450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial

Very dishonest of you to pretend the Zwally study isn't regarded as wrong by every other scientist.

But then, your cult didn't inrom you of that, and you only know what you cult tells you. That's why you deniers are so completely ignorant of the science on every level, because you're completely dependent on cult propaganda instead of actual science.
Well skippy, I'm not lying about jack squat. I'm simply providing you dip wads with facts I find.

Can you tell me why it was so hot decades ago before all this global warming fantasy? Why are all the record high temps from so long ago? You got an answer that doesn't include leftard jackassery, manipulated projections and inane dumbass insults?

Yeah all from so far back. I mean San Diego's record high was all the way back in... June. And Las Vegas' record high set all the way back in... June. And the earth's hottest temp in the Eastern Hemisphere... set in July. And the hottest year on record in recorded history is 2016.

But it's not just about those peaks. That's why non-scientists trying to debunk global warming based on their political affiliation is such a joke. It's the absolute wrong way to go about it.
Mary, look at the "arguments" you are seeing here objectively. Relentless appeals to popularity. Constant insulting and denigrating anyone who doesn't buy in. Bullying people into accepting their rhetoric. Does that sound like they have a solid case for their science? Thee people are pushing a cult-like agenda. They know the science isn't there. They know they've been exposed as frauds and charlatans.
Since the mid seventies, I have to pay so much more for water because we get less rain. To water my lawn and my garden. But when I was a kid, it rained more or less every third day, I remember full well.
Now, here in Denver, on average it rains once every three weeks, if not longer. I am no statistician, but it is getting warmer and drier. I remember we all used to speak English and illegals were a pipe dream. Now?
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Since the mid seventies, I have to pay so much more for water because we get less rain. to water my lawn and my garden. But when I was a kid, it rained more or less every third day, I remember full well.
Now, here in Denver, on average it rains once every three weeks, if not longer. I am no statistician, but it is getting warmer and drier. I remember we all used to speak English and illegals were a pipe dream. Now?

Again... you are factually wrong. The temps are relatively the same. Rainfall varies from region to region through the years but as an aggregate, it's virtually unchanged. It simply SEEMS that it's getting warmer and drier. It's actually NOT.

This has not a damn thing to do with immigration!
THe thing that threw me off about climate change when I was in the military was that it's not a hot topic in most countries. Outside of the US as long as there isn't political division on it, everyone believes its ongoing and it's man made. Some don't care, and aren't going to stop polluting because they want to make their $ now rather than save the world later. And that's their choice. But only where we get politicians and po
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
I voted for Trump. I know man made global warming is real, Trump better stop pandering to the petroleum PAC's and listen to the American voter.
78% think man may affect the climate, only 18% think man is the cause solely... Trump is listening to the majority who believe we are not the sole cause and the effect is minuscule...

When people are given the whole data and not cherry picked parts they are smarter than the average politician.

Wow buddy you just added a lot in there that isn't true.

Actually worldwide it's around 90-98% that believe in climate change being influenced by man. A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused. Sure in the US it's way down, but remember we've got politicians dollars involved looking for the words they want to hear rather than just pure science.

Honestly I'd leave the politicians out of climate change. What's interesting is in countries where climate change doesn't have opposing political parties, that 97% turns into over 99%.

Where do you get that 78%? I've seen that study. They asked scientists in the US only and got that number. Granted of the climatologists in that group (the scientists who actually study... Climate) we 97% saying yes. But they wanted a study that didn't include just the guys that study climate, but the opinion of scientists that study other things not related to climate as well.

Hmmm, if 78% of doctors say I need to get my hand set in a cast when I broke it, that's not sounding like a big consensus. But if among the doctors of medicine it's 97%, and with the doctors of philosophy it's only 60%... I'm going with the guys who actually know the topic.

A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused.

Yes, 75/77 is very impressive!
Can you tell me why it was so hot decades ago before all this global warming fantasy?

It wasn't. That was easy.

Why are all the record high temps from so long ago?

