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40% of Americans-earth 10K years old

Lonestar's a joke at this point. He keeps asserting things that he can't back up...then saying he isn't trying to prove anything. He keeps attempting to prove that religion makes more sense....then saying he isn't trying to prove anything.



You're a dumbass, but I suspect you already know that.

Now show where I have claimed or attempted to prove that my religion makes more sense. I have shown that the Bible has been proven accurate through archeological findings, but I never claimed my religion made more sense. I also showed that dating methods are indeed flawed, but just disregard those facts because it doesn't fit your preconcieved ideas, afterall that's what evolutionist do.

You people are truly stupid.

Of course you have, silly. That's what this entire thread is composed of, whether or not you admit it. Which you wont - and I know you wont. But that's fine.

At the end of the day, your posts amount to someone saying "I believe this rubbish based on x, y, and z...but not this more well-proven theory because (insert ridiculous reasons here)."

It's fine. Pat yourself on the back for sticking up for your religion. You'll be rewarded in the afterlife.

Your concession is duly noted.
can you post evidence of your archeological findings? can you post evidence that they prove to be more accurate than other historical evidence?

i also posted the fact that carbon dating is accurate to within 1%. but apparently 1% in your mind makes the science "flawed." your blind belief is more flawed than carbon dating.
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There are a few thousand years seperating the two statements. The first statement was from the Lord to Joshua. The second statement was from me, explaining that Yeshua is the "Word" (under the rules of the "new covenant" where the Lord is written onto men's hearts & men can be forgiven for their sins). From this point forward, Yeshua will be the judge and the enforcer, not man. Hence the whole: if a community spurns you, shake the dust from your feet when you leave and the Lord will treat them likewise (notice, no orders of going back and hurting anyone).
Do you have any evidence that the Lord has told anyone to wipe out cultures after the NT?
Lu 19:27* But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

DECEIVER. That is a story that was being told, it was not the promotion of wiping out other cultures by Yeshua.
It's parable, and the nobelman is Jesus and it is about KILLING all who do not submit, whatever their culture.
Lu 19:27* But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

DECEIVER. That is a story that was being told, it was not the promotion of wiping out other cultures by Yeshua.
It's parable, and the nobelman is Jesus and it is about KILLING all who do not submit, whatever their culture.

Is Yeshua telling others to kill, then, there? Or is Yeshua speaking of how it will be when He is the "ruler"?
Yeshua is not real and you can not prove he is real. so stop quoting scripture trying to make a logical argument.
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can you post evidence of your archeological findings? can you post evidence that they prove to be more accurate than other historical evidence?

i also posted the fact that carbon dating is accurate to within 1%. but apparently 1% in your mind makes the science "flawed." your blind belief is more flawed than carbon dating.

How can it (carbon dating) be accurate when it's based on assumptions?

I've already shown examples of archeological findings that support the Bible and I've already shown how carbon dating isn't accurate. Perhaps you're the one that's blind.
Yeshua is not real and you can not prove he is real. so stop quoting scripture trying to make a logical argument.

Prove it.

actually is should be you proving that god exists.

since no one has ever seen god, taken a picture, recorded him on video, shaken his hand, see him on television or in person, there is no evidence of a god, god can not be proven to exist. :cuckoo:

show me anything to refute these claims....
we can prove many things in the world. that sun is the center of our galaxy, that is provides light and heat. we can prove that the moon affects the tides, we can prove that the air is actually made up of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other small elements. we can prove the ability to procreate, we can prove many things within the scientific world.

the burdon of proof lies with those claiming that he exists. just like a court of law, if you charge that someone performed an act (say fraud) it is your duty to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that said man/woman committed that deed, other wise that claim is false. i challenge you to the same, can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that god exists?
Those that "believe", are probably referring to the Lord's years. The earth was created according to "His" timeframe, not ours (even the intellectual giants cannot fathom the intelligence it would take to make the earth, the climate, the critters, and all the 'unknowns' that we still have to find). It is okay, laugh at us that believe in the Lord. We are content.

What a crock of shit...the "lord's years"...A year is a year in anybody's language. The bible was written by humans, not a god. When you religious whackjobs realised how stupid and totally unbelievable it sounded that an entity could create the Earth in such a small time frame, you changed the goal posts to state that human 'years' were not the same as 'god' years. Sooo pathetic. Why would you need 'god' years? Why not just say they 6,000 earth years? Because the writers of Genesis wrote the book over 3000 years ago when the world was still full of superstition and they wanted to impress converts. I can see the reaction now, of guillible listeners 3000 years ago: "Wow, this super being created the universe in 6 days. Fook 'en 'ell, I better worship that fucker!!"

But when science rocks along - and even die hard Christians have to move with the times - and suddenly it is PROVEN that the Earth is millions of years old, some Christian wiseguy (realising how stupid the original premise was) goes: "Oh, sorry folks. A god day varies from a 24 hour day"...To which I say - "Boooollllssshhheeeeeettttt"...

Would it stretch your 'faith'. What a load of hogwash..

As to the OP, the irony is not lost on me that the first responder to the OP is a lot closer to the 40 precent that any normal posters on this board...
DECEIVER. That is a story that was being told, it was not the promotion of wiping out other cultures by Yeshua.
It's parable, and the nobelman is Jesus and it is about KILLING all who do not submit, whatever their culture.

