures from January to October were 1.32C degrees above average, which annually is 21.8C degrees. The same period was 0.24C degrees above the next highest record - which occurred in 2005 - for January to October temperatures.

The meteorological organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said all the warmest years across the planet had occurred since 1998, and 2013 once again continued the underlying long-term trend of warming. ''The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998'', he said. In other areas the extent of Arctic sea ice recovered slightly from record rates of melting last year, but 2013 was still one of the lowest years on record. Tropical cyclones numbers for 2013 are nearing the 1981-2010 average of 89 storms, with 86 so far this year.
This thread is retarded. Like it's never been even colder than that in North Dakota! It has. It was 60 degrees below zero without counting wind chill in 1936. 40 below would have been a heat wave back then!
The below attached photo is of Miss North Dakota 1936 as she celebrated North Dakota's coldest day ever (circa; February 15, 1936).

You are quite correct about this thread, kiwi, it is extremely retarded. Unfortunately (and rather obviously) so are these bamboozled, brainwashed, anti-science denier cultists.

Their whole premise with these threads (repeated endlessly) is to say "oh lookie here, it's really cold in my backyard so that must prove that global warming is a hoax". For the really jingoistic ones, the world pretty much stops at the boarders of the USA and the concept of 'global' is beyond their very limited comprehension. The inability to comprehend the difference between the variations in local weather and changes in the overall patterns of global climate is actually one of the distinguishing characteristics of these denier cult dimwits.

This thread ("-40 in North Dakota") is a good example. Pointing out that the weather gets pretty cold sometimes in the winter in the Northern Plains states is like pointing out that it gets kind of warm in the summer in southern India or that the sky is blue on a clear day.

In fact, globally, 2013 is shaping up to be the seventh warmest year on record globally. Because the American breed of denier cultists pretty much ignore the rest of the planet, they are blind to things like this. I posted this article on another similar thread earlier so I'll just quote that post here.

Once again the brainwashed denier cultists display their inability to distinguish between local weather and global climate. When the jet stream pushes some Arctic air down into North America, they proclaim that the world is cooling and ignore the rest of the planet.

Global temperatures are heading for a record in 2013
The Sydney Morning Herald
November 14, 2013
Global temperatures are almost half a degree Celsius above the long-term average so far in 2013, putting this year on course to be among the 10 hottest since records began, the world's leading meteorological agency says. In a provisional statement on the global climate in 2013, the World Meteorological Organisation says the first nine months of this year tied with 2003 as the seventh hottest such period on record. In Australia, temperatures are on track for the hottest year on record. Australia's temperatures from January to October were 1.32C degrees above average, which annually is 21.8C degrees. The same period was 0.24C degrees above the next highest record - which occurred in 2005 - for January to October temperatures.

The meteorological organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said all the warmest years across the planet had occurred since 1998, and 2013 once again continued the underlying long-term trend of warming. ''The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998'', he said. In other areas the extent of Arctic sea ice recovered slightly from record rates of melting last year, but 2013 was still one of the lowest years on record. Tropical cyclones numbers for 2013 are nearing the 1981-2010 average of 89 storms, with 86 so far this year.

Really? How so? I am merely doing what you asshats do every time it gets warm. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
How apropos.... This is the result for every one of the links

Internal Server Error

Probably sabotaged by some Heartland Institute hacker. Glad to see you honest enough to publicly celebrate the suppression of information.

Did you note the titles of those 86 papers? Did it look to you as if the world's geoscientists are having any difficulty finding undesirable and generally unprecedented effects of global warming? Did it look as if the science is overflowing with evidence refuting AGW? Did it look as if any significant portion of climate scientists were in the denier camp or had their minds changed by the stolen CRU emails?

Are you a geoscientist? What is your degree?
This thread is retarded. Like it's never been even colder than that in North Dakota! It has. It was 60 degrees below zero without counting wind chill in 1936. 40 below would have been a heat wave back then!
The below attached photo is of Miss North Dakota 1936 as she celebrated North Dakota's coldest day ever (circa; February 15, 1936).

