50% on welfare, 44% arrested before age 23...Democrats think we need more of this?

As is Medicaid, which is why people like you want to end it.

So who is on Medicaid? It's people who don't work, work very little, or don't make enough money.

If anything, I would rather see government help people who are responsible, work 40 or more hours a week, and didn't have a bunch of kids they never could afford.

The LEGAL immigrant putting a roof on your house for 10 bucks an hour, his family is probably on Medicaid.

...or make up your own example...

I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

So who is on Medicaid? It's people who don't work, work very little, or don't make enough money.

If anything, I would rather see government help people who are responsible, work 40 or more hours a week, and didn't have a bunch of kids they never could afford.

The LEGAL immigrant putting a roof on your house for 10 bucks an hour, his family is probably on Medicaid.

...or make up your own example...

I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

How is a homeowner supposed to know if the workers are illegal or not? Homeowners don't have access to that kind of information.

I employ many contractors...I tell every single one that if they ever send even one person to one of my jobs that can’t articulate the English language I will fire their entire crew and never hire them for another project....period. That’s the best deterrent that I’ve found. I walk all my jobs frequently and I always make it a point to talk with all employees.

That's fine, but if you keep doing that, it won't be long until a discrimination lawsuit is filed against you. You can't fire somebody or some people because you don't like their race or background, even if they don't speak the language.
The LEGAL immigrant putting a roof on your house for 10 bucks an hour, his family is probably on Medicaid.

...or make up your own example...

I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

How is a homeowner supposed to know if the workers are illegal or not? Homeowners don't have access to that kind of information.

Really? See, you're part of the problem.

How so? I hire WB roofers and I'm supposed to "somehow" check if the workers are legal or not? How would one go about doing that? Even if there was some sort of public system, it could lead to identify theft and even discrimination lawsuits. WTF needs that?

You're just trying to blame ALL of the problem on the immigrant.

That's the equivalent of only busting hookers, and never busting the johns. sort of, lol
The LEGAL immigrant putting a roof on your house for 10 bucks an hour, his family is probably on Medicaid.

...or make up your own example...

I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

how is a homeowner to now if someone is illegal or not

OMG, he's defending hiring illegals and paying them under the table.

uh...ignorance of the law is no excuse...you may have heard that.

stop your lame attempt to lie

the question remains

how do you as a private citizen know if the person is illegal

How does the store know you're 21 when you buy booze?
I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

How is a homeowner supposed to know if the workers are illegal or not? Homeowners don't have access to that kind of information.

Really? See, you're part of the problem.

How so? I hire WB roofers and I'm supposed to "somehow" check if the workers are legal or not? How would one go about doing that? Even if there was some sort of public system, it could lead to identify theft and even discrimination lawsuits. WTF needs that?

You're just trying to blame ALL of the problem on the immigrant.

That's the equivalent of only busting hookers, and never busting the johns. sort of, lol

so you are admitting that you could not tell an illegal from a legal yard worker
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
I thought you were taking about WV and Mississippi?

Nah, more like blue Mexifornia.
California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients
Note that Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....also note all three are blue states. Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.

However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 23% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state.

Let me know what else I can teach you.
I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

how is a homeowner to now if someone is illegal or not

OMG, he's defending hiring illegals and paying them under the table.

uh...ignorance of the law is no excuse...you may have heard that.

stop your lame attempt to lie

the question remains

how do you as a private citizen know if the person is illegal

How does the store know you're 21 when you buy booze?

is a store a private citizen you going to ask everyone "for their papers" ya fucking leftist nazi
Sad as it is, the answer to your question is 'Yes'.
So 38% of whites and 50% of blacks are also arrested before age 23... Another b******* headline from the b******* and hate GOP propaganda machine. And there go the Dukes screaming and yelling, the loud mouth brainwashed fools...
So try not discriminating against minorities for change, a hole GOP.
So who is on Medicaid? It's people who don't work, work very little, or don't make enough money.

If anything, I would rather see government help people who are responsible, work 40 or more hours a week, and didn't have a bunch of kids they never could afford.

The LEGAL immigrant putting a roof on your house for 10 bucks an hour, his family is probably on Medicaid.

...or make up your own example...

I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

The LEGAL immigrant putting a roof on your house for 10 bucks an hour, his family is probably on Medicaid.

...or make up your own example...

I had three roofs ripped off and installed the last eight years, and Americans did the work on each one.

If immigrants are coming here and going on our social programs, then they don't need to be here at all. We can live fine without them. We already have too many of our own people on these programs without inviting more.

I'm not arguing with you over that. Start fining homeowners $1000 every time they get caught employing undocumented labor, paying under the table, etc. etc.

How is a homeowner supposed to know if the workers are illegal or not? Homeowners don't have access to that kind of information.

I employ many contractors...I tell every single one that if they ever send even one person to one of my jobs that can’t articulate the English language I will fire their entire crew and never hire them for another project....period. That’s the best deterrent that I’ve found. I walk all my jobs frequently and I always make it a point to talk with all employees.

That's fine, but if you keep doing that, it won't be long until a discrimination lawsuit is filed against you. You can't fire somebody or some people because you don't like their race or background, even if they don't speak the language.

