55 Million Lives Aborted. . . in the name of choice

Can us as Republicans begin to focus on actual issues and stop making ourselves sound silly by saying things like this. Abortion will NEVER be overturned and one day I will have to explain to my children that at one point in American history women with unwanted children had two options. either they could go to a black market abortion clinic, risking her life or she could have the child in the poverty stricken situation that she was currently in (statistically that is often the case) leaving the child to fend for themselves ultimately leading them to a life of crime. Abortion is a medical practice and has been legal for over forty years, lets get over it. Why should two kids be forced to give up on their dreams and aspirations because they had an accident. the Pro life crowd wants to ruin three lives in order to save the one that is statistically already doomed, just in case. Play the odds, abortion is a necessary evil.
Can us as Republicans begin to focus on actual issues and stop making ourselves sound silly by saying things like this. Abortion will NEVER be overturned and one day I will have to explain to my children that at one point in American history women with unwanted children had two options. either they could go to a black market abortion clinic, risking her life or she could have the child in the poverty stricken situation that she was currently in (statistically that is often the case) leaving the child to fend for themselves ultimately leading them to a life of crime. Abortion is a medical practice and has been legal for over forty years, lets get over it. Why should two kids be forced to give up on their dreams and aspirations because they had an accident. the Pro life crowd wants to ruin three lives in order to save the one that is statistically already doomed, just in case. Play the odds, abortion is a necessary evil.

An accident? How does someone accidently have sex with another person? Why should someone else die because you are irresponsible?
Can us as Republicans begin to focus on actual issues and stop making ourselves sound silly by saying things like this. Abortion will NEVER be overturned and one day I will have to explain to my children that at one point in American history women with unwanted children had two options. either they could go to a black market abortion clinic, risking her life or she could have the child in the poverty stricken situation that she was currently in (statistically that is often the case) leaving the child to fend for themselves ultimately leading them to a life of crime. Abortion is a medical practice and has been legal for over forty years, lets get over it. Why should two kids be forced to give up on their dreams and aspirations because they had an accident. the Pro life crowd wants to ruin three lives in order to save the one that is statistically already doomed, just in case. Play the odds, abortion is a necessary evil.

An accident? How does someone accidently have sex with another person? Why should someone else die because you are irresponsible?

Accidents are these things that arent meant to happen on purpose, ya know? Someone doesnt accidently have sex with someone else, but a condom breaking while that happens is what we generally consider an accident. Also, no one is dying because of my accident, just removing an egg and a sperm that came together. It is legal for a reason.
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"Thou Shalt Not Kill", isn't it? Guess God himself ignored that when he drowned people in that flood, ordered the deaths of newborn baby boys, and destroyed two cities full of people he hated.

Your unwillingness to understand the distinction isn't my problem. Or God's.

There is no distinction. Murder is murder.

Murder is fine in some cases .
It's all a question of which murder ( to play along with your game of semantics) is the greater mistake . Or even the greater evil .
Perhaps you do not agree with " my" decision .
Whatever !!!
The logic of anti-choice forces leads to the conclusion that every month a woman is not pregnant, a life is lost. Having sex or not is a choice, so pregnancy is not 'the will of God' alone, as anyone would realize if she/he understood what the true character of an author of the universe would have to be. We all make life/death decisions all the time. Your taxes kill many women's babies all around the world for one example. It is hypocritical to call this 'playing God'. Even the Bible says humans are made in God's image. What do you think that means, that God has red hair and green eyes, black hair and brown eyes, is a track star or a paraplegic? In what possible way could humans be 'in God's image'?

By being able to create reality from nothing! That's what we do all the time. What we believe, think, see, feel is what 'reality' and 'truth' are; there can be, by definition, no other basis.

