54 Christmas Trees???

See what happens when we fight Iran or say China down the road.

Downsizing the military after 1 war always led to another war, dumbfuck....see World Wars I and II.

I doubt former troops that lost their jobs over budget cuts are impressed with your black messiah decorating the White House with 54 trees. 1 could've done the trick, but 54 is a poke in the eye of people looking for a job.

Guess what?

Iraq is over. Afghanistan will be concluded in 2014 and troop levels are already declining. The US has been pulling troops out of Europe for decades

We don't need as many troops as we needed five years ago. When their enlistment is up they will be sent home and many won't be replaced

That is how it works

even you can't be stupid enough to think we'll get into a war with china

or are you?

You're not stupid enough to think he's not stupid enough, are you?
54 dead trees and all I can think of is This... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ElJFYwRtrH4]EarthFirst Mourning Loss of a Tree - Crying & Screaming - YouTube[/ame]
See what happens when we fight Iran or say China down the road.

Downsizing the military after 1 war always led to another war, dumbfuck....see World Wars I and II.

I doubt former troops that lost their jobs over budget cuts are impressed with your black messiah decorating the White House with 54 trees. 1 could've done the trick, but 54 is a poke in the eye of people looking for a job.

Guess what?

Iraq is over. Afghanistan will be concluded in 2014 and troop levels are already declining. The US has been pulling troops out of Europe for decades

We don't need as many troops as we needed five years ago. When their enlistment is up they will be sent home and many won't be replaced

That is how it works

even you can't be stupid enough to think we'll get into a war with china

or are you?

There has to be some boogeyman to justify the size of our military

China is as good as any
As Americans face a fiscal cliff, the Obamas make do with 54 Christmas trees by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

Since liberals here are worried about a private citizen in Mitt Romney buying an Audi.....what about the so-called "GREEN" POTUS killing 54 trees to decorate his house?

Or what about blowing that much money on being an over the top show off during a budget crisis and millions out of work......

Come on liberals, explain this away.

54 dead trees????

Oh no, Obama has five more X-mas trees than Bush did. The fucking world is going to end tomorrow because of this. Nice one, you loon.
When Americans realize the White House has spent millions on parties, trees, etc during the reign of the black messiah....I doubt they'll just be laughing especially when their food stamps are turned off because we eventually got rejected by creditors.

Every so-called conservative in this thread laughing about this has been exposed....

The vunnables will just blame the GOP anyways....

It's a Helluva waste, but it pales in comparison to everything else Oblamo and his cohorts are doing.

Take a shot of whiskey and think happy thoughts.
As Americans face a fiscal cliff, the Obamas make do with 54 Christmas trees by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

Since liberals here are worried about a private citizen in Mitt Romney buying an Audi.....what about the so-called "GREEN" POTUS killing 54 trees to decorate his house?

Or what about blowing that much money on being an over the top show off during a budget crisis and millions out of work......

Come on liberals, explain this away.

54 dead trees????

Oh no, Obama has five more X-mas trees than Bush did. The fucking world is going to end tomorrow because of this. Nice one, you loon.

As Americans face a fiscal cliff, the Obamas make do with 54 Christmas trees by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

Since liberals here are worried about a private citizen in Mitt Romney buying an Audi.....what about the so-called "GREEN" POTUS killing 54 trees to decorate his house?

Or what about blowing that much money on being an over the top show off during a budget crisis and millions out of work......

Come on liberals, explain this away.

54 dead trees????

Oh no, Obama has five more X-mas trees than Bush did. The fucking world is going to end tomorrow because of this. Nice one, you loon.

And still they wonder why conservatism is dead.
Many idiots here seem to think blowing taxpayer money on 54 trees during a budget mess is no big deal.

I have no problem with 1-5 decorated trees for the public to view on tours but 54 is outrageous.

So, you were red with outrage when the Bush's had 50 trees, right? When Laura loved to decorate her trees with all hand painted specially commissioned bulbs, right? :rolleyes:

I do not agree with the outrage over this...

But I believe GB is referring to the fact that such was done by the Obama White House amist a serious debate about the fiscal cliff....

Did the Bush's do it when 24 million Americans were out of work? When unemployment was at 8% or higher for 4 straight years? When 47 million Americans were on food stamps?

If not....debate him on the topic....let him know the White House has a responsibility to show the rest of the world how we move forward despite our challanges....not by comparing him to a man who has not been in the white house for 4 years....and governed under a different set of circumstances.

Well said..
As Americans face a fiscal cliff, the Obamas make do with 54 Christmas trees by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

Since liberals here are worried about a private citizen in Mitt Romney buying an Audi.....what about the so-called "GREEN" POTUS killing 54 trees to decorate his house?

Or what about blowing that much money on being an over the top show off during a budget crisis and millions out of work......

Come on liberals, explain this away.

54 dead trees????

Oh no, Obama has five more X-mas trees than Bush did. The fucking world is going to end tomorrow because of this. Nice one, you loon.

And still they wonder why conservatism is dead.

Because we care?

Ok, got it.
Perfect White House compliment to 54 trees


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