450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial

And what the fuck do you know about anything? All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. You know more than most of the scientists in world? LOL

Climate Change is real - The climate has always changed, and will continue to do so over extended periods due to multiple factors, some of which are natural processes. But there is something rotten in Denmark when mainstream science is plagued with liberal progressive political agendas, and is used to push the policies of global elitism.

Your statement "All the Scientific Societies ... in the world state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. " is one of the most misinformed and idiotic statements I've read on this thread to date.

A study of nearly 12,000 peer-reviewed papers on global warming demonstrated that just short of 70% of researchers took no position whatsoever, some believe this was due to fear of retaliation for opposing the elitists agenda.

Roughly 30 percent of peer-reviewed papers, endorsed the “consensus” that humans contribute to global warming, while just 1 percent of papers either rejected that position or were uncertain about it.
Let’s Talk About The ‘97% Consensus’ On Global Warming

Personally I think it would be idiotic to try and claim that man has no impact on the environment, of course we do. But the chicken little global warming nonsense is so hyped and overblown it's absolutely mind boggling how many ignoramuses buy into this farce.
Again, I don't play politics when it comes to science. We've seen time and time again through human history that doesn't work.

Right. Because the people shouldn't have a choice when it comes to reducing CO2........

Not what I said. When it comes to finding out about something scientific I'll go to the scientists, not the politicians. When I need an opinion about a sore tooth, I'll listen to a dentist, not a radio DJ. Scientists can say smoking causes cancer. Politicians with a marlboro factory in their state can say it's good for the lungs.

When it comes to a scientific discussion I put politics aside and look at what the subject matter experts have to say. I'll form my opinions about global warming from scientists, not Obama and Trump.

Not what I said.

Right, you said "A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused"

To get 97%, they eliminated all but 77 studies. They decided 75/77 agreed it is human caused.

Are we listening to the 12,000 scientists? Or just 77?

When it comes to finding out about something scientific I'll go to the scientists, not the politicians.

As long as you don't go to the guys who threw out all but 77. They sound like assholes.

When it comes to a scientific discussion I put politics aside and look at what the subject matter experts have to say.

As long as you aren't listening to these pollsters. I suspect they were influenced by politics.
I bike to work, I try to cut back on my carbon footprint evey day, I recycle and I am Conservative, I voted for Trump. I never used bottle water, I use my own bottle. I believe global warming is man made. Trump needs to get his head out of the pocket of the petroleum industry PACs and listen to us Americans, not big industry.
Well goody goody for you - perhaps you should write Al Gore and convince him to stop being such a hypocrite. His home uses more than 20 times the national average in killowat hours. In facts in 2007 he boasted a $30,000 electric bill.
This is Al Gore’s House. It uses twenty times as much energy as the average American home. $30,000 a year in utility bills yet he thinks he can lecture you on your carbon footprint – InvestmentWatch
I must be a total contradiction, I voted for Trump. I want him to listen. We want the Paris climate accords. We live in the real world.
A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused

No sorry - that's not what I said. The 97% consensus farce is related but not the same.

I Said - A study of nearly 12,000 peer-reviewed papers on global warming demonstrated that just short of 70% of researchers took no position whatsoever, some believe this was due to fear of retaliation for opposing the elitists agenda.

But we most certainly are on the same page, which is more than I can say for Some people.
I bike to work, I try to cut back on my carbon footprint evey day, I recycle and I am Conservative, I voted for Trump. I never used bottle water, I use my own bottle. I believe global warming is man made. Trump needs to get his head out of the pocket of the petroleum industry PACs and listen to us Americans, not big industry.
Well goody goody for you - perhaps you should write Al Gore and convince him to stop being such a hypocrite. His home uses more than 20 times the national average in killowat hours. In facts in 2007 he boasted a $30,000 electric bill.
This is Al Gore’s House. It uses twenty times as much energy as the average American home. $30,000 a year in utility bills yet he thinks he can lecture you on your carbon footprint – InvestmentWatch
Perhaps you should, I will still bike to work and cut back on energy consumption. By the by, I voted for Trump.
I must be a total contradiction, I voted for Trump. I want him to listen. We want the Paris climate accords. We live in the real world.
The Paris Climate accord was designed to milk as much out of the American People as possible - environmentalism took back seat. We were expected to PAY other countries to reduce their carbon output - for real $420 billion
I bike to work, I try to cut back on my carbon footprint evey day, I recycle and I am Conservative, I voted for Trump. I never used bottle water, I use my own bottle. I believe global warming is man made. Trump needs to get his head out of the pocket of the petroleum industry PACs and listen to us Americans, not big industry.
Well goody goody for you - perhaps you should write Al Gore and convince him to stop being such a hypocrite. His home uses more than 20 times the national average in killowat hours. In facts in 2007 he boasted a $30,000 electric bill.
This is Al Gore’s House. It uses twenty times as much energy as the average American home. $30,000 a year in utility bills yet he thinks he can lecture you on your carbon footprint – InvestmentWatch
Perhaps you should, I will still bike to work and cut back on energy consumption. By the by, I voted for Trump.
You voted for Trump !? MARVELOUS - GOOD CHOICE :> ME TOO
A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused

