50% on welfare, 44% arrested before age 23...Democrats think we need more of this?

Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

My guess is that didn’t even read the articles that you sourced.

Let’s assume I didn’t.....what changes?
I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

How is a homeowner supposed to know if the workers are illegal or not? Homeowners don't have access to that kind of information.

I employ many contractors...I tell every single one that if they ever send even one person to one of my jobs that can’t articulate the English language I will fire their entire crew and never hire them for another project....period. That’s the best deterrent that I’ve found. I walk all my jobs frequently and I always make it a point to talk with all employees.

That's fine, but if you keep doing that, it won't be long until a discrimination lawsuit is filed against you. You can't fire somebody or some people because you don't like their race or background, even if they don't speak the language.
. You can fire them if their illegal, and you should want to.

Yes, but what if they are not and you fire them anyway because you suspected they were illegal? What Broke said was he would fire anybody who didn't speak fluent English.
. You can find out if they are illegal, just postpone the job until credentials are gathered, and if no credentials then no hire. People know when they are dealing with shady characters or not. Ignoring their status is usually done on purpose, because people are cheap. Funny though, because when I use to go and do work for the general public, they wanted to know if I was liscenced and bonded, references etc before I could get the job, and then the city would check you for permits if see you working in the city limits. I'd almost bet you that a blind eye has been turned on the Mexican crews doing work for home owners in the past. Most labor jobs is where young American's cut their teeth on, and it molded them into some great long standing workers over the years. Now old people are under threat to work on until they are 70 in order to retire, because the country has screwed the whole system up.
I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

How is a homeowner supposed to know if the workers are illegal or not? Homeowners don't have access to that kind of information.

I employ many contractors...I tell every single one that if they ever send even one person to one of my jobs that can’t articulate the English language I will fire their entire crew and never hire them for another project....period. That’s the best deterrent that I’ve found. I walk all my jobs frequently and I always make it a point to talk with all employees.

That's fine, but if you keep doing that, it won't be long until a discrimination lawsuit is filed against you. You can't fire somebody or some people because you don't like their race or background, even if they don't speak the language.
. You can fire them if their illegal, and you should want to.

Yes, but what if they are not and you fire them anyway because you suspected they were illegal? What Broke said was he would fire anybody who didn't speak fluent English.
. You can find out if they are illegal, just postpone the job until credentials are gathered, and if no credentials then no hire. People know when they are dealing with shady characters or not. Ignoring their status is usually done on purpose, because people are cheap. Funny though, because when I use to go and do work for the general public, they wanted to know if I was liscenced and bonded, references etc before I could get the job, and then the city would check you for permits if see you working in the city limits. I'd almost bet you that a blind eye has been turned on the Mexican crews doing work for home owners in the past. Most labor jobs is where young American's cut their teeth on, and it molded them into some great long standing workers over the years. Now old people are under threat to work on until they are 70 in order to retire, because the country has screwed the whole system up.

Maybe in some instances, so if the city is checking the company out, then perhaps it should be up to the city to determine if the workforce is legal. After all, I'm sure they have more available resources than a homeowner.

I hire a landscaper. It's an American guy with his own company. They come out with several Mexicans to do the work. Am I supposed to interview and do a background check on each one??? I don't need a permit from the city to have somebody cut my lawn.

So here's the situation: We have laws in this country that prohibit the hiring of illegals, but we allow their children to go to our schools, allow their children to get on our social programs, allow them to get credit cards and open up bank accounts, give them drivers licenses, but not allow them to work??? And then the onus should be placed on the homeowner?

