500 scientists say there is no climate emergency

Here is the cheap con being run:

There is no good agreement among scientists about the cause of the changes we observe in the ocean currents in the Atlantic. Maybe it's mostly cycles, maybe our warming of the oceans is contributing to changing or speeding/slowing the cycles.

So the con being run is that the other mountains of mutually supportive evidence of anthropogenic climate change would then all be cast into doubt, if climate is not determined to be the cause of the observations we have gathered so far on those atlantic ocean currents.

This is just not so. Not even in the same ballpark. This is like saying that if we find a younger layer under a older layer in one rock formation, the the whole of the theories of evolution and geology are thrown into doubt.

Uh, no.

It's just another waste of time, denier rabbit hole.
The consensus is among published scientists, judged on their studies and their own statements. Getting published is not dependent on government funding. Private institutions, private companies and corporations DO fund climate research.
the consensus is an article based on papers which a team of people read the titles and then dictate what the author thinks of global warming

scientists are not even part of the process, titles of papers are, scientist no
I have posted it on numerous occasions and you have seen it. So you're pretending that I haven't or that you didn't see it. That would be you LYING again. But for the other folks who might be under the misapprehension that you're a decent human being...

Surveys of scientists and scientific literature​

Main article: Surveys of scientists' views on climate change
Various surveys have been conducted to evaluate scientific opinion on global warming. They have concluded that almost all climate scientists support the idea of anthropogenic climate change.[1]

In 2004, the geologist and historian of science Naomi Oreskes summarized a study of the scientific literature on climate change.[135] She analyzed 928 abstracts of papers from refereed scientific journals between 1993 and 2003 and concluded that there is a scientific consensus on the reality of anthropogenic climate change.

Oreskes divided the abstracts into six categories: explicit endorsement of the consensus position, evaluation of impacts, mitigation proposals, methods, paleoclimate analysis, and rejection of the consensus position. Seventy-five per cent of the abstracts were placed in the first three categories (either explicitly or implicitly accepting the consensus view); 25% dealt with methods or paleoclimate, thus taking no position on current anthropogenic climate change. None of the abstracts disagreed with the consensus position, which the author found to be "remarkable". According to the report, "authors evaluating impacts, developing methods, or studying paleoclimatic change might believe that current climate change is natural. However, none of these papers argued that point."

In 2007, Harris Interactive surveyed 489 randomly selected members of either the American Meteorological Society or the American Geophysical Union for the Statistical Assessment Service (STATS) at George Mason University. 97% of the scientists surveyed agreed that global temperatures had increased during the past 100 years; 84% said they personally believed human-induced warming was occurring, and 74% agreed that "currently available scientific evidence" substantiated its occurrence. Catastrophic effects in 50–100 years would likely be observed according to 41%, while 44% thought the effects would be moderate and about 13 percent saw relatively little danger. 5% said they thought human activity did not contribute to greenhouse warming.[136][137][138][139]

Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch conducted a survey in August 2008 of 2058 climate scientists from 34 countries.[140] A web link with a unique identifier was given to each respondent to eliminate multiple responses. A total of 373 responses were received giving an overall response rate of 18.2%. No paper on climate change consensus based on this survey has been published yet (February 2010), but one on another subject has been published based on the survey.[141]

The survey was made up of 76 questions split into a number of sections. There were sections on the demographics of the respondents, their assessment of the state of climate science, how good the science is, climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation, their opinion of the IPCC, and how well climate science was being communicated to the public. Most of the answers were on a scale from 1 to 7 from "not at all" to "very much".

To the question "How convinced are you that climate change, whether natural or anthropogenic, is occurring now?", 67.1% said they very much agreed, 26.7% agreed to some large extent, 6.2% said to they agreed to some small extent (2–4), none said they did not agree at all. To the question "How convinced are you that most of recent or near future climate change is, or will be, a result of anthropogenic causes?" the responses were 34.6% very much agree, 48.9% agreeing to a large extent, 15.1% to a small extent, and 1.35% not agreeing at all.

A poll performed by Peter Doran and Maggie Kendall Zimmerman at University of Illinois at Chicago received replies from 3,146 of the 10,257 polled Earth scientists. Results were analyzed globally and by specialization. 76 out of 79 climatologists who "listed climate science as their area of expertise and who also have published more than 50% of their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change" believed that mean global temperatures had risen compared to pre-1800s levels. Seventy-five of 77 believed that human activity is a significant factor in changing mean global temperatures. Among all respondents, 90% agreed that temperatures have risen compared to pre-1800 levels, and 82% agreed that humans significantly influence the global temperature. Economic geologists and meteorologists were among the biggest doubters, with only 47 percent and 64 percent, respectively, believing in significant human involvement. The authors summarised the findings:[142]

A 2010 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (PNAS) reviewed publication and citation data for 1,372 climate researchers and drew the following two conclusions:[143]

