450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial

So now, after all the FAIL... you guys are hoping to anchor AGW to Trump? If you don't believe our fairy tale, you must be a Trump supporter! ...That's a good one!

AGW has been exposed for the fraud it is. Perpetrated by the "Degrowth Movement" of anti-capitalists and Socialists. You prey on gullible idiots who buy your pseudo-science without question. Every claim that has been made has been debunked. Most of your data is deceptive, manipulated or outright fraudulent.

What is fascinating to me is how many of you seem to think that "popular consensus" is evidence in science. Repeatedly, we hear about how many scientists believe... or how many scientists are on board... how many scientific groups or studies... etc. The truth is, none of this means a thing in terms of actual science, in fact, it's the antithesis of science.

If science operated by consensus we'd still believe the universe traveled around the Earth.
The herd believes it is wise.
Explain WHY Mother Nature designed plants that grow and thrive optimally at ~600 ppm CO2?

First, explain where you got that "fact".

Second, explain why you think "mother nature" is some kind of sentient being that's working towards a mysterious goal. That is, why do you embrace the Gaian hypothesis?

And third, explain why you think it has anything to do with the fact that rising CO2 levels are increasing the earth's temperature.

Got the fact from biology... specifically, botany. Every commercial greenhouse in the country pumps in CO2 to aid plant growth.

I never claimed Mother Nature was a sentient being. I asked you a question you can't answer. Why would nature give us plants that like ~600 ppm CO2 best if that's unacceptably high? That's kind of odd to me. Seems if ~280 ppm were "normal" the plants would be happiest there. Nature usually isn't that far outta whack with what's natural.

Rising CO2 levels are not increasing the Earth's temps. The average temp has increased one degree in a century and CO2 has risen dramatically. For 17 years, CO2 rose every year and temps didn't. It's called "The Pause" and you don't have an explanation for that. Nevertheless, CO2 levels are still way below what plants think is optimal. Why is that?

The fact is that modern CO2 levels are abnormally low and were threatening to cause major extinctions in the plant kingdom.
I never claimed Mother Nature was a sentient being. I asked you a question you can't answer. Why would nature give us plants that like ~600 ppm CO2 best if that's unacceptably high? That's kind of odd to me. Seems if ~280 ppm were "normal" the plants would be happiest there. Nature usually isn't that far outta whack with what's natural.

Rising CO2 levels are not increasing the Earth's temps. The average temp has increased one degree in a century and CO2 has risen dramatically. For 17 years, CO2 rose every year and temps didn't. It's called "The Pause" and you don't have an explanation for that. Nevertheless, CO2 levels are still way below what plants think is optimal. Why is that?

Why do you keep quoting studies by scientists that don't allow their papers to be peer reviewed? Can't you find one that does that normal process when debunking something?

1 degree celcius higher. Granted 2/3 of that came in the past 30 years. So we are on a very quickly spiking rise as well. 13 to 14 degrees. 7% increase already. 5% temperature increase on earth in 30 years.... Insane.

And yes, plants like carbon dioxide. Lots of it. Humans like oxygen. Divers and medical staff use 40% O2 (about double what's in the air) because of it's positive effects on the human body. Doesn't mean that's good for the environment to do that. Why would nature give us humans that thrive in 40% O2, but not give us 40% O2? The problem is what is good for one thing isn't good for everything. Water may be the best environment for fish, but if we increased it so water covered the earth it wouldn't be good for a lot of other living creatures.

Maybe you've been blind to nature most of your life, but have you ever seen what happens when something from nature is given a perfect environment. When an animal is introduced to an environment that suits it better than the one it was in. It throws nature completely out of what. Green tree snakes in Guam. The Lionfish. Kudzu. Pythons in Florida. I mean like you say... those area's where they thrive should be what's normal for them right? Of course not. Your logic doesn't stand up.

