60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Marriage equality means equal legal benefits. It will never mean marriage.

Except to those who get married of course.
Calling it marriage does not make it marriage. Just like calling your son a girl doesn't make his Dick disappear.

No, it doesn't. This applies to straight people, it applies to anyone.

Marriage is two people who are together and want to be together and work well together.

The 50% divorce rate in the US suggests there are plenty of married people who really aren't married, but just happen to have a legal status that says they are.

But then you have gay people who are married, who work well together and who can't get the legal side of it or the recognition and the rights and privileges that go with that.

Also, for gay people as a whole, rather than individuals, being taken as EQUAL is also important.
There can be no marriage equality until you libs are allowed, in each and every one of the 57 states (official U.S. presidential count) are free to marry your goats, pigs, horses, cattle, ferrets and especially your snakes since you can get down low enough to enjoy sex with them. Note that the plural form was used intentionally to be sure all the bases were covered.

But please, out of any shred of morality you might have left, leave cats out of it!

Oh, great, another stupid argument to add to the huge pile.

Do you know what "consenting adults" means?

Animals can't consent to marriage. They simply cannot communicate well enough to be able to say "I do" and sign their name.

Children cannot consent to marriage, as they have limited rights.

The one place which is different is polygamy and incest.

Incest is easy, it's harmful for potential children, so banned based on this.

Polygamy there is nothing really to stop this, other than I would only allow polygamy if all in the relationship agree. So if a women says no, then a man can't marry another, but if she says yes, then fine.
60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Whether they voted for that/approved of it or not.

Adoption agencies...brace yourself...THIS will be telling you what you can approve of or not next at a lawsuit near you...



This pictures didn't have anything to do with gay marriage the first time you posted them, and they still don't. Do you have them as your desktop pictures by any chance?
No, it doesn't. This applies to straight people, it applies to anyone.

Marriage is two people who are together and want to be together and work well together.

The 50% divorce rate in the US suggests there are plenty of married people who really aren't married, but just happen to have a legal status that says they are.

But then you have gay people who are married, who work well together and who can't get the legal side of it or the recognition and the rights and privileges that go with that.

Also, for gay people as a whole, rather than individuals, being taken as EQUAL is also important.

Oh look at Emily Post up there declaring like an old-fashioned bigot, "back in my day sonny...only two people were allowed to get married! Anything more was just...just....just unnatural!"

You know as well as I do and lawyers do that polygamists in any of these "legislating by limbo" states could walk into a county clerk's office and demand the same documents that LGBTs are spamming their way into "legal marriage" with. The laws on marriage definition were rendered defunct. Or didn't you read the OP?

When you trash a marriage law by attrition and conspiracy to commit sedition, you trash the law. [Are you listening Robers, Scalia, Alito, Thomas?]. A man and A woman only no longer applies, remember?
Oh look at Emily Post up there declaring like an old-fashioned bigot, "back in my day sonny...only two people were allowed to get married! Anything more was just...just....just unnatural!"

You know as well as I do and lawyers do that polygamists in any of these "legislating by limbo" states could walk into a county clerk's office and demand the same documents that LGBTs are spamming their way into "legal marriage" with. The laws on marriage definition were rendered defunct. Or didn't you read the OP?

That's not the point. Laws can be made and unmade. All that is required is for Congress to make a law defining marriage as between consenting adults.

You do realise that to marry you have to be able to consent, right? That takes away, well, almost all of your argument.
There can be no marriage equality until you libs are allowed, in each and every one of the 57 states (official U.S. presidential count) are free to marry your goats, pigs, horses, cattle, ferrets and especially your snakes since you can get down low enough to enjoy sex with them. Note that the plural form was used intentionally to be sure all the bases were covered.

But please, out of any shred of morality you might have left, leave cats out of it!

Oh, great, another stupid argument to add to the huge pile.

Do you know what "consenting adults" means?

Animals can't consent to marriage. They simply cannot communicate well enough to be able to say "I do" and sign their name.

Children cannot consent to marriage, as they have limited rights.

The one place which is different is polygamy and incest.

Incest is easy, it's harmful for potential children, so banned based on this.

Polygamy there is nothing really to stop this, other than I would only allow polygamy if all in the relationship agree. So if a women says no, then a man can't marry another, but if she says yes, then fine.
What if the incest is between a mother and daughter, or a father and son? Two consenting adults that cannot have children. This is what gay marriage is opening up. God help us all, we let a bunch of perverts win this one.
That's not the point. Laws can be made and unmade. All that is required is for Congress to make a law defining marriage as between consenting adults.

You do realise that to marry you have to be able to consent, right? That takes away, well, almost all of your argument.

Kody Brown and all four of his consenting wives would like to marry today. And thanks to "legislation by attrition" courtesy of the conservative Justices on the Supreme Court, this allows them to marry legally. Trashed laws are trashed laws...all of them...not just the parts you like.

I think you're hiding your bigotry towards consenting polygamists.
What if the incest is between a mother and daughter, or a father and son? Two consenting adults that cannot have children. This is what gay marriage is opening up. God help us all, we let a bunch of perverts win this one.

