5 Reasons Israel Is Losing the Public Relations Battle

When Jews stop filling the Occupied Territories with other Jews from around the world?

If it was only about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so why do Palestinians and Arabs kill Jews all over the world?

The answer is simple. It is not about Israel. It is about Muslims wanting to wipe the Jews off.

Up until now, any giving up always came from the Israeli side. Never the Palestinian side. Not only it didn't help. more Jews have been killed because of it.

There is a limit to how much we can give them and be slapped back.:mad:
Are your referring to events like Munich in 1972?

"The Munich massacre is an informal name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Bavaria, in southern West Germany, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6][7] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails... "

I think it is all about the creation of a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine in 1948; when one-third of the population imposed Israel by force of arms upon a majority of Palestinians. Can you point to events like Munich taking place prior to 1948?

Munich massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course.

The carnage of 1921 against the Jews of Israel

The Carnage of 1929 against the Jews of Israel

the carnage called "The Arab awakening" from 1936-1939

But Terror against the Jews existed since the times of Banu Kuraiza and Kahibar. Jews are being murdered in Islamic states without anyone protesting that.
So if the Temple mount belongs to the "Palestinians" it should mean both Jews and Arabs. so they are not allowed to prevent us from praying there.

Either way, the Jews should be allowed to have access to the holy site.
Of coarse. You both have rights to that area, equally. And both should respect the others right. The ones who do, I support. The ones who don't, I'm against.

Well that's good! Now all we need to do is telling that to the Israeli police, who prevent JEWS from praying in their holiest site in their OWN COUNTRY just because the Arabs might be PISSED that the "filthy Jews" walk near their MOSQUE.

How's THAT working out for ya?:mad:
East Jerusalem belongs to the arabs.
So, palistanians are, actually, arabs! Not much of a "nation", indeed.

Palestinians are actually the Jews and Arabs of the area that British occupation called "Palestine". So being politically correct, I should also be considered Palestinian, since my grandmother's ID said in nationality "Palestine".

Even though there is really no such thing as Palestine.

So if the Temple mount belongs to the "Palestinians" it should mean both Jews and Arabs. so they are not allowed to prevent us from praying there.

Either way, the Jews should be allowed to have access to the holy site.

The 1922 census of Palestine was the first census carried out by the authorities of the British Mandate of Palestine, on 23 October 1922.[1]

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 1,454 Hindus, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

A summary of the census results was published in one volume:

J. B. Barron, ed. (1923). Palestine: Report and General Abstracts of the Census of 1922. Government of Palestine. (58 pages)

It contains the population of each village divided by religion and sex, and summaries for each district and the whole country.

1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, palistanians are, actually, arabs! Not much of a "nation", indeed.

Palestinians are actually the Jews and Arabs of the area that British occupation called "Palestine". So being politically correct, I should also be considered Palestinian, since my grandmother's ID said in nationality "Palestine".

Even though there is really no such thing as Palestine.

So if the Temple mount belongs to the "Palestinians" it should mean both Jews and Arabs. so they are not allowed to prevent us from praying there.

Either way, the Jews should be allowed to have access to the holy site.

The 1922 census of Palestine was the first census carried out by the authorities of the British Mandate of Palestine, on 23 October 1922.[1]

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 1,454 Hindus, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

A summary of the census results was published in one volume:

J. B. Barron, ed. (1923). Palestine: Report and General Abstracts of the Census of 1922. Government of Palestine. (58 pages)

It contains the population of each village divided by religion and sex, and summaries for each district and the whole country.

