58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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I didn't read this entire thread because the OP is seriously inane. As anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge of how our government works, I mean just a scintilla of comprehension of our federal system, would know that President Biden, or any president for that matter, has no control over what state prosecutors do under state law.
Bullshit. The head of their party, the President of the United States tells them to back off, they would have backed off.
There's actually a paper trail leading back to the WH in the Georgia case, and the shitlibs are in total denial that there's any coordination going on.

What would make any of us believe that the DNC buttboi water carriers here are going to be any different?
My reply is yes, but communists have to do what communists have to do.

But one thing is for certain, if Trump gets in, revenge is "HIGH" on his to-do list.
Actually I don't think so. Trump is quick with the insults--I dislike that a LOT--but he has never EVER been vindictive when somebody displeases him or attacks him. Yes, he fires those who are not doing their jobs, but that isn't vindictiveness. It is what good managers do.

But of course a vindictive left fears that he will do what they have done.
Bullshit. The head of their party, the President of the United States tells them to back off, they would have backed off.
The President can say whatever he wants to state prosecutors, but they don't have to listen to him. Biden can tell Letitia James to drop the case against Trump till he is blue in the face and she can tell him to go to hell. Only in Trumpandia does one think that if the president wants something everyone falls in line even if they are of the same party.
The President can say whatever he wants to state prosecutors, but they don't have to listen to him. Biden can tell Letitia James to drop the case against Trump till he is blue in the face and she can tell him to go to hell. Only in Trumpandia does one think that if the president wants something everyone falls in line even if they are of the same party.
LOL from the party arguing that Trump killed the immigration bill in the Senate.
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)

PATRIOTS please vote.
It’s not Biden’s call one way or the other
The local prosecutor contemplating some criminal case against the former (Republican) President of the United States has a confab with the present (Democrat) President’s DOJ.

WHAT on Earth could they possibly be discussing? The Yankee’s prospects? The weather in Guyana? A road rage incident in the home jurisdiction of that local prosecutor? Or, just possibly, could they be talking about the only thing of mutual interest to them?

Hm. Real poser, that riddle.
You have to be able to answer that question you Frailure of a cosplayer. Innuendo doesn't get you anywhere in court Bitches. :funnyface:
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)

PATRIOTS please vote.
That’s not Biden’s call. Would be overreach to tell prosecutors to back off or attack. He is best to let them do their thing
You don't smack anyone around.

I’ve smacked you around. Of course, that’s not to brag. You’re just a loser lightweight. .
You're a weak troll peddling magaturd propaganda. A basic bitch.

Stop crying. Take your Midol. Wipe up the puddles.

You’re the troll. All troll all the time. And like most of your libturd troll buddies, you seem incapable of posting on topic.

The topic, you worthless little twat waffle, is not your feewings about me. The topic remains: should the President bust a move to terminate these insidious political persecutions? The answer is an emphatic “yes,” primarily because of the illicit nature of the effort to persecute a former President and the present leading opponent.
You have to be able to answer that question you Frailure of a cosplayer. Innuendo doesn't get you anywhere in court Bitches.
We already knew that you can’t spell or use words intelligently.

But thanks for the confirmation, bongo boingo.

They weren’t discussing the Yankees. They weren’t discussing world peace. (Kinda out of the realm and province of some lowly local persecutor). They weren’t discussing a road rage incident anywhere down south. Kinda not the bailiwick of the Federal government.

So, logic provides the answer (explaining why you jokers won’t ever be able to find it). They were discussing the only thing of mutual interest. The persecution of Trump under a guise of a criminal proceeding. And the timing thereof. And perhaps offering assistance etc.
That’s not Biden’s call. Would be overreach to tell prosecutors to back off or attack. He is best to let them do their thing
It's not overreach when it was the administration's 'call' to provoke, promote, call for, fun the prosecutions in the first place.

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