They're not. New record highs greatly outnumber new record lows. Did you cult not inform you of that as well?

Here's a hint: the USA is not the planet.

And by the way, Death Valley just set the record for hottest average monthly temperature anywhere on planet earth in recorded history. "Hottest month ever anywhere on earth" is pretty significant, no?

Death Valley Sets New Global Record for Hottest Single Month

You got an answer that doesn't include leftard jackassery, manipulated projections, tampered with data and inane dumbass insults?

Sucks to be you. All the data contradicts your pseudoscience cult, so you're forced to fabricate these bizarre conspiracy theories to explain why reality contradicts your loopy cult mantras. That's why it's so good to be on the rational and truthful side. We don't need to fabricate convoluted conspiracy stories. To "win", we simply have to point at the facts.
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
I voted for Trump. I know man made global warming is real, Trump better stop pandering to the petroleum PAC's and listen to the American voter.
78% think man may affect the climate, only 18% think man is the cause solely... Trum is listening to the majority who believe we are not the sole cause and the effect is miniscule...
I AM 60 YEARS OLD, I love science. It's becoming apparent the climate is changing, when it was pretty much static or so slow to change it took hundreds or thousands of years before anyone noticed. Now? I see the change in a few dozen years, nobody is making that up, it's real. I see PACs controlling debate on global warming the same way I do immigration. Think about it.Wealthy industrialist in the petroleum industry VS wealthy industrialist that exploit illegal aliens want to manipulate popular opinion to minimize the effects. Follow the money.

Keep blaming the wealthy.. You want to see just how fast climate can change? One need only look at the paleo records and we can change massively in as little as 30 years and as much as 2-4 deg C..

So until you folks can produce OBSERVED EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your premise I don't want to hear your fantasies..
Mary, look at the "arguments" you are seeing here objectively. Relentless appeals to popularity. Constant insulting and denigrating anyone who doesn't buy in. Bullying people into accepting their rhetoric.

Then maybe you deniers should find some other tactics, eh?

Speaking of cult tactics, you're the poster boy for them.

A normal person understands how mediocre they are. A normal person, if they see that the world disagrees with them, they very seriously consider that they themselves are probably wrong. They don't assume that if the world disagrees with them, that the world must be plotting against them. Only paranoid narcissists think like that. You know, cultists.

Despite what you think, reading some conspiracy blogs has not granted you special knowledge that the rest of the planet lacks. It's just pulled you deeper into your cult.
[AGW has NO basis in physics. None. There is not a single repeatable experiment that shows a miniscule increase in CO2 will have any effect on global temps. All you have are computer derived fiction that you can't seem to understand isn't REAL! It's FICTION!

The actual measured physical data supports AGW theory. The models aren't even necessary. The success of the models (denier big lies to the contrary) are just icing on the cake.

Stratospheric cooling.

Increasing backradation.

Decreasing outgoing longwave radiation in the greenhouse gas bands.

Those are all measured directly, no models required. They are smoking guns for human-caused greenhouse gas warming, being that no "natural causes!" theory explains those direct observations.

This is how science works. The theory that best explains _all_ of the observed data will be the accepted theory. AGW theory does that. No other theory even attempts to do it. Hence, AGW is the accepted scientific theory.

If the denier pseudoscience cultists want to be taken seriously, they need to put forth their own theory that explains all of the observed data. So far, they haven't even tried. All they do is weep out conspiracy theories. Their "It's a natural cycle!" theory is directly contradicted by the observed data, hence that theory certainly does not explain the observed physical data, hence it is suckass science.

You have ONE degree temperature change in a century.

90% of GHG is Water Vapor!

IF the atmosphere were a 10,000 seat arena, carbon dioxide would represent 4 seats.

All photosynthetic plant life thrives most optimally at ~600 ppm CO2. (We're currently at ~400 ppm)
Since the mid seventies, I have to pay so much more for water because we get less rain. to water my lawn and my garden. But when I was a kid, it rained more or less every third day, I remember full well.
Now, here in Denver, on average it rains once every three weeks, if not longer. I am no statistician, but it is getting warmer and drier. I remember we all used to speak English and illegals were a pipe dream. Now?

