61% Agree With The President About Minimum Wage ~ Rasmussen


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
But there's nothing in it for the 1%....so the GOP Congress will not move. And if the GOP captures the Senate....HA! SCREW THE LOWER AND MIDDLE CLASS!
For two years, the GOP will have the Senate. And their positions on issues like this will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2016.
Are you sure you really want to run the country based off polling? Because I can think of a few other things polling in the 30% approval that Obama does... Shall we start the repeals?
For two years, the GOP will have the Senate. And their positions on issues like this will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2016.

For 4 years the Dems will have the senate and their positions on issues like this and many others will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2014.... Just like how they lost the House before that...


I love stomping progressive bitchz.
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

Well, if that is true, what do you expect? Most of the dummies are now voting for repubs.....
For two years, the GOP will have the Senate. And their positions on issues like this will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2016.

Very true! Each time this happens the pendulum swings a little more lower for the GOP. Once they lose the Senate and possibly the House in 2016, they may never be able to recover....unless that update their outdated and dogmatic policies. THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL!

Will they actually take time to read it?
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
Yeah cause the GOP offers lower incomes of society a who gives a flying fuck award..
I'm sure anyone trying to run a small business wouldn't agree with that poll.

Anyone who takes a poll seriously isn't smart.
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

My niece was a performer for Disney in a state that a couple of years ago had a minimum wage of $7.67. When the minimum wage went from $7.67 to $7.79 my niece's hourly wage went up from $10.99 to $11.49. My point is, raising the floor lifts many low wage workers, not just minimum wage workers - what's your point?

High minimum wage states are economically more successful than states that let the federal government set their minimum wage for them and-----and the two highest minimum wage cities, Seattle and Fan Francisco are booming.

Headline: 61% of Americans don't understand economics.


The table below shows total state government control, which means the governor and the chamber majorities are all of the same party.

24Republican-controlled governments
13Democratic-controlled governments
4Democratic governor/Republican-controlled legislature
4Republican governor/Democratic-controlled legislature
1Republican governor/Split legislature
4Democratic governor/Split legislature
Headline: 61% of Americans don't understand economics.


The table below shows total state government control, which means the governor and the chamber majorities are all of the same party.

24Republican-controlled governments
13Democratic-controlled governments
4Democratic governor/Republican-controlled legislature
4Republican governor/Democratic-controlled legislature
1Republican governor/Split legislature
4Democratic governor/Split legislature
Sorry but that's relevant how? You know you dont need to pass a test on economics to join the GOP, right?
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

Well, if that is true, what do you expect? Most of the dummies are now voting for repubs.....

The dummies are people like you that think someone with $5/hour skills should get more than $5/hour.
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

My niece was a performer for Disney in a state that a couple of years ago had a minimum wage of $7.67. When the minimum wage went from $7.67 to $7.79 my niece's hourly wage went up from $10.99 to $11.49. My point is, raising the floor lifts many low wage workers, not just minimum wage workers - what's your point?

High minimum wage states are economically more successful than states that let the federal government set their minimum wage for them and-----and the two highest minimum wage cities, Seattle and Fan Francisco are booming.


You left out tax rates and cost of living for those two cities. It matters.

If a low wage worker wants a lift, tell them to get off their ass, onto their feet, and earn it.
Of course most people want more money and they prefer that government mandate it rather than make themselves more qualified. I still don't know why people who only qualify for minimum wage are having large families. Of course, since so many middle class jobs have disappeared thanks to Obamacare, I'm sure people had to settle for minimum wage since that is all that was available.

Minimum wage jobs used to be for those entering the work force for the first time. Even with minimum wage jobs, there is always room for advancement as workers gain experience and prove to be a valuable asset. Those that claim to have worked for minimum wage for years and years are either lying or can't manage to get promotions or raises due to their incompetence.

More jobs will disappear if it's raised. There are companies who pay more than minimum or give raises on a regular basis for good employees. If the idiots in Washington hadn't messed with things, there would still be lots of good jobs for people to get and this would not be an issue. Even at $10 an hour, people will still keep having more children and still qualify for welfare, so what's the point? When will it be enough? Bottom line is that if you plan to work at an entry level job your entire life, something has gone wrong and it's not up to government to fix that. They just make things worse by getting involved.

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