6 Black Churches burned

Race War?

We've never had one, here in the United States.

Oh, there have been a few 'skirmishes', back in Jim Crow days, or in the 1919 riots, and to a lesser extent in the riots of the 1960s, but, only minor skirmishes.

The burning of six churches in Southern States in response to an assault on the Confederate Flag hardly constitutes Race War.

Race War is something that no American of goodwill would ever want to see.

Because it would mean the end of Diversity in this country.

America has room for people of all colors.

Assuming that they want to be here.

"in response"

Damn, that is just plain old raw.

Now, take a minute and think about that.
Was the burning of those six Black churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?

We don't know, as yet.
Yo! WillHaftawaite,

I'm so sorry for ruining your thread. I know you wanted to take advantage of these barely publicized church burnings in your quest to bring about racial harmony. I'll try to d better next time.

My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


Well, if you didn't spend your time in the corner with that silly looking hat on, you might have had a clue by now.

Here, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites.

My question, as seen in OP, did the murders by Roof begin one?

(If you have further troubles understanding the question, confer with Groucho or Harpo)

So, you cannot answer the question.

Got it!

the question was :
Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


I described what I thought a race war looked like.

How is that NOT answering the question?

The dunce hat slide down over your eyes?

Yes, my fine-feathered friend, but "whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites" has been going on for a long, long time....

So, uhm......

I'll let you mull that one over.
Was the burning of those six Black churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?
So speaking out against the symbol of white supremacy justifies burning down Churches...you are an anal orifice...cleanse yourself...
Depends upon whether you see it as a symbol of white supremacy or as a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors, I suppose.

As to your seeming anal fixation, well, keep it to yourself, twinkletoes.


The question stands:

"Was the burning of those six churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?"

Every action has an equal and opposite re-action.

Just ask ol' Al(bert Einstein).

This is not judging the merits of the motivation.

This merely seeks to IDENTIFY the motivation.

It's called "putting yourself into somebody else's shoes".

Something that Liberals insist upon the rest of us doing, in contemplating their favorite causes.

Something that Liberals are utterly incapable of doing, in connection with the antithesis of their favorite causes.
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?
Did liberal bigots not expect blowback forcing this upheaval of American society? Punishing Roof for his murderous crimes wasn't enough I guess.
Sounds like you're glad of the arsons. Are you?

And who are these "liberal bigots" you speak of?

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I'm sure Obama is glad.
Race War?

We've never had one, here in the United States.

Oh, there have been a few 'skirmishes', back in Jim Crow days, or in the 1919 riots, and to a lesser extent in the riots of the 1960s, but, only minor skirmishes.

The burning of six churches in Southern States in response to an assault on the Confederate Flag hardly constitutes Race War.

Race War is something that no American of goodwill would ever want to see.

Because it would mean the end of Diversity in this country.

America has room for people of all colors.

Assuming that they want to be here.

"in response"

Damn, that is just plain old raw.

Now, take a minute and think about that.
Was the burning of those six Black churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?

We don't know, as yet.
True... but my guess is that's where the Smart Vegas Money comes down on this one, in advance of anything definitive.
My fault.

I was hoping for a discussion on the possibility of a race war, and ended up in the middle of a routine between Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers.

Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


Well, if you didn't spend your time in the corner with that silly looking hat on, you might have had a clue by now.

Here, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites.

My question, as seen in OP, did the murders by Roof begin one?

(If you have further troubles understanding the question, confer with Groucho or Harpo)

So, you cannot answer the question.

Got it!

the question was :
Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


I described what I thought a race war looked like.

How is that NOT answering the question?

The dunce hat slide down over your eyes?

Yes, my fine-feathered friend, but "whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites" has been going on for a long, long time....

So, uhm......

I'll let you mull that one over.

Skirmishes, feints, forays.

Not enough to call a war.

But leading up to...?
The division pimps on both ends have done their job well, an escalation here wouldn't be a shock.

There is no one in a position of real influence trying to heal wounds.

Obama was the perfect guy, but he chose another path.

Both ends of what exactly? Should symbols of hate be allowed to fly on government property? Really?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Was the burning of those six Black churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?
So speaking out against the symbol of white supremacy justifies burning down Churches...you are an anal orifice...cleanse yourself...
Depends upon whether you see it as a symbol of white supremacy or as a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors, I suppose.

