50th Anniversary of Israel’s Infamous USS Liberty Attack

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As was stated in the sworn testimony the winds were calm and the flag was therefore very difficult to see.
The eyewitnesses who you claim to be liars witnessed the israeli jets circle them 3 different times prior to the first napalm assault that lit 1/2 the Americans on fire!

Their testimony includes the fact that there was no way to miss the flag or the huge letters identifying the ship.
Too bad that the recordings from the NSA spy plane answered the question.
No, they doctored them and the Jerusalem Post shared the real ones (with their propaganda), but did show the exact language which made it clear THAT THE ISRAELIS KNEW IT WAS AN AMERICAN SHIP AND TRIED TO KILL EVERYONE ON BOARD ANYWAYS.

lol of course. When you are proven wrong, it must be a vast conspiracy. Very predictable.

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You didn't prove shit, but the tapes were either doctored or they were not the same tapes that the Jerusalem Post published in 2004.
This is straight from the NSA website. And it's the original audio with the transcripts.

Case closed.
Case closed, but it was an intentional mass murder as we learned both from the original audio and through the multiple eyewitness survivor accounts.
No it wasn't, 'etard. It's only neo Nazis and IskamoNazi cyber Jihadi goofballs like you that continue this crap about the Liberty.
As was stated in the sworn testimony the winds were calm and the flag was therefore very difficult to see.
The eyewitnesses who you claim to be liars witnessed the israeli jets circle them 3 different times prior to the first napalm assault that lit 1/2 the Americans on fire!

Their testimony includes the fact that there was no way to miss the flag or the huge letters identifying the ship.
You of course got that from Jihad Tube, no?

Too bad the US Naval Inquest found it was an accident. I posted the findings of fact. Also all the testimony was public and can be read if you click on the link I posted. BTW all other government investigations found it was an accident too.
Not true as you just learned from our CIA Director. Here it is again for you...

"...the board of inquiry (concluded) that the Israelis knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty."
-- CIA Director Richard Helms
For those pretending this was an unfortunate accident....

The following summary is taken from the formal War Crimes Report filed with the Secretary of Defense...

In these circumstances, the later military attack by Israeli aircraft on the U.S.S. Liberty is quite literally incomprehensible. As a minimum, the attack must be condemned as an act of military recklessness reflecting wanton disregard for human life.

The subsequent attack by Israeli torpedo boats, substantially after the vessel was or should have been identified by Israeli military forces, manifests the same reckless disregard for human life. . . . The U.S.S. Liberty was peacefully engaged, posed no threat whatsoever to the torpedo boats, and obviously carried no armament affording it a combat capability. It could and should have been scrutinized visually at close range before torpedoes were fired.

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events
As was stated in the sworn testimony the winds were calm and the flag was therefore very difficult to see.

In any case the NSA transcripts of the Israeli pilots prove it was an accident beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I read your stupid NSA crap and from the NSA document you are LYING about...

Though the pilots testified to the contrary, every official interview of numerous Liberty crewmen gave consistent evidence that indeed the Liberty was flying an American flag - and, further, the weather conditions were ideal to assure its easy observance and identification.


Nothing you post can be taken seriously as you are a proven liar. Your best bet is to place that diseased tail of yours between your legs and be gone.
"In a signed affidavit released at a Capitol Hill news conference, retired Capt. Ward Boston(search) said Johnson and McNamara told those heading the Navy's inquiry to "conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary."

Boston was senior legal counsel to the Navy's original 1967 review of the attack. He said in the sworn statement that he stayed silent for years because he's a military man, and "when orders come ... I follow them."

Ex-Navy Official: 1967 Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Was Deliberate
Yes of course my opinion counts

Of course it does Hymie but only to you, in your deranged mind! :cuckoo:

No one else really cares too much about your 'opinion'
Sure Mahmoud, people really do care about a conpiracy spewing Pali Nazi's opinions though.


