59,134,475 Are Gonna Suffer Too


Nov 15, 2012
Thats us wise folks who said no more Obama....but because 1% more said yes, we're gonna have to suffer along with you clowns.

Someone inform the POS that he has NO mandate to do his thing. If those 3 million GOP lazy asses had gotten out to vote in might have changed things.
Thats us wise folks who said no more Obama....but because 1% more said yes, we're gonna have to suffer along with you clowns.

Someone inform the POS that he has NO mandate to do his thing. If those 3 million GOP lazy asses had gotten out to vote in might have changed things.

They weren't lazy, they just weren't crazy. You see, I'm one of those lazy asses you are talking about. Actually, I wasn't lazy though; I didn't just not vote; I actually voted for Obama. First time I have ever voted Dem in over 25 years. And the reason why? Because Romney and the majority of the Republican Party has lost their minds.
Thats us wise folks who said no more Obama....but because 1% more said yes, we're gonna have to suffer along with you clowns.

Someone inform the POS that he has NO mandate to do his thing. If those 3 million GOP lazy asses had gotten out to vote in might have changed things.

They weren't lazy, they just weren't crazy. You see, I'm one of those lazy asses you are talking about. Actually, I wasn't lazy though; I didn't just not vote; I actually voted for Obama. First time I have ever voted Dem in over 25 years. And the reason why? Because Romney and the majority of the Republican Party has lost their minds.

Well we can thank you as one of them sending us further down the path to Greece. You might be the only GOP to vote for the POS in the whole country.
pretty sad that you find humor in these murders..not to mention being lied to so blatantly about it ..he probably lied knowing that the majority of supporters like yourself don't care, and just accept whatever he tells you to think, like some mindless robot !!!
pretty sad that you find humor in these murders..not to mention being lied to so blatantly about it ..he probably lied knowing that the majority of supporters like yourself don't care, and just accept whatever he tells you to think, like some mindless robot !!!

Thats them jimmy....just dont hurt our Obama...OBAMAOBAMAOBAMA they chant mindlessly

How do you libtards and your POS leader Hussein Obama think you have a mandate with 1% more of the vote? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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