-40 in North Dakota!

If you think I'm going to bother reading ten pages of Anthony Watts' idiocy, you're more confused than you look. That article must have 20 temperature plots. Every one I stopped and looked at appeared to agree very closely with the GISS data. Warming didn't even slow down till 2003-2004.
Wind chill doesn't count right? I dare you to walk out my door tonight and tell me it has no effect.

Are really that stupid? You've got to be kidding me. I'm going to put on 5 layers of clothing and a balakava
just so my dog can piss.
Good point. The wind chill factor is an invention by pop-weather that has no real basis in science. Regardless of the wind, the ambient temperature stays the same under all conditions in spite of weather hype. One would consider the sun-warm-factor but the weather people only deal with discomfort and pain and hype. It all about entertainment and the almighty buck.

Jeez, you're a fooking idiot.

Look up "convective heat transfer".
Well, first of all, if you go back and read the map, it cleaerly says that the temperatures are wind chill factors, which has little to do with actual temperatures.


Good point. The wind chill factor is an invention by pop-weather that has no real basis in science. Regardless of the wind, the ambient temperature stays the same under all conditions in spite of weather hype. One would consider the sun-warm-factor but the weather people only deal with discomfort and pain and hype. It all about entertainment and the almighty buck.
Wind chill is based upon the rate at which exposed flesh will freeze, on the average.

Wind causes increased evaporation, hence more rapid cooling of the skin.

True story of medicine.

I got this giant snowman and christmas tree giant ornament, one of those blow up thingies...they are rocking out there.

tis ok
'windchill doesnt effect them.

On the other hand I run my dog.............I can barely move in the face of the wind. It's ok. Because I understand the wind. This is life coming at me. But the wind hits me. She's alive.
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Light RainLight Rain
70 °F
Feels Like 70 °F
Sunrise / Set
6:55 AM
5:27 PM
Waxing Crescent
More Astronomy
Partly Cloudy 70 °F
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy81 °F
Partly Cloudy
Tomorrow Night
Clear 68 °F
Partly Cloudy81 | 69 °F
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy80 | 70 °F
Partly Cloudy
Clear81 | 67 °F
Holy shit! That's freeze your nose hairs cold!

As of Wednesday afternoon, the Minnesota Department of Transportation reported difficult driving conditions on multiple highways due to snow-covered and slippery roads around Minneapolis. These hazardous roads include US-10 and I-94 in both directions, as well as on MN-15.

A crash also occurred on I-90 westbound between MN 91 and exit 33 during the late afternoon hours, causing slow traffic. At the time of the crash driving conditions were classified as difficult due to packed snow on the roadway.

Air travel is also being impacted as FlightStats reports excessive delays at Denver and Minneapolis-St. Paul airports.

AccuWeather RealFeel® temperatures will become dangerously low during and after the storm, plummeting to between 30 to 40 below zero on Wednesday night through Thursday night.

Yeah.....so what???....it's cold in North Dakota in December.....woooeeee.....big surprise.....are you still completely in the dark about the difference between weather and climate, walleyed? Are you still stupidly and futilely pointing at cold weather events in some place in the winter and imagining that they somehow negate all of the evidence that globally the planet is still heating up? You are such an ignorant clueless denier cult troll!

Moreover, there are a number of studies that indicate that the extreme winter weather events that have happened in the northern hemisphere in the last decade or so are the result of the extreme decline in Arctic ice and the effect of that ice loss on the jet stream.

Warming Arctic Fueling Cold, Snowy Winters, Study Says
By Andrew Freedman
February 27th, 2012
The blockbuster snowstorms and frigid temperatures seen in much of the northern hemisphere during the past few winters are in part the result of global warming-related Arctic sea ice loss, according to a new study published Monday. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, finds clear links between the precipitous decline of Arctic sea ice and severe winter weather in Europe, Asia, and parts of the U.S. during the past several years. The study adds to the growing body of evidence pointing to the widespread ramifications of melting Arctic sea ice, proving that what’s happening in the Far North is not just a concern for polar bears anymore. This study is the first to take a comprehensive look at how Arctic sea ice loss is changing the odds of unusually heavy snows in the Midwest and eastern U.S., as well as parts of Europe and Asia. Using a combination of observational data and computer model simulations, the group of researchers from Georgia Tech, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Columbia University, found that sea ice loss -- particularly the decline in fall sea ice cover -- affects winter weather in the northern hemisphere through a complex series of interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere.