A 2013 paper in Environmental Research Letters reviewed 11,944 abstracts of scientific papers matching "global warming" or "global climate change". They found 4,014 which discussed the cause of recent global warming, and of these "97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming".[144] This study was criticised in 2016 by Richard Tol,[145] but strongly defended by a companion paper in the same volume.[146]

Peer-reviewed studies of the consensus on anthropogenic global warming
A 2012 analysis of published research on global warming and climate change between 1991 and 2012 found that of the 13,950 articles in peer-reviewed journals, only 24 rejected anthropogenic global warming.[147] A follow-up analysis looking at 2,258 peer-reviewed climate articles with 9,136 authors published between November 2012 and December 2013 revealed that only one of the 9,136 authors rejected anthropogenic global warming.[148] His 2015 paper on the topic, covering 24,210 articles published by 69,406 authors during 2013 and 2014 found only five articles by four authors rejecting anthropogenic global warming. Over 99.99% of climate scientists did not reject AGW in their peer-reviewed research.[149]

James Lawrence Powell reported in 2017 that using rejection as the criterion of consensus, five surveys of the peer-reviewed literature from 1991 to 2015, including several of those above, combine to 54,195 articles with an average consensus of 99.94%.[150] In November 2019, his survey of over 11,600 peer-reviewed articles published in the first seven months of 2019 showed that the consensus had reached 100%.[2]

A survey conducted in 2021 found that of a random selection of 3,000 papers examined from 88,125 peer-reviewed studies related to climate that were published since 2012, only 4 were sceptical about man-made climate change.[151]

Depending on expertise, a 2021 survey of 2780 Earth scientist showed that between 91% and 100% agreed human activity is causing climate change. Among climate scientists, 98.7% agreed, a number that grows to 100% when only the climate scientists with high level of expertise are counted (20+ papers published).[4]

Yawn the consensus FALLACY is indication they don't have the science instead to make their case.

There have been many, many, many consensus failures because they didn't run on the science which is why warmist/alarmists fails to realize they lost the science-based debate long ago because they are fixated on the consensus so much.
I don't need to prove publicly available facts to random internet crybabies. Anyone can look it up.
You have a nasty habit of making unsupported allegations and then when confronted with it you blame the other person for not looking it up for themselves. They are your allegations to support.
No. That's isn't necessarily true. Your logic is flawed.
I didn't say it was necessarily true.

I said "if A, then not necessarily B"

You stumbled over this simple logic.

Ding, you always stumble over simple logic. I don't think you ever had any formal training in it.
You have a nasty habit of making unsupported allegations and then when confronted with it you blame the other person for not looking it up for themselves. They are your allegations to support.
*if I actually cared convince you of the truth of them

Which, I do not.
Here is the cheap con being run:

There is no good agreement among scientists about the cause of the changes we observe in the ocean currents in the Atlantic. Maybe it's mostly cycles, maybe our warming of the oceans is contributing to changing or speeding/slowing the cycles.

So the con being run is that the other mountains of mutually supportive evidence of anthropogenic climate change would then all be cast into doubt, if climate is not determined to be the cause of the observations we have gathered so far on those atlantic ocean currents.

This is just not so. Not even in the same ballpark. This is like saying that if we find a younger layer under a older layer in one rock formation, the the whole of the theories of evolution and geology are thrown into doubt.

Uh, no.

It's just another waste of time, denier rabbit hole.
Empirical climate evidence does not support their claim. Empirical climate evidence shows the planet is uniquely configured for colder temperatures and climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty. They have mistaken a natural climate fluctuation - during an interglacial period which is several degrees cooler than the previous interglacial period - for AGW. Their models are flawed because they tune out natural variation, don't use the high variability solar output dataset, include the UHI effect and overestimate the feedback to the tune of 2 to 3 times the radiative forcing effect of CO2.
I didn't say it was necessarily true.

I said "if A, then not necessarily B"

You stumbled over this simple logic.

Ding, you always stumble over simple logic. I don't think you ever had any formal training in it.
You are a moron.
Yawn the consensus FALLACY is indication they don't have the science instead to make their case.

There have been many, many, many consensus failures because they didn't run on the science which is why warmist/alarmists fails to realize they lost the science-based debate long ago because they are fixated on the consensus so much.
God are you fucking stupid. If you want to see the science vist www.ipcc.ch.

The reason there is such a strong consensus is that the scientists - the one whose opinions most matter on science questions - have all been convinced, BY THE FUCKING SCIENCE, that AGW theory is valid.
On the Atlantic currents? Yeah, some of it does, actually. That's why it is still a healthy debate and frontier of study.
There's zero debate about what happens when warm water stops making it's way north. None. Zero. Temperatures in the NH plunge and albedo increases causing negative feedback. It gets ugly fast.
The IPCC's Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policy Makers, uses the term twice in its introduction: speaking first of human causation of temperature increase and then of rising carbon dioxide. "Unequivocal"
Yeah...and it's unproven bullshit.
Here’s a somewhat old link.

I am posting it only to ask: with scientific precision (and not petty claims anointing to attack the messenger fallacies), has this formation been rebutted?


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