You are quite correct about this thread, kiwi, it is extremely retarded. Unfortunately (and rather obviously) so are these bamboozled, brainwashed, anti-science denier cultists.

Their whole premise with these threads (repeated endlessly) is to say "oh lookie here, it's really cold in my backyard so that must prove that global warming is a hoax". For the really jingoistic ones, the world pretty much stops at the boarders of the USA and the concept of 'global' is beyond their very limited comprehension. The inability to comprehend the difference between the variations in local weather and changes in the overall patterns of global climate is actually one of the distinguishing characteristics of these denier cult dimwits.

This thread ("-40 in North Dakota") is a good example. Pointing out that the weather gets pretty cold sometimes in the winter in the Northern Plains states is like pointing out that it gets kind of warm in the summer in southern India or that the sky is blue on a clear day.

In fact, globally, 2013 is shaping up to be the seventh warmest year on record globally. Because the American breed of denier cultists pretty much ignore the rest of the planet, they are blind to things like this. I posted this article on another similar thread earlier so I'll just quote that post here.

Once again the brainwashed denier cultists display their inability to distinguish between local weather and global climate. When the jet stream pushes some Arctic air down into North America, they proclaim that the world is cooling and ignore the rest of the planet.

Global temperatures are heading for a record in 2013
The Sydney Morning Herald
November 14, 2013
Global temperatures are almost half a degree Celsius above the long-term average so far in 2013, putting this year on course to be among the 10 hottest since records began, the world's leading meteorological agency says. In a provisional statement on the global climate in 2013, the World Meteorological Organisation says the first nine months of this year tied with 2003 as the seventh hottest such period on record. In Australia, temperatures are on track for the hottest year on record. Australia's temperatures from January to October were 1.32C degrees above average, which annually is 21.8C degrees. The same period was 0.24C degrees above the next highest record - which occurred in 2005 - for January to October temperatures.

The meteorological organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said all the warmest years across the planet had occurred since 1998, and 2013 once again continued the underlying long-term trend of warming. ''The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998'', he said. In other areas the extent of Arctic sea ice recovered slightly from record rates of melting last year, but 2013 was still one of the lowest years on record. Tropical cyclones numbers for 2013 are nearing the 1981-2010 average of 89 storms, with 86 so far this year.
Really? How so? I am merely doing what you asshats do every time it gets warm. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

"How so?" The difference is that the sane rational people point to the fact that the whole planet is getting warmer and has been since the 60s, while you denier cult retards are stupidly obsessed with any temporary local cold weather that comes along while at the same time discounting all of the evidence of global scale warming over years and decades. Like the way you ignore this:
"The meteorological organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said all the warmest years across the planet had occurred since 1998, and 2013 once again continued the underlying long-term trend of warming. ''The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998'', he said."

Your inability to recognize the difference between those two activities, as you just demonstrated, is just another symptom of your severe retardation and scientific ignorance, walleyed.
You are quite correct about this thread, kiwi, it is extremely retarded. Unfortunately (and rather obviously) so are these bamboozled, brainwashed, anti-science denier cultists.

Their whole premise with these threads (repeated endlessly) is to say "oh lookie here, it's really cold in my backyard so that must prove that global warming is a hoax". For the really jingoistic ones, the world pretty much stops at the boarders of the USA and the concept of 'global' is beyond their very limited comprehension. The inability to comprehend the difference between the variations in local weather and changes in the overall patterns of global climate is actually one of the distinguishing characteristics of these denier cult dimwits.

This thread ("-40 in North Dakota") is a good example. Pointing out that the weather gets pretty cold sometimes in the winter in the Northern Plains states is like pointing out that it gets kind of warm in the summer in southern India or that the sky is blue on a clear day.

