50% on welfare, 44% arrested before age 23...Democrats think we need more of this?

Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?
Of course you do you're a worthless pile of shit too so lower dregs make you feel good about yourself.
Another hater dupe... You people are unbelievable and need reeducation. Fox Rush etc etc are a total disgrace...
I'd re-eductate you but you'd need a basic starting one before that was possible.
Missouri is the "Show Me State", not the "Show Me Your Papers State"!
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
/-----/ We're still waiting for you Libtards to open a business so we can see how much you pay your workers. Any day now - any day.
Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?
/----/ But but but, Libtards lectured us that higher minimum wage wouldn't necessarily raise prices but low wage illegals keep prices cheap?
big dope.png
Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?

I want those jobs for Americans, and I A. doubt prices will rise that much and B. would be happy to pay more even if they do.

Do you realize the connection between low wages for American workers, and Income inequality, that is such a big topic with so many libs today?
Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?

I want those jobs for Americans, and I A. doubt prices will rise that much and B. would be happy to pay more even if they do.

Do you realize the connection between low wages for American workers, and Income inequality, that is such a big topic with so many libs today?

I depart with the establishment left on immigration apparently.
Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?
/----/ But but but, Libtards lectured us that higher minimum wage wouldn't necessarily raise prices but low wage illegals keep prices cheap?
View attachment 172883

Sorry, but I've never argued that a higher minimum wage wouldn't affect prices. Don't lie about what I've said.
Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?

I want those jobs for Americans, and I A. doubt prices will rise that much and B. would be happy to pay more even if they do.

Do you realize the connection between low wages for American workers, and Income inequality, that is such a big topic with so many libs today?

I depart with the establishment left on immigration apparently.

Very good for you.

Let's hope that Trump successfully implements his anti-immigration polices and we see some rising wages, asap.
Did you all note that the study said 30% of non-immigrant American households get some sort of welfare?

Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?
/----/ But but but, Libtards lectured us that higher minimum wage wouldn't necessarily raise prices but low wage illegals keep prices cheap?
View attachment 172883

Sorry, but I've never argued that a higher minimum wage wouldn't affect prices. Don't lie about what I've said.
/----/ I said Libtards in general, not you specifically. Man are you touchy and defensive.
Debunking: “If You Raise The Minimum Wage, It Will Cause Inflation”
There is an unrelenting myth that if we raise the minimum wage it will cause the inflation rate to rise. This is pure bulls*** and needs to be debunked. To keep this from not getting too long, this will mostly focus on 1980’s-present.

The theory is that if the minimum wage rises, it will cause inflation. It says that corporations will raise prices in order to recuperate their profits that were lost from the increase of the cost of production, in this case, the increase of the minimum wage. Because employers will have to spend more money on their employees, they will just increase the prices to make it up. It makes sense in theory but that’s not how it works in reality.
Another hater dupe... You people are unbelievable and need reeducation. Fox Rush etc etc are a total disgrace...
I'd re-eductate you but you'd need a basic starting one before that was possible.
Missouri is the "Show Me State", not the "Show Me Your Papers State"!
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
/-----/ We're still waiting for you Libtards to open a business so we can see how much you pay your workers. Any day now - any day.
I have run businesses for 42 fucking years and never ever paid minimum wage or below.


So really, if you need minimum wage workers, you ain't doing it right.

Fuck you pompous assholes.
Oh, well that changes things. Yes, let's bring in more immigrants to go on our broken social programs because we have Americans on them.

And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?

I want those jobs for Americans, and I A. doubt prices will rise that much and B. would be happy to pay more even if they do.

Do you realize the connection between low wages for American workers, and Income inequality, that is such a big topic with so many libs today?

I depart with the establishment left on immigration apparently.

Very good for you.

Let's hope that Trump successfully implements his anti-immigration polices and we see some rising wages, asap.
The mere idea that Trump imports labor for his hotels makes you MAGA people dumber than shit.

The mere idra
Another hater dupe... You people are unbelievable and need reeducation. Fox Rush etc etc are a total disgrace...
I'd re-eductate you but you'd need a basic starting one before that was possible.
Missouri is the "Show Me State", not the "Show Me Your Papers State"!
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
/-----/ We're still waiting for you Libtards to open a business so we can see how much you pay your workers. Any day now - any day.

I have a few businesses & I always pay as little as possible for everything & charge as much as I can get people to pay for maximum profit.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
BTW dickbreath, the study was not on all people of a certain age range..
It targeted certain people so your post is ca ;ile of happy horseshit.

You racists are sofa king dumb.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could headline be anymore divisive hateful and Bs?

