6 Black Churches burned

Race War?

We've never had one, here in the United States.

Oh, there have been a few 'skirmishes', back in Jim Crow days, or in the 1919 riots, and to a lesser extent in the riots of the 1960s, but, only minor skirmishes.

The burning of six churches in Southern States in response to an assault on the Confederate Flag hardly constitutes Race War.

Race War is something that no American of goodwill would ever want to see.

Because it would mean the end of Diversity in this country.

America has room for people of all colors.

Assuming that they want to be here.
Is this a justification for burning a house of worship?

There is no justification for Obama to have "created racial disharmony where there was Paradise" it was Obama who is responsible for the murders and the burnings ...not the wing nut...they were "only reacting to the racially divisive Obama"
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


Well, if you didn't spend your time in the corner with that silly looking hat on, you might have had a clue by now.

Here, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites.

My question, as seen in OP, did the murders by Roof begin one?

(If you have further troubles understanding the question, confer with Groucho or Harpo)
Deflection noted.

Whining wing nut noted ...smirking and sneering at Kumbaya GOP pecan bag or is it filberts...either way its nut bag

cry baby boy cry

If I recall, the last time GOPers had bags of nuts in their hands, they hurled them at some black people at the 2012 RNC....

must be a secret elephant ritual!
Disappointing, Stat. You know better about me.

Oh well.


I know that you sometimes have good moments, but I am very, very disappointed that you fail to see the 40 ton elephant in the room.

9 BLACK people were murdered in cold-blood at the hands of a white, Confederacy loving racist.

That is FACT.

Since then, 6 black churches in the South have been burnt to the ground.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who did it and more importantly, WHY they did it.

And Obama had NOTHING, and I repeat, NOTHING to do with those racist acts.

Lone Laugher is absolutely on target here.

When racists commit terrible acts, there are not "two-sides" to think about. The moment they cross over from ideology to physical crime, it's a purely legal matter of guilt or innocence.

And the most amazing part of all of this is watching how incredibly PC you just became, in trying to protect white racists, all the while, railing upon others for being PC.

Irony, your name is MacAttack!!!

Now, I still like you and suspect we will have some interesting moments in the future, but, sorry, I don't know how to break this to you: on this one you are completely out to lunch.
I would be willing to bet that if Obama hadn't told the Ferguson protesters to stay the course....and if everyone in government in Baltimore hadn't staged those riots, 9 people in SC would still be alive and none of those churches would be burned. This is what happens when you spit on people. You do something terrible you're going to get a reaction. Obama and the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus has been flaunting that phony "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" mantra since last year....and Baltimore was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back. Even rational people have reached their limit. Who knows how many nutcases are out there ready to commit criminal acts in retaliation. And it's all according to plan. Rule # 11 of Rules Of Radicals is "Push a negative till it becomes a positive." Any reaction is just to gain sympathy from the public. This is why Obama told the protesters to stay the course. Keep raising Hell. This is what Community Organizers do.
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.

Is this a justification for burning a house of worship?

I've never seen a justification for burning a church, no matter who the main occupants are.
Race War?

We've never had one, here in the United States.

Oh, there have been a few 'skirmishes', back in Jim Crow days, or in the 1919 riots, and to a lesser extent in the riots of the 1960s, but, only minor skirmishes.

The burning of six churches in Southern States in response to an assault on the Confederate Flag hardly constitutes Race War.

Race War is something that no American of goodwill would ever want to see.

Because it would mean the end of Diversity in this country.

America has room for people of all colors.

Assuming that they want to be here.

"in response"

Damn, that is just plain old raw.

Now, take a minute and think about that.
Did any "blacks" attack any "whites" after Roof went on his murder spree?

Did "the blacks" pour out of the church after Obama's "incendiary eulogy" and run amok attacking innocent white people?

What "black on white" attacks are you referring to post Roof killings?

Decided to stay in the corner with the odd looking hat on, I see.
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


Well, if you didn't spend your time in the corner with that silly looking hat on, you might have had a clue by now.

Here, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites.

My question, as seen in OP, did the murders by Roof begin one?

(If you have further troubles understanding the question, confer with Groucho or Harpo)

So, you cannot answer the question.

Got it!
Race War?

We've never had one, here in the United States.

Oh, there have been a few 'skirmishes', back in Jim Crow days, or in the 1919 riots, and to a lesser extent in the riots of the 1960s, but, only minor skirmishes.

The burning of six churches in Southern States in response to an assault on the Confederate Flag hardly constitutes Race War.

Race War is something that no American of goodwill would ever want to see.

Because it would mean the end of Diversity in this country.

America has room for people of all colors.

Assuming that they want to be here.

"in response"

Damn, that is just plain old raw.

Now, take a minute and think about that.
Was the burning of those six Black churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.

Blatant blame the victim

You negroes brought this on yourself
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


Well, if you didn't spend your time in the corner with that silly looking hat on, you might have had a clue by now.

Here, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites.

My question, as seen in OP, did the murders by Roof begin one?

(If you have further troubles understanding the question, confer with Groucho or Harpo)

So, you cannot answer the question.

Got it!

the question was :
Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


I described what I thought a race war looked like.

How is that NOT answering the question?

The dunce hat slide down over your eyes?
Look what this negro did to himself in order to blame whites ...why the bastard..
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.
Sounds like you're glad of the arsons. Are you?

And who are these "liberal bigots" you speak of?

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