In fact, globally, 2013 is shaping up to be the seventh warmest year on record globally. Because the American breed of denier cultists pretty much ignore the rest of the planet, they are blind to things like this. I posted this article on another similar thread earlier so I'll just quote that post here.
Really? How so? I am merely doing what you asshats do every time it gets warm. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

"How so?" The difference is that the sane rational people point to the fact that the whole planet is getting warmer and has been since the 60s, while you denier cult retards are stupidly obsessed with any temporary local cold weather that comes along while at the same time discounting all of the evidence of global scale warming over years and decades. Like the way you ignore this:
"The meteorological organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said all the warmest years across the planet had occurred since 1998, and 2013 once again continued the underlying long-term trend of warming. ''The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998'', he said."

Your inability to recognize the difference between those two activities, as you just demonstrated, is just another symptom of your severe retardation and scientific ignorance, walleyed.

Might want to check your dates aaaaand you might want to get more current. Your tall tales are quite dated now. The world has moved on and you flat earth types are still locked in the past.

Do try and keep up.
The global temperature grapth looks like global oil production...

Only difference is it stopped warming in 1998 but stopped really increasing in 2005 for oil.

Better watch it there Matthew, admitting to a temp stall is heresy. They'll burn you at the stake for that!:lol::lol::lol:
Still no link from Matthew.

It was probably his imagination anyway.

I thought I told you to go have some fun???

Well here is a chart showing what I said. Thanks to fracking(fucking up the environment) the past few years have seen a second peak like 2008. Still this is why we're seeing constant high gas prices.


Still no link from Matthew.

It was probably his imagination anyway.

I thought I told you to go have some fun???

Well here is a chart showing what I said. Thanks to fracking(fucking up the environment) the past few years have seen a second peak like 2008. Still this is why we're seeing constant high gas prices.



You do realize that fracking has been around for nearly 40 years don't you? To date they have not found anything bad that can be attributed to fracking. Gasland is a cute piece of propaganda, but that's all it is. Propaganda.
The global temperature grapth looks like global oil production...

Only difference is it stopped warming in 1998 but stopped really increasing in 2005 for oil.

Actually, it did not stop warming in 1998. The Earth has been retaining more of the sun's energy than it can radiate away into space this whole time. The surface air temperatures only account for 3% of that extra heat. The oceans absorb 90% or so. Ocean temperatures have been rising even more rapidly than they were before. The melting of the Arctic ice cap has accelerated; the majority of the world's mountain glaciers are rapidly melting, as are Greenland and parts of Antarctica. Just looking at the ground station temperature record and ignoring the data from the oceans, some scientists and the media thought that warming had paused but a new study that used the satellite measured temperature records that covered the whole world, including some parts of the world where there are very few temperature stations like the Arctic where temperatures have rising two or more times faster than the lower latitudes, the study found that global temperatures have been rising at the same rate (or faster) than they were in the three decades prior to 1998.
Really? How so? I am merely doing what you asshats do every time it gets warm. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

"How so?" The difference is that the sane rational people point to the fact that the whole planet is getting warmer and has been since the 60s, while you denier cult retards are stupidly obsessed with any temporary local cold weather that comes along while at the same time discounting all of the evidence of global scale warming over years and decades. Like the way you ignore this:
"The meteorological organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said all the warmest years across the planet had occurred since 1998, and 2013 once again continued the underlying long-term trend of warming. ''The coldest years now are warmer than the hottest years before 1998'', he said."

Your inability to recognize the difference between those two activities, as you just demonstrated, is just another symptom of your severe retardation and scientific ignorance, walleyed.
Might want to check your dates aaaaand you might want to get more current. Your tall tales are quite dated now. The world has moved on and you flat earth types are still locked in the past. Do try and keep up.

Ah jeez, walleyed, I know you're completely retarded but are you now totally insane as well? The date on the article containing that quote that's in my post that you're quoting here is November 13th, 2013, less than a month ago.