It's ridiculous already. We either make illegals unwelcome as hell here or we don't. Doing it part way isn't working. On one hand we give them things for being here, and on the other hand we tell them they can't have other things. It's just confusing as all hell for us and them.
Not only do they think we need more of it they’re willing to fuck over our own to get them here.
I consider the illegals I have met to be of higher caliber than most of the whiners here.
Of course you do you're a worthless pile of shit too so lower dregs make you feel good about yourself.
Another hater dupe... You people are unbelievable and need reeducation. Fox Rush etc etc are a total disgrace...
I'd re-eductate you but you'd need a basic starting one before that was possible.
Missouri is the "Show Me State", not the "Show Me Your Papers State"!
Show me you're here legally or I'll show you the door. How does that sound?
I employ many contractors...I tell every single one that if they ever send even one person to one of my jobs that can’t articulate the English language I will fire their entire crew and never hire them for another project....period. That’s the best deterrent that I’ve found. I walk all my jobs frequently and I always make it a point to talk with all employees.

That's fine, but if you keep doing that, it won't be long until a discrimination lawsuit is filed against you. You can't fire somebody or some people because you don't like their race or background, even if they don't speak the language.
. You can fire them if their illegal, and you should want to.

Yes, but what if they are not and you fire them anyway because you suspected they were illegal? What Broke said was he would fire anybody who didn't speak fluent English.
. You can find out if they are illegal, just postpone the job until credentials are gathered, and if no credentials then no hire. People know when they are dealing with shady characters or not. Ignoring their status is usually done on purpose, because people are cheap. Funny though, because when I use to go and do work for the general public, they wanted to know if I was liscenced and bonded, references etc before I could get the job, and then the city would check you for permits if see you working in the city limits. I'd almost bet you that a blind eye has been turned on the Mexican crews doing work for home owners in the past. Most labor jobs is where young American's cut their teeth on, and it molded them into some great long standing workers over the years. Now old people are under threat to work on until they are 70 in order to retire, because the country has screwed the whole system up.

Maybe in some instances, so if the city is checking the company out, then perhaps it should be up to the city to determine if the workforce is legal. After all, I'm sure they have more available resources than a homeowner.

I hire a landscaper. It's an American guy with his own company. They come out with several Mexicans to do the work. Am I supposed to interview and do a background check on each one??? I don't need a permit from the city to have somebody cut my lawn.

So here's the situation: We have laws in this country that prohibit the hiring of illegals, but we allow their children to go to our schools, allow their children to get on our social programs, allow them to get credit cards and open up bank accounts, give them drivers licenses, but not allow them to work??? And then the onus should be placed on the homeowner?

It's ridiculous already. We either make illegals unwelcome as hell here or we don't. Doing it part way isn't working. On one hand we give them things for being here, and on the other hand we tell them they can't have other things. It's just confusing as all hell for us and them.
. The whole thing these days has gotten way out of hand, and way out of balance. You didn't know that your friend who owns that company might be employing illegals if he was maybe ?? It sounds like that you are turning a blind eye to it, and hiring the crew anyway if he was working illegals.

That's the attitude most have, that hey I got this done for super cheap, and if I would have hired the American team, it would have cost me a whole lot more. Meantime Kate Steinle is dead along with many other AMERICANS because of our irresponsible bullcrap.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
That study also says 40 per cent of white males get arrested by age 23...
. These days and times you're probably right, but is this the direct result of the illegal invasion ?
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

1. Some form of welfare which might be just subsidized lunches in school for their children.

"Roughly 44 percent of Latino men are arrested at least once on non-traffic-related crimes by the time they turn 23, according to a new study.

The reasons for the arrests – which can have long-term consequences when searching for jobs and applying for school and housing – ranged from underage drinking to violent assaults.

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23."

44% is so much worse than 40%,.

This study is bullshit.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
That study also says 40 per cent of white males get arrested by age 23...

Lots of Whites are pieces of shits as well....your point?
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
That study also says 40 per cent of white males get arrested by age 23...
And if any of those whites are here illegally they should be deported immediately. Is this still a reason we need to put up with a shitload of illegal Mexicans?
That's fine, but if you keep doing that, it won't be long until a discrimination lawsuit is filed against you. You can't fire somebody or some people because you don't like their race or background, even if they don't speak the language.
. You can fire them if their illegal, and you should want to.