Again... you are factually wrong. The temps are relatively the same. Rainfall varies from region to region through the years but as an aggregate, it's virtually unchanged. It simply SEEMS that it's getting warmer and drier. It's actually NOT.

This has not a damn thing to do with immigration!
It's about people manipulating the facts to fit their agenda. We see the facts, global warming denial or defending illegal aliens, pretty much the same thing.
THe thing that threw me off about climate change when I was in the military was that it's not a hot topic in most countries. Outside of the US as long as there isn't political division on it, everyone believes its ongoing and it's man made. Some don't care, and aren't going to stop polluting because they want to make their $ now rather than save the world later. And that's their choice. But only where we get politicians and po
450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trumps climate science denial
JOE ROMM at Think Progress

450 scientists present stunning rebuke of Trump’s climate science denial


A massive new report by more than 450 scientists, confirms that the Earth warmed to a new record in 2016, driven by a record increase in carbon dioxide levels.

The 27th annual “State of the Climate” report, led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stands as the first comprehensive rebuke by the nation’s and world’s climate scientists to the presidency of Donald Trump. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” and reaffirmed last week that he intends to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, which remains the best hope for America and the world to avert catastrophic impacts.

“Surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, two of the more publicly recognized indicators of global-scale climate change, set new highs during 2016,” the report explains, “as did several surface and near-surface indicators and essential climate variables.”

NOAA’s news release explains that 2016 set several major new climate records — all of which topped records previously set the year before:

Greenhouse gases were the highest on record.
Global surface temperature was the highest on record.
Average sea surface temperature was the highest on record.
Global sea level was the highest on record.

Go Scientist go!!! Wahooo!!! Fuck Trump!
I voted for Trump. I know man made global warming is real, Trump better stop pandering to the petroleum PAC's and listen to the American voter.
78% think man may affect the climate, only 18% think man is the cause solely... Trump is listening to the majority who believe we are not the sole cause and the effect is minuscule...

When people are given the whole data and not cherry picked parts they are smarter than the average politician.

Wow buddy you just added a lot in there that isn't true.

Actually worldwide it's around 90-98% that believe in climate change being influenced by man. A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused. Sure in the US it's way down, but remember we've got politicians dollars involved looking for the words they want to hear rather than just pure science.

Honestly I'd leave the politicians out of climate change. What's interesting is in countries where climate change doesn't have opposing political parties, that 97% turns into over 99%.

Where do you get that 78%? I've seen that study. They asked scientists in the US only and got that number. Granted of the climatologists in that group (the scientists who actually study... Climate) we 97% saying yes. But they wanted a study that didn't include just the guys that study climate, but the opinion of scientists that study other things not related to climate as well.

Hmmm, if 78% of doctors say I need to get my hand set in a cast when I broke it, that's not sounding like a big consensus. But if among the doctors of medicine it's 97%, and with the doctors of philosophy it's only 60%... I'm going with the guys who actually know the topic.

A peer reviewed study of over 12,000 scientific studies on climate change found 97% for example believe it's human caused.

Yes, 75/77 is very impressive!
I love the circular reasoning these idiots use.. The original 97% lie was done by John Cook and it was a total sham... Now they use Cook's work to support their own and tell us Cooks cooked crap is valid...

The spinning is making me dizzy.
Mary, look at the "arguments" you are seeing here objectively. Relentless appeals to popularity. Constant insulting and denigrating anyone who doesn't buy in. Bullying people into accepting their rhetoric.

Then maybe you deniers should find some other tactics, eh?

Speaking of cult tactics, you're the poster boy for them.

A normal person understands how mediocre they are. A normal person, if they see that the world disagrees with them, they very seriously consider that they themselves are probably wrong. They don't assume that if the world disagrees with them, that the world must be plotting against them. Only paranoid narcissists think like that. You know, cultists.

