50% on welfare, 44% arrested before age 23...Democrats think we need more of this?

Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?

I want those jobs for Americans, and I A. doubt prices will rise that much and B. would be happy to pay more even if they do.

Do you realize the connection between low wages for American workers, and Income inequality, that is such a big topic with so many libs today?

I depart with the establishment left on immigration apparently.

Very good for you.

Let's hope that Trump successfully implements his anti-immigration polices and we see some rising wages, asap.
The mere idea that Trump imports labor for his hotels makes you MAGA people dumber than shit.

The mere idra

IF he was running against another candidate who wanted to reduce immigration, but had a better record on not hiring immigrants,

your point would be valid.

BUt Hillary would have legalized the illegals that are here and throw the door open ever wider for more third world voters, I mean workers.

SO your point is not only invalid, but dumber than shit.
B*******. Democrats are always in favor of a SSID card that can't be faked, and the end of the problem... Of course that's communism LOL, right, dupe?
This is just what democrats want. They don't want skilled workers coming here who might vote repub. They want illiterate unskilled losers who go on welfare and vote for the welfare party.
/----/ And here is the proof of the democRAT plan. They can no longer deny it:
Court orders government to do so for all driver's licenses issued
Read more at Major state to register illegal aliens to vote – automatically
WASHINGTON – California will take the next step in blurring the lines between citizens and non-citizens beginning April Fool’s Day when the state complies with a court order to begin automatically registering to vote all those who are granted driver’s licenses.
The state has long provided driver’s licenses to all who simply claimed, without proof, that they were citizens of in the country legally. There were no checks made or documentation required.
But beginning April 1 every person who gets a California driver’s license will be automatically entitled to vote.
Total GOP bulshit hate propaganda
/----/ Yeah? well prove it's BS. Funny how you Libs buy into any fake news hit piece on President Trump but automatically dismiss this news. Never again can any democRAT in California claim a clean win. You will always be tainted by the illegal vote.
And yet you idiot brainwashed can't find a single illegal voter... LOL!
/----/ In 2008, more than 1,200 felons illegally cast votes in Minnesota’s ultra-close Senate race, in which Al Franken was ultimately declared the winner by 312 votes.

Read more at: Hillary Says Voter Suppression Cost Her the Election
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
How the hell you arrived at that conclusion is a mystery.
no more or less relevant than your point.

Does this help you connect the dots?
Dont be scared of the truth.



Illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than citizens...

As far as this goes perhaps you ought to hire some of the legal Hispanics...
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
We have a SS card that can be faked by high schoolers, because the GOP won't do anything about it and blocks the Democrats. Want a diagram? Neither a stupid un American wall or harassment will do anything but make them cheaper and more easily bullied labor, just what the GOP wants, Dupe.
How the hell you arrived at that conclusion is a mystery.
Does this help you connect the dots?
Dont be scared of the truth.



Illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than citizens...

As far as this goes perhaps you ought to hire some of the legal Hispanics...
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
We have a SS card that can be faked by high schoolers, because the GOP won't do anything about it and blocks the Democrats. Want a diagram? Neither a stupid un American wall or harassment will do anything but make them cheaper and more easily bullied labor, just what the GOP wants, Dupe.
/----/ Why didn't Obozo fix the SS cards if they are so easy to fake?
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....
/----/ And you didn't read this. ONCE AGAIN IT WAS A GUESS-TA-MATE FAKE POLL
The peer-reviewed estimates didn't rely on arrest records but instead on an annual federal Bureau of Labor Statistics survey of about 7,000 young people who answered questions each year from 1997 to 2008 on a range of issues — including if they had ever been taken into custody for something other than a traffic offense.
Illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than citizens...

As far as this goes perhaps you ought to hire some of the legal Hispanics...
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
We have a SS card that can be faked by high schoolers, because the GOP won't do anything about it and blocks the Democrats. Want a diagram? Neither a stupid un American wall or harassment will do anything but make them cheaper and more easily bullied labor, just what the GOP wants, Dupe.
/----/ Why didn't Obozo fix the SS cards if they are so easy to fake?
WTF is wrong with you? Did you not notice the Republicans blocked everything that Obama tried to do? He had 30 some days of control and it was all used for ACA.
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
We have a SS card that can be faked by high schoolers, because the GOP won't do anything about it and blocks the Democrats. Want a diagram? Neither a stupid un American wall or harassment will do anything but make them cheaper and more easily bullied labor, just what the GOP wants, Dupe.
/----/ Why didn't Obozo fix the SS cards if they are so easy to fake?
WTF is wrong with you? Did you not notice the Republicans blocked everything that Obama tried to do? He had 30 some days of control and it was all used for ACA.
Of course I know what's wrong with you... You are brainwashed with BS like all GOP voters...
This is just what democrats want. They don't want skilled workers coming here who might vote repub. They want illiterate unskilled losers who go on welfare and vote for the welfare party.
/----/ And here is the proof of the democRAT plan. They can no longer deny it:
Court orders government to do so for all driver's licenses issued
Read more at Major state to register illegal aliens to vote – automatically
WASHINGTON – California will take the next step in blurring the lines between citizens and non-citizens beginning April Fool’s Day when the state complies with a court order to begin automatically registering to vote all those who are granted driver’s licenses.
The state has long provided driver’s licenses to all who simply claimed, without proof, that they were citizens of in the country legally. There were no checks made or documentation required.
But beginning April 1 every person who gets a California driver’s license will be automatically entitled to vote.
Total GOP bulshit hate propaganda
/----/ Yeah? well prove it's BS. Funny how you Libs buy into any fake news hit piece on President Trump but automatically dismiss this news. Never again can any democRAT in California claim a clean win. You will always be tainted by the illegal vote.
And yet you idiot brainwashed can't find a single illegal voter... LOL!
/----/ In 2008, more than 1,200 felons illegally cast votes in Minnesota’s ultra-close Senate race, in which Al Franken was ultimately declared the winner by 312 votes.