1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the total population was 700,000, how could there have been 700,000 Palestinian refugees during Israel's War of Independence?
Prior to 1948---residents of the british palestine mandate who were not jewish -----did not have papers bearing the term "PALESTINIAN" of course even non jews had papers marked "british palestine mandate" If your grandmother's papers were marked "nationality palestine" or "palestinian"----then she was a jew. If she was an arab---her papers were marked "arab"
The Treaty of Lausanne came into force on August 6, 1924. It stated that the Ottoman nationals who were "habitually residents" of what became Palestine "will become ipso facto" nationals of that state.[2] Article 7 of the Mandate for Palestine stipulated that the British mandatory power "shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law". The British authority via the structure of the British Mandate of Palestine was directed to "facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine." Article 15 stated that "No discrimination of any kind shall be made between the inhabitants of Palestine on the ground of race, religion or language. No person shall be excluded from Palestine on the sole ground of his religious belief."[3]

The first Palestine Citizenship Order was enacted by Britain on 24 July 1925; it was the first official enactment that outlined the legal definition of a Palestinian. Its first article defined a Palestinian as a "Turkish subject habitually resident in the territory of Palestine." It defined the territorial criteria for citizenship, and appeared to be nondiscriminatory legislation, which provided granting of citizenship to an applicant, irrespective of their race, religion or language.
History of Palestinian nationality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Treaty of Lausanne came into force on August 6, 1924. It stated that the Ottoman nationals who were "habitually residents" of what became Palestine "will become ipso facto" nationals of that state.[2] Article 7 of the Mandate for Palestine stipulated that the British mandatory power "shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law". The British authority via the structure of the British Mandate of Palestine was directed to "facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine." Article 15 stated that "No discrimination of any kind shall be made between the inhabitants of Palestine on the ground of race, religion or language. No person shall be excluded from Palestine on the sole ground of his religious belief."[3]

The first Palestine Citizenship Order was enacted by Britain on 24 July 1925; it was the first official enactment that outlined the legal definition of a Palestinian. Its first article defined a Palestinian as a "Turkish subject habitually resident in the territory of Palestine." It defined the territorial criteria for citizenship, and appeared to be nondiscriminatory
legislation, which provided granting of citizenship to an applicant, irrespective of their race, religion or language.
History of Palestinian nationality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British did not use the entire OTTOMAN legal code ---a fact which did lead to some confusion----one of the weird ones involved the erection of buildings which somehow
made any building "LEGAL" if it had a roof. Comically people would construct a ROOF
-free standing---under cover of night time darkness. But getting back to reality----the BRITISH who controlled the Palestine mandate-----referred to Jewish residents of palestine as "palestinians" and arab residents of palestine as "arabs" why bring up OLD OTTOMAN LAW?------doing so is often done in JOKES We could discuss old time english law that determined if a woman was a witch by testing as to whether she would float in water
Stop being so selfish!

It's the oldest inhabited city in the world. Many cultures have lived there.

First of all, Jericho is the oldest-inhabited city in the world, though Jerusalem is more important.
When Jordanian Muslims ruled Jerusalem, they forbade Jews from praying at the Western Wall, destroyed synagogues, and turned gravestones into latrines. Jews will never go back to that.
As for pluralism, unlike most ppl here, as someone who has actually BEEN to Jerusalem, I can say that all the Muslim, Christian, and Armenian holy places are kept in tip-top shape and are open to all. Israeli tourism would suffer, if they weren't.
While Jerusalem is mentioned around 700x in the Hebrew Bible, it's never mentioned in the Quran. Now that doesn't mean that Muslims can't pray there (though they turn up their asses to Jerusalem, while praying towards Mecca). It only means that Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital city. As Jews pray: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither, let my tongue cleave to its palate, if I do not place Jerusalem above my chiefest joy."
" Damascus, Syria

"Damascus is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Its location and persistence have made the city a nexus for civilizations come and gone. Today its metropolitan area is home to about 2.5 million people, and in 2008 it was named the Arab Capital of Culture."

Can you find room for Assad to take a piss on Golda's grave?

When are today's "chosen people" going to choose between a Democratic or a Jewish State?

