58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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Brandon has no intention of lifting a finger.

He wants these Soviet style show trials for purely partisan political-attack purposes.

What he has already done here in this regard is reprehensible. But the senile old turd isn’t about to suddenly behave in a moral fashion.
Let's have some proof to back up your rant. But you're full of shit as usual so all you have is your hand on your dick.
Joe Biden has no business interfering with the justice department.
Joe Biden appointed the AG, almost certainly ordered Garland to appoint Jack Smith but because he did not himself appoint Smith and/or no house of Congress approved Smith, many legal minds suggest he has no authority to act for the U.S. government. The President has the power to appoint the AG and head of the FBI and full authority to fire them if they are not doing their jobs. He has no way to know whether they are or are not doing their jobs unless he is involved with what they are doing. There is NO constitutional or any other legal barrier prohibiting the President from exercising his oversight authority over ANY cabinet level department including the DOJ.

That ANY government agency or department s allowed total freedom from any executive or congressional oversight would just be unconscionably dumb. And that goes double if the agency or department has authority to enforce law.

Again, evasion. You think your friendly WH counsel doesn’t coordinate with Justice?

Damn, you’re stupid.

No. But you’re a full fledged retard.


The only remaining question is whether you have enough of an IQ to understand that you’re completely retarded?

Now: despite your boundless stupidity, let’s get back ON topic:

Shouldn’t the elected leader of our Executive Branch (who has sworn to faithfully execute our laws) direct the termination of a politically partisan illicit persecution being perpetrated on his watch?

The only honest and reasonable answer remains: of course.
So you're so fucking stupid you couldn't infer NO from my answer. Well, I'm not parsing it down any further. If you have issues with English, that is entirely your problem, stupid. :rolleyes:
I view the system as broken FF

Justice, or what we are led to believe is justice is simply at the whim of whoever is in power in this country

I view the system as broken FF

Justice, or what we are led to believe is justice is simply at the whim of whoever is in power in this country

That does not change the premise of the OP however that essentially says the party in power should not be prosecuting or otherwise using its power to destroy, jail, silence or whatever any political opponent. Most especially when it does so based on 'crimes' for which nobody else is prosecuted. You have to do what is right to you of course, but I think if Patriots cannot stand up and take a clear stand on right and wrong we're all doomed anyway. Those on the left are not at all shy or reluctant to take a stand on what is wrong.
A politician ordering or promoting or arranging funding for prosecutions has already interferred,
Not sure what you mean by “promoting or arranging funding”, but you have no evidence to support any allegation that Biden ordered any prosecution.
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?
The poll was conducted by MAGA and extremely biased.
That does not change the premise of the OP however that essentially says the party in power should not be prosecuting or otherwise using its power to destroy, jail, silence or whatever any political opponent
Repeating dumb lies won't stop the legal system from laughing at those lies. You should have learned that by now, given how often the legal system has laughed at your lies.

This is reason #14 why it's so good to be a liberal. Since we don't pledge allegiance to criminals, we never have to humiliate ourselves defending criminals.
Not sure what you mean by “promoting or arranging funding”, but you have no evidence to support any allegation that Biden ordered any prosecution.
There is no way Merrick Garland would have appointed a special counsel other than via orders from the White House however 'unofficially' that was done.
Actually I was just curious how the breakdown would be here at USMB and whether the Patriots are outnumbered yet.
Why would “patriots” want a president to intervene in the justice system? Should he intervene in the prosecution of Hunter Biden then? How about the investigation that looked at Biden’s handling of classified documents?
Why would “patriots” want a president to intervene in the justice system? Should he intervene in the prosecution of Hunter Biden then? How about the investigation that looked at Biden’s handling of classified documents?
Because the President is responsible for the conduct, integrity and efficiency/competence of the people he appoints to his cabinet. End of story.
There is no way Merrick Garland would have appointed a special counsel other than via orders from the White House however 'unofficially' that was done.
He appointed a special for AND for the investigation of Biden’s classified documents.…precisely because it has the potential to be so political. Should he not have appointed a special counsel for Biden then?
Because the President is responsible for the conduct and efficiency/competence of the people he appoints to his cabinet. End of story.
The president is supposed to be hands off the DoJ.
The president is supposed to be hands off the DoJ.
There is no constitutional nor legal provision ANYWHERE that allows the DOJ to operate as an independent body with no oversight or accountability allowed. I can't imagine how dangerous it could be if there was no oversight or accountability.
I'd say so even if it were Biden.
Which is why you've said nothing about all the phony investigations into Biden.

Like every Republican, you adore the lawfare, as long as Republicans are doing it. Which they do do. All the time. Constantly. It's kind of what defines them.

Democrats don't do it. Republicans do. As is the case every time, moral high gound to the Democrats.

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