58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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The president should not violate the independence of the DoJ. Biden has not done so


Libtards are nuts. :p

and I have complete confidence that he will keep it that way. Trump did when he was president and has promised to do it again.

Poor, poor stupid leftards.

Your masters are going to throw you under the bus when you're no longer useful
What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)

PATRIOTS please vote.
I say the DOJ has been weaponized ,and refuse to 'vote' because of it's partisan quagmire FF

A president who respects our justice system would not tolerate seeing it used to attack his political opponents.
Our justice system is that prosecutors bring the charges, judge and jury of peers find guilt.

Prosecutor’s very careers are at stake and you seriously think they bring charges that they don’t think they can prove to those judges and juries?
LOL so you don't think they were listening when their boss said "I thought, what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? And by that, I mean, names of people who help etc., and it's just totally irresponsible."

Or when their boss said "For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol."
Sure. Yeah.
Our justice system is that prosecutors bring the charges, judge and jury of peers find guilt.

Prosecutor’s very careers are at stake and you seriously think they bring charges that they don’t think they can prove to those judges and juries?
Don’t you get it? when a Democrat is president, they can only prosecute other Democrats.

Only samesies.
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)

PATRIOTS please vote.
Joe Biden has no business interfering with the justice department.
It’s okay, everyone makes mistakes. He didn’t meet with the DoJ, as we now learned.

I already answered your question.

It’s a local prosecution of a former president for their actions taken while president. White House Counsel would have lots of insight into this specific and unusual issue.

Again, evasion. You think your friendly WH counsel doesn’t coordinate with Justice?

Damn, you’re stupid.
For fucks sake, you are dumb as a fucking post.

No. But you’re a full fledged retard.
I answered the question.

One and done want the orange bag O' shit tried post haste. If they get a conviction, splendid. Then they can carve out a pound of his flesh, whatever. Maybe he'll even die penniless.

But no more negotiations. No deals. No delays. No quarter. Full steam ahead. Do you get it now, or do I need to draw you a picture, smooth brain?
The only remaining question is whether you have enough of an IQ to understand that you’re completely retarded?

Now: despite your boundless stupidity, let’s get back ON topic:

Shouldn’t the elected leader of our Executive Branch (who has sworn to faithfully execute our laws) direct the termination of a politically partisan illicit persecution being perpetrated on his watch?

The only honest and reasonable answer remains: of course.

Again, evasion. You think your friendly WH counsel doesn’t coordinate with Justice?

Damn, you’re stupid.

No. But you’re a full fledged retard.


The only remaining question is whether you have enough of an IQ to understand that you’re completely retarded?

Now: despite your boundless stupidity, let’s get back ON topic:

Shouldn’t the elected leader of our Executive Branch (who has sworn to faithfully execute our laws) direct the termination of a politically partisan illicit persecution being perpetrated on his watch?

The only honest and reasonable answer remains: of course.
These dembots are so stupid, they don’t realize that a president is elected to enforce federal law, and runs the DOJ
Joe Biden has no business interfering with the justice department.
Your ignorance is more massive than the galaxy’s most supermassive black hole.

He is the Chief Executive. He oversees the DOJ. And when the DOJ is engaging in highly improper political persecution of a political opponent, the President’s duty is to stop that shit. He won’t — of course — because he is utterly complicit in the criminality.
Again, evasion. You think your friendly WH counsel doesn’t coordinate with Justice?
I answered the question twice. You are evading the fact that you said he met with the DoJ, but he clearly did not.

The White House counsel has nothing to do with prosecutions.
I answered the question twice. You are evading the fact that you said he met with the DoJ, but he clearly did not.
No. You noted that it was with the WH counsel. Ok. No big difference.

Tell us, oh dumb one, why would the WH counsel need to meet with scumbag the partisan political local persecutor? That’s what you’re so busy evading.
The White House counsel has nothing to do with prosecutions.
Unless — on behalf of Potato — he chooses to play middleman.
A politician interfering in prosecutorial decisions is extremely unethical and would not be tolerated by prosecutors in the DoJ.
A politician ordering or promoting or arranging funding for prosecutions has already interferred,

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