500 scientists say there is no climate emergency

So you deny co2 was higher in the past with ice?
You don't seem to make any connection between what you read and what you put down as a response. I said no such thing and your charge is completely detached from the topic that was actually under discussion. Stop talking to me.
Meanwhile large temperature swings went on for 10,000 years WITHOUT CO2 involvement........... since it stayed around the 280 ppm line in all that time.

This means YOU are the denier since you ignored point of the chart.
That’s wrong. Why don’t you just show a chart that compares CO2 levels with temperatures ? Afraid ?
Why did it melt? You never told us? How
You claim it existed then disappeared, right ? And with no evidence. How long did it take ? One day, 20 k years ? After all, you just keep claiming it was only over Chicago which didn’t even exist till 1830. You’re all over the place. Then, you claim it was over where Chicago is now. That’s just 230 square miles. Gesus, get your story straight and show some evidence it even existed.
So you deny co2 was higher in the past with ice?
Of course idiot. It snows every winter when it warms up enough to create more snow ice over northern land masses. More snow ice is an indicator of warmer temperatures bubba. Do you know what snow is ? Do you know what winter time is ?
The consensus is among published scientists, judged on their studies and their own statements. Getting published is not dependent on government funding. Private institutions, private companies and corporations DO fund climate research.
Only the alarmists, so scientists tell us, get published unless they are in lock step with people like you. We know the drivers of this are Democrats in America and their counterparts in other countries. Democrats allege the science is settled yet want the money the Feds offer for the believers.
read here about hitting 1.5C of warming..
at the place where it says "Scientists say that surpassing 1.5 degrees C could trigger a cascade of tipping points, which would irreversibly alter the global climate system and further exacerbate warming."
Read that yale report one more time. Notice it never names any scientists. It is called glittering generalities.
Of course idiot. It snows every winter when it warms up enough to create more snow ice over northern land masses. More snow ice is an indicator of warmer temperatures bubba. Do you know what snow is ? Do you know what winter time is ?
Except that CA has (and this is merely one example out of many more) will AGAIN suffer a bitter cold winter and increasing snows. They are already ready to open up the ski resorts. Earlier than previously. This warming shit is pure bullshit. CA has a Lake called Tulare lake that had been wiped out earlier that now has record levels of water from recent histories.
How would Democrats prevent that from happening? If liberals and democrats had the power that you self-made victims claim they have, there'd be no ICE vehicles of fossil fuel power plants left.
Its not for lack of effort by the libs

for instance Joe Biden openly proclaimed his intention to kill fossil fuel production

but the public didnt agree and now he’s scrambling to paint himself as pro oil again
Its not for lack of effort by the libs
Can you provide us an example of some liberals actively preventing someone from reanalysing climate data? You might want to have a look at the origins of the Berkely Earth organization.
for instance Joe Biden openly proclaimed his intention to kill fossil fuel production
That doesn't prevent anyone from reananlysing climate data.
but the public didnt agree and now he’s scrambling to paint himself as pro oil again
You've lost the thread. Interesting how often that happens to people who don't have an argument or evidence to support it.
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Can you provide us an example of some liberals actively preventing someone from reanalysing climate data? You might want to have a look at the origins of the Berkely Earth committee.

That doesn't prevent anyone from reananlysing climate data.

You've lost the thread. Interesting how often that happens to people who don't have an argument or evidence to support it.
We can see that lib/greenie fear mongering has failed to produce the catastrophic results from climate change that was promised
We can see that lib/greenie fear mongering has failed to produce the catastrophic results from climate change that was promised
Can you provide us an example of some liberals actively preventing someone from reanalysing climate data? You might want to have a look at the origins of the Berkely Earth organization.
Can you provide us an example of some liberals actively preventing someone from reanalysing climate data? You might want to have a look at the origins of the Berkely Earth organization.
Why “reanalyse” garbage?

Whats important is your hysteria that never bears fruit
Except that CA has (and this is merely one example out of many more) will AGAIN suffer a bitter cold winter and increasing snows. They are already ready to open up the ski resorts. Earlier than previously. This warming shit is pure bullshit. CA has a Lake called Tulare lake that had been wiped out earlier that now has record levels of water from recent histories.
Simpleton. The average temps in CALIFORNIA are INCREASING. The extremes are getting greater. Look up what extremes are. You do know bubba that snow amounts increase when the average temps get higher but remain below freezing. So you don’t believe that increased temps increases snowfall rates as the atmosphere holds more water ? This little tidbit is unknown to you science illiterate.
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Read that yale report one more time. Notice it never names any scientists. It is called glittering generalities.
there are a bunch of links in that article, which reference the source of the claims. In those references, there are names of scientists.
Only the alarmists, so scientists tell us, get published unless they are in lock step with people like you. We know the drivers of this are Democrats in America and their counterparts in other countries. Democrats allege the science is settled yet want the money the Feds offer for the believers.
I have nothing against you high school drop outs but please, don’t pretend that scientists lie more than you bozos. You bubbas keep babbling about science when you obviously, know nothing about it.
Read that yale report one more time. Notice it never names any scientists. It is called glittering generalities.
Ha ha. You are a bullshit artist aren’t you ?
You never saw the total list of the thousands of scientists who worked on the Manhattan project either.

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