4th Circuit Appeals Court Continues Halt of Muslim Ban


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Just broke on the news, so details are few at this moment. What will 9th Circuit do? If they follow the 4th Circuit, that will be hard getting it to be heard by SCOTUS!
The Orange One has claimed the unitary power of the Executive to ban entry to the US by aliens. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has slapped that ill conceived notion down by stating that, "...power is not absolute". So the Liar-in-Chief has been slapped down again in Federal Court.

"Trump has insisted that the measure is necessary to prevent possible terrorist attacks and protect national security. But opponents, and courts in previous rulings blocking its enforcement, have cited past statements from Trump and his advisors signaling that it may target Muslims.

The 4th Circuit ruling said it was "unconvinced" that the order "has more to do with national security than it does with effectuating the president's proposed Muslim ban."

~~ Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban ~~
The Orange One has claimed the unitary power of the Executive to ban entry to the US by aliens. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has slapped that ill conceived notion down by stating that, "...power is not absolute". So the Liar-in-Chief has been slapped down again in Federal Court.

"Trump has insisted that the measure is necessary to prevent possible terrorist attacks and protect national security. But opponents, and courts in previous rulings blocking its enforcement, have cited past statements from Trump and his advisors signaling that it may target Muslims.

The 4th Circuit ruling said it was "unconvinced" that the order "has more to do with national security than it does with effectuating the president's proposed Muslim ban."

~~ Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban ~~

Hate to burst your bubble, TC but the 4th Circuit Court leans heavily to the left. It would be shocking if they HADN'T ruled that way. The travel ban will be decided in the Supreme Court on appeal..
The Orange One has claimed the unitary power of the Executive to ban entry to the US by aliens. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has slapped that ill conceived notion down by stating that, "...power is not absolute". So the Liar-in-Chief has been slapped down again in Federal Court.

"Trump has insisted that the measure is necessary to prevent possible terrorist attacks and protect national security. But opponents, and courts in previous rulings blocking its enforcement, have cited past statements from Trump and his advisors signaling that it may target Muslims.

The 4th Circuit ruling said it was "unconvinced" that the order "has more to do with national security than it does with effectuating the president's proposed Muslim ban."

~~ Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban ~~

Hate to burst your bubble, TC but the 4th Circuit Court leans heavily to the left. It would be shocking if they HADN'T ruled that way. The travel ban will be decided in the Supreme Court on appeal..
Can you cite an expert saying that the fourth circuit leans "heavily to the left"? (The Gateway Pundit doesn't count).
The Orange One has claimed the unitary power of the Executive to ban entry to the US by aliens. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has slapped that ill conceived notion down by stating that, "...power is not absolute". So the Liar-in-Chief has been slapped down again in Federal Court.

"Trump has insisted that the measure is necessary to prevent possible terrorist attacks and protect national security. But opponents, and courts in previous rulings blocking its enforcement, have cited past statements from Trump and his advisors signaling that it may target Muslims.

The 4th Circuit ruling said it was "unconvinced" that the order "has more to do with national security than it does with effectuating the president's proposed Muslim ban."

~~ Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban ~~

Hate to burst your bubble, TC but the 4th Circuit Court leans heavily to the left. It would be shocking if they HADN'T ruled that way. The travel ban will be decided in the Supreme Court on appeal..
Really? Heavily LEFT? The talking heads on TV said the 4th Circuit leaned heavily RIGHT until Obama got a few of his Court nomination through the Congress a few years back. But I'm not going to run the numbers down now. BTW, OS, the Court decision there in VIRGINIA was 10-3 given the case was heard en banc.

In any case, the Orange Clown keeps losing in Court!
Still no response from the Whitehouse about the decision from the 4th Circuit Court. Perhaps there is no one left behind in DC with the horsepower to make a response. But there will likely be lots of Twitter tweets in the early AM in Europe tomorrow from the Idiot-in-Chief how the Court is so very baaaaaad!
So once again the left takes join in the ruin of our great country. The left doesn't give a crap about no one but themselves, winning is everything, and yet they keep losing. Now the disaster of the Obama years can be revisited upon our nation. I just hope that the let everyone in crowd will be getting their pools cleaned on the cheap. I would hate for their pretend concern go wasted.
The Orange One has claimed the unitary power of the Executive to ban entry to the US by aliens. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has slapped that ill conceived notion down by stating that, "...power is not absolute". So the Liar-in-Chief has been slapped down again in Federal Court.

"Trump has insisted that the measure is necessary to prevent possible terrorist attacks and protect national security. But opponents, and courts in previous rulings blocking its enforcement, have cited past statements from Trump and his advisors signaling that it may target Muslims.

The 4th Circuit ruling said it was "unconvinced" that the order "has more to do with national security than it does with effectuating the president's proposed Muslim ban."

~~ Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban ~~

Hate to burst your bubble, TC but the 4th Circuit Court leans heavily to the left. It would be shocking if they HADN'T ruled that way. The travel ban will be decided in the Supreme Court on appeal..
Really? Heavily LEFT? The talking heads on TV said the 4th Circuit leaned heavily RIGHT until Obama got a few of his Court nomination through the Congress a few years back. But I'm not going to run the numbers down now. BTW, OS, the Court decision there in VIRGINIA was 10-3 given the case was heard en banc.

In any case, the Orange Clown keeps losing in Court!

