51% Of American Muslims Want Sharia... (NOT in All Caps Now..)

99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

Nor do secularists who want the insanity of religion out of the rationality of governance.

insanity is believing the you are the center of the universe. Like it or not, our country was founded on judeo Christian principles and beliefs. But the founders also made provisions for non believers like you to have all the benefits of the country with no obligation to follow any religion. Unlike muslim nations where non believers are killed.
The true Christian protects in America the Muslims' civil liberties.

yes, but not all muslims in ameica protect the civil liberties of other americans, it only works when its a two way street.

Oh, so 100% of Muslims must "protect the civil liberties of other Americans"? Does your 100% rule only apply to Muslims?
Now you, Turzovka, engage in a fallacy of false assertions and continue out right false witnesses. You have every right to propose laws, but they must fit with the Constitution. Your foes, most of whom are Christian, tell you that you cannot rule by the Bible. Majority rules when it is Constitutional. That is your issue: we live in a republic not a democracy.

Redfish is hooked again and gasping for air.

minority rights were established by majority votes. you are wrong, the majority does rule
Only through an amendment or if SCOTUS agrees. The way it is, skippy.

BS, the constitution and bill of rights established minority rights, they were ratified by majority vote. That's the way it is "skippy"
Your minority rights are now protected by the Amendment and SCOTUS. You cannot remove minority rights by a simple majority. That is not how constitutional jurisprudence developed.

Since you are in the minority on almost everything, we could take away your rights very easily.
Now you, Turzovka, engage in a fallacy of false assertions and continue out right false witnesses. You have every right to propose laws, but they must fit with the Constitution. Your foes, most of whom are Christian, tell you that you cannot rule by the Bible. Majority rules when it is Constitutional. That is your issue: we live in a republic not a democracy.

Redfish is hooked again and gasping for air.

minority rights were established by majority votes. you are wrong, the majority does rule
Only through an amendment or if SCOTUS agrees. The way it is, skippy.

BS, the constitution and bill of rights established minority rights, they were ratified by majority vote. That's the way it is "skippy"
Your minority rights are now protected by the Amendment and SCOTUS. You cannot remove minority rights by a simple majority. That is not how constitutional jurisprudence developed.

Since you are in the minority on almost everything, we could take away your rights very easily.

No one wants to take away minority rights, what we object to is minority rule.

as to removing rights, Obama has done a lot of that already by EO with no congressional action or SC rulings.

You ignorantly condone an administration that is doing exactly what you claim to be against.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

Nor do secularists who want the insanity of religion out of the rationality of governance.

insanity is believing the you are the center of the universe. Like it or not, our country was founded on judeo Christian principles and beliefs. But the founders also made provisions for non believers like you to have all the benefits of the country with no obligation to follow any religion. Unlike muslim nations where non believers are killed.

jakey boi thinks the truth is funny.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.

Where in the Constitution of the United States does it give gays the "right" to marry? Where. I would LOVE to see this, because no where does it give the "right" of ANYONE to marry.
Get ready to feel the LOVE.

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Our laws bestow gifts on married people. Joint tax returns, Social Security survivor benefits, and a thousand others. Gays are entitled to equal protections granted in those laws.

I'll ask you one more time - Where in the Constitution does it give ANYONE the right to marry? Where? Where? Where?
Read the part I bolded in red, just for you.

If the government decides to bestow cash and prizes on married people, then ALL married people are entitled to the cash and prizes bestowed by those laws.

The Constitution gives Congress the authority to write laws, including laws bestowing cash and prized on married people. The Constitution gives equal protection of those laws to everyone. So there you go, retard.
If we have a Flat/Fair Tax and take away the Tax Goodies (get rid of all deduction), have all laws to be on one topic (no ear marks), laws written to be read in 2-4 hours MAX, and term limits the system works itself out.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

Nor do secularists who want the insanity of religion out of the rationality of governance.

insanity is believing the you are the center of the universe. Like it or not, our country was founded on judeo Christian principles and beliefs. But the founders also made provisions for non believers like you to have all the benefits of the country with no obligation to follow any religion. Unlike muslim nations where non believers are killed.

Democracy is a Judeo-Christian belief? A Democratic Republic is a Judeo-Christian belief?
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

Nor do secularists who want the insanity of religion out of the rationality of governance.

insanity is believing the you are the center of the universe. Like it or not, our country was founded on judeo Christian principles and beliefs. But the founders also made provisions for non believers like you to have all the benefits of the country with no obligation to follow any religion. Unlike muslim nations where non believers are killed.

Democracy is a Judeo-Christian belief? A Democratic Republic is a Judeo-Christian belief?

We are a "Constitutional Republic" Our Constitution does not Jibe with Sharia Law. This is the problem with some of the "EU Democracies" Majority Rules in the US only holds when it is "Constitutional". This is why you need to follow the Constitution literally.
Data over the years from Pew, Gallup and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, collectively paint a picture of a Muslim faith that doesn't deter individuals from integrating into communities – some of which they have resided in for decades. If anything, data shows, a strong engagement in the Muslim faith correlates with higher civic engagement.

"Muslims who regularly attend mosques are more likely to work with their neighbors to solve community problems, be registered to vote, and are more likely to plan to vote," researchers wrote in a 2016 study by the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding, which surveyed more than 500 Muslims in the United States as well as Jewish and Christian Americans

No, Donald Trump, Muslims Are Actually Very Well-Integrated In America
Except, of course the majority of Muslim immigrants that want sharia law
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

Nor do secularists who want the insanity of religion out of the rationality of governance.

insanity is believing the you are the center of the universe. Like it or not, our country was founded on judeo Christian principles and beliefs. But the founders also made provisions for non believers like you to have all the benefits of the country with no obligation to follow any religion. Unlike muslim nations where non believers are killed.

