47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

He says he declassified everything he took to MAL and there isn't a damned thing your heroes in DC can do to prove otherwise.
Only a devoted member of Trump's cult would say that. They believe everything Trump says.

That makes them very dangerous!
"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office." https://www.politico.com/news/2020/...rms-russia-aimed-to-help-trump-in-2016-198171
Trump led a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government culminating in the ransacking of our capitol on Jan. 6. Some died, 140 police were assaulted, the life of the vice-president was threatened, and the business of Congress was halted.

Trump said he would issue full pardons and a government apology to rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. “I am financially supporting people that are incredible and they were in my office actually two days ago, so they’re very much in my mind,” Trump said. “It’s a disgrace what they’ve done to them. What they’ve done to these people is disgraceful. I mean full pardons with an apology to many,” he told conservative radio host Wendy Bell on Thursday morning.

Members of his cult love that kind of talk. Trump is, after all, talking to them.

After his seven million vote defeat, Trump stole important documents from us.

"The expanded property list gives further detail of the volume of material seized by agents in the search and how it was intermingled with seemingly innocuous items such as newspaper clippings, photographs, books and clothing. It describes hundreds upon hundreds of U.S. government documents collected by investigators without any classification markings that were grouped in some cases with only a few documents that bore classification markings ranging from Confidential to Top Secret/SCI (Sensitive compartmented information)," ABC.

Trump and his followers are doing the bidding of our foreign adversaries by attacking the foundation of our democracy, free and fair elections. Trump and his misguided followers are still saying he won the election without ever producing evidence of such an outrageous lie.

It is entirely possible that Trump may be indicted for espionage, obstruction of justice, and/or sedition for Jan. 6.

Our President said recently, "There's no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the 'MAGA Republicans,' and that is a threat to this country."

CNN reports, "If Republicans take back the House in the November midterm elections, that would give them unilateral subpoena power,"

And all of this would be swept under the rug.

Is that what we want?

Is that what Republicans want?

Or do they want to be done with the Trump curse?
Don the Con created himself, the impeahments and FBI Russian investigation by Mueller, cuz he fired Comey.

Every thing that happened to trump was not a witch hunt, a hoax, fake news blah blah blah blah blah, that the whiney, helpless, poor baby bitch constantly cried wolf about.... he brought it ALL on to himself...imo.
At every step of the way he could have cooperated. But the extortion he attempted with Ukraine, that was dirty and an abuse of power. But they will keep on claiming “Biden did it too” despite the fact was acting in concert Congress, his administration, the EU and anti corruption groups in Ukraine.
So where the fuck are those documents, I wonder.

We know the rubes couldn't care less, or at least that's what they're pretending.

Even though I know this con man is capable of anything, I'm trying to assume that those documents are safe.

My votes against this menace have never been more justified. What a fucking disgrace.


What documents would those be?

I saw no documents listed in the affidavit released to the public so they must not exist.


You words did that, you did that to yourself.

You care more about Trump than America.
Party over country
let Trump put American security at serious risk, who cares about American ives, protect Trump at all costs...



No, not party. One person.... over country. This classic 101 cultism. These idiots couldn't care less if Trump sold out america to it's enemies because they only care about one thing above anything else, Trump. Those who create false idols out of men are doomed.

The fact that Trump may have given away or even sold classified secrets to our enemies should automatically disturb any citizen of this country with any brain cells, unless they were part of the MAGA cult.
(de-classified) he did it he WAS President
OK, prove it.
Better yet, Don Trump prove it.

'Thinking' it should be de-classified......ain't 'de-classifying' anything.
America's secrets are guarded by several layers of security. Among them are protocols, processes, communication, vested or originating players.
So, Don Trump wasn't 'all alone' in his 'process' of de-classifying. There was a bunch of other stuff attached to it.

I am absolutely mildly convinced you know that already.
In the lobby of Trump Tower:


Wow!!! A used empty folder stamped "classified evening summary" on display at the bar in trump tower.

You really got him now!!!

Where's that itemized list of classified documents the FBI was searching for?

While you're at it how about an itemized list of what the FBI took out of Mar-a-Largo that exceeded their warrant?

You've really got him now!!!!!

Were the heavily armed FBI threatened by the housekeepers when they raided the place?

Were the FBI able to find everything they needed at the wet bar?

Was Melania's underwear important evidence?

You've really got him now!!!!!!!


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again for the slow and amazingly stupid when he did it he WAS President
There is a process to declassify our secrets.

Trump can declassify, but he has to follow the process to keep our human resources, and foreign resources, and the United States overall, safe.

Surely you KNOW BETTER to believe swiping a magic wand over cases of Records and documents claiming declassification of everything, with no one around to go through the declassification process of our secrets first, and no one to process the declassification government wide and in the system, is not only ridiculous it is an abuse of power, and impeachable! It breaks the constitution's presidential Take Care Clause.
There is a process to declassify our secrets.

Trump can declassify, but he has to follow the process to keep our human resources, and foreign resources, and the United States overall, safe.

Surely you KNOW BETTER to believe swiping a magic wand over cases of Records and documents claiming declassification of everything, with no one around to go through the declassification process of our secrets first, and no one to process the declassification government wide and in the system, is not only ridiculous it is an abuse of power, and impeachable! It breaks the constitution's presidential Take Care Clause.

So what were those documents that were not declassified?

Please do give us an itemized list of what the FBI was looking for and did they take only those items when they raided and seized fifteen boxes at Mar-a-Largo.

We want all the juicy details about this impeachable offense!

You really got him now!!!


View attachment 691581

So what were those documents that were not declassified?

Please do give us an itemized list of what the FBI was looking for and did they take only those items when they raided and seized fifteen boxes at Mar-a-Largo.

We want all the juicy details about this impeachable offense!

You really got him now!!!


It’s up to Trump to provide a chain of custody for the documents and verification that all relevant effected agencies were made aware of the changes. Declassification isn’t a “because I said so” situation.
Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

I find it rather funny that they raided Trump's home because they say Trump had top secret classified info and yet they had no idea what top secret classified info Trump actually had so they had to raid his home to find out because they didn't know. One thing they did claim in the beginning was that the classified info involved nuclear information and yet, apparently, no classified nuclear info was even found. Now they find a bunch of empty folders and they still don't know what was in them. Now, one would think that

1. They should know in the first place and

2. you'd think the folders would have some sort of code on them so that you could figure out what was actually in them and also to make sure top secret classified info wouldn't actually get misplaced in different folders.

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