No sorry - that's not what I said. The 97% consensus farce is related but not the same.

I Said - A study of nearly 12,000 peer-reviewed papers on global warming demonstrated that just short of 70% of researchers took no position whatsoever, some believe this was due to fear of retaliation for opposing the elitists agenda.

But we most certainly are on the same page, which is more than I can say for Some people.

No sorry - that's not what I said.

I wasn't talking to you.
I must be a total contradiction, I voted for Trump. I want him to listen. We want the Paris climate accords. We live in the real world.
The Paris Climate accord was designed to milk as much out of the American People as possible - environmentalism took back seat. We were expected to PAY other countries to reduce their carbon output - for real $420 billion
I think it was meant to protect the environment, if rich wealthy Americans that exploit illegal aliens also profit from damaging the environment, that isn't a coincidence. They love to corrupt the environment as long as it's to their befit.
A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused

No sorry - that's not what I said. The 97% consensus farce is related but not the same.

I Said - A study of nearly 12,000 peer-reviewed papers on global warming demonstrated that just short of 70% of researchers took no position whatsoever, some believe this was due to fear of retaliation for opposing the elitists agenda.

But we most certainly are on the same page, which is more than I can say for Some people.

No sorry - that's not what I said.

I wasn't talking to you.
That would explain why that was not what I said ---- LOL
I bike to work, I try to cut back on my carbon footprint evey day, I recycle and I am Conservative, I voted for Trump. I never used bottle water, I use my own bottle. I believe global warming is man made. Trump needs to get his head out of the pocket of the petroleum industry PACs and listen to us Americans, not big industry.
Well goody goody for you - perhaps you should write Al Gore and convince him to stop being such a hypocrite. His home uses more than 20 times the national average in killowat hours. In facts in 2007 he boasted a $30,000 electric bill.
This is Al Gore’s House. It uses twenty times as much energy as the average American home. $30,000 a year in utility bills yet he thinks he can lecture you on your carbon footprint – InvestmentWatch
Perhaps you should, I will still bike to work and cut back on energy consumption. By the by, I voted for Trump.
You voted for Trump !? MARVELOUS - GOOD CHOICE :> ME TOO
We all make mistakes.
I must be a total contradiction, I voted for Trump. I want him to listen. We want the Paris climate accords. We live in the real world.
The Paris Climate accord was designed to milk as much out of the American People as possible - environmentalism took back seat. We were expected to PAY other countries to reduce their carbon output - for real $420 billion
I think it was meant to protect the environment, if rich wealthy Americans that exploit illegal aliens also profit from damaging the environment, that isn't a coincidence. They love to corrupt the environment as long as it's to their befit.

think it was meant to protect the environment, if rich wealthy Americans that exploit illegal aliens

Illegal aliens emit much more CO2 here than they did in their home country.
We'd reduce US CO2 a lot if we booted all the illegal aliens.

Sounds like we'd stick it to those mean rich people too.......let's do it!!

I AM 60 YEARS OLD, I love science. It's becoming apparent the climate is changing, when it was pretty much static or so slow to change it took hundreds or thousands of years before anyone noticed. Now? I see the change in a few dozen years, nobody is making that up, it's real. I see PACs controlling debate on global warming the same way I do immigration. Think about it.Wealthy industrialist in the petroleum industry VS wealthy industrialist that exploit illegal aliens want to manipulate popular opinion to minimize the effects. Follow the money.