Democracy is a Judeo-Christian belief? A Democratic Republic is a Judeo-Christian belief?

yes and yes
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

Nor do secularists who want the insanity of religion out of the rationality of governance.

insanity is believing the you are the center of the universe. Like it or not, our country was founded on judeo Christian principles and beliefs. But the founders also made provisions for non believers like you to have all the benefits of the country with no obligation to follow any religion. Unlike muslim nations where non believers are killed.

Democracy is a Judeo-Christian belief? A Democratic Republic is a Judeo-Christian belief?

We are a "Constitutional Republic" Our Constitution does not Jibe with Sharia Law. This is the problem with some of the "EU Democracies" Majority Rules in the US only holds when it is "Constitutional". This is why you need to follow the Constitution literally.

yes, all true. but what all of you keep forgetting is that our constitution was put in place, and minority rights established, BY MAJORITY VOTE. The MAJORITY wanted a country run on those concepts. The MAJORITY wanted a constitutional republic, some minorities at the time wanted a monarchy or a dictatorial republic, The MAJORITY won.

Businesses have a right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. That's not circumventing the constitution, that's you apparently not knowing what Constitutional rights are. Nobody has a right to force a business to serve them. If they refuse you, go to their competitor.

You are ignorant on the subject. Businesses cannot refuse to serve anyone for any reason.
That can, so long as they aren't owned by the government. In some cases, they're not allowed to tell you what that reason is, but they ARE allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They usually don't, because they'd lose customers to their competitors, but they're allowed.

No, they can't...and haven't been able to since the 1960s. Title II of the Civil Rights Act. Oh, and it's been challenged all the way to the SCOTUS. Can you guess the final ruling? Public Accommodation laws, which say you can't refuse service to anyone for any reason, are constitutional.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.
You are ignorant on the subject. Businesses cannot refuse to serve anyone for any reason.
That can, so long as they aren't owned by the government. In some cases, they're not allowed to tell you what that reason is, but they ARE allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They usually don't, because they'd lose customers to their competitors, but they're allowed.

No, they can't...and haven't been able to since the 1960s. Title II of the Civil Rights Act. Oh, and it's been challenged all the way to the SCOTUS. Can you guess the final ruling? Public Accommodation laws, which say you can't refuse service to anyone for any reason, are constitutional.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.

Please use the reply button, otherwise we have no idea who you are responding to
That can, so long as they aren't owned by the government. In some cases, they're not allowed to tell you what that reason is, but they ARE allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They usually don't, because they'd lose customers to their competitors, but they're allowed.

No, they can't...and haven't been able to since the 1960s. Title II of the Civil Rights Act. Oh, and it's been challenged all the way to the SCOTUS. Can you guess the final ruling? Public Accommodation laws, which say you can't refuse service to anyone for any reason, are constitutional.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.

Please use the reply button, otherwise we have no idea who you are responding to
I did? I quoted him, his quote is even in the post you just replied to.
No, they can't...and haven't been able to since the 1960s. Title II of the Civil Rights Act. Oh, and it's been challenged all the way to the SCOTUS. Can you guess the final ruling? Public Accommodation laws, which say you can't refuse service to anyone for any reason, are constitutional.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.

Please use the reply button, otherwise we have no idea who you are responding to
I did? I quoted him, his quote is even in the post you just replied to.

using the quote button is not the same as using the reply button. try it.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.

Please use the reply button, otherwise we have no idea who you are responding to
I did? I quoted him, his quote is even in the post you just replied to.

using the quote button is not the same as using the reply button. try it.
I did use the reply button...
You are ignorant on the subject. Businesses cannot refuse to serve anyone for any reason.
That can, so long as they aren't owned by the government. In some cases, they're not allowed to tell you what that reason is, but they ARE allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They usually don't, because they'd lose customers to their competitors, but they're allowed.

No, they can't...and haven't been able to since the 1960s. Title II of the Civil Rights Act. Oh, and it's been challenged all the way to the SCOTUS. Can you guess the final ruling? Public Accommodation laws, which say you can't refuse service to anyone for any reason, are constitutional.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.

It's Mrs and all you did was reiterate how wrong you were. Your statement that you have the right to deny service for any reason was false, you can't and case law backs that up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That can, so long as they aren't owned by the government. In some cases, they're not allowed to tell you what that reason is, but they ARE allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason. They usually don't, because they'd lose customers to their competitors, but they're allowed.

No, they can't...and haven't been able to since the 1960s. Title II of the Civil Rights Act. Oh, and it's been challenged all the way to the SCOTUS. Can you guess the final ruling? Public Accommodation laws, which say you can't refuse service to anyone for any reason, are constitutional.
Oh, that's cute, you think you know things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. If you don't tell them your reason to deny the service, then yes, you can deny service for ALL of those reasons. The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination by private businesses based on disability, but again, you can deny service for those reasons, too, as long as it's not stated and it isn't store policy. The refusal just can't be arbitrary, and you can't just apply it to one group of people, and there must be a reason. As stated before, you don't have a right to force people to serve you.

This site explains it well enough.

You went a really long way to avoid admitting you were wrong. You were wrong, plain and simple. You can't deny service "to anyone for any reason" as you claimed.
As I just explained, Mr. Illiterate, you CAN, you just can't tell them it's for the reasons I listed. Here I didn't think reading was that complicated, yet you're proving that for some people, it's the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you just don't comprehend basic English.

It's Mrs and all you did was reiterate how wrong you were. Your statement that you have the right to deny service for any reason was false, you can't and case law backs that up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again I explained that it can be for any reason, just specific reasons can't be stated, then sent you a link that you clearly didn't read. It's painful to see people like you who apparently can't read properly.

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