As to your seeming anal fixation, well, keep it to yourself, twinkletoes.


The question stands:

"Was the burning of those six churches across the South NOT in response to an assault on the Confederate flag?"

Every action has an equal and opposite re-action.

Just ask ol' Al(bert Einstein).

"a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors"


"Home-and-Hearth: where negeros know their place, goshdarnit!!!"
And our inbred ancestors were courageous, goshdarning! They got their asses whipped in a monumental Civil War smackdown, but we love the smell of failure in that thar flag!!!
a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors, I suppose.

The God Damn Nazi SS fought courageous too and for an equivalent cause "Racial Supremacy"
...oddly one seldom sees the Swastika flying because that symbol has been repudiated...the Dixie battle flag is only fit to wipe one's ass ...
Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


Well, if you didn't spend your time in the corner with that silly looking hat on, you might have had a clue by now.

Here, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites.

My question, as seen in OP, did the murders by Roof begin one?

(If you have further troubles understanding the question, confer with Groucho or Harpo)

So, you cannot answer the question.

Got it!

the question was :
Well ok... please define for the class exactly how a race war is supposed to look.


I described what I thought a race war looked like.

How is that NOT answering the question?

The dunce hat slide down over your eyes?

Yes, my fine-feathered friend, but "whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites" has been going on for a long, long time....

So, uhm......

I'll let you mull that one over.

Skirmishes, feints, forays.

Not enough to call a war.

But leading up to...?

Uhmmmm, ääääh, ok.

So, what kind of a scale are you thinking?


The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!
How come one never sees a Nazi flag in areas of the country heavily populated by people of German descent....because it is a symbol of nasty...so is the Dixie battle flag nasty shit
a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors, I suppose.

The God Damn Nazi SS fought courageous too and for an equivalent cause "Racial Supremacy"...oddly one seldom sees the Swastika flying because that symbol has been repudiated...the Dixie battle flag is only fit to wipe one's ass ...
Your an angry little dogmatic, aren't you? Your perception is not theirs.
How is burning down churches a sincere mistake?

Who said that?

Jeez, you people.

Read what I wrote, again. Read the second paragraph. That's what I'm talking about.

Or are you just being obtuse?
Perhaps you should be more clear. Stick to the topic instead of going off on one of your butthurt rants about PC.
Ah, so you're just being obtuse.

You folks are so consistently dishonest that trying to communicate with you is a waste of time. What I don't understand is why you feel you have to behave this way, you could get plenty of victories just on the issues. Instead you choose to go dishonest and obtuse and nasty. Maybe it's just in your genes, who knows.

If you don't like the point I made, perhaps you could either ignore it or address it honestly.

What exactly was your point sir? Skip the drama and spell it out.

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could be white racists. could be pyromaniacs. could be blacks/libs trying to make american look as racist as they think it is.

until someone is caught, and their motivation revealed, it is all speculation.
could be white racists. could be pyromaniacs. could be blacks/libs trying to make american look as racist as they think it is.

until someone is caught, and their motivation revealed, it is all speculation.
Its a huge mystery .....no one knows....Unnnnnbelievable..........
a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors, I suppose.

The God Damn Nazi SS fought courageous too and for an equivalent cause "Racial Supremacy"
...oddly one seldom sees the Swastika flying because that symbol has been repudiated...the Dixie battle flag is only fit to wipe one's ass ...

And just to bring sanity back into this, after WWII, at the "urging" of the allies, most importantly, the USA, Germany anchored §130-131 into it's Constitution, which absolutely forbids the showing of, buying, selling or using of any NAZI paraphenalia. It can only be presented for educational purposes, within the schools and on public TV with permission of the German Federal Republic.

We, the Americans, who love our 1st amendment rights, essentially twisted Konrad Adenauer's arm to make sure that this set of §s made their way into the German Constitution.

This is why you don't ever see swastikas flying, well that and the fact that no sane German would want to be around a symbol of such misery and failure to begin with....

But White Southern KKK-type butthurteds, they lovez them the Confederatez battle-flag, because, well, Benghazi.

Go figure.

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