Read more at: Hillary Says Voter Suppression Cost Her the Election
A that has nothing to do with this and B let felons vote... And work for that matter...
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
Not only do they think we need more of it they’re willing to fuck over our own to get them here.
I consider the illegals I have met to be of higher caliber than most of the whiners here.
Of course you do you're a worthless pile of shit too so lower dregs make you feel good about yourself.
38% of whites and 50% of black are also arrested, so it's a garbage stat and a totally hateful headline, super dupe.
Yeah and they're citizens so we don't have the choice of deporting them. Illegals we do so why put up with them.
Because you and your party as well as invited them here to work and they are overwhelmingly great citizens and workers...
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
We have a SS card that can be faked by high schoolers, because the GOP won't do anything about it and blocks the Democrats. Want a diagram? Neither a stupid un American wall or harassment will do anything but make them cheaper and more easily bullied labor, just what the GOP wants, Dupe.
/----/ Why didn't Obozo fix the SS cards if they are so easy to fake?
WTF is wrong with you? Did you not notice the Republicans blocked everything that Obama tried to do? He had 30 some days of control and it was all used for ACA.
Of course I know what's wrong with you... You are brainwashed with BS like all GOP voters...
/----/ Yup, when it comes to Obozos failures it's always someone else's fault.
. You can fire them if their illegal, and you should want to.

Yes, but what if they are not and you fire them anyway because you suspected they were illegal? What Broke said was he would fire anybody who didn't speak fluent English.
. You can find out if they are illegal, just postpone the job until credentials are gathered, and if no credentials then no hire. People know when they are dealing with shady characters or not. Ignoring their status is usually done on purpose, because people are cheap. Funny though, because when I use to go and do work for the general public, they wanted to know if I was liscenced and bonded, references etc before I could get the job, and then the city would check you for permits if see you working in the city limits. I'd almost bet you that a blind eye has been turned on the Mexican crews doing work for home owners in the past. Most labor jobs is where young American's cut their teeth on, and it molded them into some great long standing workers over the years. Now old people are under threat to work on until they are 70 in order to retire, because the country has screwed the whole system up.

Maybe in some instances, so if the city is checking the company out, then perhaps it should be up to the city to determine if the workforce is legal. After all, I'm sure they have more available resources than a homeowner.

I hire a landscaper. It's an American guy with his own company. They come out with several Mexicans to do the work. Am I supposed to interview and do a background check on each one??? I don't need a permit from the city to have somebody cut my lawn.

So here's the situation: We have laws in this country that prohibit the hiring of illegals, but we allow their children to go to our schools, allow their children to get on our social programs, allow them to get credit cards and open up bank accounts, give them drivers licenses, but not allow them to work??? And then the onus should be placed on the homeowner?

It's ridiculous already. We either make illegals unwelcome as hell here or we don't. Doing it part way isn't working. On one hand we give them things for being here, and on the other hand we tell them they can't have other things. It's just confusing as all hell for us and them.
. The whole thing these days has gotten way out of hand, and way out of balance. You didn't know that your friend who owns that company might be employing illegals if he was maybe ?? It sounds like that you are turning a blind eye to it, and hiring the crew anyway if he was working illegals.

That's the attitude most have, that hey I got this done for super cheap, and if I would have hired the American team, it would have cost me a whole lot more. Meantime Kate Steinle is dead along with many other AMERICANS because of our irresponsible bullcrap.

All I am saying is that the liability for illegals working should be on the employer--not the homeowner. I didn't say a friend, I just said hiring a landscape company ran by an American. Who that American chooses to hire should not be my responsibility.

It's the same thing with that phony Trump hiring illegals story. He hired a demolition company to remove the buildings where Trump Towers sits today. They hired illegals from Poland to do the work, and the union tried to sue Trump for union dues and backpay. Trump had no idea WTF the demolition company hired to do the work. He just hired a legal American company and that's who they employed.
. Ok, so let's say that utilities hire contractors to do their work on their right of ways, and the contractor hires illegals to work upon the utilities property.

Well if one of the illegals were to steal something, damage something, injure someone upon a private property that runs along the right of way in which belongs to the utility, then who do you think the property owner is going to hold responsible for the incident that took place ??