Yes, but what if they are not and you fire them anyway because you suspected they were illegal? What Broke said was he would fire anybody who didn't speak fluent English.
. You can find out if they are illegal, just postpone the job until credentials are gathered, and if no credentials then no hire. People know when they are dealing with shady characters or not. Ignoring their status is usually done on purpose, because people are cheap. Funny though, because when I use to go and do work for the general public, they wanted to know if I was liscenced and bonded, references etc before I could get the job, and then the city would check you for permits if see you working in the city limits. I'd almost bet you that a blind eye has been turned on the Mexican crews doing work for home owners in the past. Most labor jobs is where young American's cut their teeth on, and it molded them into some great long standing workers over the years. Now old people are under threat to work on until they are 70 in order to retire, because the country has screwed the whole system up.

Maybe in some instances, so if the city is checking the company out, then perhaps it should be up to the city to determine if the workforce is legal. After all, I'm sure they have more available resources than a homeowner.

I hire a landscaper. It's an American guy with his own company. They come out with several Mexicans to do the work. Am I supposed to interview and do a background check on each one??? I don't need a permit from the city to have somebody cut my lawn.

So here's the situation: We have laws in this country that prohibit the hiring of illegals, but we allow their children to go to our schools, allow their children to get on our social programs, allow them to get credit cards and open up bank accounts, give them drivers licenses, but not allow them to work??? And then the onus should be placed on the homeowner?

It's ridiculous already. We either make illegals unwelcome as hell here or we don't. Doing it part way isn't working. On one hand we give them things for being here, and on the other hand we tell them they can't have other things. It's just confusing as all hell for us and them.
. The whole thing these days has gotten way out of hand, and way out of balance. You didn't know that your friend who owns that company might be employing illegals if he was maybe ?? It sounds like that you are turning a blind eye to it, and hiring the crew anyway if he was working illegals.

That's the attitude most have, that hey I got this done for super cheap, and if I would have hired the American team, it would have cost me a whole lot more. Meantime Kate Steinle is dead along with many other AMERICANS because of our irresponsible bullcrap.

All I am saying is that the liability for illegals working should be on the employer--not the homeowner. I didn't say a friend, I just said hiring a landscape company ran by an American. Who that American chooses to hire should not be my responsibility.

It's the same thing with that phony Trump hiring illegals story. He hired a demolition company to remove the buildings where Trump Towers sits today. They hired illegals from Poland to do the work, and the union tried to sue Trump for union dues and backpay. Trump had no idea WTF the demolition company hired to do the work. He just hired a legal American company and that's who they employed.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
That study also says 40 per cent of white males get arrested by age 23...

So that's a reason to let them into this country; because whites get arrested too?
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

Partisan politics where each side is trying to win, rather than actually make the country better. You take your stand for the issues, and then you bow down to the rich and do their bidding. The rich want little diversions for you to be able to talk about, and you're talking about them.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

1. Some form of welfare which might be just subsidized lunches in school for their children.

"Roughly 44 percent of Latino men are arrested at least once on non-traffic-related crimes by the time they turn 23, according to a new study.

The reasons for the arrests – which can have long-term consequences when searching for jobs and applying for school and housing – ranged from underage drinking to violent assaults.

The study also found that nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested by the time they are 23."

44% is so much worse than 40%,.

This study is bullshit.

Here, let me just go ahead and enlighten you further....let me know if you can tie it all together with this...don’t be scared.




California: The Color of Crime
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could headline be anymore divisive hateful and Bs?

Are you struggling with the definition of “welfare”?
Can’t steer this one can you?
I sent my kids to school with lunches prepared at home bought by ME.
Silver tooth wetbacks eat lunches paid for by taxpayers....TA-DA....that’s WELFARE.

noun: welfare
  1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; More
    interest, good
    "the welfare of children"
    • statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
      "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to people in need.
      synonyms: social security, social assistance, benefit, public assistance; More
      pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, unemployment benefit;
      informalthe dole
      "we cannot claim welfare"
That link on 50% of them getting welfare is the biggest bunch of crap I've seen since the other link, super dupe. No stats included at all, just a load of hateful garbage.

