50% on welfare, 44% arrested before age 23...Democrats think we need more of this?

Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
30% of non-immigrants are on welfare. We need to do something about 1/3 of non-immigrants. they're killing us with this welfare thing.

I agree, the liberals work to keep them on

welfare so they can count on their votes..
You should have picked a better president then because the blue wave is coming. This country hates Trump and that will be good for the Dems and our soft on immigration policies.

Texas will turn more and more blue everyday

The President we picked stomped all over you and your blue wall…


There is no doubt he is going to do it again.

You need to get your head out of your ass and watch

FOX and listen to RUSH.. cnn and msnbc have filled your

head full of bullshit. Trump is not the pussified republican

you lefties are use to running over…

Trump is better at your game than you are.

I agree you liberals are soft on immigration as well as crime.

Trump is stacking the courts and soon the Supreme Court

will rule on the case of the teacher not wanting to pay

union dues.. Most of you liberal idiots don’t have a

clue of the ramifications of this decision that looks

like it will go our way..

In short,

Trump has kicked your ass in the past and he

Is going to kick a lot more liberal ass in the future…

Your party is on the verge of destruction…….
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.

Yup! They likely got arrested for missing a court date, or having similar names, or being undocumented. It's is rare to see an immigrant killing & robbing. I also never seen one on welfare & never seen one vote.

Reagan rolled out the welcome mat for them to flood across the border & crush workers wages & rights. Now they try to play spin politics to blame the party of working people.
Last edited:
The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?
1. You seem to need editorials to help you what to think. I don't.

2. The editorial is based on a study. What study? Do you have a link to this study so I can read it?
FYI - The OP's article was published on January 21, 2014. Also, could not find a link to the source of this study.

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?
Fake news

Face it bud...you and all your human cockroaches are disgusting subhumans. You can’t shut that baby anteater off, you keep on reproducing more of the filthy same like cockroaches do....you deplete resources like no one else does. You have to be fed by others...you’re like a human pet to American taxpayers.
FYI - The OP's article was published on January 21, 2014. Also, could not find a link to the source of this study.

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?

What's the source of the study?

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?
1. You seem to need editorials to help you what to think. I don't.

2. The editorial is based on a study. What study? Do you have a link to this study so I can read it?

Holy fuck you wacks are getting more desperate by the day...now you need links to links...hahaha.
Face it Loons....wetbacks are fucked up disgusting, trashy fucking humans...stop trying to be retarded to facts....you look really stupid.
FYI - The OP's article was published on January 21, 2014. Also, could not find a link to the source of this study.

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?

What's the source of the study?

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?
1. You seem to need editorials to help you what to think. I don't.

2. The editorial is based on a study. What study? Do you have a link to this study so I can read it?

Holy fuck you wacks are getting more desperate by the day...now you need links to links...hahaha.
Face it Loons....wetbacks are fucked up disgusting, trashy fucking humans...stop trying to be retarded to facts....you look really stupid.

The guidelines here say that links are required.
FYI - The OP's article was published on January 21, 2014. Also, could not find a link to the source of this study.

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?

What's the source of the study?

The editorials were printed by USA Today and Fox News. Are you trying not to believe them? Are you crying “fake news”?
1. You seem to need editorials to help you what to think. I don't.

2. The editorial is based on a study. What study? Do you have a link to this study so I can read it?

Holy fuck you wacks are getting more desperate by the day...now you need links to links...hahaha.
Face it Loons....wetbacks are fucked up disgusting, trashy fucking humans...stop trying to be retarded to facts....you look really stupid.

The guidelines here say that links are required.

You got a link bud...you’re asking for a link to the link...right?
Reagan rolled out the welcome mat for them to flood across the border & crush workers wages & rights. Now they try to play spin politics to blame the party of working people.

Blame the party of the working people? You're tying to blame a President that's been out of office for 30 years!
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.

I was never arrested, for anything, and I am well past 23.

I don't have much faith in redemption.

I'm glad things worked out for you.

[Holy fuck you wacks are getting more desperate by the day...now you need links to links...hahaha.
Face it Loons....wetbacks are fucked up disgusting, trashy fucking humans...stop trying to be retarded to facts....you look really stupid.

I would like to read the study itself, which the editorial is referring to. You have the burden of proof. Do you have a link to this study? If you don't have the a link to this study so I can read it, just say so.
[Holy fuck you wacks are getting more desperate by the day...now you need links to links...hahaha.
Face it Loons....wetbacks are fucked up disgusting, trashy fucking humans...stop trying to be retarded to facts....you look really stupid.

I would like to read the study itself, which the editorial is referring to. You have the burden of proof. Do you have a link to this study? If you don't have the a link to this study so I can read it, just say so.

Lots of editorials have been posted in this thread...which one are you struggling with?

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