5-year-old shoots, kills self while dad in shower

Notice too....the NRA actually teaches gun safety........they try to teach gun safety to kids...and the left fights to keep that from happening......so of the two groups....the NRA or the various anti gun groups....the NRA is actually trying to save lives.....the anti gunners....who created gun free killing zones and fight gun safety classes for children...that blood is on their hands.
The southern gun culture strikes again, the NRA cheers!

5-year-old shoots, kills self while dad in shower - CNN Video
Wow that's a leap. Kid gets hold of a gun and shoots herself and it's all because of "Southern Gun Culture"? How about irresponsible gun owner. I have three guns and a one year old in my house. I love my guns but I keep them in a locked gun safe,clips out of the gun,in a locked closet. The NRA recommends and sells such devices to secure your firearms so how is it their fault if someone didn't use one?

The inner city gun culture.....murders close to 8,124 people in 2014......but not one word from the left on who is actually using guns illegally to take innocent lives....

Number of children killed in gun accidents......in 2014, 48.

Where is the real problem? What are the left going to do about the real killers out there....the ones who can't own guns in the first place who still get them and use them to commit crimes...but because they need them every 2-4 years for elections....

Not a peep.....
If the left wing anti gunners really cared.....they would be doing Public Service Announcements about gun safety....real gun safety, and they would want gun safety taught alongside fire safety in public schools.......if they really cared about saving kids lives......
Here...let's actually use this to teach people something....

If you are a new gun owner, or even an old one............your gun should be on your person, under control at all times...not in a purse or bag, or on a table....when it isn't on your person it belongs in a safe of some sort, several have been named...if you have kids..........

In your control or in a safe.
By the time my three kids hit five years old, they understood what a gun was, and the power it had. They never had to "secretly" look at one of my guns because not only were they allowed to, they were encouraged to do so by me.

One day, when I was working nights, my wife put a gun under her pillow because she thought she heard suspicious noises. The next morning, my two youngest at the time, decided to bounce around on our bed. They moved the pillow, and the gun was lying there. They simply put it on the nightstand, and continued playing. Guns weren't mysterious to them,and they could care less that it was there.

People that hide guns from their kids are making a serious mistake. If that little girl was around them, she would be alive today.

By the time my three kids hit five years old, they understood what a gun was, and the power it had. They never had to "secretly" look at one of my guns because not only were they allowed to, they were encouraged to do so by me.

One day, when I was working nights, my wife put a gun under her pillow because she thought she heard suspicious noises. The next morning, my two youngest at the time, decided to bounce around on our bed. They moved the pillow, and the gun was lying there. They simply put it on the nightstand, and continued playing. Guns weren't mysterious to them,and they could care less that it was there.

People that hide guns from their kids are making a serious mistake. If that little girl was around them, she would be alive today.


My household rules were simple. Until the kids were old enough to no longer need a babysitter, they did not have access to any loaded firearm without adult supervision. Yes, they had been taught to shoot and taught gun safety. But until they were old enough to be alone at home, they were not old enough to have access to guns without supervision.
By the time my three kids hit five years old, they understood what a gun was, and the power it had. They never had to "secretly" look at one of my guns because not only were they allowed to, they were encouraged to do so by me.

One day, when I was working nights, my wife put a gun under her pillow because she thought she heard suspicious noises. The next morning, my two youngest at the time, decided to bounce around on our bed. They moved the pillow, and the gun was lying there. They simply put it on the nightstand, and continued playing. Guns weren't mysterious to them,and they could care less that it was there.

People that hide guns from their kids are making a serious mistake. If that little girl was around them, she would be alive today.


That is the thing.....there was a video not too long ago...a few months....of a bunch of kids put in a room to play and they had put an unloaded, but real gun in the room.....the kids from gun families saw the gun and refused to touch it.....the kids from non gun families....started playing with the thing....

If you want to save kids...teach them gun safety.......if you are against that......we know what you want.....
If the left wing anti gunners really cared.....they would be doing Public Service Announcements about gun safety....real gun safety, and they would want gun safety taught alongside fire safety in public schools.......if they really cared about saving kids lives......
Seriously, this pro-'gun' activist wants the very people he thinks oppose him to promote his cause, while insisting that mandatory safety training for firearm safety somehow is against a 'God' given right.
When his imagined opposition does not do that, it means they want to 'grab his gun'.
If the left wing anti gunners really cared.....they would be doing Public Service Announcements about gun safety....real gun safety, and they would want gun safety taught alongside fire safety in public schools.......if they really cared about saving kids lives......
Seriously, this pro-'gun' activist wants the very people he thinks oppose him to promote his cause, while insisting that mandatory safety training for firearm safety somehow is against a 'God' given right.
When his imagined opposition does not do that, it means they want to 'grab his gun'.

So....teaching kids to not touch guns and to find an adult if they find an unattended gun is promoting my cause? Wow...you are a fucking genius.....and I imagine that mandatory fire safety training serves the nefarious purpose of the fire alarm industry too....right genius?
Go ahead and teach safety; that's exactly what is proposed. You want the 'gun grabbers' to do it for you.
Go ahead and teach safety; that's exactly what is proposed. You want the 'gun grabbers' to do it for you.

No....I want trained first responders to do it genius.....firefighters or actual cops.....try to think before you type.....

I just want you moron gun grabbers to stop preventing gun safety........since you bitch about dead kids, then stop the actual means of keeping them safe.....one would think you want dead kids.....
Another imaginary response from a deranged 'gun' fanatic, blinded by his obsession. Nowhere have my posts ever said anything about confiscating firearms.
You brought up wanting your imagined enemies to do your work for you.

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