World's oldest cities: Damascus, Syria | MNN - Mother Nature Network
You should perhaps find burial room for the 18,000+ Syrians that your beloved Assad has slaughtered so far, you fucking idiot. How many more do you think your Arab "hero" will kill? You IslamoNazi dirtbags of course really aren't concerned when Muslims go around killing fellow Muslims by the thousands are you? That is to be expected from the animals.
First of all, Jericho is the oldest-inhabited city in the world, though Jerusalem is more important.
When Jordanian Muslims ruled Jerusalem, they forbade Jews from praying at the Western Wall, destroyed synagogues, and turned gravestones into latrines. Jews will never go back to that.
As for pluralism, unlike most ppl here, as someone who has actually BEEN to Jerusalem, I can say that all the Muslim, Christian, and Armenian holy places are kept in tip-top shape and are open to all. Israeli tourism would suffer, if they weren't.
While Jerusalem is mentioned around 700x in the Hebrew Bible, it's never mentioned in the Quran. Now that doesn't mean that Muslims can't pray there (though they turn up their asses to Jerusalem, while praying towards Mecca). It only means that Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital city. As Jews pray: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither, let my tongue cleave to its palate, if I do not place Jerusalem above my chiefest joy."
" Damascus, Syria

"Damascus is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Its location and persistence have made the city a nexus for civilizations come and gone. Today its metropolitan area is home to about 2.5 million people, and in 2008 it was named the Arab Capital of Culture."

Can you find room for Assad to take a piss on Golda's grave?

When are today's "chosen people" going to choose between a Democratic or a Jewish State?

World's oldest cities: Damascus, Syria | MNN - Mother Nature Network
You should perhaps find burial room for the 18,000+ Syrians that your beloved Assad has slaughtered so far, you fucking idiot. How many more do you think your Arab "hero" will kill? You IslamoNazi dirtbags of course really aren't concerned when Muslims go around killing fellow Muslims by the thousands are you? That is to be expected from the animals.
Over 21,000 as of 8/12/2012

Death toll rises as troops, rebels clash in Syria
If it was only about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so why do Palestinians and Arabs kill Jews all over the world?

The answer is simple. It is not about Israel. It is about Muslims wanting to wipe the Jews off.

Up until now, any giving up always came from the Israeli side. Never the Palestinian side. Not only it didn't help. more Jews have been killed because of it.

There is a limit to how much we can give them and be slapped back.:mad:
Are your referring to events like Munich in 1972?

"The Munich massacre is an informal name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Bavaria, in southern West Germany, when members of the
Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6][7] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails... "

I think it is all about the creation of a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine in 1948; when one-third of the population imposed Israel by force of arms upon a majority of Palestinians. Can you point to events like Munich taking place prior to 1948?

Munich massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There have been countless deadly pogroms against jews in muslim countries over the past 1400 years In fact the filth of shariah was IMPOSED in arabia over the dead bodies of thousands of people who refused to kiss the ass of the rapist pig

The country was STOLEN by muslims from christians, jews, zoroastrians and 'others' and the same scenario was repeated thruout North africa and parts of Europe and Asia

-----and very IMPORTANTLY the arabs STOLE PALESTINE in using the same technique

More IMPORTANTLY, there were 1.2 million Arabs in Mandate Palestine in 1948 and 650,000 Jews.
Over 700,000 Arabs either fled or were evicted during Israel's creation.
You obsess over authentic Muslim crimes from centuries ago and today because you can't justify Al-Nakba:

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

If hundreds of thousands of Jews had been dispossessed of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, would you blame Zionist filth?
If it was only about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so why do Palestinians and Arabs kill Jews all over the world?

The answer is simple. It is not about Israel. It is about Muslims wanting to wipe the Jews off.

Up until now, any giving up always came from the Israeli side. Never the Palestinian side. Not only it didn't help. more Jews have been killed because of it.

There is a limit to how much we can give them and be slapped back.:mad:
Are your referring to events like Munich in 1972?