Are you struggling with the definition of “welfare”?
Can’t steer this one can you?
I sent my kids to school with lunches prepared at home bought by ME.
Silver tooth wetbacks eat lunches paid for by taxpayers....TA-DA....that’s WELFARE.

noun: welfare
  1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; More
    interest, good
    "the welfare of children"
    • statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
      "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to people in need.
      synonyms: social security, social assistance, benefit, public assistance; More
      pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, unemployment benefit;
      informalthe dole
      "we cannot claim welfare"
That link on 50% of them getting welfare is the biggest bunch of crap I've seen since the other link, super dupe. No stats included at all, just a load of hateful garbage.

Here...try not to believe this one you ignorant fool.
The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households
In September 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies published a landmark study of immigration and welfare use, showing that 51 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one federal welfare program — cash, food, housing, or medical care — compared to 30 percent of native households. Following similar methodology, this new study examines the dollar cost of that welfare use.

  • The average household headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, which is 41 percent higher than the $4,431 received by the average native household.
  • The average immigrant household consumes 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native household. Housing costs are about the same for both groups.
  • At $8,251, households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico have the highest welfare costs of any sending region — 86 percent higher than the costs of native households.
  • Illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 (driven largely by the presence of U.S.-born children), while legal immigrant households cost $6,378.
  • The greater consumption of welfare dollars by immigrants can be explained in large part by their lower level of education and larger number of children compared to natives. Over 24 percent of immigrant households are headed by a high school dropout, compared to just 8 percent of native households. In addition, 13 percent of immigrant households have three or more children, vs. just 6 percent of native households.
why not end drug war operations south of our border to cut costs?
I'd re-eductate you but you'd need a basic starting one before that was possible.
Missouri is the "Show Me State", not the "Show Me Your Papers State"!
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
/-----/ We're still waiting for you Libtards to open a business so we can see how much you pay your workers. Any day now - any day.
I have run businesses for 42 fucking years and never ever paid minimum wage or below.


So really, if you need minimum wage workers, you ain't doing it right.

Fuck you pompous assholes.

So, why do you support politicians who want that for businesses?
And right after the post where the other lib accused us cons of not having brains.


Immigrants are filling low paying jobs that are keeping your prices low. You have to be willing to pay more for goods and services if you want the immigrants out of the economy.

I am willing, in fact. Are you?

I want those jobs for Americans, and I A. doubt prices will rise that much and B. would be happy to pay more even if they do.

Do you realize the connection between low wages for American workers, and Income inequality, that is such a big topic with so many libs today?

I depart with the establishment left on immigration apparently.

Very good for you.

Let's hope that Trump successfully implements his anti-immigration polices and we see some rising wages, asap.
The mere idea that Trump imports labor for his hotels makes you MAGA people dumber than shit.

The mere idra

IF he was running against another candidate who wanted to reduce immigration, but had a better record on not hiring immigrants,

your point would be valid.

BUt Hillary would have legalized the illegals that are here and throw the door open ever wider for more third world voters, I mean workers.

SO your point is not only invalid, but dumber than shit.
This is just what democrats want. They don't want skilled workers coming here who might vote repub. They want illiterate unskilled losers who go on welfare and vote for the welfare party.
/----/ And here is the proof of the democRAT plan. They can no longer deny it:
Court orders government to do so for all driver's licenses issued
Read more at Major state to register illegal aliens to vote – automatically
WASHINGTON – California will take the next step in blurring the lines between citizens and non-citizens beginning April Fool’s Day when the state complies with a court order to begin automatically registering to vote all those who are granted driver’s licenses.
The state has long provided driver’s licenses to all who simply claimed, without proof, that they were citizens of in the country legally. There were no checks made or documentation required.
But beginning April 1 every person who gets a California driver’s license will be automatically entitled to vote.
Total GOP bulshit hate propaganda
/----/ Yeah? well prove it's BS. Funny how you Libs buy into any fake news hit piece on President Trump but automatically dismiss this news. Never again can any democRAT in California claim a clean win. You will always be tainted by the illegal vote.
And yet you idiot brainwashed can't find a single illegal voter... LOL!
Missouri is the "Show Me State", not the "Show Me Your Papers State"!
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
How the hell you arrived at that conclusion is a mystery.

Lots of Whites are pieces of shits as well....your point?

no more or less relevant than your point.

Does this help you connect the dots?
Dont be scared of the truth.



Illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than citizens...

As far as this goes perhaps you ought to hire some of the legal Hispanics...
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
You are the exception that proves the rule that geopiers love cheap labor...
How the hell you arrived at that conclusion is a mystery.

Lots of Whites are pieces of shits as well....your point?

no more or less relevant than your point.

Does this help you connect the dots?
Dont be scared of the truth.



Illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than citizens...

As far as this goes perhaps you ought to hire some of the legal Hispanics...
/——/ The fact they are in the country illegally means they have already committed a crime, you dummy
With the GOP giving them an open invitation to come in and get a fake ID and work? I don't think so... The GOP only gives a crap during one of their corrupt depressions or great recessions...
/----/ Link proving the GOP gives illegals open invitations. Is this done while we send ICE to deport them or while we're building a wall to keep them out. You tool.

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