The Arctic has been warming at about twice the rate of the rest of the globe, a trend studies show is largely due to manmade climate change. Fall sea ice cover declined by 27 percent between 1979-2010, and the five lowest sea ice extent years have all occurred during the past five years. The chain of events begins during the summer sea ice melt season, when above average air temperatures and warmer waters melt highly reflective sea ice, revealing the darker ocean waters. These waters absorb much more incoming solar radiation, which increases water temperatures. This boost in water temperatures melts more sea ice, and slows the growth of new ice cover during the fall. The warm, ice-free ocean water allows more heat and moisture to be added to the atmosphere during the fall and winter, which can alter weather patterns in favor of a “wavier” jet stream that makes more frequent dives southward, dragging Arctic air and moisture with it. According to the study, the end result of all this is that there are increased chances of heavy snowstorms and cold air outbreaks in the Northeastern and Midwestern U.S., as well as Europe and parts of Asia. A key implication of the study is that if sea ice loss continues apace, there may be more cold and snowy winters in store for these areas.

Thanks Princess for Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale..
I'm not gonna sleep well tonight knowing that science and reason are that damaged.

I know you think we're just children and that we don't appreciate how Sea Ice is a cogent cognitive being that your Wizards of Smart can conjure up for a bedtime story, but the story doesn't compute.

First off -- With a MASSIVE deficit at the end of 2012 Arctic summer, the amount of Sea Ice HAS managed to recover into a respectable simile of the recent "Average" fall volumes as of say --- right now.

Furthermore, no amount of "open blue sea surface" is gonna overcome the REALITY of the SUN VIRTUALLY DISSAPEARING over the horizon in October, November, and December. That's when the Goddess of Sea Ice doesn't really GIVE A FUCK whether it is -24degF or only -23degF because of Global Warming.. Ice is brainless.. And politically neutral..

So --- if this tale is supposed to explain our CURRENT brutal winter -- you have EPICALLY FAILED to do so..

Not only that --- but when the fall ice WAS below normal in those years referenced in your blog entry -- there were several years in that span that DIDN'T have "WAVIER" Winter jet stream patterns. It either DOES or it doesn't sweetie pie.. "Wavier" eh??

Now go to bed..
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Yesterday, December 4, as I stood in my back yard here in Mid Coast Maine -- the sun on my face wearing only in a light jacket -- I wondered if WINTER is coming this year.

Today we can expect highs of 45 with a chance of rain.

The average temp for this place onthis date is about 35 degrees.

And when you read this, it will be 20 degrees, just 24 hours later, and that 24 hours difference you state is because of global warming?, or are you making a more profound statement.
Wind chill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'The human body loses heat through convection, evaporation, conduction, and radiation.[1] The rate of heat loss by a surface through convection depends on the wind speed above that surface. As a surface heats the air around it, an insulating boundary layer of warm air forms against the surface. Moving air disrupts the boundary layer, allowing for new, cooler air to replace the warm air against the surface. The faster the wind speed, the more readily the surface cools.'

The speed of cooling has different effects on inanimate objects and biological organisms. For inanimate objects, the effect of wind chill is to reduce any warmer objects to the ambient temperature more quickly. It cannot, however, reduce the temperature of these objects below the ambient temperature, no matter how great the wind velocity. For most biological organisms, the physiological response is to maintain surface temperature in an acceptable range so as to avoid adverse effects. Thus, the attempt to maintain a given surface temperature in an environment of faster heat loss results in both the perception of lower temperatures and an actual greater heat loss increasing the risk of adverse effects such as frostbite, hypothermia, and death.'

The original formula for the index was:
WCI=(10\sqrt{V}-V+10.5) \cdot (33-T_{\rm a})[4][5] Where: WCI = Wind chill index, kcal/m2/hV = Wind velocity, m/sT_{\rm a} = Air temperature, °C

In which we find that the coefficients to the equation are determinend by..

The Original model

'Equivalent temperature was not universally used in North America until the 21st century. Until the 1970s, the coldest parts of Canada reported the original Wind Chill Index, a three or four digit number with units of kilocalories/hour per square meter. Each individual calibrated the scale of numbers personally, through experience.'

So...they threw an intern out the door naked and asked him how cold it was.

Edit Add; 'Many formulae exist for wind chill because, unlike temperature, there is no universally agreed standard for what the term should mean.'

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Just us frigid chickens, same as it ever was.