"The Munich massacre is an informal name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Bavaria, in southern West Germany, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6][7] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails... "

I think it is all about the creation of a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine in 1948; when one-third of the population imposed Israel by force of arms upon a majority of Palestinians. Can you point to events like Munich taking place prior to 1948?

Munich massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course.

The carnage of 1921 against the Jews of Israel

The Carnage of 1929 against the Jews of Israel

the carnage called "The Arab awakening" from 1936-1939

But Terror against the Jews existed since the times of Banu Kuraiza and Kahibar. Jews are being murdered in Islamic states without anyone protesting that.

All your examples can be explained by Arab reaction to Zionism's oft-stated goal of taking all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River for a Jewish Homeland.

Do you see any recurring behavior in the actions of a small minority of Jews through out the centuries in many different countries that regularly inspires mass hatred against all Jews?
Are your referring to events like Munich in 1972?

"The Munich massacre is an informal name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Bavaria, in southern West Germany, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6][7] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails... "

I think it is all about the creation of a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine in 1948; when one-third of the population imposed Israel by force of arms upon a majority of Palestinians. Can you point to events like Munich taking place prior to 1948?

Munich massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course.

The carnage of 1921 against the Jews of Israel

The Carnage of 1929 against the Jews of Israel

the carnage called "The Arab awakening" from 1936-1939

But Terror against the Jews existed since the times of Banu Kuraiza and Kahibar. Jews are being murdered in Islamic states without anyone protesting that.

All your examples can be explained by Arab reaction to Zionism's oft-stated goal of taking all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River for a Jewish Homeland.

Do you see any recurring behavior in the actions of a small minority of Jews through out the centuries in many different countries that regularly inspires mass hatred against all Jews?

No recurring behavior that I see.They have F-16s now.
First of all, Jericho is the oldest-inhabited city in the world, though Jerusalem is more important.
When Jordanian Muslims ruled Jerusalem, they forbade Jews from praying at the Western Wall, destroyed synagogues, and turned gravestones into latrines. Jews will never go back to that.
As for pluralism, unlike most ppl here, as someone who has actually BEEN to Jerusalem, I can say that all the Muslim, Christian, and Armenian holy places are kept in tip-top shape and are open to all. Israeli tourism would suffer, if they weren't.
While Jerusalem is mentioned around 700x in the Hebrew Bible, it's never mentioned in the Quran. Now that doesn't mean that Muslims can't pray there (though they turn up their asses to Jerusalem, while praying towards Mecca). It only means that Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital city. As Jews pray: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither, let my tongue cleave to its palate, if I do not place Jerusalem above my chiefest joy."
" Damascus, Syria

"Damascus is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Its location and persistence have made the city a nexus for civilizations come and gone. Today its metropolitan area is home to about 2.5 million people, and in 2008 it was named the Arab Capital of Culture."

Can you find room for Assad to take a piss on Golda's grave?

When are today's "chosen people" going to choose between a Democratic or a Jewish State?

World's oldest cities: Damascus, Syria | MNN - Mother Nature Network
You should perhaps find burial room for the 18,000+ Syrians that your beloved Assad has slaughtered so far, you fucking idiot. How many more do you think your Arab "hero" will kill? You IslamoNazi dirtbags of course really aren't concerned when Muslims go around killing fellow Muslims by the thousands are you? That is to be expected from the animals.

That's an Arab "democracy" at work for you. Evidently Georgephillip reserves his mindless hatred for Jooos and only Jooos.
Are your referring to events like Munich in 1972?

"The Munich massacre is an informal name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Bavaria, in southern West Germany, when members of the
Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6][7] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails... "

I think it is all about the creation of a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine in 1948; when one-third of the population imposed Israel by force of arms upon a majority of Palestinians. Can you point to events like Munich taking place prior to 1948?