I would say that with 11 out of the 17 active judges in that court being appointed by either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama...that would constitute "heavily left"! What talking heads were ignorant enough to claim otherwise?

As I said before...this case was always going to go to the Supreme Court. Getting excited about a win at this level is amusing. Then again you guys haven't had much to cheer about lately so knock yourself out!
Just broke on the news, so details are few at this moment. What will 9th Circuit do? If they follow the 4th Circuit, that will be hard getting it to be heard by SCOTUS!

Once again a liberal who apparently knows nothing about the law chimes in with rampant stupidity.

The Trump administration will appeal to SCOTUS regardless of what the 9th circuit ninnies have to say, and no what they decide has no effect because the US government is one of the parties to the case.

Your name is so appropriate. Anything you post is a crime against thought.
Hey libs! Just imagine the political fallout that will be deposited on your heads if a recent refugee who is an ISIS radical comes into this country and pulls off a major terrorist attack. Is that hard to imagine?
I would say that with 11 out of the 17 active judges in that court being appointed by either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama...that would constitute "heavily left"! What talking heads were ignorant enough to claim otherwise?
You should recount there slick. Only nine (9) judges on that court were appointed by Clinton and Obama and eight (8) judges were appointed by Reagan and Bush. The decision on the Muslim ban was 10 to 3 to block the Orange Ones EO. That is an ACTUAL imbalance of ONE(1) rather than yours of six (6). I guess you're to lame to even tally the number of judges appointed by whom. It really sucks to be that damn mentally and intellectually challenged.

I said I hadn't bothered to count the judges affiliations up, and NOT that I wouldn't, shit for brains, but your lie inspired me to do just that. I'm old enough to know the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story, dummy, and experienced enough not to fall for either!
I would say that with 11 out of the 17 active judges in that court being appointed by either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama...that would constitute "heavily left"! What talking heads were ignorant enough to claim otherwise?
You should recount there slick. Only nine (9) judges on that court were appointed by Clinton and Obama and eight (8) judges were appointed by Reagan and Bush. The decision on the Muslim ban was 10 to 3 to block the Orange Ones EO. That is an ACTUAL imbalance of ONE(1) rather than yours of six (6). I guess you're to lame to even tally the number of judges appointed by whom. It really sucks to be that damn mentally and intellectually challenged.

I said I hadn't bothered to count the judges affiliations up, and NOT that I wouldn't, shit for brains, but your lie inspired me to do just that. I'm old enough to know the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story, dummy, and experienced enough not to fall for either!

Judges of the Fourth Circuit, since 1801
Date of Commission
Appointed by President
Pamela A. Harris
Stephanie D. Thacker
Henry F. Floyd
Albert Diaz
James A. Wynn, Jr.
Barbara M. Keenan
Andre M. Davis
G. Steven Agee
Bush, G.W.
Allyson K. Duncan
Bush, G.W.
Dennis W. Shedd
Bush, G.W.
Roger L. Gregory
Bush, G.W.
Robert B. King
William B. Traxler, Jr.
Diana Gribbon Motz
M. Blane Michael
Karen J. Williams
Bush, G.H.W

You don't count very well, TC. I'll stand by my figure of 11 appointed by Clinton and Obama.
Hey libs! Just imagine the political fallout that will be deposited on your heads if a recent refugee who is an ISIS radical comes into this country and pulls off a major terrorist attack. Is that hard to imagine?
Yes, because the ones who might be able to pull off a major attack - are already here.
Hey libs! Just imagine the political fallout that will be deposited on your heads if a recent refugee who is an ISIS radical comes into this country and pulls off a major terrorist attack. Is that hard to imagine?
Yes, because the ones who might be able to pull off a major attack - are already here.

The suicide bomber who just killed all those little girls in Manchester was born in Great Britain but traveled to Libya for training by ISIS before returning to carry out his attack. A travel ban such as Trump has suggested would have prevented him from doing so.

Time to tighten up our border, RT...forget the political talking points...this is simple common sense!
Hey libs! Just imagine the political fallout that will be deposited on your heads if a recent refugee who is an ISIS radical comes into this country and pulls off a major terrorist attack. Is that hard to imagine?
Yes, because the ones who might be able to pull off a major attack - are already here.

The suicide bomber who just killed all those little girls in Manchester was born in Great Britain but traveled to Libya for training by ISIS before returning to carry out his attack. A travel ban such as Trump has suggested would have prevented him from doing so.

Time to tighten up our border, RT...forget the political talking points...this is simple common sense!

Actually, no, it wouldn't because he was a citizen of the UK,

The ban proposed, and temporarily hung up in the courts, would have allowed US citizens to travel to Libya and yet still return.Even if he had a green card, he could go and return.

I suggest we ban all travel of everyone to and from those countries, period. That would solve the problem.
Hey libs! Just imagine the political fallout that will be deposited on your heads if a recent refugee who is an ISIS radical comes into this country and pulls off a major terrorist attack. Is that hard to imagine?
Yes, because the ones who might be able to pull off a major attack - are already here.

Why do you assume that?
A little thing we call - history.

ISIS isn't a person it's an idea. Ideas do not obey borders. You want to lock the gates to keep the ducks out of your pond forgetting - well, shit, those fucking things can fly. Oops.
Doesn't there need to be a Muslim ban before it can be halted? Just saying

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