47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Uh huh. No one had oversight of what the agents were doing, and no agent was searched. They easily could have brought the classified folders into Trump's residence and there is NO WAY they can prove the did not.
When supposedly professional FBI agents show up for a search for documents in a political opponent's home wearing cargo pants, it's not hard to guess why they need so much pocket room.
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But, in reality, I don't. I regularly post my disagreements with the Left.

So, you're just attacking out of ignorance. Very Trumpian. Sorry.
Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

Perhaps the FBI planted those folders. No witnesses were allowed during the raid and the FBI requested surveillance cameras be turned off. Right off that smelled to me.

The FBI is morphing into a political law enforcement agency somewhat like the KGB or the Gestapo. It’s nowhere near as evil today but who knows about tomorrow.

I believe the main object is to damage Trump’s reputation so badly he can’t run in 2024. If Trump is prosecuted there will be questions about why Hillary wasn’t for the way she handled classified data.

Perhaps the FBI planted those folders. No witnesses were allowed during the raid and the FBI requested surveillance cameras be turned off. Right off that smelled to me.

The FBI is morphing into a political law enforcement agency somewhat like the KGB or the Gestapo. It’s nowhere near as evil today but who knows about tomorrow.

I believe the main object is to damage Trump’s reputation so badly he can’t run in 2024. If Trump is prosecuted there will be questions about why Hillary wasn’t for the way she handled classified data.

I'm thinking that there is a more nefarious reason than damaging Trump's reputation. Unless, they really are as tone-deaf to the American people as they seem.

They know that they can't damage Trump's reputation, and they must know how much this raid has damaged their own. The TDS folks don't hate Trump anymore after the raid, and Trump's supporters see right through it.

I think their goal is to get some kind of conviction with no jail time, but with disqualification for office. That is probably the only way they can prevent a 2024 loss to Trump. They idea of allowing voters to decide the president when it might not be an establishment type is an anathema to them.
Perhaps the FBI planted those folders. No witnesses were allowed during the raid and the FBI requested surveillance cameras be turned off. Right off that smelled to me.

The FBI is morphing into a political law enforcement agency somewhat like the KGB or the Gestapo. It’s nowhere near as evil today but who knows about tomorrow.

I believe the main object is to damage Trump’s reputation so badly he can’t run in 2024. If Trump is prosecuted there will be questions about why Hillary wasn’t for the way she handled classified data.


You have no logical explanation for Trump's extreme crimes and are not man enough to admit Trump committed crimes so you are going to make up some pathetic excuse and try to say the FBI planted the evidence...

Republicans can't take personal responsibility for anything in life. They are the party of blaming others.
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The word "classified" means it has a classification.

- Secret (Embarrassing)
- Top secret
- Above top secret

To say the documents were "CLASSIFIED" means absolutely nothing.

the President has plenary power to declassify any classified document.
But didn't. Which is why he is not stating this in sworn court filings, but IS stating inthe sworn filings he gave classified materials to the FBI.

Note the difference in his claims, in a setting where lies are punished.
LOL look at the board retard, everyone screaming empty folders are proof he destroyed sold or hide the info and we get this from you.
They didn’t seem at all concerned about the 15 mobile devices Nillary and her crew destroyed with hammers, after them being subpoenaed lying about having only 2. No obstruction there.
But didn't.
Sure he did. Your denial is baseless and more Farty bullshit.
Which is why he is not stating this in sworn court filings, but IS stating inthe sworn filings he gave classified materials to the FBI.
The fact of declassification isn’t relevant tit the search warrant dispute yet. And it is still possible that there were some still classified material which he had not declassified. You don’t know. You’re just guessing.
Note the difference in his claims, in a setting where lies are punished.
Note, that you still don’t understand any of it. But I give you permission to continue to believe your own fiction.
Nah,he didn't.
Yeah, he did.
That's a lie.
Only in your ignorant and dull mind.
Good luck.
I don’t need it.
Al the evidence stands against it,
False. That statement is part of your imbecile delusions.
and no evidence for it exists.
False. You simply choose to ignore it. Stupid choice.
You might want to unhitch your wagon from the orange pile of shit.
You might want to unhitch your tongue from Brandon’s asshole.

