58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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Nowhere in the OP did he say or suggest a poll determines if a prosecution goes on or not.

The OP is simply highlighting, what a poll is showing, and that is a majority of the American people do not like the demafasict prosecting political rivals
No. It's showing they want Biden to interfere on behalf of Trump. Despite all the MAGAt crying its never too hard to sniff out the projection, is it? :dunno: :laugh:
No. It's showing they want Biden to interfere on behalf of Trump. Despite all the MAGAt crying its never too hard to sniff out the projection, is it? :dunno: :laugh:
The President is the one prosecuting him on the Federal charges, so not sure what you mean. He is already interfering.

and yes, the majority of the country doesn't want a President that prosecutes and tries to jail a person running agianst them.
The President is the one prosecuting him on the Federal charges, so not sure what you mean. He is already interfering.

and yes, the majority of the country doesn't want a President that prosecutes and tries to jail a person running agianst them.
Right. So you're the dumb mother fuckers that think politics and polling affect prosecutions. Why deny it if you're just going to confess the very next post?
Right. So you're the dumb mother fuckers that think politics and polling affect prosecutions. Why deny it if you're just going to confess the very next post?
nobody said polling did, politics certanly does and always has.
nobody said polling did, politics certanly does and always has.
Did Biden personally convince every member of all these grand juries to vote for indictment? How does this cosplay actually work? Is wearing a ski mask while doing it? :dunno:
Did Biden personally convince every member of all these grand juries to vote for indictment? How does this cosplay actually work? Is wearing a ski mask while doing it? :dunno:
No, he had peopel working for him do that.....duh
White House counsel isnt part of the DoJ. They provide legal advice to the president. Seems like they would have valuable insight into the duty and authority of the president.
Try to think. Are you able to do that? 🤔 💭

Why would the White House have fuck all to say about some local prosecution?
The President is the one prosecuting him on the Federal charges, so not sure what you mean. He is already interfering.

and yes, the majority of the country doesn't want a President that prosecutes and tries to jail a person running agianst them.
prosecution at the federal level occurs from lawyers working for the DOJ. The president has no role in that.

At the state level, its the same. Prosecuting lawyers working for the state, district attorneys. Federal government has no role in state prosecutions.
I’ve smacked you around. Of course, that’s not to brag. You’re just a loser lightweight. .

Stop crying. Take your Midol. Wipe up the puddles.

You’re the troll. All troll all the time. And like most of your libturd troll buddies, you seem incapable of posting on topic.

The topic, you worthless little twat waffle, is not your feewings about me. The topic remains: should the President bust a move to terminate these insidious political persecutions? The answer is an emphatic “yes,” primarily because of the illicit nature of the effort to persecute a former President and the present leading opponent.
Post #51
prosecution at the federal level occurs from lawyers working for the DOJ. The president has no role in that.

At the state level, its the same. Prosecuting lawyers working for the state, district attorneys. Federal government has no role in state prosecutions.
hahhhahaha the President has no role? Read your Constitution, Art 2, Sect 1, the power of the executive vest in A PRESIDENT.

The President is the federal law enforcement, the DOJ and the lawyers there work for him
Which people? Did the jurors tell you about this pressure applied to them? How long are you going up keep up this Cos Play?
I don't know the names of the lawyers at the DOJ working on the case that presented the case to the grand jury

who said anything about "pressure" why do you keep adding things?
I don't know the names of the lawyers at the DOJ working on the case that presented the case to the grand jury

who said anything about "pressure" why do you keep adding things?
So the DOJ presented evidence to a grand jury and it was so compelling they decided to indict. Multiple times in multiple jurisdictions. When does the illegality come into play and where is your evidence of it?
Try to think. Are you able to do that? 🤔 💭

Why would the White House have fuck all to say about some local prosecution?
It’s okay, everyone makes mistakes. He didn’t meet with the DoJ, as we now learned.

I already answered your question.

It’s a local prosecution of a former president for their actions taken while president. White House Counsel would have lots of insight into this specific and unusual issue.
So the DOJ presented evidence to a grand jury and it was so compelling they decided to indict. Multiple times in multiple jurisdictions. When does the illegality come into play and where is your evidence of it?
a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich

when did i say anything about it being illegal?
Biden can't tell prosecutors to back off. That would be political interference in criminal matters. They have gone to great lengths to try to show that Biden has nothing to do with Trump prosecutions and hide anything that even looks like he has anything to do with them. This is all coming down from the Borg collective hive mind and if Biden doesn't watch out, the Borg Collective hive mind will cast him out if he was to even try stopping the Trump prosecutions. The deep state is against Trump and the deep state doesn't care what a poll says. It's all supposed to look like it's all on the up and up, despite Americans not believing that it is.
That may be. A person with moral integrity never would have allowed the prosecutions of political opponents begin in the first place and certainly would not have promoted, instigated, funded them. So you know and I know that Biden and whatever operatives are running him won't, can't stop them without infuriating a dishonest and malicious left they have to have to stay in power. But a person with any conscience or sense of ethics whatsoever would demand they stop immediately. If we all hold our breath for that to happen with this administration, we will all die.
hahhhahaha the President has no role? Read your Constitution, Art 2, Sect 1, the power of the executive vest in A PRESIDENT.

The President is the federal law enforcement, the DOJ and the lawyers there work for him
DOJ works for the US AG. Although the US AG is appointed by the president, the DOJ is independent from the president, meaning it doesnt take orders from the president. Its known as delegation of authority. The US AG is not the president's personal lawyer; this person is a lawyer for all citizens.

And... if the president does try to order the DOJ or the US AG, then its a violation of this independence of federal agencies.
So the DOJ presented evidence to a grand jury and it was so compelling they decided to indict. Multiple times in multiple jurisdictions. When does the illegality come into play and where is your evidence of it?
Ham sandwich, jerk chicken.

You’re way too gullible. Willingly so.

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