400 million guns

Okay, now explain to me what power a mayor has to stop gun violence, or better yet, how any of their policies contributed to the rise in gun violence. Mayors aren't the ones enacting concealed carry laws. Cops can confiscate weapons via lawful search, but that's about it. The vast majority of the cities on this list are in states that have more liberal gun rights.

The mayor is in charge of the police....how fucking stupid is that question........the mayor, working with the democrat party prosecutor determines which crimes are prosecuted...where police resources are allocated, how many police they have, and whether they defend the police from democrat party activist groups trying to wreck the lives of police officers and their families.....

Mayors are the front line.......

When the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa were killing, burning and looting in major democrat party controlled cities....who gave the orders for the police to stand down and do nothing? The mayors........

Who hires the police...

the mayor

Who pays the police...

The mayor

Who picks the police commissioner/superintendent....

the mayor

Who tells the police commissioner/superintendent how many police to put in which parts of the city...

The mayor....

You really don't have a clue what you are talking about.....
If the city has the money, which they increasingly don't because wealthy residents and businesses move away.

In some cases, you have a point, but as I mentioned earlier, states that have tried the lock-em up approach (Alabama and Louisiana) had to stop because their penal systems were at a tipping point.

No....that isn't what happened.........those states have democrats in charge of their largest cities and they are releasing the most violent gun offenders over and over again...........only about 5% of criminals are actually shooting people.....we can keep them in prison quite easily....but then they aren't driving up the gun crime and murder rate, so it is harder for democrats to stampede uninformed people into giving them the power to ban guns.......
National Guard are not federal troops. They fall under command of their state and governor. Until they are Federalized.

And they can be federalized whenever the fed wants them...when the democrats used their national guard to keep black children out of school, Eisenhower federalized those guardsmen, and then called in the regular army....
There are no civilian militias. "All 50 states have some provision in their state law, whether it's their state constitution or their state statutes, that prohibits private militia, private paramilitary activity."

there are dozens of not hundreds waiting to be called up,,

when you get the constitution changed pet us know then we can talk,,
How many National Guard/Citizen Soldiers were sent to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past two decades?

Lots of them. In fact, the majority of those serving overseas were Nat. Guard. In other words, NOT MILITIA!
Like nobody's ever thought of that before. :rolleyes:

I'm guessing that managing a city and dealing with its problems is harder than just spit-balling about it on a message board.

Nah, it's actually pretty easy. Enforce the laws that are on the books. So simple a moron could understand. So why can't progressive DEMOCRAT MAYORS figure it out?
"...Gun control is like a donut: there is no middle. On the one side you have people who love guns, and if you disagree with them, they’ll threaten to shoot you. On the other side you have people who detest guns, mainly out of fear of getting shot. It is an ideological death-match in which the voices of reason and compromise don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, no one can hear them over the sounds of the shouting and posturing
and the bumper-sticker slogans about cold dead hands." --"Matt" (anonymous) from his review of Adam Winkler's 'Gunfight, the Battle Over the Second Amendment in America"

There are some 400 million guns in America, and if guns were making us safer, we'd be the safest place on earth, which America is not.

That is a fact Republicans cannot reconcile.

And to average republican, I guess that for them, they aren't enough.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development. And, please, no crap about 'well, half those deaths are suicide' because,
simply because that stat isn't caused by fewer guns, let's be clear.

So I hope those of you second amendment 'cold dead hands' types are happy.

It sure isn't for the parents of those dead children whose lives have been ruined by your cherished 'second amendment'.

Personally, though America's second amendment was a necessary component of life in the frontiers of the late 18th century when the nation was founded, they could not have foreseen 233 years into the future to know of a modern urban landscape where weapons could kill hundreds of people in a relatively short period of time, that had they known, it is doubtful they would have confined the second amendment's langage to one compound sentence, whose actual meaning continues to be debated to this day.

It's time for a 28th Amendment to update the 2nd, a vertible 2nd Amendment 2.0, as it were, and as to what the new language would be, I'll let you guys duke it out, but it needs to be updated,

It's time.

Yup, Americans are binary, all guns v no guns. They've no concept of middle ground
The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b)The classes of the militia are—
the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

You want to claim militia privilege as per the 2A have at it. There's a reason that gun activists have abandoned that. It will ONLY pertain to males between 17 and 45 and are documented as militia members and female members of the NG

No one else
Nah, it's actually pretty easy. Enforce the laws that are on the books. So simple a moron could understand. So why can't progressive DEMOCRAT MAYORS figure it out?

Mayors don't enforce laws that are on the books. They can make it a priority as Eric Adams has, but there's only so much they can do. It's cops and the DA who enforce and prosecute cases. Some cities have more resources than others.

For sure, I think some mayors and DAs have fucked up. There's one near where I live who basically made a list of all the crimes their office isn't going to prosecute. :rolleyes:
You want to claim militia privilege as per the 2A have at it. There's a reason that gun activists have abandoned that. It will ONLY pertain to males between 17 and 45 and are documented as militia members and female members of the NG

No one else
theres nothing in the 2nd that says you have to be in a militia,,
There are no civilian militias. "All 50 states have some provision in their state law, whether it's their state constitution or their state statutes, that prohibits private militia, private paramilitary activity."

doesnt matter anyway,, theres nothing that say we have to be in a militia to own arms,,,

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