Now unfortunately since you are on this topic, lets keep exploring your beliefs. So you believe CO2 is rising. You've said that. Unfortunately, excess CO2 production is man made. We can prove that easily, we put 30 million tons of it in the atmosphere, and most of it is where plants can't use it or remove it. We've also run test after test proving out the scientific theory that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and traps heat. You choose to ignore the peer reviewed studies that 97% of the scientific community agrees on and go with the outliers where that fraction of a percentage lies. Fine.
And you have NO data. lol
greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG

your so full of yourself...
I must be a total contradiction, I voted for Trump. I want him to listen. We want the Paris climate accords. We live in the real world.
The Paris Climate accord was designed to milk as much out of the American People as possible - environmentalism took back seat. We were expected to PAY other countries to reduce their carbon output - for real $420 billion
I think it was meant to protect the environment, if rich wealthy Americans that exploit illegal aliens also profit from damaging the environment, that isn't a coincidence. They love to corrupt the environment as long as it's to their befit.
you really are a dupe... you have taken the lie whole, hook line and sinker..
I never claimed Mother Nature was a sentient being. I asked you a question you can't answer. Why would nature give us plants that like ~600 ppm CO2 best if that's unacceptably high? That's kind of odd to me. Seems if ~280 ppm were "normal" the plants would be happiest there. Nature usually isn't that far outta whack with what's natural.

Rising CO2 levels are not increasing the Earth's temps. The average temp has increased one degree in a century and CO2 has risen dramatically. For 17 years, CO2 rose every year and temps didn't. It's called "The Pause" and you don't have an explanation for that. Nevertheless, CO2 levels are still way below what plants think is optimal. Why is that?

Why do you keep quoting studies by scientists that don't allow their papers to be peer reviewed? Can't you find one that does that normal process when debunking something?

1 degree celcius higher. Granted 2/3 of that came in the past 30 years. So we are on a very quickly spiking rise as well. 13 to 14 degrees. 7% increase already. 5% temperature increase on earth in 30 years.... Insane.

And yes, plants like carbon dioxide. Lots of it. Humans like oxygen. Divers and medical staff use 40% O2 (about double what's in the air) because of it's positive effects on the human body. Doesn't mean that's good for the environment to do that. Why would nature give us humans that thrive in 40% O2, but not give us 40% O2? The problem is what is good for one thing isn't good for everything. Water may be the best environment for fish, but if we increased it so water covered the earth it wouldn't be good for a lot of other living creatures.

Maybe you've been blind to nature most of your life, but have you ever seen what happens when something from nature is given a perfect environment. When an animal is introduced to an environment that suits it better than the one it was in. It throws nature completely out of what. Green tree snakes in Guam. The Lionfish. Kudzu. Pythons in Florida. I mean like you say... those area's where they thrive should be what's normal for them right? Of course not. Your logic doesn't stand up.

Now unfortunately since you are on this topic, lets keep exploring your beliefs. So you believe CO2 is rising. You've said that. Unfortunately, excess CO2 production is man made. We can prove that easily, we put 30 million tons of it in the atmosphere, and most of it is where plants can't use it or remove it. We've also run test after test proving out the scientific theory that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and traps heat. You choose to ignore the peer reviewed studies that 97% of the scientific community agrees on and go with the outliers where that fraction of a percentage lies. Fine.
Why do you keep quoting crap that is circular pal reviewed? I take those who publish and openly discuss their works with much greater credibility. Most journals today are corrupt political propaganda outlets.
Why do you keep quoting crap that is circular pal reviewed? I take those who publish and openly discuss their works with much greater credibility. Most journals today are corrupt political propaganda outlets.[/QUOTE]

Actually I'm using difference scientists. Competing ones even. You are just trying to lump them all together... again with ZERO evidence of what you are claiming.

And Peer review is openly discussing their works. That's exactly what that is. You are picking the ones who say "I don't want anyone else looking into how I came up with my results". Really??? That's what you want to follow? The guy who doesn't show where his information comes from??? Come on buttercup!

You are using MEMES now of all things as your "scientific evidence".

SMH. Never mind. Enjoy your memes. When you've gotten to that level science has left the building.
Got the fact from biology... specifically, botany. Every commercial greenhouse in the country pumps in CO2 to aid plant growth.

So, you're not able to back up your claim that "Mother Nature designed plants that grow and thrive optimally at ~600 ppm CO2." Got it. You should have just said that.

I never claimed Mother Nature was a sentient being.

"Designing" something requires conscious intent.

I asked you a question you can't answer. Why would nature give us plants that like ~600 ppm CO2 best if that's unacceptably high?

You still haven't backed up your claim, and you've given nature conscious intent again.

That's kind of odd to me. Seems if ~280 ppm were "normal" the plants would be happiest there. Nature usually isn't that far outta whack with what's natural

There is no mysterious "natural" equilibrium that the world tries to return to. That's the Gaian hypothesis, and it's nonsense.