They will hold the utility responsible every time.... Why ?? It's because for one thing it's this, and you should know it, (it took place on a citizens property all due to the utility allowing a contractor to employee an illegal that may have been a bad apple in the bunch, and for whom was allowed access to that private property on the utilities behalf through a contractor.

The utility has the responsibility to ensure that it is not employing anyone that might cause harm or theft from it's right of ways that cross over private properties. Period.

The same goes for property owners who would allow a crew to come into a community, and then there was the possibility of it harboring a fugitive, illegal, criminal element or predator who then hurt or harmed a citizen in the community due to access granted by someone wanting something super cheap, and not caring how or who it is being done by, just as long as it is CHEAP.

Companies or individuals who hire contractors, are doing so in hopes that they can't be affected by the libel that is involved in working people cheap or working people who don't have the same level of training required by the parent company, and then not being responsible for what that cheapness or level of unskilled labor brings in the form or lack of skills, and in character,
Last edited:
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....

We’ve actually covered this twice....I READ THE EDITORIAL...you are aware that 44% is greater than 40%...right?
sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem”
Haha...yeah, can’t be that we have lots of unlawful pieces of shits among us...huh?

Does this help you connect the dots? Let me know if you need more proof that wetbacks are filthy cockroaches.



/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
We have a SS card that can be faked by high schoolers, because the GOP won't do anything about it and blocks the Democrats. Want a diagram? Neither a stupid un American wall or harassment will do anything but make them cheaper and more easily bullied labor, just what the GOP wants, Dupe.
/----/ Why didn't Obozo fix the SS cards if they are so easy to fake?
WTF is wrong with you? Did you not notice the Republicans blocked everything that Obama tried to do? He had 30 some days of control and it was all used for ACA.
Of course I know what's wrong with you... You are brainwashed with BS like all GOP voters...
/----/ Yup, when it comes to Obozos failures it's always someone else's fault.
When it comes to American politics it's always the GOP that are the a holes, Super Duke
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....

We’ve actually covered this twice....I READ THE EDITORIAL...you are aware that 44% is greater than 40%...right?
sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem”
Haha...yeah, can’t be that we have lots of unlawful pieces of shits among us...huh?

Does this help you connect the dots? Let me know if you need more proof that wetbacks are filthy cockroaches.



Illegals have a lower crime rates than citizens. But hate on, dupe.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....

We’ve actually covered this twice....I READ THE EDITORIAL...you are aware that 44% is greater than 40%...right?
sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem”
Haha...yeah, can’t be that we have lots of unlawful pieces of shits among us...huh?

Does this help you connect the dots? Let me know if you need more proof that wetbacks are filthy cockroaches.



Illegals have a lower crime rates than citizens. But hate on, dupe.

You got it all wrong...you see, the pie charts show smart people that illegals aren’t able to teach their anchor babies to be civil, lawful, positive contributors.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....

We’ve actually covered this twice....I READ THE EDITORIAL...you are aware that 44% is greater than 40%...right?
sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem”
Haha...yeah, can’t be that we have lots of unlawful pieces of shits among us...huh?

Does this help you connect the dots? Let me know if you need more proof that wetbacks are filthy cockroaches.



Illegals have a lower crime rates than citizens. But hate on, dupe.

You got it all wrong...you see, the pie charts show smart people that illegals aren’t able to teach their anchor babies to be civil, lawful, positive contributors.
Might have something to do with the shity society the GOP leaves us for poor people dupe...
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....

We’ve actually covered this twice....I READ THE EDITORIAL...you are aware that 44% is greater than 40%...right?
sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem”
Haha...yeah, can’t be that we have lots of unlawful pieces of shits among us...huh?

Does this help you connect the dots? Let me know if you need more proof that wetbacks are filthy cockroaches.



Illegals have a lower crime rates than citizens. But hate on, dupe.

You got it all wrong...you see, the pie charts show smart people that illegals aren’t able to teach their anchor babies to be civil, lawful, positive contributors.
Simple racism?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
How the hell you arrived at that conclusion is a mystery.
no more or less relevant than your point.

Does this help you connect the dots?
Dont be scared of the truth.



Illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than citizens...

As far as this goes perhaps you ought to hire some of the legal Hispanics...
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.
the cost of right wing hypocrisy?
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
from your second article that you obviously did not read...

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23.

sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem....

We’ve actually covered this twice....I READ THE EDITORIAL...you are aware that 44% is greater than 40%...right?
sounds more like we have a 'police state' problem”
Haha...yeah, can’t be that we have lots of unlawful pieces of shits among us...huh?

Does this help you connect the dots? Let me know if you need more proof that wetbacks are filthy cockroaches.



Illegals have a lower crime rates than citizens. But hate on, dupe.

You got it all wrong...you see, the pie charts show smart people that illegals aren’t able to teach their anchor babies to be civil, lawful, positive contributors.
Might have something to do with the shity society the GOP leaves us for poor people dupe...

What the fuck does that even mean?
Hmmm, Asians and Whites seem to do just fine within the “GOP society”...I’m sure it can’t be that low iQ thirdworlders would gravitate toward filth and lawlessness....hahaha...It’s always the fault of someone or something else...huh?

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