6 Black Churches burned

9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community

by A black community.
You know who started the racial lawlessness and divisiveness ...it was that law breaking Black woman Rosa Parks who became a symbol of divisive Black folks starting shit with white folks ...that led to the rabble rousing Martin Luther King....no wonder Reagan administration officials called him "Martin Lucifer Coon" ...if these Blacks had not protested they would be eating fried chicken , watermelon and singing spirituals by the barn were they lived...

If Rosa Parks did that today the police would have said " I was in mortal fear of my life when she reached for her waist line on the bus"

and you libs accuse us cons of living in the past. lol!

I lived through the Civil Rights era. I remember the exact same response from the white racists....The negroes are bringing this on themselves

They burned black churches and blamed the negroes
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community
Get real, RW...

It's not about the (damned-near divinely-inspired) Christian forgiveness manifested by the good people of that church...

It's about the assault on the Confederate flag...

In their minds, the two are disconnected... except, perhaps, that the 9-person massacre was the flash-point or trigger for the assault on their flag.

We may all safely speculate that this is the case, with the caveat that we can change our minds, in the event that other and surprising motivations come to light.

There's that all powerful Confederate flag again. Only, it's not the real flag.

Gosh darnit, if we would just leave those racists alone and those negeros wouldn't be so uppity, then we can all laugh together and watch us some Dukes of Hazzard!!!
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community

by A black community.
You know who started the racial lawlessness and divisiveness ...it was that law breaking Black woman Rosa Parks who became a symbol of divisive Black folks starting shit with white folks ...that led to the rabble rousing Martin Luther King....no wonder Reagan administration officials called him "Martin Lucifer Coon" ...if these Blacks had not protested they would be eating fried chicken , watermelon and singing spirituals by the barn were they lived...

If Rosa Parks did that today the police would have said " I was in mortal fear of my life when she reached for her waist line on the bus"

and you libs accuse us cons of living in the past. lol!

Why but of course!!!

I see your point, brother idiotus!!

ALL blacks all over the planet must show forgiveness, otherwise they are just uppity negeros!!!

Man, of man, why didn't we think of that!!!???!!!


... a symbol of home-and-hearth and the courage of ancestors" :rofl: ...

It's not MY flag... I'm a Union Man, through and through... but it's theirs... and it means a great many good things to them that we do not fully appreciate.

We should not forget that on April 9, 1865, the day of Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse, on the White House lawn, President Lincoln asked the assembled bands on the lawn that evening, to play "Dixie", which, he declared, was now Federal property.

The Confederate flag does, indeed, mean home and hearth and the courage of ancestors, to vast numbers of people in the Old South, far more than it has any negative and racist form of connotation, and they are anguished over the prospective loss of that symbol, which the North, in its victorious magnanimity, wisely allowed them to retain.

I never said it was YOUR flag. In fact, if memory served correctly, I believe you and I come from the same state of Ohio.


However, home and hearth is just a bunch of bullshit. The Civil War is long over. It's time to let go.
Illinois, actually, but still a Union Man, to the hilt, as was that part of my family that was already in America at that time.
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?

Is that what you're hoping for?

Call your doctor,

You need an appointment, and his couch is waiting.
Why not simply answer the question?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community

by A black community.
You know who started the racial lawlessness and divisiveness ...it was that law breaking Black woman Rosa Parks who became a symbol of divisive Black folks starting shit with white folks ...that led to the rabble rousing Martin Luther King....no wonder Reagan administration officials called him "Martin Lucifer Coon" ...if these Blacks had not protested they would be eating fried chicken , watermelon and singing spirituals by the barn were they lived...

If Rosa Parks did that today the police would have said " I was in mortal fear of my life when she reached for her waist line on the bus"

and you libs accuse us cons of living in the past. lol!

I lived through the Civil Rights era. I remember the exact same response from the white racists....The negroes are bringing this on themselves

They burned black churches and blamed the negroes

chirst, how old are you?

and my point was, it is funny that you libs accuse us cons of living in the past.
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community
Get real, RW...

It's not about the (damned-near divinely-inspired) Christian forgiveness manifested by the good people of that church...

It's about the assault on the Confederate flag...

In their minds, the two are disconnected... except, perhaps, that the 9-person massacre was the flash-point or trigger for the assault on their flag.