The UNIVERSE is also changing......I guess you also think man is to blame for black holes, super novae and colliding galaxies too
Well, if your plantation elitist masters told you to think so I'm absolutely certain you would.....

The actual measured physical data supports AGW theory. The models aren't even necessary. The success of the models (denier big lies to the contrary) are just icing on the cake.

Stratospheric cooling.

Increasing backradation.

Decreasing outgoing longwave radiation in the greenhouse gas bands.

Those are all measured directly, no models required. They are smoking guns for human-caused greenhouse gas warming, being that no "natural causes!" theory explains those direct observations.

This is how science works. The theory that best explains _all_ of the observed data will be the accepted theory. AGW theory does that. No other theory even attempts to do it. Hence, AGW is the accepted scientific theory.

If the denier pseudoscience cultists want to be taken seriously, they need to put forth their own theory that explains all of the observed data. So far, they haven't even tried. All they do is weep out conspiracy theories. Their "It's a natural cycle!" theory is directly contradicted by the observed data, hence that theory certainly does not explain the observed physical data, hence it is suckass science.

Sooooo for the sake of the argument let's play the Al Gore game for a second......

Even if Global Warming (or Climate Change by CO2) was true, there is nothing you or I or the US government can do to stop countries like China (the worlds greatest polluter) from continuing to pump out trillions of tons of so called greenhouse gasses. With or without a Paris Accord or any other "agreement"...China will do whatever the hell it wants and doesn't give a rats ass about Global warming. Their philosophy, they have at LEAST 200 years of industrial catchup to the USA and they feel that it will be about that long before their country has created the equivalent amount of GHG that the USA has already done....and they are ENTITLED to that pollution.

That's just China. There are other developing nations that will soon industrialize and become major polluters.... Simple fact....there's not a DAMN THING anyone can do about it whether it's true or not.

The ONLY solution is a reduction in GLOBAL HUMAN POPULATION. PERIOD.
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!

Did you ever bother to skim.through the report? Why is John Christy in there..?

What does scientist from department of geology have anything to do with it?

[AGW has NO basis in physics. None. There is not a single repeatable experiment that shows a miniscule increase in CO2 will have any effect on global temps. All you have are computer derived fiction that you can't seem to understand isn't REAL! It's FICTION!

The actual measured physical data supports AGW theory. The models aren't even necessary. The success of the models (denier big lies to the contrary) are just icing on the cake.

Stratospheric cooling.

Increasing backradation.

Decreasing outgoing longwave radiation in the greenhouse gas bands.

Those are all measured directly, no models required. They are smoking guns for human-caused greenhouse gas warming, being that no "natural causes!" theory explains those direct observations.

This is how science works. The theory that best explains _all_ of the observed data will be the accepted theory. AGW theory does that. No other theory even attempts to do it. Hence, AGW is the accepted scientific theory.

If the denier pseudoscience cultists want to be taken seriously, they need to put forth their own theory that explains all of the observed data. So far, they haven't even tried. All they do is weep out conspiracy theories. Their "It's a natural cycle!" theory is directly contradicted by the observed data, hence that theory certainly does not explain the observed physical data, hence it is suckass science.

Wrong on ALL counts little kitty. There are NO empirical sources that support any aspect of the AGW theory. Not one.
Explain WHY Mother Nature designed plants that grow and thrive optimally at ~600 ppm CO2?

First, explain where you got that "fact".

Second, explain why you think "mother nature" is some kind of sentient being that's working towards a mysterious goal. That is, why do you embrace the Gaian hypothesis?

And third, explain why you think it has anything to do with the fact that rising CO2 levels are increasing the earth's temperature.

Got the fact from biology... specifically, botany. Every commercial greenhouse in the country pumps in CO2 to aid plant growth.

I never claimed Mother Nature was a sentient being. I asked you a question you can't answer. Why would nature give us plants that like ~600 ppm CO2 best if that's unacceptably high? That's kind of odd to me. Seems if ~280 ppm were "normal" the plants would be happiest there. Nature usually isn't that far outta whack with what's natural.

Rising CO2 levels are not increasing the Earth's temps. The average temp has increased one degree in a century and CO2 has risen dramatically. For 17 years, CO2 rose every year and temps didn't. It's called "The Pause" and you don't have an explanation for that. Nevertheless, CO2 levels are still way below what plants think is optimal. Why is that?
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!

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