47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Can we all say it at once, BS. You continue to state as fact things that you know nothing about. Good little democrat.
Everything I said is common knowledge. Government has protocols and for some reason Trump wasn’t forthcoming about what he had. If you don’t know that, do some reading before commenting.
no they did not.

They found nothing at all

you have nothing on HRC at all

Meanwhile Trump is caught red handed with ultra top secret material and empty folders with missing documents. A clear and blatant crime.

cry about HRC all you want, there is no evidence against her at all
cry for Trumpy all you want, he is caught red handed like a drug dealer with 20 keys of fentanyl in his basement.
there is no such thing as Ultra top secret. You boob
Everything I said is common knowledge. Government has protocols and for some reason Trump wasn’t forthcoming about what he had. If you don’t know that, do some reading before commenting.
You really are a fucking idiot. "Common knowledge" is the crap the MSM spews into Google for click bait. A link does not confer authority, dumbass.
Everything I said is common knowledge. Government has protocols and for some reason Trump wasn’t forthcoming about what he had. If you don’t know that, do some reading before commenting.
And I am sure (not) that they run all of these "protocols" by you for approval. Especially those dealing with classified materials. Once again you spew things that you know nothing about, as usual.
Everything I said is common knowledge. Government has protocols and for some reason Trump wasn’t forthcoming about what he had. If you don’t know that, do some reading before commenting.
No, there’s no protocols. That’s your trouble you follow demofks
No, there’s no protocols. That’s your trouble you follow demofks
Wrong again !!!
The president writes or modifiers previous executive orders regarding classified material handling. Those executive orders, establish the "protocol" for handling classified information.

Executive Order 12968 (PDF), Access to Classified Information, August 2, 1995 Establishes a uniform Federal personnel security program for employees who will be considered for initial or continued access to classified.

Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information
This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information,

Executive Order 13292—Further Amendment
Executive Order 13292—Further. Amendment to Executive Order. 12958, as Amended, Classified. National Security Information. March 25, 2003.
They refused to look at what Hillary had, see James Comey's comments on the issue. He stated that no attorney would prosecute Hillary and made sure that it was so. Even after stating that there were numerous classified documents on her private servers.

Typical of the FBI, to pick and choose on a political basis what they will look into. It is all on public record.

They choose to go after Trump in revenge for firing Comey.
nice try liar

The classified documents found were extremely low level classification and totally harmless
The documents Trump had were high level and extremely dangerous...

Try to keep up
Easier for YOU.

It would be very difficult for me

I'm not built that way
You type empty words, what a joke. You are weak.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible proof of fraud, failed AZ audit, all court cases denied with Trump appointed judges, AG Barr saying no fraud, GOP election officials saying no fraud

You still can't man up and admit Trump lost and there was no fraud.

Reality is s tough fuckin pill for you to swallow, its easier to just live a lie. The big boy word is too harsh for you, and your actions prove this.
nice try liar

The classified documents found were extremely low level classification and totally harmless
The documents Trump had were high level and extremely dangerous...

Try to keep up
You try to keep up. You have no knowledge of what was on Hillarys' servers, just make claims that you have no backup for. Just continual spewing by your masters and a total belief in whatever lie they tell you.

BTW, do you actually have knowledge of what they claim Trump had? You have the proper security clearance to see them and have personally seen them?

If you expect anyone to believe y our garbage, you need some actual proof, which you lack.
nice try liar

The classified documents found were extremely low level classification and totally harmless
The documents Trump had were high level and extremely dangerous...

Try to keep up
And the classification wan't of the documents, but of the information in the documents. Most of the documents were not classified at the time, While some were later classified by the state department on review.

As you said, the documents Trump has/had, were beyond Top Secret, and described as release of the information would: unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
You type empty words, what a joke. You are weak.

You can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible proof of fraud, failed AZ audit, all court cases denied with Trump appointed judges, AG Barr saying no fraud, GOP election officials saying no fraud

You still can't man up and admit Trump lost and there was no fraud.

Reality is s tough fuckin pill for you to swallow, its easier to just live a lie. The big boy word is too harsh for you, and your actions prove this.

What actions?

Posting in an online political forum?

Gawd you're dense.

My actions are not the the issue, dimwit. We're talking about the confidence of the electorate. There are other ways to vote, you know.
And I am sure (not) that they run all of these "protocols" by you for approval. Especially those dealing with classified materials. Once again you spew things that you know nothing about, as usual.
I know they don’t keep sensitive documents in the basement next to the cat’s litter box.
Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

You're so upset, and yet if it were Hillary, you'd be fine and move on, no need to make a case out of it. But it's TRUMP!!!!!

What a lying douche
well guess what they found nothing on HRC
And Trump got caught with top secret shit, and his declassified it defense will not work in court so good luck with that.

The best part of this is that Trump signed the very bill outlining the law that he broke, the law he broke he signed
Doh, they didn't find anything on HRC because they did with her what they did with Hunter, they covered it up, censored, and threatened anybody who wanted to speak the truth. Heck, they didn't even officially depose the traitor.
Wrong again !!!
The president writes or modifiers previous executive orders regarding classified material handling. Those executive orders, establish the "protocol" for handling classified information.

Executive Order 12968 (PDF), Access to Classified Information, August 2, 1995 Establishes a uniform Federal personnel security program for employees who will be considered for initial or continued access to classified.

Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information
This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information,

Executive Order 13292—Further Amendment
Executive Order 13292—Further. Amendment to Executive Order. 12958, as Amended, Classified. National Security Information. March 25, 2003.
Sorry, that’s not protocol for declassification
That's right. Trump had the power to declassify documents and Hillary didn't. Trump had a SCIF built to government standards, too.
Where’s the paper trail? Surely if documents had been declassified, the relevant, effected agencies would have been made aware of the changes, right? Trump may have had the power, but did he actually do it or just say so retroactively?

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