No amount of calming pastel colors is gonna make that seem any cheerier. Or warm me up.. What's with these new weather color schemes? Is it just me? Or are the maps much harder to read and interpret now?

Weather Channel went to a pure white map.. With a pseudocolor scale for snow that INCLUDES ---- (wait for this) pure white... Idiocracy seems to have arrived about a Century early..
A great deal more of that naked black water will be sitting up there May through August, when the sun is as high as it ever gets in that neck of the woods. And kill the oversized bold. Puh-leeze.
I gave you one. Go look up David Viner and his (now famous) "children won't know what snow is" comment...Oh hell, here it is....you're too stupid to find it yourself so it took me all of two seconds...Knock yourself out...

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Abraham was quite right. Climate scientists have not claimed that the world wouldn't ever experience cold weather again. The walleyedretard responds by pointing out that one lone scientist warned 13 years ago that snowfall would become rare in England - (David Viner and his (now famous) "children won't know what snow is" comment). What's obvious to everybody but the brainwashed denier cult retards is the fact that if Dr. Viner is "now famous" for that remark, then it must have been an unusual or extreme prediction. If all the other climate scientists had ever said anything like that then Dr. Viner's comment wouldn't be "famous" or unusual. And of course, ol' walleyed has to ignore the fact that Dr. Viner was only talking about Britain and also ignore the context for that statement and the rest of what Dr. Viner said in that article walleyed cited.

Here's another quote from Dr. Viner from walleyed's article:
"Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared."

Now, let's look at the context for Dr. Viner's remark 13 years ago in 2000. The 1970s, 80s and 90s were a time of rapid surface temperature warming. Snowfall had declined quite a bit in Britain. As the article walleyed cited said:
"Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters - which scientists are attributing to global climate change - produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries. The first two months of 2000 were virtually free of significant snowfall in much of lowland Britain, and December brought only moderate snowfall in the South-east. It is the continuation of a trend that has been increasingly visible in the past 15 years: in the south of England, for instance, from 1970 to 1995 snow and sleet fell for an average of 3.7 days, while from 1988 to 1995 the average was 0.7 days. London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991."

So, given the trends they were witnessing at the time, Dr. Viner's prediction seemed logical. At that time climate scientists hadn't yet seen the changes in the path of the jet stream and some other effects produced by the rapidly shrinking Arctic ice. Because deniers are so ignorant about science, they ignore the fact that our scientific understanding of the world develops and progresses as new evidence and phenomena arise and are studied. It is only in the last 13 years that scientists have observed that the continuing rapid Arctic ice loss was changing the behavior of the jet stream, causing it to push Arctic air masses further south, and sometimes slowing it down, causing storms to linger in one area longer. Dr. Viner's prediction seems off base and premature now after some years of heavy winter snowstorms in England, Europe and parts of North America but, at the time in 2000, it was not unreasonable. Continued global warming will eventually cause much less snow in many places, but for now, other factors are overriding that trend.
You propagandists are so damned funny!
You denier cultists are so damned crazy!!! Seriously, walleyed, if you're not institutionalized or in therapy, you definitely should be, 'cause you are obviously living in a bizarre and very delusional fantasy world that has no connection to reality.

"Let's look at the context", what a farce.
Riiiiight, walleyed, ignore the historical context for Dr. Viner's prediction, ignore the fact that he was just talking about winter snow in Britain, and be sure to ignore what else he said in the article you cited - "Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner". You denier cult retards are really good at ignoring all of the facts that don't support your cultic myths.

Here's the reality numbnuts, there has been NO ARCTIC ICE FREE TIME.
No, here's the reality, Mr. Retardo. NOBODY said that "there has been" any "ARCTIC ICE FREE TIME". The scientific reports I am citing are talking about the massive loss of ice cover in the Arctic since the 1950s but none of them ever said anything about the Arctic already being "ICE FREE", numbnuts.

And, looking at the trends there won't be for a very, very long time.
And there you are in your own private fantasy world, stewing in your own juices until your tushy turns mushy.

In the real world, Arctic sea ice extent is less that a third of what it was in the 1950s (about 4.25 million square miles) and the volume of the ice has declined even more.


