400 million guns

my god you are one dumb mother fucker,,

Stop looking and talking to yourself in the mirror, you dumb cvnt. Bad enough that you're fucken retarded, but people around you are going to start thinking you're crazy to boot and have you committed to the nearest psyche ward.
I selected places that were affluent and thus, mayors don't have the challenge of dealing with violent crime.

I already posted how a list of counties with the most gun violence. Except for Cook County (Chicago), Philadelphia County, and DC, there were hardly any in the states with the strictest gun control laws. Didn't see a response to that, so I'm guessing that was deliberately ignored.
no you only picked the places that support your false narrative,,
no you only picked the places that support your false narrative,,

The fuck it's a false narrative. Nothing false about cities of all sizes in violent, gun-loving red states resorting to gun violence and nothing false about the conspicuous absence of so-called hellholes the right likes to beat up on like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City, etc.
That's nice. But in order to amend the Constitution you need 38 states to ratify it. Not gonna happen. One example of why is that 27 states have enacted or have laws already signed and passed allowing constitutional or permitless carry. Now, I don't agree with it but that is the mindset of over half the country.
Did you read the post you quoted?

Had nothing to do with Amending the Constitution
The fuck it's a false narrative. Nothing false about cities of all sizes in violent, gun-loving red states resorting to gun violence and nothing false about the conspicuous absence of so-called hellholes the right likes to beat up on like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City, etc.
see another false narrative,,

if you broke those red states down to the dem ran cities that make them have high gun violence the truth would come out,,

its a fact if you took out the 5 highest gun crime cities the USA would drop from 3rd?? in the world to 150th??

I know those numbers arent exact but they are pretty close,,,

so could you stop lying by using a false narrative and focus on the real problems we face,,
So you just quoted any old post?

Nope. I quoted your reply to ME. Not just any old post.

The point you and I can get deep in the weeds over our perspective. It is senseless. The fact is there are at least 400 million firearms in this country with 27 states supporting what is called constitutional carry.

Whether or not we can decide on the meaning of militia is not relevant.

Federal troops carry a DD2 identification card....They're federal troops.
And when I was in the Army National Guardsman carried there NG ID as well as a copy of their orders to indicate they were on Federal Duty.

They are only federal troops when they are Federalized. Nod.
precedents dont apply in constitutional issues,, only what it says applies,,

sorry your progressive tricks arent working anymore,,\

It's all a matter of interpretation by the courts. If they decide the first part of the Amendment has more meaning they certainly can change the precedent setting decision of the previous court who said it could be ignored.
It's all a matter of interpretation by the courts. If they decide the first part of the Amendment has more meaning they certainly can change the precedent setting decision of the previous court who said it could be ignored.
no its not,, its about what the constitution says,,

its written in simple english,,
if someone claims it needs interpretation they are lying and intend on doing you harm,,
see another false narrative,,

if you broke those red states down to the dem ran cities that make them have high gun violence the truth would come out,,

I did, tard. I guess you're too fucken thick to understand it. Those dem-run cities that seem to have the most problems controlling their crime are in red-run states, especially the ones that have more liberal gun laws and extra especially the ones that used to have slavery and segregation.

So how did that happen?

its a fact if you took out the 5 highest gun crime cities the USA would drop from 3rd?? in the world to 150th??

You're going through a lot of data contortions to make your point. No fucking person outside the United States (where gun violence is lower in most cases) would take this kind of argument seriously. Anyone can pick and choose the data they don't like.

I know those numbers arent exact but they are pretty close,,,


so could you stop lying by using a false narrative and focus on the real problems we face,,

You admit that you use cooked up data in one line and then accuse me of lying in the next. Good God, you're putting on a master class on how to be a ding dong dishonest dipshit.
They''re federalized by carrying a federal ID.
Here, let me help you out:

Members of the National Guard are rarely covered by the Posse Comitatus Act because they usually report to their state or territory’s governor. That means they are free to participate in law enforcement if doing so is consistent with state law. However, when Guard personnel are called into federal service, or “federalized,” they become part of the federal armed forces, which means they are bound by the Posse Comitatus Act until they are returned to state control.

Meaning if they were federal Posse Comitatus would apply at all times.

Next, if they were federal they would fall under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, known as the UCMJ. That is why Bush, or any other National Guardsman can not be charge under the UCMJ with AWOL for missing drill weekends. The UCMJ does not apply to the Guard unless they are federalized.

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