6 Black Churches burned

So you didn't bother to think through the fact that she is a Democrat who is frustrated by the behavior of many of those in her party.

You don't know my politics, but you make simplistic assumptions. I realize that's how hardcore partisan ideologues roll, on both ends.


So what ...you think her book would sell if she did not put out a controversial statement...controversy sells buddy boy....I repeat


It is an absurd position to take
You're so controlled by your ideology that you are somehow not seeing that I have quite clearly said, more than once, that blame lies on both ends of the issue.

You just don't see it, I really do believe that it doesn't register with you.

I don't know how to communicate with people like you, those whose ideologies create this selective vision.


No Mac. The blame does not lie on both ends. That's where you get weird.
The blame lies with the offender. Period.

across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?

Is that what you're hoping for?

Call your doctor,

You need an appointment, and his couch is waiting.

It was a yes or no question.

You got my answer.
Understand... they know that January 20, 2017, is now fast .

We got destroyed and on January 20 2013 we were crying
A Continuum of Post-Romney Defeat GOP Meltdowns
White People Mourning Romney

There would be only criminality, no war. Do sinful racial bigots not expect blowback forcing their imprisonment or worse if they try an upheaval of American society to return to the bad old ways.

I hope all racialists understand this. The great American center will imprison or hunt them down like the escapees from prison.
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.
Understand... they know that January 20, 2017, is now fast approaching, and that they're going to get their asses kicked in the 2016 general election.

Consequently, they're now beginning to push as hard as they can, while they still can, else be obliged to wait for some years, before they get another shot at it.
Look at this thread. It's pretty tough to look at these posts and conclude that they're actually trying to improve anything.

No doubt some are sincere, but these True Believers may have other agendas, political advantage being the most obvious.

Why fix an environment that is so politically beneficial? Better to attack and insult and divide further.

How is burning down churches a sincere mistake?

Who said that?

Jeez, you people.

Read what I wrote, again. Read the second paragraph. That's what I'm talking about.

Or are you just being obtuse?
Perhaps you should be more clear. Stick to the topic instead of going off on one of your butthurt rants about PC.
Speaking of being butthurt..

Blacks are just butthurt over slavery.

Maybe after a couple hundred years they'll get over it? Democrats tried to prevent the end of slavery. Now they claim that Republicans want to bring it back.

Jim Crow was invented by Democrats.

Are Democrat butthurt because it's over?

I noticed that way back in 1968 there was so much violence going on outside of the Democratic National Convention. Back then Democrats were claiming they were on the side of all of the protesters.....so the protesters protested the convention. MLK was assassinated.....it just seems that throughout American history, Democrats have been the center of just about every controversy. Democrats pander to the radicals in this country so of course they tend to create more of them....because they offer no solutions.....only a way to air grievances.

A Communist killed JFK, a Democrat killed MLK.........the world would be a better place without all of these people on the left.
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.
Understand... they know that January 20, 2017, is now fast approaching, and that they're going to get their asses kicked in the 2016 general election.

Consequently, they're now beginning to push as hard as they can, while they still can, else be obliged to wait for some years, before they get another shot at it.
Look at this thread. It's pretty tough to look at these posts and conclude that they're actually trying to improve anything.

No doubt some are sincere, but these True Believers may have other agendas, political advantage being the most obvious.

Why fix an environment that is so politically beneficial? Better to attack and insult and divide further.

The left only knows how to make things worse......not better.

They're job isn't to solve problems......just cause them.
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.
no, that's why I put it up as a question.
at least 3 arson cases in the week following Roofs rampage.

3 more being investigated.


Probably no.

We all know racism is alive an well. I could point to stormfront, run by Stephen "Don" Black, a guy who has been a Grand Wizard of the KKK, an American Nazi Party member, and tried to take over a country once too.

KKK fliers left on front lawns in Whittier CA - Stormfront

For example, "KKK fliers left on front lawns in Whittier, CA", coincidence?