Monthly September ice extent for 1979 to 2013 shows a decline of 13.7% per decade. - Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
(source - NSIDC)


Monthly averaged ice volume for September 2013 was 5,000 km3. This value is 56% lower than the mean over this period, 70% lower than the maximum in 1979, and 0.6 standard deviations below the 1979-2013 trend. September ice volume was about 1600 km3 larger than in September of 2012 and within 500 km3 of the 2010 September ice volume. While ice volume at the maximum during April was on par with the previous two years, reduction in ice volume during the summer months was less than in previous years. September ice volume showed the first increase since 2008 but is still below the long-term trend line.
(source - Polar Science Center - University of Washington)

I remember when we were all making predictions a couple of years ago. You guys were all vague (as all con men are) with cute predictions of warming generally with ice cover decreasing. On the other hand I quite clearly said that within 5 years we will see more extensive Arctic ice cover.
Well, the Earth has been generally warming and the Arctic ice cover has been decreasing, so.....I guess we were right.

On the other hand, you have no idea what you're talking about. Arctic ice extent has been reaching record lows every few years and in between the ice comes back slightly from the last low. There were record lows in 2005, 2007 and 2012. Last year, 2012, the ice extent had declined from about 4.25 million square miles in the 1950s to a record low of only 1.32 million square miles. This year it rebounded slightly from the new record low but it is still only back up to the extent it had in 2008. Volume is still steeply declining.

Looks like I'm correct and all you "consensus" types aren't.
Actually it looks like you're a confused delusional retard....same as always.

Here's the current Arctic ice levels. 2% below the 1981-2010 mean and we aren't even in winter yet.
The changes in ice extent from year to year are measured when the ice is at its lowest extent, which happens in September. I'm not surprised that you are too ignorant about all this to know that. Ice extent grows every winter but these winter extents have almost nothing to do with the long term ice loss trend that is revealed when the ice is at its minimum. Here's what the National Snow and Ice Data Center had to say this last October.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
October 3, 2013

September average sea ice extent for 2013 was the sixth lowest in the satellite record. The 2012 September extent was 32% lower than this year’s extent, while the 1981 to 2010 average was 22% higher than this year’s extent. Through 2013, the September linear rate of decline is 13.7% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average.

That would be an epic fail for you blunder....epic.

Actually, walleyed, this whole thread is another one of your "epic fails", but, as always, you're way too retarded and delusional to realize that fact.
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A great deal more of that naked black water will be sitting up there May through August, when the sun is as high as it ever gets in that neck of the woods. And kill the oversized bold. Puh-leeze.

And, we're not even in Winter yet you fool. You're going to wish the Sun would power up a bit more because the Arctic ice cover is going to be the greatest seen in years. The volume of the ice has increased as has the old ice which is the most important fact. That has steadily been growing and you guys have ignored that.

You lose.
Abraham was quite right. Climate scientists have not claimed that the world wouldn't ever experience cold weather again. The walleyedretard responds by pointing out that one lone scientist warned 13 years ago that snowfall would become rare in England - (David Viner and his (now famous) "children won't know what snow is" comment). What's obvious to everybody but the brainwashed denier cult retards is the fact that if Dr. Viner is "now famous" for that remark, then it must have been an unusual or extreme prediction. If all the other climate scientists had ever said anything like that then Dr. Viner's comment wouldn't be "famous" or unusual. And of course, ol' walleyed has to ignore the fact that Dr. Viner was only talking about Britain and also ignore the context for that statement and the rest of what Dr. Viner said in that article walleyed cited.

Here's another quote from Dr. Viner from walleyed's article:
"Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared."

Now, let's look at the context for Dr. Viner's remark 13 years ago in 2000. The 1970s, 80s and 90s were a time of rapid surface temperature warming. Snowfall had declined quite a bit in Britain. As the article walleyed cited said:
"Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters - which scientists are attributing to global climate change - produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries. The first two months of 2000 were virtually free of significant snowfall in much of lowland Britain, and December brought only moderate snowfall in the South-east. It is the continuation of a trend that has been increasingly visible in the past 15 years: in the south of England, for instance, from 1970 to 1995 snow and sleet fell for an average of 3.7 days, while from 1988 to 1995 the average was 0.7 days. London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991."

