54 times -

You know, I'm 53 years old right now, and if someone asked me about something that happened a year to two years ago, I'd be able to remember.

Shoot, if you remind me about something I did when I was in my 20's, I'd probably be able to remember it.

If Trump and his clan are such good business people, then why do they have such shitty memories?

Would you recall those things easily or could it require some effort?

I know you liberals want to control every aspect of our lives, but up to now you still can't control our brains.

Depends on the situation. If it was for everyday stuff like what did I eat, or what did I wear on the last Tuesday of June, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the answer.

However.....................if it was something that was outside of the normal day to day routine, or if it was something important, I'd remember it. There were many times during my Navy career that I had to remember situations from a few months to a year before. But, that is because I was in Administration.

Maybe you should have run the FBI, because even James Comey had to write down everything said in a meeting; even just between two people.
sure hope Jr can remember what he forgot and what he remembered if those questions are put to him again but worded completely different ...
You know, I'm 53 years old right now, and if someone asked me about something that happened a year to two years ago, I'd be able to remember.

Shoot, if you remind me about something I did when I was in my 20's, I'd probably be able to remember it.

If Trump and his clan are such good business people, then why do they have such shitty memories?

Would you recall those things easily or could it require some effort?

I know you liberals want to control every aspect of our lives, but up to now you still can't control our brains.

Depends on the situation. If it was for everyday stuff like what did I eat, or what did I wear on the last Tuesday of June, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the answer.

However.....................if it was something that was outside of the normal day to day routine, or if it was something important, I'd remember it. There were many times during my Navy career that I had to remember situations from a few months to a year before. But, that is because I was in Administration.

Maybe you should have run the FBI, because even James Comey had to write down everything said in a meeting; even just between two people.

That is part of how I did it. Ever heard of something in the Navy called a "wheelbook"? It's a small notepad that a lot of people used like a work diary. Not only did it help me keep organized, but, if something came up from a while back, all I had to do was go back to my wheelbook from that time, and look up the information. If you were a 2nd Class or higher, you were expected to have one, especially in the squadron I was in.
You know, I'm 53 years old right now, and if someone asked me about something that happened a year to two years ago, I'd be able to remember.

Shoot, if you remind me about something I did when I was in my 20's, I'd probably be able to remember it.

If Trump and his clan are such good business people, then why do they have such shitty memories?
What was your mother wearing at your high school graduation?

Actually, my mother wasn't at my HS graduation as I was orphaned when I was 8.

However..............my Grandparents and my Aunt Laurie came. Grandpa wore the same suit he'd had for many years, my Grandmother wore a blue suit that she had. My Aunt Laurie wore a cream colored dress. And, my cap and gown were maroon and black, the school colors.

That's believable because it was important to you. The mind disregards things that are not important, therefore don't remember things.

It's funny because we joke about this after work. One driver would ask another "Where did YOU go today?" And the other guy would just sit there in a daze. :21::21: I know it's happened to me many times.
It must have something to do with party affiliation and loss of memory.......

I find that astonishing. I didn't know Hillary was a Republican.

In the three hours-plus that Hillary Clinton spoke with FBI investigators about her private email server on July 2, she cited more than three-dozen things that she could not recall.

Hillary Clinton told the FBI she couldn’t recall something more than three dozen times

And still less than 54. At least last I checked.
Considering how this Witch Hunt is a big game of gotcha, not recalling the minutest details is self-preservation.
You know, I'm 53 years old right now, and if someone asked me about something that happened a year to two years ago, I'd be able to remember.

Shoot, if you remind me about something I did when I was in my 20's, I'd probably be able to remember it.

If Trump and his clan are such good business people, then why do they have such shitty memories?

Would you recall those things easily or could it require some effort?

I know you liberals want to control every aspect of our lives, but up to now you still can't control our brains.

Depends on the situation. If it was for everyday stuff like what did I eat, or what did I wear on the last Tuesday of June, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the answer.

However.....................if it was something that was outside of the normal day to day routine, or if it was something important, I'd remember it. There were many times during my Navy career that I had to remember situations from a few months to a year before. But, that is because I was in Administration.

Maybe you should have run the FBI, because even James Comey had to write down everything said in a meeting; even just between two people.

That is part of how I did it. Ever heard of something in the Navy called a "wheelbook"? It's a small notepad that a lot of people used like a work diary. Not only did it help me keep organized, but, if something came up from a while back, all I had to do was go back to my wheelbook from that time, and look up the information. If you were a 2nd Class or higher, you were expected to have one, especially in the squadron I was in.

So what you are saying is that without such a notebook, it may be reasonable to forget thing?
Jr pleads memory loss - I can't remember ..

Analysis | 54 things Donald Trump Jr. couldn’t ‘recall’ or ‘remember’ in his testimony

makes you wonder how he gets back home after it gets dark ----

hook the lying bastard up to a lie detector and start all over.
It has been my experience that "I don't remember" is a perfectly acceptable answer, if it is true. People forget things.

That's why we allow "past recollection recorded" exceptions to the hearsay rule, admitting into evidence out-of-court writings such as diaries. It's more reliable because PEOPLE FORGET STUFF!!!

its been my experience a lie detector jogs your memory ...

And what experience might that be?
Jr pleads memory loss - I can't remember ..

