47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Hardly the same circumstances.
You're right. Democrats gave the DOJ their marching orders and Garland complied by raiding Trump's home over the very same thing they cleared Hillary over in 2016, saying that even though she mishandled classified info, improperly stored it in her home with a private server, and was extremely wreckless with it, no prosecutor would prosecute the case. Funny how it was Obama's biased DOJ who decided that and yet when it comes to an investigation of the other side, Biden's DOJ makes the very opposite decision when it is happening with the the other side.
Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

Not to worry. If anyone wants the contents of the 47 folders all they have to do is call trump's Top, Vladimir.

Vlad's sure to be taking good care of that material.
There should be a paper trail. For his sake I hope he kept copies. Declassification involves notifying all effected agencies of the change. Was that done? The FBI would need to know that and Trump was being uncooperative.
I would be "uncooperative" also if the FBI had constantly lied about me and created false information.

If there were anything in these folders, how do you know that it was not copies?

Continuing with y our assumed allegations and declaring them as facts just goes to show that you have no actual knowledge on this subject, just speculation.
There should be a paper trail. For his sake I hope he kept copies. Declassification involves notifying all effected agencies of the change. Was that done? The FBI would need to know that and Trump was being uncooperative.
Since you ask the question, you obviously do not know the answer. Which makes your claims nonsense.
You don't know what Hillary had, she destroyed it. Which is treason by itself. Trump declassified the documents, which he could do being president.
well guess what they found nothing on HRC
And Trump got caught with top secret shit, and his declassified it defense will not work in court so good luck with that.

The best part of this is that Trump signed the very bill outlining the law that he broke, the law he broke he signed.
well guess what they found nothing on HRC
And Trump got caught with top secret shit, and his declassified it defense will not work in court so good luck with that.

The best part of this is that Trump signed the very bill outlining the law that he broke, the law he broke he signed.
If your story was true, Trump would already be in jail. They already went over all the files. Wait till we take over next year, and the investigations begin into this witch hunt.
I would be "uncooperative" also if the FBI had constantly lied about me and created false information.

If there were anything in these folders, how do you know that it was not copies?

Continuing with y our assumed allegations and declaring them as facts just goes to show that you have no actual knowledge on this subject, just speculation.
All he has to do is provide an inventory and a chain of custody. Until that’s done, they’re still officially secrets and all our lack of information on the subject is due to Trump’s intransigence.
All he has to do is provide an inventory and a chain of custody. Until that’s done, they’re still officially secrets and all our lack of information on the subject is due to Trump’s intransigence.
They also knew in the beginning that Russian collusion was a hoax. But still tried to prosecute Trump over it. They cannot be trusted after that.
well guess what they found nothing on HRC
And Trump got caught with top secret shit, and his declassified it defense will not work in court so good luck with that.

The best part of this is that Trump signed the very bill outlining the law that he broke, the law he broke he signed.
They refused to look at what Hillary had, see James Comey's comments on the issue. He stated that no attorney would prosecute Hillary and made sure that it was so. Even after stating that there were numerous classified documents on her private servers.

Typical of the FBI, to pick and choose on a political basis what they will look into. It is all on public record.

They choose to go after Trump in revenge for firing Comey.
All he has to do is provide an inventory and a chain of custody. Until that’s done, they’re still officially secrets and all our lack of information on the subject is due to Trump’s intransigence.
Can we all say it at once, BS. You continue to state as fact things that you know nothing about. Good little democrat.

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