So, given the trends they were witnessing at the time, Dr. Viner's prediction seemed logical. At that time climate scientists hadn't yet seen the changes in the path of the jet stream and some other effects produced by the rapidly shrinking Arctic ice. Because deniers are so ignorant about science, they ignore the fact that our scientific understanding of the world develops and progresses as new evidence and phenomena arise and are studied. It is only in the last 13 years that scientists have observed that the continuing rapid Arctic ice loss was changing the behavior of the jet stream, causing it to push Arctic air masses further south, and sometimes slowing it down, causing storms to linger in one area longer. Dr. Viner's prediction seems off base and premature now after some years of heavy winter snowstorms in England, Europe and parts of North America but, at the time in 2000, it was not unreasonable. Continued global warming will eventually cause much less snow in many places, but for now, other factors are overriding that trend.
You propagandists are so damned funny!
You denier cultists are so damned crazy!!! Seriously, walleyed, if you're not institutionalized or in therapy, you definitely should be, 'cause you are obviously living in a bizarre and very delusional fantasy world that has no connection to reality.

Riiiiight, walleyed, ignore the historical context for Dr. Viner's prediction, ignore the fact that he was just talking about winter snow in Britain, and be sure to ignore what else he said in the article you cited - "Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner". You denier cult retards are really good at ignoring all of the facts that don't support your cultic myths.

No, here's the reality, Mr. Retardo. NOBODY said that "there has been" any "ARCTIC ICE FREE TIME". The scientific reports I am citing are talking about the massive loss of ice cover in the Arctic since the 1950s but none of them ever said anything about the Arctic already being "ICE FREE", numbnuts.

And there you are in your own private fantasy world, stewing in your own juices until your tushy turns mushy.

In the real world, Arctic sea ice extent is less that a third of what it was in the 1950s (about 4.25 million square miles) and the volume of the ice has declined even more.


Monthly September ice extent for 1979 to 2013 shows a decline of 13.7% per decade. - Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
(source - NSIDC)


Monthly averaged ice volume for September 2013 was 5,000 km3. This value is 56% lower than the mean over this period, 70% lower than the maximum in 1979, and 0.6 standard deviations below the 1979-2013 trend. September ice volume was about 1600 km3 larger than in September of 2012 and within 500 km3 of the 2010 September ice volume. While ice volume at the maximum during April was on par with the previous two years, reduction in ice volume during the summer months was less than in previous years. September ice volume showed the first increase since 2008 but is still below the long-term trend line.
(source - Polar Science Center - University of Washington)

Well, the Earth has been generally warming and the Arctic ice cover has been decreasing, so.....I guess we were right.

On the other hand, you have no idea what you're talking about. Arctic ice extent has been reaching record lows every few years and in between the ice comes back slightly from the last low. There were record lows in 2005, 2007 and 2012. Last year, 2012, the ice extent had declined from about 4.25 million square miles in the 1950s to a record low of only 1.32 million square miles. This year it rebounded slightly from the new record low but it is still only back up to the extent it had in 2008. Volume is still steeply declining.

Actually it looks like you're a confused delusional retard....same as always.

Here's the current Arctic ice levels. 2% below the 1981-2010 mean and we aren't even in winter yet.
The changes in ice extent from year to year are measured when the ice is at its lowest extent, which happens in September. I'm not surprised that you are too ignorant about all this to know that. Ice extent grows every winter but these winter extents have almost nothing to do with the long term ice loss trend that is revealed when the ice is at its minimum. Here's what the National Snow and Ice Data Center had to say this last October.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
October 3, 2013

September average sea ice extent for 2013 was the sixth lowest in the satellite record. The 2012 September extent was 32% lower than this year’s extent, while the 1981 to 2010 average was 22% higher than this year’s extent. Through 2013, the September linear rate of decline is 13.7% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average.

That would be an epic fail for you blunder....epic.

Actually, walleyed, this whole thread is another one of your "epic fails", but, as always, you're way too retarded and delusional to realize that fact.

Sure thing blunder. I have to say your blind devotion to a failed theory is quite astonishing. Epic even.
I want global warming. I'm not kidding. I live just south of Winnipeg. I want global warming.
You propagandists are so damned funny!
You denier cultists are so damned crazy!!! Seriously, walleyed, if you're not institutionalized or in therapy, you definitely should be, 'cause you are obviously living in a bizarre and very delusional fantasy world that has no connection to reality.

Riiiiight, walleyed, ignore the historical context for Dr. Viner's prediction, ignore the fact that he was just talking about winter snow in Britain, and be sure to ignore what else he said in the article you cited - "Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner". You denier cult retards are really good at ignoring all of the facts that don't support your cultic myths.

No, here's the reality, Mr. Retardo. NOBODY said that "there has been" any "ARCTIC ICE FREE TIME". The scientific reports I am citing are talking about the massive loss of ice cover in the Arctic since the 1950s but none of them ever said anything about the Arctic already being "ICE FREE", numbnuts.