Analysis | 54 things Donald Trump Jr. couldn’t ‘recall’ or ‘remember’ in his testimony

makes you wonder how he gets back home after it gets dark ----

hook the lying bastard up to a lie detector and start all over.
It has been my experience that "I don't remember" is a perfectly acceptable answer, if it is true. People forget things.

That's why we allow "past recollection recorded" exceptions to the hearsay rule, admitting into evidence out-of-court writings such as diaries. It's more reliable because PEOPLE FORGET STUFF!!!

its been my experience a lie detector jogs your memory ...

And what experience might that be?

if you had a lie detector on you would you say you forgot an answer to a question even though you remembered the answer ?
You know, I'm 53 years old right now, and if someone asked me about something that happened a year to two years ago, I'd be able to remember.

Shoot, if you remind me about something I did when I was in my 20's, I'd probably be able to remember it.

If Trump and his clan are such good business people, then why do they have such shitty memories?

Would you recall those things easily or could it require some effort?

I know you liberals want to control every aspect of our lives, but up to now you still can't control our brains.

Depends on the situation. If it was for everyday stuff like what did I eat, or what did I wear on the last Tuesday of June, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the answer.

However.....................if it was something that was outside of the normal day to day routine, or if it was something important, I'd remember it. There were many times during my Navy career that I had to remember situations from a few months to a year before. But, that is because I was in Administration.

Maybe you should have run the FBI, because even James Comey had to write down everything said in a meeting; even just between two people.

That is part of how I did it. Ever heard of something in the Navy called a "wheelbook"? It's a small notepad that a lot of people used like a work diary. Not only did it help me keep organized, but, if something came up from a while back, all I had to do was go back to my wheelbook from that time, and look up the information. If you were a 2nd Class or higher, you were expected to have one, especially in the squadron I was in.

So what you are saying is that without such a notebook, it may be reasonable to forget thing?

Depends on how important it was at the time. I was blessed with a pretty decent memory, and when I was just an E-3, my supervisor did a lot of quizzing and training with me. One of the things I had to do was manual changes. About every quarter or so, MILPERS would come out with new changes to the manuals, and I would have to page check and change the whole thing. One of the benefits of that was that I found out the new changes before everyone else did, and I used that to my advantage when June (my supervisor) was quizzing me. He would come up with a scenario, ask me how to fix it, and then bet me a coke that I was wrong. A lot of times, because I knew the changes before June did, I would win the bet, and, I got used to absorbing large amounts of information.

That was part of the reason I was allowed 2 back to back independent duty tours. One was on a civilian MSC vessel where I was the only PN, and the other was running a MEPS in Amarillo. Yes, I was that good.
Would you recall those things easily or could it require some effort?

I know you liberals want to control every aspect of our lives, but up to now you still can't control our brains.

Depends on the situation. If it was for everyday stuff like what did I eat, or what did I wear on the last Tuesday of June, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the answer.

However.....................if it was something that was outside of the normal day to day routine, or if it was something important, I'd remember it. There were many times during my Navy career that I had to remember situations from a few months to a year before. But, that is because I was in Administration.

Maybe you should have run the FBI, because even James Comey had to write down everything said in a meeting; even just between two people.

That is part of how I did it. Ever heard of something in the Navy called a "wheelbook"? It's a small notepad that a lot of people used like a work diary. Not only did it help me keep organized, but, if something came up from a while back, all I had to do was go back to my wheelbook from that time, and look up the information. If you were a 2nd Class or higher, you were expected to have one, especially in the squadron I was in.

So what you are saying is that without such a notebook, it may be reasonable to forget thing?

Depends on how important it was at the time. I was blessed with a pretty decent memory, and when I was just an E-3, my supervisor did a lot of quizzing and training with me. One of the things I had to do was manual changes. About every quarter or so, MILPERS would come out with new changes to the manuals, and I would have to page check and change the whole thing. One of the benefits of that was that I found out the new changes before everyone else did, and I used that to my advantage when June (my supervisor) was quizzing me. He would come up with a scenario, ask me how to fix it, and then bet me a coke that I was wrong. A lot of times, because I knew the changes before June did, I would win the bet, and, I got used to absorbing large amounts of information.

That was part of the reason I was allowed 2 back to back independent duty tours. One was on a civilian MSC vessel where I was the only PN, and the other was running a MEPS in Amarillo. Yes, I was that good.

Thank you for your service.

RW dregs dont deserve to qualify ANYONE on any level. They refuse to hold Trump to standards on EVERY level - so Fem and the horse they rode in on.. I cant believe they think the rest of the world is as stupid as they are

btw idiots - Comey took notes to validate his accusations if the need came up.

"Hook him up to a lie detector "? God help us if the angry psychotic left ever gets their slimy claws on the Constitution.
"Hook him up to a lie detector "? God help us if the angry psychotic left ever gets their slimy claws on the Constitution.

Trump is a big fan of waterboarding in the name of keeping the country safe - so lets get some answers about Russia !
I find that astonishing. I didn't know Hillary was a Republican.

In the three hours-plus that Hillary Clinton spoke with FBI investigators about her private email server on July 2, she cited more than three-dozen things that she could not recall.

What took you so fucking long to bring up Hillary?

BTW 3 dozen equals 36.....Now go back to the thread's title and then go back to playing with your guns.

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