Rising CO2 levels are not increasing the Earth's temps.

Of course they are. All the directly measured evidence shows it.

The average temp has increased one degree in a century and CO2 has risen dramatically.

In other words, CO2 levels are strongly correlated with increasing temperature.

For 17 years, CO2 rose every year and temps didn't. It's called "The Pause" and you don't have an explanation for that.

Sure we do. It's a fiction that your cult made up. Your cult has already declared a new "pause" started in 2016.

Nevertheless, CO2 levels are still way below what plants think is optimal. Why is that?

I've already pointed out you can't back up that claim, and the silliness of the Gaian hypothesis. There is no "natural" state of the climate. The earth responds to various inputs, and there's no "preferred by nature" output. There is a "preferred by humans" output, which is a stable temperature.
Yeah, peer reviewed papers, scientists spending decades studying this. Why believe that when you can "meme it" because that's where the real science is. In memes.. lol :clap:
In the field of so-called "climate science" papers aren't peer reviewed. They are PAL reviewed.
Billy Bob.

Your Meme up there came from Joanne Nova (Codling was her real last name, Nova is her stage name for her TV show sponsored by Shell Oil). She was a molecular biologist who studied DNA. That was her degree, where her expertise was. But she liked to use her TV show (paid for by Shell Oil) to talk about how global warming.

She is an author. Not peer reviewed like you prefer.. Serious Science Party Tricks is her book. “Do the funniest, silliest, and most surprising tricks with things like paper, balloons, straws and flour. Simple, quick, easy and stunning. An activity book to keep you engrossed for hours!”

Also why do your meme saying "years before present" end 95 years before 2000? You can't even get data newer than 1905 there?

She's said her belief is based in 3 major things.

CO2 doesn't cause global warming (0 experiments or papers of her own to back this)
Temperatures aren't really rising (0 experiments or papers of her own to back this)
And the carbon dioxide is already causing (even though it doesn't cause) as much of the observed warming (that isn't happening she said) as it can.

So your idea of much better scientists are the ones employed by Shell Oil who can't put up data of human caused global warming that's newer than 110 years old? Got it.

That's all you needed to say. "I like the data big oil puts out instead of the scientists who study it".

How well did that work for Marlboro on "smoking is good for you". The NFL on "Concussions aren't bad". Or the Sugar industry saying "Sugar isn't bad for you, fat is".
In the field of so-called "climate science" papers aren't peer reviewed. They are PAL reviewed.

Really. They all get along when they are fighting for the same jobs, promotions, funding etc. Sure buddy. You are using a computer to write this based on peer reviewed science. But yeah, that's just fake too right? I saw a paper where they had the audacity to try and prove the earth isn't flat as well.

I mean if we've seen anything in the past 300 years. It's that science just doesn't work.

I'd much rather go with your evidence, The 120 year old data with the Shell Oil "official stamp of approval".
In the field of so-called "climate science" papers aren't peer reviewed. They are PAL reviewed.

And this is the best one yet. Climatology and Geology aren't real sciences. You realize you sound like the Pope 500 years ago talking to Galileo. "In the field of so called "astronomy" it's all a bunch of hooey because I don't like what science says".
In the field of so-called "climate science" papers aren't peer reviewed. They are PAL reviewed.

Really. They all get along when they are fighting for the same jobs, promotions, funding etc. Sure buddy. You are using a computer to write this based on peer reviewed science. But yeah, that's just fake too right? I saw a paper where they had the audacity to try and prove the earth isn't flat as well.

I mean if we've seen anything in the past 300 years. It's that science just doesn't work.

I'd much rather go with your evidence, The 120 year old data with the Shell Oil "official stamp of approval".

Climategate showed that all the leading figures in field of so-called "climate research" conspired together to keep any paper skeptical of the global warming abracadabra from being published. And then tools like you go around attacking any criticism of the warmist cult.

The Pope was the establishment, just as today so-called government subsidized climate scientist are the establishment. They are the ones defending the government approved wisdom on the subject, not the skeptics.

What could be more hilarious than a bunch of establishment tools pretending they are modern day Galileos?
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
Funny how no where can I find a list of 450 names. Why is that?

Authored by one person.