We may all safely speculate that this is the case, with the caveat that we can change our minds, in the event that other and surprising motivations come to light.

I don't see blacks rioting in the streets demanding the confederate flag be taken down. They have repeated their position that it is offensive. Most of the "assault" I see is coming from outside the black community......Nikki Haley, the Alabama Governor, the State of Mississippi,WalMart, ebay, Amazon, NASCAR

If you want to blame someone for the "assault on the confederate flag" blame this guy

Oh! I get it!

These churches are being burned because the confederate flag has had its best days. That's very reasonable. No need to be upset by this. The 24 hour coverage of these church fires isn't necessary. Someone call CNN and tell them to focus on something important!
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community

by A black community.
You know who started the racial lawlessness and divisiveness ...it was that law breaking Black woman Rosa Parks who became a symbol of divisive Black folks starting shit with white folks ...that led to the rabble rousing Martin Luther King....no wonder Reagan administration officials called him "Martin Lucifer Coon" ...if these Blacks had not protested they would be eating fried chicken , watermelon and singing spirituals by the barn were they lived...

If Rosa Parks did that today the police would have said " I was in mortal fear of my life when she reached for her waist line on the bus"

and you libs accuse us cons of living in the past. lol!

I lived through the Civil Rights era. I remember the exact same response from the white racists....The negroes are bringing this on themselves

They burned black churches and blamed the negroes

chirst, how old are you?

and my point was, it is funny that you libs accuse us cons of living in the past.

You forgot to mention the Dukes of Hazard
across the south since Roof committed 9 murders in SC.

3 definite arson, 3 still being investigated.
Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three - The Washington Post

Did he get his race war?

Is that what you're hoping for?

Call your doctor,

You need an appointment, and his couch is waiting.
Why not simply answer the question?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You didn't understand the answer either?

"Is that what you're hoping for?"

and I basically told her(?) to see a psychiatrist.
9 blacks slaughtered by a white racist

The family offers forgiveness to the shooter, blacks pray peacefully and sing "Amazing Grace"

I can see why white racists are outraged by this over the top response by the black community

by A black community.
You know who started the racial lawlessness and divisiveness ...it was that law breaking Black woman Rosa Parks who became a symbol of divisive Black folks starting shit with white folks ...that led to the rabble rousing Martin Luther King....no wonder Reagan administration officials called him "Martin Lucifer Coon" ...if these Blacks had not protested they would be eating fried chicken , watermelon and singing spirituals by the barn were they lived...

If Rosa Parks did that today the police would have said " I was in mortal fear of my life when she reached for her waist line on the bus"

and you libs accuse us cons of living in the past. lol!

I lived through the Civil Rights era. I remember the exact same response from the white racists....The negroes are bringing this on themselves

They burned black churches and blamed the negroes

chirst, how old are you?

and my point was, it is funny that you libs accuse us cons of living in the past.

You forgot to mention the Dukes of Hazard

a lot more recent the rosa parks, old man.
The 'Southern Avenger' Repents: I Was Wrong About The Confederate Flag
BY JACK HUNTER 06.22.154:40 PM ET
As a Charleston, South Carolina-based conservative radio personality known as the “Southern Avenger,” I spent a decade defending the Confederate flag that is yet again the center of so much controversy.

I said the flag was about states’ rights. I said it stood for self-determination. I said it honored heritage.

I argued the Confederate flag wasn’t about race. I believed it. Millions of well-meaning Southerners believe it too.

I was wrong. That flag is always about race. Whatever political or historical points the flag’s defenders make, there will never be a time—and never has been a time—in which millions of Americans have looked at that symbol and not seen hatred.

We can argue for the rest of time whether this is fair or not. And for the rest of time, that symbol will still be seen in an overwhelmingly negative light.

Those who see hatred have political and historical reasons too.

This has always been the Confederate flag debate game. One camp’s arguments are supposed to trump the other’s.

The Southern Avenger Repents I Was Wrong About the Confederate Flag - The Daily Beast
...I don't see blacks rioting in the streets demanding the confederate flag be taken down...

Did you see anything concerning the demonstrations outside the Capitol Building of the State of South Carolina?

That is what you call a riot?

That peaceful demonstration was unique in that both blacks and whites finally united in demanding that the racist flag be taken down

More importantly, corporate America has taken notice and want no part of that flag

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