Is Yeshua telling others to kill, then, there? Or is Yeshua speaking of how it will be when He is the "ruler"?
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.
You're a dumbass, but I suspect you already know that.

Now show where I have claimed or attempted to prove that my religion makes more sense. I have shown that the Bible has been proven accurate through archeological findings, but I never claimed my religion made more sense. I also showed that dating methods are indeed flawed, but just disregard those facts because it doesn't fit your preconcieved ideas, afterall that's what evolutionist do.

You people are truly stupid.

Of course you have, silly. That's what this entire thread is composed of, whether or not you admit it. Which you wont - and I know you wont. But that's fine.

At the end of the day, your posts amount to someone saying "I believe this rubbish based on x, y, and z...but not this more well-proven theory because (insert ridiculous reasons here)."

It's fine. Pat yourself on the back for sticking up for your religion. You'll be rewarded in the afterlife.

Your concession is duly noted.

Apparently you can't read. Which is probably has something to do with why you put religion above science.
It's parable, and the nobelman is Jesus and it is about KILLING all who do not submit, whatever their culture.

Is Yeshua telling others to kill, then, there? Or is Yeshua speaking of how it will be when He is the "ruler"?
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.

No, it shows a "just" God. Yeshua tells His followers to "love their neighbor as themselves" (after translation). He does not tell His followers to kill or murder anyone.
Is Yeshua telling others to kill, then, there? Or is Yeshua speaking of how it will be when He is the "ruler"?
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.

No, it shows a "just" God. Yeshua tells His followers to "love their neighbor as themselves" (after translation). He does not tell His followers to kill or murder anyone.

so in your mind a "just" god is one that orders a slaughter of people to teach them a lesson? :cuckoo:
Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Is Yeshua telling others to kill, then, there? Or is Yeshua speaking of how it will be when He is the "ruler"?
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.

No, it shows a "just" God. Yeshua tells His followers to "love their neighbor as themselves" (after translation). He does not tell His followers to kill or murder anyone.
Again you ignore the already posted quote where he tells his followers in a parable to SLAY HIS ENEMIES BEFORE HIM!!!
He also tells his followers they must be haters!
Obviously the only people who believe the bible are the ones who never took the time to read it!!!

Luke 14:26 Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.
Of course you have, silly. That's what this entire thread is composed of, whether or not you admit it. Which you wont - and I know you wont. But that's fine.

At the end of the day, your posts amount to someone saying "I believe this rubbish based on x, y, and z...but not this more well-proven theory because (insert ridiculous reasons here)."

It's fine. Pat yourself on the back for sticking up for your religion. You'll be rewarded in the afterlife.

Your concession is duly noted.

Apparently you can't read. Which is probably has something to do with why you put religion above science.

Apparently you couldn't show where I made any such claim. Thus your concession.
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.

No, it shows a "just" God. Yeshua tells His followers to "love their neighbor as themselves" (after translation). He does not tell His followers to kill or murder anyone.

so in your mind a "just" god is one that orders a slaughter of people to teach them a lesson? :cuckoo:

He said that all you need to get to heaven (with Him) is belief in Him (there are some hitches like asking forgiveness for your sins and trying to follow His ways). He will come again to "judge" all. It is His world, if you are found guilty of NOT believing in Him (that would be crimes against Him and mankind), you will be "executed". The lesson was made available, they chose not to live according to the law, their choice, His law.
Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.

No, it shows a "just" God. Yeshua tells His followers to "love their neighbor as themselves" (after translation). He does not tell His followers to kill or murder anyone.
Again you ignore the already posted quote where he tells his followers in a parable to SLAY HIS ENEMIES BEFORE HIM!!!
He also tells his followers they must be haters!
Obviously the only people who believe the bible are the ones who never took the time to read it!!!

Luke 14:26 Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.

If you are in a battle, and you kill your enemies, it is legitimate.
When Yeshua comes again, He will be doing battle. It will be war. Those that side with Satan will be treated "justly". If that means execution, so be it. Are you suggesting evil should be left free because justice is to harsh for you? Do you want to let the murderers and child molesters run free because justice is "hateful" in your view? How "hateful" is it to leave violent crimminals free to hurt anyone they choose?
Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
You asked for a NT quote and I gave it to you. When Jesus orders the slaughter to take place is immaterial. The quote shows it's the same bloodthirsty God in both Testaments.

No, it shows a "just" God. Yeshua tells His followers to "love their neighbor as themselves" (after translation). He does not tell His followers to kill or murder anyone.
Again you ignore the already posted quote where he tells his followers in a parable to SLAY HIS ENEMIES BEFORE HIM!!!
He also tells his followers they must be haters!
Obviously the only people who believe the bible are the ones who never took the time to read it!!!

Luke 14:26 Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.

25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33 In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

34 “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 35 It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.

“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”

He is preparing them for the sacrifices that will be required of a disciple. He is letting them know how hard it is to follow in His footsteps. If you read about how the disciples die, you would have to agree, it was pretty hard.

Where is he telling them to "wipe out" another culture, another religion?

There was a passage in the NT that showed the Lord reaching out to "other religions": when the wise men used astrology to locate the Child Yeshua, they did so as followers of another faith. Yeshua did not demand that they follow Him. The Lord did not "kill" them because they did not convert on the discovery of the Child. They were protected and warned to flee before a jealous king.

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