"The distribution of white supremacist propaganda in Whittier follows similar incidents in Orange County. Last week, about 100 homes in Fullerton received KKK fliers – also inside plastic bags with a rock and a piece of candy – criticizing blacks, Latinos and Jewish people, according to Fullerton police Sgt. Kathryn Hamel.""

Here's one such response:

"There is no reason for police involvement. No crime has been committed that I can tell. Except the lollipop is lame. I would have preferred some Bazooka bubble gum or a Snickers bar."
There are very few people who are saying that racism doesn't exist. The question is what to do about it.

So far the strategy has been to attack, insult and berate the racists at every opportunity. And to accuse anyone who dares to say anything within ten miles of what could be construed as racist as being a racist. Doesn't really seem to be working, and is almost certainly making things worse.

So either those who are doing this are making a sincere mistake, or they're not really all that concerned about improving things.


And....you believe that the POTUS has attacked, insulted and berated racist? You think he's accused people of being racist erroneously.....who? Obama has caused racism?

Are you suggesting that people who wish to end racism hold their tongue so as not to rile up the racists? That's fucking PC, Mac. You are what you despise.
It really doesn't matter.

The Great Black American President Experiment is nearly over.

Taken as a whole, it did not go well.

There is blame enough to go around, on all sides.


There will be another time for a Black President.

It's just that it's likely to be a while, now, before we see that again.
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.
Understand... they know that January 20, 2017, is now fast approaching, and that they're going to get their asses kicked in the 2016 general election.

Consequently, they're now beginning to push as hard as they can, while they still can, else be obliged to wait for some years, before they get another shot at it.
Look at this thread. It's pretty tough to look at these posts and conclude that they're actually trying to improve anything.

No doubt some are sincere, but these True Believers may have other agendas, political advantage being the most obvious.

Why fix an environment that is so politically beneficial? Better to attack and insult and divide further.

The left only knows how to make things worse......not better.

They're job isn't to solve problems......just cause them.
Sad to see, this is a pretty freakin' important issue.

Deflection noted.

Whining wing nut noted ...smirking and sneering at Kumbaya GOP pecan bag or is it filberts...either way its nut bag

cry baby boy cry

If I recall, the last time GOPers had bags of nuts in their hands, they hurled them at some black people at the 2012 RNC....

must be a secret elephant ritual!
Disappointing, Stat. You know better about me.

Oh well.


I know that you sometimes have good moments, but I am very, very disappointed that you fail to see the 40 ton elephant in the room.

9 BLACK people were murdered in cold-blood at the hands of a white, Confederacy loving racist.

That is FACT.

Since then, 6 black churches in the South have been burnt to the ground.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who did it and more importantly, WHY they did it.

And Obama had NOTHING, and I repeat, NOTHING to do with those racist acts.

Lone Laugher is absolutely on target here.

When racists commit terrible acts, there are not "two-sides" to think about. The moment they cross over from ideology to physical crime, it's a purely legal matter of guilt or innocence.

And the most amazing part of all of this is watching how incredibly PC you just became, in trying to protect white racists, all the while, railing upon others for being PC.

Irony, your name is MacAttack!!!

Now, I still like you and suspect we will have some interesting moments in the future, but, sorry, I don't know how to break this to you: on this one you are completely out to lunch.
Deflection noted.

Whining wing nut noted ...smirking and sneering at Kumbaya GOP pecan bag or is it filberts...either way its nut bag

cry baby boy cry

If I recall, the last time GOPers had bags of nuts in their hands, they hurled them at some black people at the 2012 RNC....

must be a secret elephant ritual!
Disappointing, Stat. You know better about me.

Oh well.


What do you know Stat? This seems mysterious.

I will do a statistical workup on it just as soon as the Messiah arrives. Promise.
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.

Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

What do you think? Are we going to have a race war?
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.

Is this a justification for burning a house of worship?

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