Here...try not to believe this one you ignorant fool.
The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households
In September 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies published a landmark study of immigration and welfare use, showing that 51 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one federal welfare program — cash, food, housing, or medical care — compared to 30 percent of native households. Following similar methodology, this new study examines the dollar cost of that welfare use.

  • The average household headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, which is 41 percent higher than the $4,431 received by the average native household.
  • The average immigrant household consumes 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native household. Housing costs are about the same for both groups.
  • At $8,251, households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico have the highest welfare costs of any sending region — 86 percent higher than the costs of native households.
  • Illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 (driven largely by the presence of U.S.-born children), while legal immigrant households cost $6,378.
  • The greater consumption of welfare dollars by immigrants can be explained in large part by their lower level of education and larger number of children compared to natives. Over 24 percent of immigrant households are headed by a high school dropout, compared to just 8 percent of native households. In addition, 13 percent of immigrant households have three or more children, vs. just 6 percent of native households.

And there it is again. The magic "immigrant headed household". Until you can provide some statistics that show what immigrants alone get in welfare, not members of their families that are probably citizens, you are doing nothing but confirming your ignorance. But let me save you some time. Illegal immigrants can't get "welfare". That is why those studies use "immigrant headed households", and dumbshits like you fall for it.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
That study also says 40 per cent of white males get arrested by age 23...
. These days and times you're probably right, but is this the direct result of the illegal invasion ?

The study was talking about immigration. Not illegal migration.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could headline be anymore divisive hateful and Bs?

Are you struggling with the definition of “welfare”?
Can’t steer this one can you?
I sent my kids to school with lunches prepared at home bought by ME.
Silver tooth wetbacks eat lunches paid for by taxpayers....TA-DA....that’s WELFARE.

noun: welfare
  1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; More
    interest, good
    "the welfare of children"
    • statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
      "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to people in need.
      synonyms: social security, social assistance, benefit, public assistance; More
      pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, unemployment benefit;
      informalthe dole
      "we cannot claim welfare"
That link on 50% of them getting welfare is the biggest bunch of crap I've seen since the other link, super dupe. No stats included at all, just a load of hateful garbage.

Here...try not to believe this one you ignorant fool.
The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households
In September 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies published a landmark study of immigration and welfare use, showing that 51 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one federal welfare program — cash, food, housing, or medical care — compared to 30 percent of native households. Following similar methodology, this new study examines the dollar cost of that welfare use.

  • The average household headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, which is 41 percent higher than the $4,431 received by the average native household.
  • The average immigrant household consumes 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native household. Housing costs are about the same for both groups.
  • At $8,251, households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico have the highest welfare costs of any sending region — 86 percent higher than the costs of native households.
  • Illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 (driven largely by the presence of U.S.-born children), while legal immigrant households cost $6,378.
  • The greater consumption of welfare dollars by immigrants can be explained in large part by their lower level of education and larger number of children compared to natives. Over 24 percent of immigrant households are headed by a high school dropout, compared to just 8 percent of native households. In addition, 13 percent of immigrant households have three or more children, vs. just 6 percent of native households.

And there it is again. The magic "immigrant headed household". Until you can provide some statistics that show what immigrants alone get in welfare, not members of their families that are probably citizens, you are doing nothing but confirming your ignorance. But let me save you some time. Illegal immigrants can't get "welfare". That is why those studies use "immigrant headed households", and dumbshits like you fall for it.

Haha...this is so weird...I’m fascinated by people who try to stay ignorant.
So what exactly is your point in all this? If you think you’re smarter than the firms compiling that data and you’re pissed off because their findings don’t “fit” for you then write to the editors...don’t bitch and cry to me.
Did you miss this paragraph?
* Illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 (driven largely by the presence of U.S.-born children), while legal immigrant households cost $6,378

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