You have no logical explanation for Trump's extreme crimes and are not man enough to admit Trump committed crimes so you are going to make up some pathetic excuse and try to say the FBI planted the evidence...

Republicans can't take personal responsibility for anything in life. They are the party of blaming others.
The FBI has a poor reputation lately. Planting evidence would not be unusual.

Forty years ago, Bob Dylan reacted to the conviction of an innocent man by singing that he couldn't help but feel ashamed "to live in a land where justice is a game." Over the ensuing decades, the criminal-justice system has improved in many significant ways. But shame is still an appropriate response to it, as the Washington Post made clear Saturday in an article that begins with a punch to the gut: "Nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000," the newspaper reported, adding that "the cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death."

It wouldn’t really be a disaster if “the clowns were running the circus,” somewhere. Our society could probably survive a corrupted circus. But when criminals run law enforcement organizations, the outcomes can be very sinister.

Beginning in the 1960’s, Irish Mob gang leader James J. ‘Whitey’ Bulger rose to power and dominated the Boston underworld like no one has before, or since. Extremely sly and extremely brutal, he blended the two key ingredients to maintain power in the jungle of organized crime. Among his triumphs: he conned the Justice Department officials in the area, and the local FBI, into giving him ongoing immunity for years. In return he gave them some, limited help in nailing rival gangs, increasing his own power and dominance of crime in the region, while he murdered by the dozens.

When his high-wire act could be sustained no longer and his fall was imminent, FBI agent John Connolly tipped him off and he disappeared, for sixteen years, until his arrest in California in 2011. He’s since been convicted and shipped off for life, but the courtroom scene wasn’t pretty. It revealed countless accusations, and counter-accusations, of low and duplicitous dealing between and among law enforcement, prosecutors, and criminals. After putting Whitey away for good, the DOJ response was to prosecute 76-year-old FBI whistleblower Robert Fitzpatrick for perjury, after his damning testimony about perceived FBI complicity with Bulger years ago. The Fitzpatrick prosecution appears, at least on the surface, to be ugly retribution, reminiscent of the Hoover era, for anyone who speaks ill of the FBI brethren.

The Senate impeachment trial, if anything, has once again shown the American people that “Schiff is lying about the President of the United States,” Fitton states. Digging deeper, Judicial Watch has found more on the FISA Court “spy warrants,” which, Fitton continues, the FBI recently acknowledged were “garbage” and “lies” to gain the necessary authorizations to spy on President Trump, Carter Page and his team. The FISA Court approved the FBI requests for warrants on four separate occasions between 2016 and 2018, but “waited for the [2019] IG Report” to be told “what they should’ve known for 2 years,” Fitton claims. However, the court has yet to institute the needed “criminal proceedings related to the obstruction of the court process,” Fitton concludes.

Clearly, the FBI’s documented penchant for corruptly misleading the court does little to maintain public confidence in the agency, the Mueller investigation, and the FISA Court itself. However, while the public debate may now shift to discussing the legitimacy of the court, the public cannot lose focus. Investigations must be focused on those “who lied for political reasons,” Fitton continues.

Members of an anti-government group accused of hatching a plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer claim they were set up by more than a dozen FBI agents who had infiltrated the organization and played a key role in the plot, according to a new report.

Gawd almighty, heaven help us!!!

Government records are government records, the President can not turn government records magically in to personal records.

Personal records, are PERSONAL records

like Clinton hiring his own biographer for his presidency and discussions on what should go in his future planned book.

That's personal.
And are you REALLY trying to claim the 60 cases of govt documents recovered were his personal records or the classified, top secret, and secret documents were his personal records?

Holy crap!! What is wrong with you? :rofl:

The court made no such distinction and said what a president considers personal is at his sole discretion and no one has standing to challenge it. I guess you think that box of framed magazine covers were government property as well.

Also having personal copies of declassified information is not a crime.


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