International report confirms 2016 was third consecutive year of record global warmth | NOAA Climate.gov

And we all know now how Australia automatically adjusts any temperature they feel is too low of a reading. We are still waiting to hear from NWS and MET if they also do that. Which we know they do.
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
Funny how no where can I find a list of 450 names. Why is that?

Authored by one person.

International report confirms 2016 was third consecutive year of record global warmth | NOAA Climate.gov

And we all know now how Australia automatically adjusts any temperature they feel is too low of a reading. We are still waiting to hear from NWS and MET if they also do that. Which we know they do.
We already know the NCDC does it. All the major climate databases have been caught doing it.
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
Funny how no where can I find a list of 450 names. Why is that?

Authored by one person.

International report confirms 2016 was third consecutive year of record global warmth | NOAA Climate.gov

And we all know now how Australia automatically adjusts any temperature they feel is too low of a reading. We are still waiting to hear from NWS and MET if they also do that. Which we know they do.
We already know the NCDC does it. All the major climate databases have been caught doing it.
And we all know why 450 people are afraid to put their name with this document. They either do not exist or know it's BS.
Climategate showed that all the leading figures in field of so-called "climate research" conspired together to keep any paper skeptical of the global warming abracadabra from being published. And then tools like you go around attacking any criticism of the warmist cult.

The Pope was the establishment, just as today so-called government subsidized climate scientist are the establishment. They are the ones defending the government approved wisdom on the subject, not the skeptics.

What could be more hilarious than a bunch of establishment tools pretending they are modern day Galileos?

There's a perfect one. Proof right there that some of these scientists couldn't stand each other. But somehow despite that you think they are PAL's. lol Which is it now? You are playing both sides of the coin. Climategate didn't once find any false manipulation of numbers. Of course CNN and bloggers ran with it and took parts out of context to sell a story.

So that's where you believe? Shell and CNN now? Big corporations and the national media. Got it.

Yes the pope was the RELIGIOUS establishment. US presidents were the establishment here when scientists worked on the Atom Bomb, electricity, computers, airplanes, space exploration. Doesn't mean all that is a cult does it? Or is that all fake to you as well?
Billy Bob.

Your Meme up there came from Joanne Nova (Codling was her real last name, Nova is her stage name for her TV show sponsored by Shell Oil). She was a molecular biologist who studied DNA. That was her degree, where her expertise was. But she liked to use her TV show (paid for by Shell Oil) to talk about how global warming.

She is an author. Not peer reviewed like you prefer.. Serious Science Party Tricks is her book. “Do the funniest, silliest, and most surprising tricks with things like paper, balloons, straws and flour. Simple, quick, easy and stunning. An activity book to keep you engrossed for hours!”

Also why do your meme saying "years before present" end 95 years before 2000? You can't even get data newer than 1905 there?

She's said her belief is based in 3 major things.

CO2 doesn't cause global warming (0 experiments or papers of her own to back this)
Temperatures aren't really rising (0 experiments or papers of her own to back this)
And the carbon dioxide is already causing (even though it doesn't cause) as much of the observed warming (that isn't happening she said) as it can.

So your idea of much better scientists are the ones employed by Shell Oil who can't put up data of human caused global warming that's newer than 110 years old? Got it.

That's all you needed to say. "I like the data big oil puts out instead of the scientists who study it".

How well did that work for Marlboro on "smoking is good for you". The NFL on "Concussions aren't bad". Or the Sugar industry saying "Sugar isn't bad for you, fat is".
You win the MORON AWARD!!!

You have no empirical evidence. NONE! Your models, which you believe are empirical evidence, have failed empirical review. They predict nothing and are so far off, that in just 10 years they are beyond 3 standard deviations.. THEY FAIL!

Your basing your appeal to authority on false crap you think is science and the UN climate whores lies.

How about you show me the empirically observed evidence that support your failed modeling..
Last edited:
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
Funny how no where can I find a list of 450 names. Why is that?

Authored by one person.

International report confirms 2016 was third consecutive year of record global warmth | NOAA Climate.gov

And we all know now how Australia automatically adjusts any temperature they feel is too low of a reading. We are still waiting to hear from NWS and MET if they also do that. Which we know they do.
Good Catch...

I was just looking the document over and NO ONE except the AUTHOR is even identified. More fake news(or should I say FAKE SCIENCE) with ANONYMOUS SOURCES....

Just like their empirical evidence... Nowhere to be seen...

Maybe the OP should produce the list? He made the claim..

Forum List