Despite what you think, reading some conspiracy blogs has not granted you special knowledge that the rest of the planet lacks. It's just pulled you deeper into your cult.

MORE insults in absence of science.
Can you tell me why it was so hot decades ago before all this global warming fantasy?

It wasn't. That was easy.

Why are all the record high temps from so long ago?

They're not. New record highs greatly outnumber new record lows. Did you cult not inform you of that as well?

Here's a hint: the USA is not the planet.

And by the way, Death Valley just set the record for hottest average monthly temperature anywhere on planet earth in recorded history. "Hottest month ever anywhere on earth" is pretty significant, no?

Death Valley Sets New Global Record for Hottest Single Month

You got an answer that doesn't include leftard jackassery, manipulated projections, tampered with data and inane dumbass insults?

Sucks to be you. All the data contradicts your pseudoscience cult, so you're forced to fabricate these bizarre conspiracy theories to explain why reality contradicts your loopy cult mantras. That's why it's so good to be on the rational and truthful side. We don't need to fabricate convoluted conspiracy stories. To "win", we simply have to point at the facts.
Sucks to believe fake data like you.

Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records

Why do you morons keep beating this dead cow and ignore the fact that you're being lied to?
Mary, look at the "arguments" you are seeing here objectively. Relentless appeals to popularity. Constant insulting and denigrating anyone who doesn't buy in. Bullying people into accepting their rhetoric.

Then maybe you deniers should find some other tactics, eh?

Speaking of cult tactics, you're the poster boy for them.

A normal person understands how mediocre they are. A normal person, if they see that the world disagrees with them, they very seriously consider that they themselves are probably wrong. They don't assume that if the world disagrees with them, that the world must be plotting against them. Only paranoid narcissists think like that. You know, cultists.

Despite what you think, reading some conspiracy blogs has not granted you special knowledge that the rest of the planet lacks. It's just pulled you deeper into your cult.

MORE insults in absence of science.

Where's your science? You're attacking science with nothing more then smears and no real beef.
Since the mid seventies, I have to pay so much more for water because we get less rain. to water my lawn and my garden. But when I was a kid, it rained more or less every third day, I remember full well.
Now, here in Denver, on average it rains once every three weeks, if not longer. I am no statistician, but it is getting warmer and drier. I remember we all used to speak English and illegals were a pipe dream. Now?

Again... you are factually wrong. The temps are relatively the same. Rainfall varies from region to region through the years but as an aggregate, it's virtually unchanged. It simply SEEMS that it's getting warmer and drier. It's actually NOT.

This has not a damn thing to do with immigration!
It's about people manipulating the facts to fit their agenda. We see the facts, global warming denial or defending illegal aliens, pretty much the same thing.

The FACTS do NOT fit the Warmer agenda... that's why they have to resort to insult and ridicule.

Mary, look at the "arguments" you are seeing here objectively. Relentless appeals to popularity. Constant insulting and denigrating anyone who doesn't buy in. Bullying people into accepting their rhetoric.

Then maybe you deniers should find some other tactics, eh?

Speaking of cult tactics, you're the poster boy for them.

A normal person understands how mediocre they are. A normal person, if they see that the world disagrees with them, they very seriously consider that they themselves are probably wrong. They don't assume that if the world disagrees with them, that the world must be plotting against them. Only paranoid narcissists think like that. You know, cultists.

Despite what you think, reading some conspiracy blogs has not granted you special knowledge that the rest of the planet lacks. It's just pulled you deeper into your cult.

MORE insults in absence of science.

Where's your science? You're attacking science with nothing more then smears and no real beef.
You have ONE degree temperature change in a century.

More like 1.3C.

90% of GHG is Water Vapor!

Not relevant to the correctness of AGW theory.

IF the atmosphere were a 10,000 seat arena, carbon dioxide would represent 4 seats

Not relevant to the correctness of AGW theory.

All photosynthetic plant life thrives most optimally at ~600 ppm CO2. (We're currently at ~400 ppm)

Not relevant to the correctness of AGW theory.

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