We could 'perfect' the world and have no killing, no war, no abortion, no unwanted births, but that requires much more effort than simply opposing abortion. Simplicity such as that is unrealistic at best.
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Can us as Republicans begin to focus on actual issues and stop making ourselves sound silly by saying things like this. Abortion will NEVER be overturned and one day I will have to explain to my children that at one point in American history women with unwanted children had two options. either they could go to a black market abortion clinic, risking her life or she could have the child in the poverty stricken situation that she was currently in (statistically that is often the case) leaving the child to fend for themselves ultimately leading them to a life of crime. Abortion is a medical practice and has been legal for over forty years, lets get over it. Why should two kids be forced to give up on their dreams and aspirations because they had an accident. the Pro life crowd wants to ruin three lives in order to save the one that is statistically already doomed, just in case. Play the odds, abortion is a necessary evil.

There is and has always been a 3rd adoption. Adoption. The waitlist for newborns is years long in this country which is one reason so many Americans go to other countries to adopt babies. And no, race doesn't matter. I know many adoptive families that are multi racial. They are no less family than those that are family by blood.

I find it sad that so many women would rather kill their children than give them up for adoption. And I will never understand why it is only a fetus if the mother doesn't want the child, but a baby if the mother does want the child.
My prayers are with the people that just don't understand this.......

They don't understand that the baby they aborted may have been planned by God to be someone great.

Or perhaps they were planned by God to be aborted. I'd say that would be a decision best left in the hands of the woman involved.
Adoption IS a viable alternative. However, government throws so many barriers in the way many couples wait years before being able to even start the final process.
We have had abortion since before we climbed down out of the trees and started walking upright. the total number of abortions is many times 55 million.

Its interesting that this was put in the "religion" forum. Especially since the most common religion on this board is based on infanticide.

Whatever. Abortion IS a choice and its no one's business but the woman's.

We need to do whatever we must to keep government out of our bedrooms and our private lives.
My prayers are with the people that just don't understand this.......

They don't understand that the baby they aborted may have been planned by God to be someone great.

I stand in absolute awe of your inability to understand all that is wrong with the logic underpinning the above statement.
We have had abortion since before we climbed down out of the trees and started walking upright. the total number of abortions is many times 55 million.

Its interesting that this was put in the "religion" forum. Especially since the most common religion on this board is based on infanticide.

Whatever. Abortion IS a choice and its no one's business but the woman's.

We need to do whatever we must to keep government out of our bedrooms and our private lives.

What is it with your side of the aisles' desire to kill their offspring?
My prayers are with the people that just don't understand this.......

They don't understand that the baby they aborted may have been planned by God to be someone great.

Or perhaps they were planned by God to be aborted. I'd say that would be a decision best left in the hands of the woman involved.

too afraid to stand for life?
Everybody knows that there was absolutely no abortion before "Roe Vs. Wade". All you have to do is get the Supreme Court to reverse that decison, and, of course, all abortion will immediately stop!
We have had abortion since before we climbed down out of the trees and started walking upright. the total number of abortions is many times 55 million.

Its interesting that this was put in the "religion" forum. Especially since the most common religion on this board is based on infanticide.

Whatever. Abortion IS a choice and its no one's business but the woman's.

We need to do whatever we must to keep government out of our bedrooms and our private lives.

So why doesn't the same reasoning hold true to the contents of my gun cabinet, which is ironically also located in my bedroom? The lives of children only seem to matter when there is an ideological driven agenda to be furthered.
Everybody knows that there was absolutely no abortion before "Roe Vs. Wade". All you have to do is get the Supreme Court to reverse that decison, and, of course, all abortion will immediately stop!

The same could be said of murder and guns.
We have had abortion since before we climbed down out of the trees and started walking upright. the total number of abortions is many times 55 million.

Its interesting that this was put in the "religion" forum. Especially since the most common religion on this board is based on infanticide.

Whatever. Abortion IS a choice and its no one's business but the woman's.

We need to do whatever we must to keep government out of our bedrooms and our private lives.

So why doesn't the same reasoning hold true to the contents of my gun cabinet, which is ironically also located in my bedroom? The lives of children only seem to matter when there is an ideological driven agenda to be furthered.

Abortions are being performed in your gun cabinet?

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