Munich massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There have been countless deadly pogroms against jews in muslim countries over the past 1400 years In fact the filth of shariah was IMPOSED in arabia over the dead bodies of thousands of people who refused to kiss the ass of the rapist pig

The country was STOLEN by muslims from christians, jews, zoroastrians and 'others' and the same scenario was repeated thruout North africa and parts of Europe and Asia

-----and very IMPORTANTLY the arabs STOLE PALESTINE in using the same technique

More IMPORTANTLY, there were 1.2 million Arabs in Mandate Palestine in 1948 and 650,000 Jews.
Over 700,000 Arabs either fled or were evicted during Israel's creation.
You obsess over authentic Muslim crimes from centuries ago and today because you can't justify Al-Nakba:

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

If hundreds of thousands of Jews had been dispossessed of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, would you blame Zionist filth?

Nah ... I would blame you Nazi scumbags.
Of course.

The carnage of 1921 against the Jews of Israel

The Carnage of 1929 against the Jews of Israel

the carnage called "The Arab awakening" from 1936-1939

But Terror against the Jews existed since the times of Banu Kuraiza and Kahibar. Jews are being murdered in Islamic states without anyone protesting that.
All your examples can be explained by Arab reaction to Zionism's oft-stated goal of taking all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River for a Jewish Homeland.

Do you see any recurring behavior in the actions of a small minority of Jews through out the centuries in many different countries that regularly inspires mass hatred against all Jews?
No recurring behavior that I see.They have F-16s now.
And now some of them are using F-16s to steal their neighbors' water:

"The first difficulty in writing about this subject is that the term 'Jew' has been used during the last 150 years with two rather different meanings. To understand this, let us imagine ourselves in the year 1780. Then the universally accepted meaning of the term 'Jew' basically coincided with what the Jews themselves understood as constituting their own identity.

"This identity was primarily religious, but the precepts of religion governed the details of daily behavior in all aspects of life, both social and private, among the Jews themselves as well as in their relation to non-Jews.

"It was then literally true that a Jew could not even drink a glass of water in the home of a non-Jew. And the same basic laws of behavior towards non-Jews were equally valid from Yemen to New York."

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

Do you see how some non-Jews might have come to suspect the recurring prejudices of some Jews over the last few centuries?
There have been countless deadly pogroms against jews in muslim countries over the past 1400 years In fact the filth of shariah was IMPOSED in arabia over the dead bodies of thousands of people who refused to kiss the ass of the rapist pig

The country was STOLEN by muslims from christians, jews, zoroastrians and 'others' and the same scenario was repeated thruout North africa and parts of Europe and Asia

-----and very IMPORTANTLY the arabs STOLE PALESTINE in using the same technique
More IMPORTANTLY, there were 1.2 million Arabs in Mandate Palestine in 1948 and 650,000 Jews.
Over 700,000 Arabs either fled or were evicted during Israel's creation.
You obsess over authentic Muslim crimes from centuries ago and today because you can't justify Al-Nakba:

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

If hundreds of thousands of Jews had been dispossessed of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, would you blame Zionist filth?
Nah ... I would blame you Nazi scumbags.
Because you're stupid or ignorant?

Maybe you should find a little blame for the Zionist scumbags who offered an alliance with Hitler during the Holocaust?
More IMPORTANTLY, there were 1.2 million Arabs in Mandate Palestine in 1948 and 650,000 Jews.
Over 700,000 Arabs either fled or were evicted during Israel's creation.
You obsess over authentic Muslim crimes from centuries ago and today because you can't justify Al-Nakba:

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

If hundreds of thousands of Jews had been dispossessed of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, would you blame Zionist filth?
Nah ... I would blame you Nazi scumbags.
Because you're stupid or ignorant?

Maybe you should find a little blame for the Zionist scumbags who offered an alliance with Hitler during the Holocaust?

Like a good little goose-stepper you only find blame for the Zionists. When it comes to ignorance I'm just not in your league. Everyone who thought they could further their cause dealt with Hitler. Nazi slime like you blame the Jooooos.

Irish Republican Army

Vichy France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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