$400 for this concert. ??

There's gonna be a whole bunch of people rocking out. Whether or not you're with someone is gonna be one of the last things anyone is gonna notice.

You'll look like more of a loser to the dude looking back at you in the mirror a few years from now if you don't go. I mean, you already said you can easily afford it. Better to feel a bit awkward for a little bit now and have wonderful memories later, than to not feel awkward for a little bit, yet have regrets for the rest of your natural.

So what if you have zero friends? Go and enjoy the concert. But, like I said, if you are feeling weird about going alone and can't find someone, give me a couple of days notice, buy my gas up there and back, as well as the ticket, and I'll go with you. Hell, I'd even drive us to the concert!

Thank you
Duran had a good 20 songs

$400 Is Pennies to me
If it is all the original members, and you like them? I don't even understand why you are even asking the forum.

If you won't notice the loss of the money.
I have low self esteem 😵😵😩😒
I can kind of understand that, but what I don't understand, is how asking a bunch of anonymous strangers for permission to go, will help boost your confidence to go do that?


Can you, somehow, relate to me, how that gives you confidence to buy tickets and have a good time alone?
I have low self esteem 😵😵😩😒

Wanna build a little of that self esteem? Go to the concert, buy a t-shirt, and take some pics. When you get home from the concert, stash the shirt and the photos in a shoebox somewhere. Then, when you feel a bit low, look at the pics and the t-shirt, knowing full well that it was your decision to go, and that you did it because you wanted to and had the ability.

Hate to say it, but a 400 dollar ticket is out of reach for quite a few people nowadays. Knowing you can do it, and doing it builds a bit on the self esteem/confidence.


Knowing you can do it and don't? Well shit..............that just becomes another thing you can kick yourself in the ass for when you're feeling low, and will erode even more at your self esteem.

(Yeah................I know................I should have been a self help guru. But, the reason that I know these things is because I learned them from the experience of living them, both good and bad).
Should I go
It’s Halloween at the encore
Duran Duran

You need your head cleared of sand if you pay $400 to see ANYONE. In the 1970s during the era of the greatest bands ever like the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, Rush, Led Zeppelin, etc., I never paid more than $6.50 for a front row seat.

Then the Ticket brokers came in (sharks). Now you must buy a ticket through them and they get a huge cut, prices soared and everyone is making a killing. Now you get hung out to dry, almost as bad as buying a ticket to a football game. Sadly, idiots keep buying tickets like sheep, not realizing their own greed keeps these bastards in business.

A top concert ticket today is worth no more than $40-$60 TOPS.

Besides, DuranDuran was nothing more than a shitty 80's bee-bop MTV weeny band for eggheads even back when they were good.
I can kind of understand that, but what I don't understand, is how asking a bunch of anonymous strangers for permission to go, will help boost your confidence to go do that?


Can you, somehow, relate to me, how that gives you confidence to buy tickets and have a good time alone?
Yeah....Self-esteem..Low or High...is a self-fulfilling prophecy~

Fake it till ya make it bro. you live in Vegas..how are you not taking it all in? Re-invent yourself...become your own truth.
Yeah....Self-esteem..Low or High...is a self-fulfilling prophecy~

Fake it till ya make it bro. you live in Vegas..how are you not taking it all in? Re-invent yourself...become your own truth.

Yanno...................a very wise friend of mine and I were having a talk about self esteem a long time ago, and that conversation has stuck with me since.....................

We were talking about self esteem and what it means. Basically, all self esteem is, is feeling esteemable (good) about yourself. So, if you want self esteem (feeling good about yourself), do good things yourself. Simple.
Yanno...................a very wise friend of mine and I were having a talk about self esteem a long time ago, and that conversation has stuck with me since.....................

We were talking about self esteem and what it means. Basically, all self esteem is, is feeling esteemable (good) about yourself. So, if you want self esteem (feeling good about yourself), do good things yourself. Simple.
My way's more fun..just sayin'
People, people, people -- if you are going to shell out big bucks, do so for a band at the TOP of their form, and not one that hasn't seen the light of day for nearly 4 decades.

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