And there you are in your own private fantasy world, stewing in your own juices until your tushy turns mushy.

In the real world, Arctic sea ice extent is less that a third of what it was in the 1950s (about 4.25 million square miles) and the volume of the ice has declined even more.


Monthly September ice extent for 1979 to 2013 shows a decline of 13.7% per decade. - Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
(source - NSIDC)


Monthly averaged ice volume for September 2013 was 5,000 km3. This value is 56% lower than the mean over this period, 70% lower than the maximum in 1979, and 0.6 standard deviations below the 1979-2013 trend. September ice volume was about 1600 km3 larger than in September of 2012 and within 500 km3 of the 2010 September ice volume. While ice volume at the maximum during April was on par with the previous two years, reduction in ice volume during the summer months was less than in previous years. September ice volume showed the first increase since 2008 but is still below the long-term trend line.
(source - Polar Science Center - University of Washington)

Well, the Earth has been generally warming and the Arctic ice cover has been decreasing, so.....I guess we were right.

On the other hand, you have no idea what you're talking about. Arctic ice extent has been reaching record lows every few years and in between the ice comes back slightly from the last low. There were record lows in 2005, 2007 and 2012. Last year, 2012, the ice extent had declined from about 4.25 million square miles in the 1950s to a record low of only 1.32 million square miles. This year it rebounded slightly from the new record low but it is still only back up to the extent it had in 2008. Volume is still steeply declining.

Actually it looks like you're a confused delusional retard....same as always.

The changes in ice extent from year to year are measured when the ice is at its lowest extent, which happens in September. I'm not surprised that you are too ignorant about all this to know that. Ice extent grows every winter but these winter extents have almost nothing to do with the long term ice loss trend that is revealed when the ice is at its minimum. Here's what the National Snow and Ice Data Center had to say this last October.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
October 3, 2013

September average sea ice extent for 2013 was the sixth lowest in the satellite record. The 2012 September extent was 32% lower than this year’s extent, while the 1981 to 2010 average was 22% higher than this year’s extent. Through 2013, the September linear rate of decline is 13.7% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average.

That would be an epic fail for you blunder....epic.

Actually, walleyed, this whole thread is another one of your "epic fails", but, as always, you're way too retarded and delusional to realize that fact.
Sure thing blunder. I have to say your blind devotion to a failed theory is quite astonishing. Epic even.

As usual, your response to getting your fallacious delusional bullshit thoroughly debunked is to double down on the stupidity and the reality denial.

Actually, my "blind devotion", based on a good understanding of science and the evidence, to a "failed theory", that is somehow supported and affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community, is astonishingly sane and rational compared to your moronic devotion to the anti-science propaganda being pushed by the fossil fuel industry in their desperate efforts to preserve their trillion dollar a year profit stream.
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Wind chill doesn't count right? I dare you to walk out my door tonight and tell me it has no effect.

Are really that stupid? You've got to be kidding me. I'm going to put on 5 layers of clothing and a balakava
just so my dog can piss.

He thinks summers is weather. He actually made that claim, it was either in this thread or the other latest idiocy warmer thread.
So, no one seem to have been able to find a statement from a qualified climate scientist saying that cold snaps like this would never happen again. What an F-ing surprise.

{{Apologies to WestWall --- I didn't read ahead. You beat me to it.. }} But it's still worth replaying since WillReadMore is still practicing his reading comprehension and didn't see your cite...

How about a statement from one of the ClimateGate Clowns at East Anglia CRU in 2000 telling Britons that "in a few years, Children will no longer know what snow is".. "Winter snowfalls will be a rare and exciting event"...
Would that be silly enough for ya? :funnyface:


Just for yucks --- let's link it everytime there's a blizzard threatening Tennessee...

I feel bad for the Polar Bears disappearing


Predictably, the voices of denial are rising as Arctic sea ice melt season peaks and ranks only fifth-lowest ever. The clamor is being raised over Al Gore's Nobel Prize acceptance speech quote supposedly saying that Arctic sea ice would be gone by 2013.1 What Gore did or didn't say is beside the point: For the propagandists delivering this message, the objective is "cast doubt and discredit." From Gore's speech:
Last September 21 (2007), as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is "falling off a cliff." One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.2

I don't.

If they wanted to live longer they should've evolved better. Stupid bears.

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