These are sub contractors I speak of, not employees...I can fire them for driving the wrong color truck if I want.
This is just what democrats want. They don't want skilled workers coming here who might vote repub. They want illiterate unskilled losers who go on welfare and vote for the welfare party.
Skilled workers would come here and vote for the party of the klan? I don`t think so.
Since you are fond of Statistics here's one to chew on ..."
Of those 27 people that die every day at the hands of drunk drivers, almost half die at the hands of illegal alien drunk drivers. It is estimated that 13 Americans die at the hands of illegal alien drunk drivers every single day - that's 4,745 dead Americans every year almost half the National total. That's 3.5 to 4% of the population that is responsible for nearly half of all Drunk Driving fatalities in the USA.[3]"
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could a headline be any more divisive hateful and Bs?
Last edited:
Since you are fond of Statistics here's one to chew on ..."
Of those 27 people that die every day at the hands of drunk drivers, almost half die at the hands of illegal alien drunk drivers. It is estimated that 13 Americans die at the hands of illegal alien drunk drivers every single day - that's 4,745 dead Americans every year almost half the National total. That's 3.5 to 4% of the population that is responsible for nearly half of all Drunk Driving fatalities in the USA.[3]"
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Congratulations, that is the stupidest most brainwashed most hateful and idiotic thing I've ever seen... And your link says nothing about it jackass.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could headline be anymore divisive hateful and Bs?

Are you struggling with the definition of “welfare”?
Can’t steer this one can you?
I sent my kids to school with lunches prepared at home bought by ME.
Silver tooth wetbacks eat lunches paid for by taxpayers....TA-DA....that’s WELFARE.

noun: welfare
  1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; More
    interest, good
    "the welfare of children"
    • statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
      "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to people in need.
      synonyms: social security, social assistance, benefit, public assistance; More
      pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, unemployment benefit;
      informalthe dole
      "we cannot claim welfare"
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
Not only do they think we need more of it they’re willing to fuck over our own to get them here.
I consider the illegals I have met to be of higher caliber than most of the whiners here.
Of course you do you're a worthless pile of shit too so lower dregs make you feel good about yourself.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could headline be anymore divisive hateful and Bs?

Are you struggling with the definition of “welfare”?
Can’t steer this one can you?
I sent my kids to school with lunches prepared at home bought by ME.
Silver tooth wetbacks eat lunches paid for by taxpayers....TA-DA....that’s WELFARE.

noun: welfare
  1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; More
    interest, good
    "the welfare of children"
    • statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
      "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to people in need.
      synonyms: social security, social assistance, benefit, public assistance; More
      pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, unemployment benefit;
      informalthe dole
      "we cannot claim welfare"
That link on 50% of them getting welfare is the biggest bunch of crap I've seen since the other link, super dupe. No stats included at all, just a load of hateful garbage.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
Not only do they think we need more of it they’re willing to fuck over our own to get them here.
I consider the illegals I have met to be of higher caliber than most of the whiners here.
Of course you do you're a worthless pile of shit too so lower dregs make you feel good about yourself.
38% of whites and 50% of black are also arrested, so it's a garbage stat and a totally hateful headline, super dupe.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The whole thing is b******* propaganda... Being on welfare is getting school lunches? What a gigantic pile of b*******, for silly dupes only. How could headline be anymore divisive hateful and Bs?

Are you struggling with the definition of “welfare”?
Can’t steer this one can you?
I sent my kids to school with lunches prepared at home bought by ME.
Silver tooth wetbacks eat lunches paid for by taxpayers....TA-DA....that’s WELFARE.

noun: welfare
  1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
    "they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families"
    synonyms: well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; More
    interest, good
    "the welfare of children"
    • statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.
      "the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare"
      financial support given to people in need.
      synonyms: social security, social assistance, benefit, public assistance; More
      pension, credit, support;
      sick pay, unemployment benefit;
      informalthe dole
      "we cannot claim welfare"
That link on 50% of them getting welfare is the biggest bunch of crap I've seen since the other link, super dupe. No stats included at all, just a load of hateful garbage.

Here...try not to believe this one you ignorant fool.
The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households
In September 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies published a landmark study of immigration and welfare use, showing that 51 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one federal welfare program — cash, food, housing, or medical care — compared to 30 percent of native households. Following similar methodology, this new study examines the dollar cost of that welfare use.

  • The average household headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, which is 41 percent higher than the $4,431 received by the average native household.
  • The average immigrant household consumes 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native household. Housing costs are about the same for both groups.
  • At $8,251, households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico have the highest welfare costs of any sending region — 86 percent higher than the costs of native households.
  • Illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 (driven largely by the presence of U.S.-born children), while legal immigrant households cost $6,378.
  • The greater consumption of welfare dollars by immigrants can be explained in large part by their lower level of education and larger number of children compared to natives. Over 24 percent of immigrant households are headed by a high school dropout, compared to just 8 percent of native households. In addition, 13 percent of immigrant households have three or more children, vs. just 6 percent of native households.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
Not only do they think we need more of it they’re willing to fuck over our own to get them here.
I consider the illegals I have met to be of higher caliber than most of the whiners here.
Of course you do you're a worthless pile of shit too so lower dregs make you feel good about yourself.
Another hater dupe... You people are unbelievable and need reeducation. Fox Rush etc etc are a total disgrace...

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