Don't vote republican. Don't vote democrat. Don't vote at all. The conservatives on the US Supreme Court could've put a stop to this. But they told the world about their true allegiances with their refusal to do so. Just stay home in November. No point. "conservatives" don't put children at risk.
What if the incest is between a mother and daughter, or a father and son? Two consenting adults that cannot have children. This is what gay marriage is opening up. God help us all, we let a bunch of perverts win this one.

Don't vote republican. Don't vote democrat. Don't vote at all. The conservatives on the US Supreme Court could've put a stop to this. But they told the world about their true allegiances with their refusal to do so. Just stay home in November. No point. "conservatives" don't put children at risk.
I am about at that point, but I've got to vote against Lindsay Graham in November. I promised him I would, since he is a liberal prick.
Marriage equality means equal legal benefits. It will never mean marriage.

Except to those who get married of course.
Calling it marriage does not make it marriage. Just like calling your son a girl doesn't make his Dick disappear.

No, it doesn't. This applies to straight people, it applies to anyone.

Marriage is two people who are together and want to be together and work well together.

The 50% divorce rate in the US suggests there are plenty of married people who really aren't married, but just happen to have a legal status that says they are.

But then you have gay people who are married, who work well together and who can't get the legal side of it or the recognition and the rights and privileges that go with that.

Also, for gay people as a whole, rather than individuals, being taken as EQUAL is also important.
FW is awarded three Katyushas.
The lawyer for the gay marrige folks was on Fox News Sunday....talking about same sex couples in love...as if love was the basic reqirement. Is it?
There can be no marriage equality until you libs are allowed, in each and every one of the 57 states (official U.S. presidential count) are free to marry your goats, pigs, horses, cattle, ferrets and especially your snakes since you can get down low enough to enjoy sex with them. Note that the plural form was used intentionally to be sure all the bases were covered.

But please, out of any shred of morality you might have left, leave cats out of it!

Oh, great, another stupid argument to add to the huge pile.

Do you know what "consenting adults" means?

Animals can't consent to marriage. They simply cannot communicate well enough to be able to say "I do" and sign their name.

Children cannot consent to marriage, as they have limited rights.

The one place which is different is polygamy and incest.

Incest is easy, it's harmful for potential children, so banned based on this.

Polygamy there is nothing really to stop this, other than I would only allow polygamy if all in the relationship agree. So if a women says no, then a man can't marry another, but if she says yes, then fine.
What if the incest is between a mother and daughter, or a father and son? Two consenting adults that cannot have children. This is what gay marriage is opening up. God help us all, we let a bunch of perverts win this one.
The perverts did win this one. Now find a way to live in a land of perversion until it changes. No nation has survived with perversion intact. We won't either.
The lawyer for the gay marrige folks was on Fox News Sunday....talking about same sex couples in love...as if love was the basic reqirement. Is it?

The only love tester I've ever seen was in a Playboy magazine once.

I don't suppose that's what he was talking about though
What if the incest is between a mother and daughter, or a father and son? Two consenting adults that cannot have children. This is what gay marriage is opening up. God help us all, we let a bunch of perverts win this one.

Well I'd find it difficult to see how people who are already related can get married. Have you ever come across a mother/daughter father/son who wanted to get married?

Perverts? You mean people who like having sex? Don't you like sex?
Kody Brown and all four of his consenting wives would like to marry today. And thanks to "legislation by attrition" courtesy of the conservative Justices on the Supreme Court, this allows them to marry legally. Trashed laws are trashed laws...all of them...not just the parts you like.

I think you're hiding your bigotry towards consenting polygamists.

So what? I couldn't give a damn if they want to get married or not.

I don't like polygamy, but if others want it and are consenting, then who cares?

How am I hiding supposed bigotry towards consenting polygamists?
FrigidWEIRDO in post #25 you inserted the bigoted assumption that "all polygamists are child slave marriers". That is highly prejudiced of you. Becareful. In ten years or less you could get sent to "Re-education camp" for such a slip..

The lawyer for the gay marrige folks was on Fox News Sunday....talking about same sex couples in love...as if love was the basic reqirement. Is it?
No, and neither is the number "two" anymore in states where conservative Justices have affected "legislation by limbo" by refusing to vote to take up the appeals on the highly controversial cases. Polygamists feel free. Just elbow your way to the front of the line in any of the states where their duly enacted marriage laws are being rendered defunct by attrition.

Man/woman now is neither sacred nor law. Neither is "two".
What if the incest is between a mother and daughter, or a father and son? Two consenting adults that cannot have children. This is what gay marriage is opening up. God help us all, we let a bunch of perverts win this one.

Don't vote republican. Don't vote democrat. Don't vote at all. The conservatives on the US Supreme Court could've put a stop to this. But they told the world about their true allegiances with their refusal to do so. Just stay home in November. No point. "conservatives" don't put children at risk.

Do vote, vote 3rd party, especially any which say they'd implement PR.

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