As was stated in the sworn testimony the winds were calm and the flag was therefore very difficult to see.

In any case the NSA transcripts of the Israeli pilots prove it was an accident beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I read your stupid NSA crap and from the NSA document you are LYING about...

Though the pilots testified to the contrary, every official interview of numerous Liberty crewmen gave consistent evidence that indeed the Liberty was flying an American flag - and, further, the weather conditions were ideal to assure its easy observance and identification.


Nothing you post can be taken seriously as you are a proven liar. Your best bet is to place that diseased tail of yours between your legs and be gone.
Yeah, because Arabs have never deceptively flown flags of other countries during wartime. Nor do they wear uniforms of other countries military.
So now they saw the U.S. flag but the Israelis thought it was a trick, according to Ruddy.


  • upload_2017-7-15_18-3-50.png
    3.4 KB · Views: 18

1. Available evidence combines to indicate the attack on
LIBERTY on 8 June was in fact a case of mistaken

2. The calm conditions and slow ship speed may well have
made the American Flag difficult to identify.

3. The ship's westerly heading at the time of attack - in
the general direction of Egyptian ports may have
reinforced elements of doubt in the minds of the several
Israeli pilots who looked the ship over in the forenoon.

4. The colors were shot down early in the action and were
replaced prior to the PT attack.

5. The immediate confusion milling around astern followed
by peaceful


overtures by the attacking surface forces after launching
only two torpedoes of the six presumed available (two on
each PT boat), indicate these craft may well have identified
the colors for the first time when they got in close enough
to see clearly through the smoke and flames billowing, at
times above the mast head.

6. There are no available indications that the attack was
intended against a U. S. Ship.

7. LIBERTY'S position at the time of the attack has been
previously ordered changed farther to seaward by JCS;
however, the messages relating to these changes were not
known to the ship before the attack took place. The reasons
these messages were not known to the ship can be determined
in all instances except for one. Since LIBERTY records and
knowledgeable personnel were lost in the action, it is
impossible to determine the disposition of the message.

click on the link to read the whole thing.

Finding of facts , number 2

The flag was most likely very hard to see.

Read above.

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1. Available evidence combines to indicate the attack on
LIBERTY on 8 June was in fact a case of mistaken

2. The calm conditions and slow ship speed may well have
made the American Flag difficult to identify.

3. The ship's westerly heading at the time of attack - in
the general direction of Egyptian ports may have
reinforced elements of doubt in the minds of the several
Israeli pilots who looked the ship over in the forenoon.

4. The colors were shot down early in the action and were
replaced prior to the PT attack.

5. The immediate confusion milling around astern followed
by peaceful


overtures by the attacking surface forces after launching
only two torpedoes of the six presumed available (two on
each PT boat), indicate these craft may well have identified
the colors for the first time when they got in close enough
to see clearly through the smoke and flames billowing, at
times above the mast head.

6. There are no available indications that the attack was
intended against a U. S. Ship.

7. LIBERTY'S position at the time of the attack has been
previously ordered changed farther to seaward by JCS;
however, the messages relating to these changes were not
known to the ship before the attack took place. The reasons
these messages were not known to the ship can be determined
in all instances except for one. Since LIBERTY records and
knowledgeable personnel were lost in the action, it is
impossible to determine the disposition of the message.

click on the link to read the whole thing.

Finding of facts , number 2

The flag was most likely very hard to see.

Read above.

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Sigh, we have been over this.

I read your stupid NSA crap and from the NSA document you are LYING about...

Though the pilots testified to the contrary, every official interview of numerous Liberty crewmen gave consistent evidence that indeed the Liberty was flying an American flag - and, further, the weather conditions were ideal to assure its easy observance and identification.


Nothing you post can be taken seriously as you are a proven liar. Your best bet is to place that diseased tail of yours between your legs and be gone.
Antisemite showing fake concern over an accident that occured about 50 years ago. It's quite a contortion.
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