And talk about 'projection'....it is you denier cultists who are the new Flat Earthers, trying futilely to deny the obvious reality that is affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community.

I'd tell you to "keep up" but I know that you're waaaaay too retarded and brainwashed for that advice to have any effect. But perhaps you could at least try to jerk your head out of your ass.
Still no link from Matthew.

It was probably his imagination anyway.

I thought I told you to go have some fun???

Well here is a chart showing what I said. Thanks to fracking(fucking up the environment) the past few years have seen a second peak like 2008. Still this is why we're seeing constant high gas prices.


You do realize that fracking has been around for nearly 40 years don't you? To date they have not found anything bad that can be attributed to fracking. Gasland is a cute piece of propaganda, but that's all it is. Propaganda.

LOLOLOL......oh, walleyed, your ability to deny reality and live totally encased in a bubble of fantasy and bullshit is still astonishing to behold...and extremely hilarious.

Fracking produces annual toxic waste water enough to flood Washington DC
Growing concerns over radiation risks as report finds widespread environmental damage on an unimaginable scale in the US

The Guardian
Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
4 October 2013
Fracking in America generated 280bn US gallons of toxic waste water last year – enough to flood all of Washington DC beneath a 22ft deep toxic lagoon, a new report out on Thursday found. The report from campaign group Environment America said America's transformation into an energy superpower was exacting growing costs on the environment. "Our analysis shows that damage from fracking is widespread and occurs on a scale unimagined just a few years ago," the report, Fracking by the Numbers, said. The full extent of the damage posed by fracking to air and water quality had yet to emerge, the report said. But it concluded: "Even the limited data that are currently available, however, paint an increasingly clear picture of the damage that fracking has done to our environment and health." A number of recent studies have highlighted the negative consequences of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, which have unlocked vast reservoirs of oil and natural gas from rock formations. There have been instances of contaminated wells and streams, as well as evidence of methane releases along the production chain.

The Environment America report highlights another growing area of concern – the safe disposal of the billions of gallons of waste water that are returned to the surface along with oil and gas when walls are fracked. The authors said they relied on data from industry and state environmental regulators to compile their report. More than 80,000 wells have been drilled or permitted in 17 states since 2005. It can take 2m to 9m gallons of water mixed with sand and chemicals to frack a single well. The report said the drilling industry had used 250bn gallons of fresh water since 2005. Much of that returns to the surface, however, along with naturally occurring radium and bromides, and concerns are growing about those effects on the environment. A study published this week by researchers at Duke University found new evidence of radiation risks from drilling waste water. The researchers said sediment samples collected downstream from a treatment plant in western Pennsylvania showed radium concentrations 200 times above normal. The Environment America study said waste water pits have been known to fail, such as in New Mexico where there were more than 420 instances of contamination, and that treatment plants were not entirely effective. "Fracking waste-water discharged at treatment plants can cause a different problem for drinking water: when bromide in the wastewater mixes with chlorine (often used at drinking water treatment plants), it produces trihalomethanes, chemicals that cause cancer and increase the risk of reproductive or developmental health problems," the report said. About 260bn US gallons of the 280bn US gallons of toxic waste water were from Texas, a state that has undergone three years of severe drought and where there is fierce competition for water between the oil industry and farmers and ranchers. Environment America said that water was now taken out of the supply and that storing, transporting and even recycling the toxic waste carried environmental risks. "They say a lot of it is recycled. It is still 280bn gallons of toxic waste generated that is running through our communities," said John Rumpler, author of the report. Other consequences of fracking highlighted in the report included: 450,000 tons of air pollution a year and 100m metric tons of global warming pollution since 2005.
Still no link from Matthew.

It was probably his imagination anyway.

I thought I told you to go have some fun???

Well here is a chart showing what I said. Thanks to fracking(fucking up the environment) the past few years have seen a second peak like 2008. Still this is why we're seeing constant high gas prices.



Where is the temperature. Moron.

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