58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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As to the Federal cases, the Potato should order them dismissed.

As to the state cases, just as the Brandon Regime inserted itself into the processes, so too they should now extricate their involvement by seeking to have the State cases dismissed too. (They cannot order it. Jurisdiction. But they CAN retract what they’ve already done.)
I hope you voted in the poll. To me, your position is the ONLY ethical one available to any of us.
Wrong. I am always opposed to abuse of power and political persecution it ion.But your Potato admitted what he had done.

And even if Trump sought to investigate Potato, he didn’t prosecute or persecute the feeble old crook. The senile perv did both to Trump.
We’re you opposed to it when Trump sent Guiliani to Ukraine to pressure Zelinski into “finding some dirt” on Biden by withholding congressionally approved aid?
No, it hasn't. That's the point. You can lie about it all you want, but that just ensures you spend eternity in a deeper pit in hell.

The best part is how triggered you get when we laugh about how inept you are at lying.
Yes it has. The American people see it and see right through traitorous Communist cock suckers like YOU. Keep lying to yourself. It's all you'll have after November.
We don’t elect presidents to do that.

Or at least we didn’t. MAGA wanted to, but they really don’t care about morals and ethics.

Funny you talking about morals and ethics when you find no issue with a man showering with his daughter.
Sorry, normal adults who are not in a cult don't recognize these squealing cult fantasies.

Bad news for your favorite orange pile of shit: neither do the courts
No they didn't recognize you shitstains and your efforts to remove Trump from the ballot. 9-0 bitch. Bad news for you as the justices weren't in your cult.
Well dumbfuck, I'm not in DC. Projecting your love of sucking cock doesn't make you look good either Cletus. The evidence has been presented. You and your fellow idiots at Xiden's DOJ won't even investigate, much less actually charge your Dear Leader for his crimes. That's why we all correctly laugh at you and your obvious fear of Trump's win in November. Throwing out "commie spy" at a whistleblower just shows how pathetic and desperate you are. Next flailing attempt....
Hey asswipe. The company that your assbuddy Trump's campaign hired to investigate voter fraud told Bonespurs Dotard right to his fat face that the claims were all bullshit, Gomer. And your assbuddy hid that little diddy from his idiot base.

How's it feel being played for a fool even after all those reach arounds you've been giving Dotard?
As to the Federal cases, the Potato should order them dismissed.

As to the state cases, just as the Brandon Regime inserted itself into the processes, so too they should now extricate their involvement by seeking to have the State cases dismissed too. (They cannot order it. Jurisdiction. But they CAN retract what they’ve already done.)
So Trump is above the law.
I hope you voted in the poll. To me, your position is the ONLY ethical one available to any of us.
The President shouldn't be involved aside from the oversight he has to perform (ensuring the law is followed, procedures are being followed, etc.). He should not be getting involved in specific cases. Especially those involving a political opponent. Nor should his staff be coordinating with any state prosecutors.
The President appoints the AG and the Director of the FBI. He is directly and 100% responsible for what conduct is acceptable from both of them and can fire either or both of them at will. There is no constitutional or other legal barrier between the President's office and the DOJ. Those who suggest the President is not allowed to interact in any way with the DOJ is simply seriously misinformed and/or trying to protect the President from a really bad DOJ and/or bad orders given the DOJ.
that is correct.
With the separation of powers, i.e. congressional oversite such influence of the president over the DOJ would be obvious, considering the architecture of our justice system that requires rock-solid evidence at every step.
The President shouldn't be involved aside from the oversight he has to perform (ensuring the law is followed, procedures are being followed, etc.). He should not be getting involved in specific cases. Especially those involving a political opponent. Nor should his staff be coordinating with any state prosecutors.
For example:

Maybe but the question only dealt with No. 1. And I'm disappointed that so few will stand up and say it's wrong. But everybody has to do what is right by them.
I think even Trump haters KNOW that Democrat law fare is fundamentally incongruous with American justice. But they are all in on 'Trump is the devil' so anything is justified to bring him down.

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